New Grower, Gifted a Clone, Potted Outdoor - need advice, thanks!


Stoned Scientist
Jul 14, 2024
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First off, Thank you for being a forum that is welcoming of noobs.

I am seeking the collective wisdom as I have planted a clone in a fabric pot, outdoor. I was gifted the clone - so i'm not sure how old it was when I got it. I planted it in the pot on June 20 and let it get used to outdoors, now it looks pretty happy. As a fan of cali-green on youtube, I'm trying to do living organics.

It looks like it might have been topped once or twice while it was a clone, but I can't tell. It's doing well and I think I have a good grasp on watering and feeding (but I'm not sure). I'm not expecting any mind blowing results, but I hope to keep it alive and get some flower.

I don't know what to do in terms of pruning or topping - or really anything.

I've been using neem oil once a week and ran out of B.T so I need to get some more to do that once a week (Unless people advise spinosad?) My water when it gets dry every 2-3 days, depending on the heat, try not to allow runoff. Spray it once in a while with see weed extract. Watered with compost tea twice now. I'm in northern California.

This strain is called "Rank Bull" which i've never heard of (Maybe a big bull cross?)

Please check photo. Any advice that you think will be helpful is most welcome. Sorry i'm all over the place.

- Annaresti

No neem oil, I'd do peroxide sprays or other "organic" routes if needed.

Don't want your buds soaking up the neem, it's bad so they say.
Thanks for that. can you give me some guidance on how to use peroxide? What about it other natural sprays like Castile Soap or essential oils?

I'm feel like I'm doing all right. But everything helps. And knowledge is good.

I have a few pictures I'll a post with some questions in a sec.
So it sounds like from here on out.I should hold off on sprays, except for maybe a couple specific ones at certain times. I have some photos and questions:

One: there seems to be a leaf or two with burns around the edges, i'm wondering if it could be from watering, or one of the sprays, or something else.

It's pretty open, but is there any of these? I should be pruning for airflow or to reduce crowding?

This is what it looks like when it starts to flower, right?
1. I personally would not worry about 1 leaf. Could have been anything.
2. No need and any under performing leaves will fall off naturally to help with airflow. She looks pretty open IMO.
3.Yea she is starting to show.😁
This is my outdoor girl who just started to show also.
DSC_0024 - Copy.JPG
1. I personally would not worry about 1 leaf. Could have been anything.
2. No need and any under performing leaves will fall off naturally to help with airflow. She looks pretty open IMO.
3.Yea she is starting to show.😁
This is my outdoor girl who just started to show also.
View attachment 69612

The only thing I would add that hasn't already been said pertains to growing indoors. I might do a bit more "lollipopping" at the bottom of the plant, especially close to the main stem. Those areas tend to produce "larf" (airy immature buds) because they don't typically receive enough light in an indoor grow. Outdoors with the natural sun, you should be just fine.

One thing I have not seen anyone bring up is how the fall weather in some areas can really be a challenge because night time temps go low enough to hit the dew point. Keep her as dry as possible. Us northern growers are well known for using a battery powered leaf blower to dry off our plants every morning. If you're in an area with higher humidity where night time lows are consistently in the 60's, you may want to plan ahead and keep that leaf blower at full charge. It can be frustrating to carry a beautiful crop through to the last weeks only to find bud rot or WPM issues in the final weeks of the grow.
The only thing I would add that hasn't already been said pertains to growing indoors. I might do a bit more "lollipopping" at the bottom of the plant, especially close to the main stem. Those areas tend to produce "larf" (airy immature buds) because they don't typically receive enough light in an indoor grow. Outdoors with the natural sun, you should be just fine.

One thing I have not seen anyone bring up is how the fall weather in some areas can really be a challenge because night time temps go low enough to hit the dew point. Keep her as dry as possible. Us northern growers are well known for using a battery powered leaf blower to dry off our plants every morning. If you're in an area with higher humidity where night time lows are consistently in the 60's, you may want to plan ahead and keep that leaf blower at full charge. It can be frustrating to carry a beautiful crop through to the last weeks only to find bud rot or WPM issues in the final weeks of the grow.
Thanks It just recently started getting pass the dew point at night once in a while here. I'll see what I can do. I have a weak fan that I can put next to her in the morning, but it'll be kinda hard. It does help that the first light hits her early to help dry off.

The 3 clones I took, I am probably gonna try to grow indoors but given the huge lack of knowledge - I don't know if any crop will come of it, but I'll learn, so there's that.

I'll stop pruning the old leaves, I was doing so before, but only because a few of them were rubbing against other leaves and becoming dried and dying.

Here she is today: 1000007596.jpg
The only thing I would add that hasn't already been said pertains to growing indoors. I might do a bit more "lollipopping" at the bottom of the plant, especially close to the main stem. Those areas tend to produce "larf" (airy immature buds) because they don't typically receive enough light in an indoor grow. Outdoors with the natural sun, you should be just fine.

