🌞TSD's 2023 Scrog Under The Sun🌞

I'd be at every concert that was remotely something I would enjoy if I lived that close lol. I've seen Godsmack, Neil Young, Dave Mathews and Willie Nelson at Spac... and all the openers, but who can remember all of those lol.
I met Dave Matthews on a flight to Sydney Australia when I was in the Navy. Gave me a back stage pass to his show there in Australia. Cool guy.
When I grow up I want to be as good outdoors as T.

If I had land....
Thanks... we shall see, some years are a crap shoot lol... but the almanac forecasts a hot dry summer, so hopefully it's a good year... it's a lot easier to add extra water than to fight with nonstop rain. Just like wine has great years and mediocre years, so does outdoor weed. 🤷‍♀️ I try to mitigate Mother Nature's temper tantrums, but there's only so much I can do.
Spent about 9 hours outside today, I'm pooped. Got a good start on tanning my legs, up until the place where I had hiking boots and tall socks on. 🤣
Got most of my big flower bed done, a few planters too. Sunflowers for stealth by the front are popping up and I even saw a hummingbird at the feeder, didn't take long for them to spot it's new location. About 100 more projects, but it's a start.
Gonna be cold tonight... poor fuckers better buck up cause I'm done covering shit. I don't have time to take it all down tomorrow and I'm not getting up at 5 am. Nope.
I'm in on this.
Cliff Claven; " It is a little known fact that when a branch is over bent and a knuckle forms it is actually beneficial and the plant pushes more towards that branch."
I snapped some right over and they turned back up, held a good bud and a lighter!
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Yup I usually pinch and bend to form knuckles
Oh sweet 9 pound 7 ounce baby Jesus, why do you forsake me?! Enough with the cold already. Someone tell Mother Nature to burn one and quit freezing shit. Screenshot_20230525_073049_The Weather Channel.jpg
Oh sweet 9 pound 7 ounce baby Jesus, why do you forsake me?! Enough with the cold already. Someone tell Mother Nature to burn one and quit freezing shit. View attachment 4141
Are your plants outside already?

I once planted, and a day later, we had snow flurries. The plant leaves turned white, and I figured we'd have to replant. But then they just started growing again.
Are your plants outside already?

