🌞TSD's 2023 Scrog Under The Sun🌞

Well, they've been evicted for a couple days. Mostly in the shade with a few hours of early or late day sun. I think the Cinderella XX will be my problem children this year lol, they had the aphids early on and now they have light burn from a few hours of sun. Also pretty sure I have thrips, on them and a couple others. Have been working so much they've been neglected and all smashed together so I didn't notice it till I took them out. No big deal. Bugs come with the territory... but I usually don't get them till I'm in the ground. 🙄 I sprayed with lost coast last night and will again probably tomorrow. Maybe get an alternate spray too cause I don't want the fuckers getting immune as that's what I usually use as a preventative outside. Here's the nice tacoed and sunburnt leaves on CXX. The one I have for my dad is gonna look like shit now cause those leaves are all gonna die off probably. Oh well such is life. Gotta buck up to be in my garden. 🤣20230520_092606.jpg20230520_092544.jpg
I thought I would stop by and say HIGH! How's it going these days?

Nice start on the summer garden!
Heyo MiGrampa... glad you found us here on the dark side... actually no, those wankers are the dark side. Been busy and neglecting the ladies, will be glad to get them in the ground so the real fun can begin! How's it going on your end?
Heyo MiGrampa... glad you found us here on the dark side... actually no, those wankers are the dark side. Been busy and neglecting the ladies, will be glad to get them in the ground so the real fun can begin! How's it going on your end?
I have an auto flowers in the greenhouse run going right now. 12 outside in flower. 12 inside ... 11 have just sprouted. The 12th should sprout soon. I'm going to try to push 24 autos through in a Michigan short summer. lol

Here's a sneak preview for you ...

I am keeping them under the same 18/6 lighting I started them inside at. lights on at 5am. they turn off on a timer for the daytime but back on at 8pm to keep the full 18 hr light cycle ... turning off at 11pm.

Here's what it looks like from the outside after dark.

I hope I haven't drawn too much attention to myself. LOL


Here's a shot from a couple days ago.
Been working on this little project for the last week when I've had time. There was a Choke Cherry tree there. Last year I got fed up with it. It attracted powdery mildew like crazy, and was a favorite incubator for aphids... and it's not far from my ladies. When it was smaller I'd just spray it, but it was 20 feet tall and spreading like crazy, they spread up from the root like poplar trees... so the chainsaw came out last fall. A couple weeks ago my neighbor came and dug up the stump/ root system with his tractor. So. Many. Roots. I spent hours pulling out all the broken up bits. Raked it out, fixed my rock circle that the tractor demolished. Planted two blueberries and two roses, both with thier preferred type of soil in the holes. Added mulch and pea stone with a ring of dirt outside where I scattered perennial and annual seeds for pollinators... hopefully something grows or I just have a stupid ring of dirt for no reason. 🤣 I didn't measure or level anything, because ain't nobody got time for that. Added a cheap birdbath till I can find a nice antique one. Added the hummingbird feeder and my card playing gnomes for the final touch. Probably add more rocks at some point when I have an urge to lug rocks up from the river. I'd like to know how many pounds of rock I've moved since living here lol. Need to fix the outer part a d re line the weedwhacker... but it looks way cooler than that damn diseased choke cherry. 20230520_174405.jpg20230520_174343.jpg
Been working on this little project for the last week when I've had time. There was a Choke Cherry tree there. Last year I got fed up with it. It attracted powdery mildew like crazy, and was a favorite incubator for aphids... and it's not far from my ladies. When it was smaller I'd just spray it, but it was 20 feet tall and spreading like crazy, they spread up from the root like poplar trees... so the chainsaw came out last fall. A couple weeks ago my neighbor came and dug up the stump/ root system with his tractor. So. Many. Roots. I spent hours pulling out all the broken up bits. Raked it out, fixed my rock circle that the tractor demolished. Planted two blueberries and two roses, both with thier preferred type of soil in the holes. Added mulch and pea stone with a ring of dirt outside where I scattered perennial and annual seeds for pollinators... hopefully something grows or I just have a stupid ring of dirt for no reason. 🤣 I didn't measure or level anything, because ain't nobody got time for that. Added a cheap birdbath till I can find a nice antique one. Added the hummingbird feeder and my card playing gnomes for the final touch. Probably add more rocks at some point when I have an urge to lug rocks up from the river. I'd like to know how many pounds of rock I've moved since living here lol. Need to fix the outer part a d re line the weedwhacker... but it looks way cooler than that damn diseased choke cherry. View attachment 3472View attachment 3473

In one word ... "Gorgeous"

You did a beautiful job!
We got the tomatoes and peppers out of the greenhouse today.

We still have some potted blueberry plants in there. I have terrible luck with them. It's not the soil either ... its the birds. They hack them to death and use the twigs to build their nests. It took me a couple of years to actually figure out what was happening...

I have bird netting now and the two that remain from a different planting are protected.
We got the tomatoes and peppers out of the greenhouse today.

We still have some potted blueberry plants in there. I have terrible luck with them. It's not the soil either ... its the birds. They hack them to death and use the twigs to build their nests. It took me a couple of years to actually figure out what was happening...

