In desperate need of a little help (actually let’s make it a lot)


Sept Raffle Winner!
May 17, 2023
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Guys my ladies are in desperate need of help!

I have been horribly neglecting these ladies. I’ve been in the middle of a full on kitchen renovation for 6 weeks now for 10-14hrs a day working. Need less to say I’ve paid zero attention to my ladies, I know it’s a sun but sometimes life gets in the way.
I knew I had what steamroller believed to be a calcium and potassium deficiency, they where in 1 gallon pots and being fed MaxiGrow and epsom.
I up potted them 2 weeks ago to coast of main storington blend so I Decided not to feed them anything since that soil is supposed to be so good. The soil was SUPER saturated since it was outside when I bought it. I haven’t been able to feed or water as it was sooooo wet but I’m finally dry enough for a watering.

Not even sure they’ll survive but I owe it to them to try.

I’m asking you my Cannabis cohorts to reach deep with your knowledge here
At least my kitchen is coming along




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They look underfed. Starving for nitrogen. They may have dried out at one point.
I would cut out all the necrotized leaves just to start liking the plant again :) Then hit them with something high nitrogen. Miracle-Gro would be fine that's like 24-8-16. That should green them back up and get them moving in the right direction.
You have anything you can foliar spray to give them a boost until the nutes kick in? Some fertilizers or items like worm castings you can make a tea from. Wait until lights out though.
Not a soil grower so I gotta stay in my lane.


Looks like the plants are in survival mode. I just did a remodel too and quit growing during because I knew I would neglect them. Yours looks great btw

If this were my situation I’d probably try to get them switched back on and growing green tops and clone and do over. Give them the attention they need now if you have the time. I’ve never been happy with the final results when they get this bad and do a recovery. Just 1 man’s opinion
They look underfed. Starving for nitrogen. They may have dried out at one point.
I would cut out all the necrotized leaves just to start liking the plant again :) Then hit them with something high nitrogen. Miracle-Gro would be fine that's like 24-8-16. That should green them back up and get them moving in the right direction.
You have anything you can foliar spray to give them a boost until the nutes kick in? Some fertilizers or items like worm castings you can make a tea from. Wait until lights out though.
Not a soil grower so I gotta stay in my lane.


Looks like the plants are in survival mode. I just did a remodel too and quit growing during because I knew I would neglect them. Yours looks great btw

If this were my situation I’d probably try to get them switched back on and growing green tops and clone and do over. Give them the attention they need now if you have the time. I’ve never been happy with the final results when they get this bad and do a recovery. Just 1 man’s opinion
ok guys thank you!

It was my understanding that the storingtons was nutrient rich so they didn’t need feeding for awhile. But it was super saturated and on clearance when I bought so maybe it was last years 🤦🏻‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️ I’ll give them a good feeding and some calmag and see if anything changes.
I have time and space to try and salvage and I’m finally slowing down on this project to give them some tlc.
Thanks again y’all!!
You could probably just pluck all the dead leaves away and just start spreading and tucking the new growth for a while under that trellis...with that net all your growth and buds will be at net level anyway and pruned below...

Not soliciting but take a look at my current grow specifically the start here:

I had mutilated these plants taking clones and not giving a shit....folded them under a trellis and let them veg for a couple weeks and continued tucking....I'm growing some decent buds now may even beat my personal best. You just gotta tuck and get some new growth shooting upward IMO

I think the water logged soil did ya up with all that dead leaf
I would transplant these into fresh, non-shittily stored, decent soil. Cal/mag ain't gonna help. Another good option would be starting over.

When soil is waterlogged at the store, many of the nutrients can be leached out, and it's anyone's guess what the pH might be. When soil goes anaerobic, important nutrients are locked up if not leached, and undesirable elements can become plant available. pH is often too low for plant growth.
Just wanted to give an up date

Thank you all for your ideas. I couldn’t bring myself to kill them off and I don’t know how to clone yet so I ended up hitting them with miracle grow as willie has said then settled into a feeding every watering until they started visible recovery. Then I plucked most the dead or damaged leaves and EVERYTHING under my table. After their pruning I cut lights to 35% for 2 days to recover.
We’re creeping up on a month later at this point and I think I’m gonna start cutting light hours in preparation for flip. I left the table low but am going to just raise every other day or so during stretch and a heavy prune at day 21 after flip.
Thanks again, kitchen should be 100% next week so hopefully I’ll have time to get back here and be a better part of the community.
P.s.- sorry for the bad picks, I tucked everything before I thought about pictures.
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