Non cannabis things you use with your cannabis


Average guy who gets high. AKA the Slacker.
Staff member
Bud Builders Supporter
Apr 1, 2023
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I am sure there are many things not intended for what our stoner minds use them for and wondered what people use and for what.
I use a rice cooker for ISO extractions. Sure they never meant for that~!
Trays are common now but back in the day when we had to de seed our pot you had to steal them from the restaurant when you paid the bill~!
Wonder how long it took them to figure out who was stealing them and why.:p

What you got?
I use a magic bullet to grind edibles then use a potato ricer to squeeze out the liquid for edibles. don't think the fella making the fram glass thought it would catch thc oil...


i use an amish tray to trim on..


or how about my waterfall chifforobe made in the early 20's now used as a weed dryer... bet they never imagined it dong that!! haha


i love to repurpose stuff.. it's the true recycling!
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I use an antique railroad key to smoke out of. It’s hollow, the joint slides in and lays above the circle. Can burn it down until no roach is left and it never gets hot. IMG_1918.jpeg
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