I have bird netting now and the two that remain from a different planting are protected.
I know, I was thinking of how I could rig up some nets, I know the birds love them. My uncle was an amazing gardener, he grew giant blueberry bushes, well trees really, at my Gram's house. They must have been over 10x10 feet and like 20 feet long, he was like 6'5 and needed a ladder to reach the middle. He had a whole net system to keep the birds off, but also let the pollinators in in spring. My little 5 year old self would go inside the net and just stuff my face with blueberries in a little secret blueberry house. It was amazing. After both he and my Gram passed, my other uncle sold the house and the new owners chopped down the Blueberry forest and made it lawn. I was so sad. People suck lol.
I'll hopefully be making a blueberry cage soon for our 5 blueberry bushes.
My wife just got them last year and they are flowering so?
For us it was the chipmunks eating stuff last year. She actually puts out a bowl of blueberries for the birds at the feeding station.
Been working on this little project for the last week when I've had time. There was a Choke Cherry tree there. Last year I got fed up with it. It attracted powdery mildew like crazy, and was a favorite incubator for aphids... and it's not far from my ladies. When it was smaller I'd just spray it, but it was 20 feet tall and spreading like crazy, they spread up from the root like poplar trees... so the chainsaw came out last fall. A couple weeks ago my neighbor came and dug up the stump/ root system with his tractor. So. Many. Roots. I spent hours pulling out all the broken up bits. Raked it out, fixed my rock circle that the tractor demolished. Planted two blueberries and two roses, both with thier preferred type of soil in the holes. Added mulch and pea stone with a ring of dirt outside where I scattered perennial and annual seeds for pollinators... hopefully something grows or I just have a stupid ring of dirt for no reason. 🤣 I didn't measure or level anything, because ain't nobody got time for that. Added a cheap birdbath till I can find a nice antique one. Added the hummingbird feeder and my card playing gnomes for the final touch. Probably add more rocks at some point when I have an urge to lug rocks up from the river. I'd like to know how many pounds of rock I've moved since living here lol. Need to fix the outer part a d re line the weedwhacker... but it looks way cooler than that damn diseased choke cherry. View attachment 3472View attachment 3473
This looks really Super!!! Well done
Lovely projects you have going TSD! I'm tuned in and watching for sure.
I recently got into CoM lobster compost too but am using it to brew compost teas. Really good stuff and every plant that gets it becomes a very a happy plant.
I also have those same worm castings. Those go into my tea brew today 🤠
Lovely projects you have going TSD! I'm tuned in and watching for sure.
I recently got into CoM lobster compost too but am using it to brew compost teas. Really good stuff and every plant that gets it becomes a very a happy plant.
I also have those same worm castings. Those go into my tea brew today 🤠
I bought the xtreme compost tea per CannaGranny's recommendation, have a batch brewing now for when I transplant.
Good ole NYS gotta love it 🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️🤦🏻‍♂️ Looks like I might have lost some veggies in last weeks frost….that’s what I get for jumping the gun I guess
I've planted a few things, and now I'm covering a few things lol. Failed on hardening and have a bunch of fried leaves. Oh well, gotta be tough to survive in this swamp witch's garden. 🤣🧙‍♀️☠️
Meh those fans are like 3 months old at this point... they'll make plenty of new ones.
37 Wednesday night, but hopefully that won't mean frost.
Same here, 36 Wednesday and 37 Thursday. Im done covering stuff til fall so if it frosts, i guess they get hit with frost. Its 1.2 miles to walk to my plants and back so i dont go out there very often. Like twice a week right now, but once things get rolling ill go every other day.
We are finally past frost here but having abnormal temp drop at night. Just like early spring as soon as the sun drops so do the temps. It’s actually gorgeous weather for working up my outdoor beds. Sunny and seventy with a mild southwest breeze.
@TSD did I tell you to throw a tablespoon of molasses in your tea? I do. Kick starts the crap out of microbial growth. You will see it foam up. That tea is kind of hot. I follow behind it with a plain watering.
Looking forward to keeping up with your lovely grow!
I know, I was thinking of how I could rig up some nets, I know the birds love them. My uncle was an amazing gardener, he grew giant blueberry bushes, well trees really, at my Gram's house. They must have been over 10x10 feet and like 20 feet long, he was like 6'5 and needed a ladder to reach the middle. He had a whole net system to keep the birds off, but also let the pollinators in in spring. My little 5 year old self would go inside the net and just stuff my face with blueberries in a little secret blueberry house. It was amazing. After both he and my Gram passed, my other uncle sold the house and the new owners chopped down the Blueberry forest and made it lawn. I was so sad. People suck lol.
yea they do. Had a similar experience at a rental - built 48 hügelkultur beds and had all sorts of beneficials and native pollinator plants and spent 6 years building soil there...and first week we moved out the neighbor came thru with his equipment, flattened everything back out, and grass was replanted.
On today's episode of
"MacGyver Shit with TSD"
Shade cloths!

Metal fence posts (my scrog posts)
Hair ties
2 joints and a bubbler (gardener's choice)
Classic rock Playlist (gardener's choice)
No patience

I dunno man, whatever works.

So today is my only work and child free day this week, so I put my garden ladies in their holes and rigged up some shade cloths. Cut off the fried leaves, and much like @Farmerdave told them to buck up and grow, or die. 🤣 Honestly it's the sun more than cold that they need to acclimate to. Maybe by next year I'll have a little greenhouse.
Planted most of them at an angle to assist the scrogging... angles are important for a good scrogging, as we all know. 🤣20230522_095535.jpg
Two more to put in at second location, I guess they can stay in pots a bit longer.
Two more to put in for my dad.
Six in the garden and we're off.
I'll post pics of them all In a few days when they are settled in. ✌️
@CannaGranny added a bit of molasses to the last half of the tea and will split it between them. I did follow with a very diluted tea, poured a few cups on, let it soak, followed with about 2 gallons with 1 or so cups tea... also brewed a 5 gallon bucket with one pouch... shouldn't be too hot hopefully. They can take a lot to get watered in, so I'll add more plan water in a bit too.
Also added 30 million of these guys to the holes a few days back. Screenshot_20230522_142931_Amazon Shopping.jpg
Sprinkled the roots with xtreme mycos and watered in with extreme tea. Since this is supposed to be a diary I suppose I should add these things. 🤣 Time for one more bubbler.🤣
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