🌞TSD's 2023 Scrog Under The Sun🌞

Phew need to sit for a minute. Got the last of the scrogs up and made some adjustments to the others. Real pain in the ass getting the posts hammered in with all the rock we have... hence why half are crooked. My Swamp Witch Paradise. View attachment 6936
I'll get a better group shot when everyone is facing upright lol.
Here is Grandmommy Purple, she was planted at quite an angle, so her scrogging was less traumatic... so far. View attachment 6934View attachment 6935

Cinderella XX is short and stout, and I snapped a big arm when a piece of fence fell on her like a week ago. I have a feeling she will stretch and I can spread her out nicely. View attachment 6937
Strawberry Lemonade stood up nicely, made a couple adjustments today. All that middle stuff is going to shoot up into the scrog now that it's spread out. She has the most massive leaves of the bunch. View attachment 6938

Shaman stood up nicely, despite the split. May still try to lower it in a couple weeks, it's at like 20 something inches, the rest are between 12 and 18. I want to leave enough room on the posts to add another level of screen if I decide it would be beneficial, and I want them shorter than last year. View attachment 6939

LSD just got the scrog on today... Annnnd I, or hubs split her at some point. She was the other one that didn't respond as well to topping and has two main arms, but she's bushing out nicely now, so I guess it worked somewhat. LSD was the worst when we were in pots not loving that stinky compost I used... but she seems to be recovering now. I'll adjust more tomorrow after she's facing up. View attachment 6940

Mimosa X Orange Punch stood up quickly and had some minor adjustments today. She's still shiny from lost coast. She was my runt for a long time but she's bushing out nicely as well. View attachment 6941
And just a pic of how the fence is attached for @Farmerdave The ziptie is basically just insurance to keep it in place. The wire is behind the nub, squeezed closed with pliers. View attachment 6942
I clearly don't measure or keep shot orderly... I just wing it. I cut bigger holes in various places to get my arms in for maintenance. Hopefully I can get up to check the other ladies soon... I've maxed out mama free time for the day and the sick boy wants my attention.
Nice beef roast In the oven for dinner, a shower and a smoke and all will be well.
thanks for the closeup
That's where my head was at tbh... but weed instead of sweets. 🤣

The witch began attracting potheads to the woods with the promises of the sweet flowers she grew only to kill them and turn them into more fertilizer for more flowers perpetuating. an endless cycle. She lives in the woods smoking her magic pipe surrounded by her cats.
The witch began attracting potheads to the woods with the promises of the sweet flowers she grew only to kill them and turn them into more fertilizer for more flowers perpetuating. an endless cycle. She lives in the woods smoking her magic pipe surrounded by her cats.
....with an impish smile and a giant cloud of smoke.........
Pest battle number two... this time, leafhoppers. I don't usually get them, but I know them because my dad gets them. Apparently they love oregano, because mine was infested and I didn't notice... guess what I just did after work? Executed and burned like 6 giant mounds of oregano and sprinkled the remains with an obscene amount of DE... of course had to sprinkle the ladies because the leaf hoppers will also move in on them. Never had them here that I've noticed, but they set up with gusto this year. Thry also can spread pathogens, so that's fun. Gonna rain and wash everything, I'll probably sprinkle again and all my other crap when I have the ambition. Ordered some sticky traps to catch some of the ones that have flown elsewhere. I love gardening.
Here is the kind of leafhopper I have, the white spots the second one are the damage, it was extensive down below, but I didn't get a pic before the hacking. 20230612_095916.jpg20230612_095909.jpg
And here are the ghostly ladies. I'm sure I'll have to spray them clean in addition to the rain unless it really pours. 20230613_173446.jpg
In better news, a couple things currently blooming.
Wild Iris that my mom dug up and transplanted from a lake by our house when I was like 7 or so, I've transplanted them with me every move since, this is number 4. They're small and dainty, so pretty. 20230613_172940.jpg20230613_172952.jpg
Lupin in a fence corner 20230613_172655.jpg
One more long day then I have a few off to catch up on everything, well some things.
Well folks, we had a nice day of torture. I figured it's almost the solstice, so I better give them thier major hair cut now.
We're looking rough. Bugs are kicking my ass, mostly the leafhoppers and Japanese beetles just munching away. Put up more beetle traps today and a gauntlet of yellow sticky traps... hope I don't catch too many good guys. Might have to do another DE storm. Sprayed Lost Coast last night.They are dwindling, just need to keep up on it.
Ladies had a feed Friday, then two days of rain. Farmer's Pride Grow and Kelp at 10ml/gal each, a handful of epsom, blob of molasses, mixed with the fish bubbler for several hours. I also did a dose of Dutch Science Grow maybe a week and a half ago. I think next feed I will top dress with Dr.Earth flower girl, some compost, and water in with an xtreme tea brew, per CannaGranny's method (sorta... I can't follow recipes of any kind to a t apparently.)
So here's our mugshots. The ones before the defol say before. I mostly removed shit under the scrog, shaved legs, made adjustments. Removed sucker branches that won't have enough light. Removed fans pointing down or in the dirt.