One thing I have not seen anyone bring up is how the fall weather in some areas can really be a challenge because night time temps go low enough to hit the dew point. Keep her as dry as possible. Us northern growers are well known for using a battery powered leaf blower to dry off our plants every morning. If you're in an area with higher humidity where night time lows are consistently in the 60's, you may want to plan ahead and keep that leaf blower at full charge. It can be frustrating to carry a beautiful crop through to the last weeks only to find bud rot or WPM issues in the final weeks of the grow.
On a related note to indoors growing: I made a makeshift humidity dome, and now that the roots are right. Starting to bawl, at the bottom of the pot of my clone that I took, how do I repot it and get it used to not being in a hundred percent humidity?
Speech to text there was bad, apologies. I was trying to say that the roots are starting to show at the bottom of my clone pot, but I'm worried it won't like the shock of moving out of the humidity. Do i just do it and hope?
Speech to text there was bad, apologies. I was trying to say that the roots are starting to show at the bottom of my clone pot, but I'm worried it won't like the shock of moving out of the humidity. Do i just do it and hope?
If you have a good set of roots on your clones, you should be fine.

I use an aerocloner when I clone and have never had issues at transplant. Indoors, the natural humidity level in my basement is 50% - 55% so I haven't really worried too much about humidty levels either ... for me, once transplanted, I could see new growth within a couple of days.

Edit: I see you asked specifically about the transplant routine. I simply replant my rooted clones into "Roots Organic Original" potting soil. You can substitute my soil brand for any good quality mix. Fox Farm "Happy Frog" would be a good choice too. "Ocean Forest" might be too hot for freshly rooted clones though ... someone here is likely to chime in with their own suggestions.
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Speech to text there was bad, apologies. I was trying to say that the roots are starting to show at the bottom of my clone pot, but I'm worried it won't like the shock of moving out of the humidity. Do i just do it and hope?
You’ll get a bunch of right answers. The short answer is just put it in a pot of soil you can manage and water properly. Red cups or a 1 gallon pot are typical. Just don’t over water and she’ll do fine.
You’ll get a bunch of right answers. The short answer is just put it in a pot of soil you can manage and water properly. Red cups or a 1 gallon pot are typical. Just don’t over water and she’ll do fine.
I have some soil mix with fertilizer and stuff, Is that not a good choice due to the fertilizer i added (4-4-4 and some recharge type microbes)?
I have some soil mix with fertilizer and stuff, Is that not a good choice due to the fertilizer i added (4-4-4 and some recharge type microbes)?

Watch the hot stuff. When I get things wrong it burns. I usually use liquid nutes inside. I still consider myself new to this. Any of the more knowledgeable members can guide you better.

I just use my buffered soil and liquid nutes as needed for mist grows. I experiment outside and maybe with one indoor plant now and then to learn KNF and other tools.

For my clones humidity and temperature are key. Much easier than seedlings. If you already have roots fill your container part way. Put in the clone while adding more soil. Try not to clump the roots too much.

I use a clear plastic cup, from Tim Hortons or McD’s, inside a red cup. Red cup protects against light. Clear cup let’s me see the roots progress so I can up pot at the right time. This one’s an extra I had to give away. IMG_9836.jpegIMG_9835.jpeg

I try to keep the temp and RH up a little. 26-28 & RH 60-70%

Hope some of this is helpful.
Watch the hot stuff. When I get things wrong it burns. I usually use liquid nutes inside. I still consider myself new to this. Any of the more knowledgeable members can guide you better.

I just use my buffered soil and liquid nutes as needed for mist grows. I experiment outside and maybe with one indoor plant now and then to learn KNF and other tools.

For my clones humidity and temperature are key. Much easier than seedlings. If you already have roots fill your container part way. Put in the clone while adding more soil. Try not to clump the roots too much.

I use a clear plastic cup, from Tim Hortons or McD’s, inside a red cup. Red cup protects against light. Clear cup let’s me see the roots progress so I can up pot at the right time. This one’s an extra I had to give away. View attachment 70856View attachment 70857

I try to keep the temp and RH up a little. 26-28 & RH 60-70%
View attachment 70858

Hope some of this is helpful.

I agree with @Zen_seeker - Young roots don't tolerate hot soil very well. This doesn't mean a nutrient free mix. It means keep it easy on the nutrients in the beginning so if you add extra perlite you could probably use the mix you put together with the 4-4-4.

I'm not familiar with "Kellog's Raised Bed" potting soil so I can't say anything for or against it. The clear cup inside a colored cup example above by @Zen_seeker is a great way to start your clones in soil. Roots don't like light so don't forget the colored cup.