I once planted, and a day later, we had snow flurries. The plant leaves turned white, and I figured we'd have to replant. But then they just started growing again.
Yes and they're already pissed that I didn't harden them long enough. Cut a bunch of toasty fans off. Getting ready to go put my makeshift shade cloths back up before I leave for work.
Here's some nice sun fried leaves. White bleached ones are the Cinderella XX, she's a sensitive one I guess. The Zookies threw out some anthocyanins in response to sun stress, which makes sense, as my Zookies from last year was practically black at harvest it was so purple. I know better and I still do these things lol. I partially blame the hubs because I had him move them in the afternoon after the shade had shifted, before they were in ground, since I was at work... I have a feeling they got a few more hours of direct sun than I had planned on... oh well, they'll grow out of it. 20230522_143838.jpg20230522_143819.jpg
One of my problem children got hit with frost once already this year and has a bunch of white leaves too.
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Is what it is. They throw out so many leaves outside once they get growing, I'm not too worried about it. Mine are like 3 months old at this point, so many of those older fans are less efficient and near the end of thier life cycle anyway.
I'm sorry about the frost. I was just looking at the weather and bitching about it being in 50s this weekend. I guess I don't have as much to complain about now.
Yeah the Northeast weather can be a real bear... an angry, old, bipolar bear that just woke up from hibernation ready to fuck shit up. 🐻
Is what it is. They throw out so many leaves outside once they get growing, I'm not too worried about it. Mine are like 3 months old at this point, so many of those older fans are less efficient and near the end of thier life cycle anyway.
For sure. Pretty soon i gotta strip down my GSC so she gets better airflow, shes pretty thick
I'll manage to take pics and do an update soon. We've gone from frost to 90 in a little more than a week, these poor girls are getting toughened up fast. Too hot for any gardening this afternoon, we headed down to the river to cool off after school today. 20230531_170406.jpg
Planning on a nice quiet watering, smoke/coffee sesh tomorrow morning after I drop my son off at school. Gonna be another hot one, calling for 93 and sunny. Might mulch the ladies and wet the mulch to keep them cool and extend my watering time when necessary. Still 2 of my own and 2 for my pops to plant... been too hot and I'm too damn busy.
I'll manage to take pics and do an update soon. We've gone from frost to 90 in a little more than a week, these poor girls are getting toughened up fast. Too hot for any gardening this afternoon, we headed down to the river to cool off after school today. View attachment 5164
Planning on a nice quiet watering, smoke/coffee sesh tomorrow morning after I drop my son off at school. Gonna be another hot one, calling for 93 and sunny. Might mulch the ladies and wet the mulch to keep them cool and extend my watering time when necessary. Still 2 of my own and 2 for my pops to plant... been too hot and I'm too damn busy.
That looks like a wonderful place to spend a 90 degree day, or really any ole day!! Rivers hold a special place in my soul. i have started to throw some mulch on mine. Been no rain for the month of May here and none in the forecast. Hope the forecast changes as it does a lot.
That looks like a wonderful place to spend a 90 degree day, or really any ole day!! Rivers hold a special place in my soul.
It is... and yes any body of water gives me good vibes, maybe it's because I'm a Pisces lol. My house is old and needs probably 50K worth of upgrades, conservatively, but we looked past all that because the river is great, the yard is great, the little neighborhood is good. My husband's grandparents owned our neighbor's house when he was a kid, he grew up in that river and it has a very nostalgic effect on him. I actually had to be talked into the place because my logical brain just saw all the stuff that would eventually need to be done, and there's close neighbors which I don't love, which is why we we have probably close to an acre fenced in with a 6 ft wooden stockade fence... get outta my compound lol. It's a perfect yard for kids and dogs. Now, 9 years after moving in, the tables have turned, the nostalgia is wearing off and hubs sees we need 20k+ worth of windows in the near future... and I love my yard, flower beds, near perfect Marijuana growing location and river if course. My son has 4 friends or cousins in walking distance as well as a nice little park. So I tell the hubs suck it up butter cup, you picked this house and now it's home so we'll just have to pick away at the projects. If I move, it will have to be for a damn good property in a warmer climate... but we couldn't even afford our own house in the current market, so moving is off the table currently.
Summarizing, I'm stoned, rivers are cool, I have the day off and it's gonna be hot as the devil's taint. Need to go water my flowers before it gets hot, the blunt says I've been rambling too long.
20230601_085051.jpgPopped open a grove bag of my early super Lemon Haze that's been sealed for months and I gotta say I'm pretty baked...I bet it would have been wicked if it would have finished. This year is off to a rocky start. Such is life.
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I got about 12 windows I need to redo. Never installed anything more than a car window, but have done most other things construction wise. Gutted and rebuilt my entire house after our rivers decided to play dirty. Think I'm gonna take a shot and just try doing 1 first. If I mess it up I'll hire someone, if it's good to go, I'm saving some dough
I got about 12 windows I need to redo. Never installed anything more than a car window, but have done most other things construction wise. Gutted and rebuilt my entire house after our rivers decided to play dirty. Think I'm gonna take a shot and just try doing 1 first. If I mess it up I'll hire someone, if it's good to go, I'm saving some dough
What kind of windows are you looking to install? if vinyl replacements I can walk you thru it, it is very easy once you understand.
Yea just basic vinyl replacements, nothing past that, just an old flood house....governments about to force me up or out with 1 more flood so we will see. I say just leave me alone and let me repair my shit myself, if it passes your inspection then piss off...they say otherwise. FEMA, all that crap involved in it...I don't get a cent of help though so I don't understand their beef (their beef is with others really). This past flood in 2019 I paid for 100% of the repairs 🤷‍♂️

TSD hope your river is friendly
What kind of windows are you looking to install? if vinyl replacements I can walk you thru it, it is very easy once you understand.
Yeah in theory, but my house was built in the 1880s, which is even older than I thought lol, part was added in the 50s. Everything is crooked, house is settling, some windows are original, they're covered by an enclosed porch... but single pane, with the little hole in the sill that I'm told was to let in fresh air for tuberculosis patients lol... old as fuck... that's only 4 though. There's five giant triptic windows that crank out, one that's just a plain giant window, oh and then 10 more upstairs. I dunno, I just know it's gonna be expensive. We had a few doors replaced... talking skeleton key shit, and it was not a wham bam thank you ma'am situation, there was shimming involved and a lot of swearing at levels. We haven't delved into the windows yet, as we've been too poor until recently... we have a few friends in construction and one that owns a window installation company, so when the time comes we'll probably just hire someone. My husband is not the diy type when it comes to stuff like that, his brother got the handy trait though so that's cool... some shit is better left to the professionals... I ain't MacGyvering windows. 🤣
I understand how lots of things work that I'm never going to attempt myself lol. Understanding and doing are not the same thing, I mean with practice sure, but this house is not a good test subject lol.
I have double storm windows and thats it.
I wanted to change all the windows when i moved in but so many other things that were more important had to be done.

You can also see daylight around my front door😂 but for being a 1984 trailer, its not it terrible shape, only had to fix 1 hole in the floor lol. 20230601_100413.jpg
I understand how lots of things work that I'm never going to attempt myself lol. Understanding and doing are not the same thing, I mean with practice sure, but this house is not a good test subject lol.
Don’t blame you. Basement window I did years ago was fine but I haven’t done a door since I was a kid. Paid to get both done at this place and I hate paying someone to do what I can. But not mucking around with some things these days.

I do remember the three or four big holes at the bottom of the windows with a wooden hinged cover. Thought it was for air circulation but TB or general medical reasons never occurred to me.
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