First Shaman, I went pretty light on her on account that she seems to be entering flower... or just strongly announcing that she's a she. I removed the duct tape from the split cause it was digging in. It's a bad one but I think she'll keep making a knuckle. 20230618_143116.jpg20230618_144222.jpg
Grandmommy Purple
Cinderella XX 20230618_144412.jpg20230618_145846.jpg
Mimosa X Orange Punch, didn't get a before 20230618_134900.jpg20230618_134920.jpg
Strawberry Lemonade 20230618_164013.jpgShe's got huge leaves 20230618_163757.jpg

Side quest, random auto seed from @Moshmen started early May. Just moved it from a 4 inch nursery pot to this 3 gallon yesterday. Soil is a random mix of stuff I had around, compost, coast of Maine potting mix, a bit of the dirt from what I mixed, perlite. 20230618_164257.jpg

Haven't even checked local #2 since I planted, hopefully Ayahuasca and Candy Dawg still live. Plan on going up tomorrow since I'm off, I'll snap pics and update... assuming they haven't been eaten. ✌️
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Group shot of the happy, praying ladies looking fab with thier fresh haircuts lol. The sticky traps have caught many leafhoppers, thier numbers are way down.
Don't mind my crooked poles... there's so many rocks, I gave up on making some of them straight.
Still haven't checked the other two yet. 🤦‍♀️
Looks like they liked you roughing them up a bit...damn them are some low profile plants...I'm takin notes
They look happy. It's so nice to see happy plants, and they're ready to grow for the summer. They'll probably be huge when they finish. 😊
Checked on the other location today, ladies were looking good despite being totally neglected... smaller because they haven't been watered by me or fed anything since I planted them, and I think they get a couple hours of shade too. Not much for pest damage, just a few bites here and there, probably from grasshoppers. Sprayed them with Lost coast and gave them a dose of Dutch Science, bloom instead of veg cause my stoner ass grabbed the wrong jar and it's a 30 mile round trip... but oh well, just did a light feed anyway. Spread them out a bit with wire, not going to scrog them, I don't go there often enough. Another good spot for a morning smoke and cup of joe..20230622_083816.jpg
Ayahuasca Purple before 20230622_085638.jpg
Ayahuasca Purple after 20230622_090716.jpg
Candy Dawg before 20230622_083014.jpgCandy Dawg after, basically just leaned her over, she's a tall skinny lady.20230622_092216.jpg
Did some light defoliation of the bottom bits, I'll do more next time. That's all I have... been a long tiring day... tomorrow is Friday and the last day of school, then the REAL fun begins.
Long busy day today, but I managed to adjust the two tallest ladies when I got home. I was going to do a third, but the mosquitoes were eating me alive. They all got fed yesterday. Sprayed lost coast tonight too... bugs are absolutely kicking my ass this year, to the point I'm considering chemical spray of some kind. The latest asshole I've found is the cucumber beetle... Leaf sucking hole leaving dbags. I know they don't like neem, so that's a possibility I guess, I don't particularly like it either. 20230625_195421.jpg
Here's the torture before and after of Mimosa X Orange Punch. Did a bit more defol too. Looks drastic, but it will look unphased in a couple days. 20230626_184955.jpg20230626_194317.jpg
And the Shaman, which I probably won't adjust again because it's definitely starting to flower.20230626_185024.jpg20230626_191508.jpg
That's all for now.
Long busy day today, but I managed to adjust the two tallest ladies when I got home. I was going to do a third, but the mosquitoes were eating me alive. They all got fed yesterday. Sprayed lost coast tonight too... bugs are absolutely kicking my ass this year, to the point I'm considering chemical spray of some kind. The latest asshole I've found is the cucumber beetle... Leaf sucking hole leaving dbags. I know they don't like neem, so that's a possibility I guess, I don't particularly like it either. View attachment 10160
Here's the torture before and after of Mimosa X Orange Punch. Did a bit more defol too. Looks drastic, but it will look unphased in a couple days. View attachment 10161View attachment 10162
And the Shaman, which I probably won't adjust again because it's definitely starting to flower.View attachment 10163View attachment 10164
That's all for now.
Are you sure those arent four lined plant bugs?
I had the same looking bug last summer and determined they were four lined plant bugs. They were horrible to deal with all year.
I always thought cucumber beetles were yellow i could be wrong tho.
You may be right.

I just posted this in another thread
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