My brand of liquid nutes is the "General Hydroponics" Flora series and a bottle of GH's cal mag. Those 4 bottles (Flora-Gro, Flora-Micro, Flora-Bloom, and GH's cal mag) are all you would need from seeds/clones all the way through harvest. The General Hydroponics nutrient lines is usually a bit more reasonably priced compared to some of the others.
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I agree with @Zen_seeker - Young roots don't tolerate hot soil very well. This doesn't mean a nutrient free mix. It means keep it easy on the nutrients in the beginning so if you add extra perlite you could probably use the mix you put together with the 4-4-4.

I'm not familiar with "Kellog's Raised Bed" potting soil so I can't say anything for or against it. The clear cup inside a colored cup example above by @Zen_seeker is a great way to start your clones in soil. Roots don't like light so don't forget the colored cup.

My brand of liquid nutes is the "General Hydroponics" Flora series and a bottle of GH's cal mag. Those 4 bottles (Flora-Gro, Flora-Micro, Flora-Bloom, and GH's cal mag) are all you would need from seeds/clones all the way through harvest. The General Hydroponics nutrient lines is usually a bit more reasonably priced compared to some of the others.

If I hadn’t found the Botanicare Kind trio on clearance I would have gone GH. It was $75 for 1L of each, Base, Grow & Bloom. I got them for $25 per set. Got enough to last a bit longer. 🤣
Thanks. I had them closer, but they looked like they were getting burned. Maybe too far now?

if you're talking about heat burn then generally speaking if it is to warm for the back of your hand that it becomes uncomfortable, then it is too hot for the plants at that height as well.

now getting burned from photons is a whole different animal. i assumed you meant heat.
if you're talking about heat burn then generally speaking if it is to warm for the back of your hand that it becomes uncomfortable, then it is too hot for the plants at that height as well.

now getting burned from photons is a whole different animal. i assumed you meant heat.
I have no idea what kind of burn it was, I literally just was gifted a clone two months ago and had some clones to take from it because i can't stand waste...and this is where we're at now!

The 24Watt (saying 300w equivalent, but you know how those statements go).
I have no idea what kind of burn it was, I literally just was gifted a clone two months ago and had some clones to take from it because i can't stand waste...and this is where we're at now!

The 24Watt (saying 300w equivalent, but you know how those statements go).
Yes, I do know how those statements go. For now, you should be ok but you will want to upgrade your light before long. 24 watts won't be enough to bring a plant to harvest. In the meantime, you can probably move the light so its 15"- 18" from your clones.
I have no idea what kind of burn it was, I literally just was gifted a clone two months ago and had some clones to take from it because i can't stand waste...and this is where we're at now!

The 24Watt (saying 300w equivalent, but you know how those statements go).

i agree with everything MiGrampa suggested^^

18" is a good starting point, some airflow would also be good.

are your temps really 92*F in there? and rh really 28%?? if so, try to make it ten degrees cooler and bring the rh up to 50% if possible.

maybe place the thermometer down low where the plants are to get a more accurate reading.
i agree with everything MiGrampa suggested^^

18" is a good starting point, some airflow would also be good.

are your temps really 92*F in there? and rh really 28%?? if so, try to make it ten degrees cooler and bring the rh up to 50% if possible.

maybe place the thermometer down low where the plants are to get a more accurate reading.
Thanks! Will see what I can do. It's my garage, so temp and humidity might be hard, but I'll see what I can do. Humidity is hard to control without a tent or box. I'll see what I can do.
Thanks! Will see what I can do. It's my garage, so temp and humidity might be hard, but I'll see what I can do. Humidity is hard to control without a tent or box. I'll see what I can do.
when it comes to lighting, consider 30 watts per square foot of garden space. So for example, if you were to use a 4 x 4 tent, it would be 16 square foot so 16 x 30 = 480 watts of full spectrum led lights.

Something like this:
when it comes to lighting, consider 30 watts per square foot of garden space. So for example, if you were to use a 4 x 4 tent, it would be 16 square foot so 16 x 30 = 480 watts of full spectrum led lights.

Something like this:
I'm sure you pay for what you get with this kind of thing, but is there anything closer to a hundred dollars for a smaller tent?
I think I might invest in a whole system and everything if I really like enjoy the indoor side of things, but for now, kind of slapdash.

I will say I have very much enjoyed outdoors and can't wait to do next year from seed or clone or both!
Here in the center of the Midwest, outdoor would be incredibly difficult. Bugs, heat and humidity are here all summer long. Not to mention the billions of ditchweed males chucking pollen into the wind.
I'm sure you pay for what you get with this kind of thing, but is there anything closer to a hundred dollars for a smaller tent?
I think I might invest in a whole system and everything if I really like enjoy the indoor side of things, but for now, kind of slapdash.

I will say I have very much enjoyed outdoors and can't wait to do next year from seed or clone or both!
This would work in a 2 x 4 area .... or even a 3 x 3.

You can also look at offerings by Phlizon. Both Viparspectra and Phlizon offer budget priced lights that actually can give you a decent yield when sized to fit your grow area footprint.
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