Pet Thread! Let's see those critters you call family!

This is my wife's Dad years ago. Bull's name was Redcloud.
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dude must've had the juevos of a mule. every bull we had when i was growing up was a mean SOB that you had to watch your back around. sneaky bastards were always waiting for their chance to charge you. like hell if they would've ever let anyone ride em lol
dude must've had the juevos of a mule. every bull we had when i was growing up was a mean SOB that you had to watch your back around. sneaky bastards were always waiting for their chance to charge you. like hell if they would've ever let anyone ride em lol
He was a rugged man, that's for sure. He was a junker and a butcher. 6 foot 6 burly marlboro man.
dude must've had the juevos of a mule. every bull we had when i was growing up was a mean SOB that you had to watch your back around. sneaky bastards were always waiting for their chance to charge you. like hell if they would've ever let anyone ride em lol
We showed cattle and always tied a mule to break any tough guy - once they have been kicked in the ribs and face a couple time they go willingly where ever the mule wants - then a good 3” ring in the nose and mane even one in the nutsack ! They stay calm
We showed cattle and always tied a mule to break any tough guy - once they have been kicked in the ribs and face a couple time they go willingly where ever the mule wants - then a good 3” ring in the nose and mane even one in the nutsack ! They stay calm
Yeah with a ring in the nose, anybody tough enough to get that close could handle him.
I work in a dispensary and take my Prissy to work with to stay while I am over here for 3 days and nights. Prissy is now officially a dispensary kitty and she loves it! I like it too because it's not nearly so lonely when she is here with me 😀


Love the collar dude thats great.
he has like four collars. and he insists on wearing every single one, when he finds them. he'll also hide them, so we'll go a week with him running around naked, then one will show up, then two, then all four. and he'll want every single one on when he finds them. weirdest damn dog I've ever owned.
I have a couple that keep me sane! Whoever said they were a man’s best friend should have won the Nobel Peace Prize! They never argue, bitch, complain, and are always happy to see me!

I got The lab sailor from the pound almost 11 years ago and he is the ole wise one! The GSP was rescued a little over a year ago and has just started to entertain the thought of doing what she is told or asked! She is my third GSP and has no intention of listening until she is 2-3 just like the other two! They are amazing dogs once they are trained but they come wired for sound or potentially on doggie crack that doesn’t wear off for a minimum of 2 years! I almost made a terrible decision and got 2 and wanted to name them zig and zag but I might possibly be in a mental hospital if I had so I am glad I got 1. Shortly before her passing my grandmother said I should name her Blaze because her forehead mark looks like a blaze on a horse. I had been trying to come up with a cool stoner name for over a week and she nailed it the first time she saw her!

Enough rambling from me about my mutts!

Let’s see yours,

I have a couple that keep me sane! Whoever said they were a man’s best friend should have won the Nobel Peace Prize! They never argue, bitch, complain, and are always happy to see me!

I got The lab sailor from the pound almost 11 years ago and he is the ole wise one! The GSP was rescued a little over a year ago and has just started to entertain the thought of doing what she is told or asked! She is my third GSP and has no intention of listening until she is 2-3 just like the other two! They are amazing dogs once they are trained but they come wired for sound or potentially on doggie crack that doesn’t wear off for a minimum of 2 years! I almost made a terrible decision and got 2 and wanted to name them zig and zag but I might possibly be in a mental hospital if I had so I am glad I got 1. Shortly before her passing my grandmother said I should name her Blaze because her forehead mark looks like a blaze on a horse. I had been trying to come up with a cool stoner name for over a week and she nailed it the first time she saw her!

Enough rambling from me about my mutts!

Let’s see yours,

Sorry forgot the photos!
Rescued 2 Pit Bull puppies. Lula and Diabla. Some of the workers at one of the factories that I used to own were giving them tacos drowned in hot sauce from the lunch truck. When I saw them doing this I yelled at them asking them why they were being so mean to these starving puppies. They told me giving the dogs hot sauce made them meaner. I grabbed them both and took them to the vet. Lula was 4 weeks old and Diabla was barely 2 weeks. I'm guessing these were breeder runts so they just chucked them out into the street like trash.

Don't have a pic of Diabla but this was Lula.... she was a Pit/Chow mix.

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I own a Pit/Chow mix, Sifter and her son Zorro, smart dogs those 2. Cheers and I see the black in her tongue. SSgrower
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