Slacking on the diary as usual. Been neglecting the garden and all my flowers in lieu of everything else in life... Here's a group shot of my swamp witch spot before I cut the weeds and herbs back and gave the ladies a haircut. I keep it messy and full of weeds on purpose... shit blends together that way lol.

Bugs are rough this year, leafhoppers, thrips, Japanese beetles... all munching and I haven't done a ton to keep them at bay these last couple weeks, so time to knock them back a bit. Did a round of loast coast and have some spinosad on order. They are mostly just annoying, but I'd like to keep them at bay regardless. Few days of various stuff thrown at them and they'll be mostly gone again.
Did another significant haircut on all but Shaman since it's flowering, I expect the others to start soon. Got thier legs shaved and below the scrogs mostly clear.
Shaman was not benefiting from the scrog because I wasn't able to do it right,
as I split her and had to stop... then she started flowering so I haven't done much defol... so I took the net off...just lifted it right up and off... that's how you know it wasn't doing jack anyway lol. She's very bushy which is a concern... but a bit late now... I'll take a few fans here and there but I can't go hard like I did with the rest of the ladies. Here is Shaman.
Here is LSD....I didn't get a pre haircut pic cause I was out there stoned and just started snipping away.
Here is Mimosa X Orange Punch before, she is a very bushy lady.

And after

Strawberry Lemonade is starting to get more foliage, she was sparse, I still took off a bunch of lower growth sites (shaved legs) and bug damaged leaves.

Grandmommy Purple was also very bushy lady that needed quite a bit of inner and lower stuff removed.

Cinderella XX Is a favorite of the leafhoppers... dunno if it's cause she's lower than the rest, or if she's just delicious... either way, removed a lot of chewed leaves and new inner growth.

Some of these may seem drastic, but with the level of humidity and moisture we've had... it needed to happen, they need airflow. They are in full on stretch mode and I expect baby budlets soon, so it was now or never. They will fluff right back up in a week and it will look like I did nothing. They look more yellow-green than they actually are because many of these were taken late in the day. The only one that's actually lighter is Grandmommy Purple. They all had a dose of Dutch Science Bloom a few days back. If she doesn't get her color back, we'll give her a dose of something or other. I know, I'm so precise with my feeding.
Here is the side quest auto, chunking up nicely... fed it a while back... dunno if I should bother again, it does look hungry... but it may be too late... I dunno jack about autos lol.
Haven't checked the other two, they probably need to be fed, I'll get up there this week. Looks like more rain tomorrow, flash flood warning because the ground is saturated and we may get up to 1.5 inches in an hour... just when the river was starting to calm down. Need to go around and take some flower pics before everything goes by on me! That's all for now folks.