Pipecarvers home grow

Good to see your priorities are intact.
To be honest, my math at the hardware store was making it 4x4x4 a cube........At home I realize that won't go through doors....??? wtf was I thinking and that would take 3 sheets....quick thinking...lol...ya...any ways Cats...I can make something for my cats...instant excuse that settles my mind and I didn't just waste another $35 on something I didn't need.
To be honest, my math at the hardware store was making it 4x4x4 a cube........At home I realize that won't go through doors....??? wtf was I thinking and that would take 3 sheets....quick thinking...lol...ya...any ways Cats...I can make something for my cats...instant excuse that settles my mind and I didn't just waste another $35 on something I didn't need.
I still call that a win. My dogs have thier own heated cloud.
May 9
I need a drying box and I've been looking for idea's on material to use. First it was cardboard but that's a temporary solution, then Moshman recommended hard board insulation. I went today looking to see what I could get and after all was done I bought 3 sheets of 4x8 1/4 " plywood $100 with delivery I'll use some 1x3" pine boards to frame it. The insulation was just about the same price and it was only in 2x8 sheets.

I'll use a computer fan to exhaust it on the top and passive intake on the bottom & I'll get something to filter the lower intakes Now to get at it and make it before the girls in my 5x5 are done in about 2 weeks. 4 short 4x4" feet to lift it off the cement floor and a small shelf for a small fan .

With the 2 sheets I can cut 3 - 32" x 48 pieces out of 1 4x8' sheet. 1 more and the top and bottom out of the other. I want to make another cat tree out of the 3rd piece.
Use dollar store nylon stockings. I just put fans inside and lose knot at the cord.

Vacuum as needed inside & outside tent. I replace every or every other grow and wash then reuse.

I find one does an entire ACI 6” Booster fan. If I need smaller I usually cut off extra tail after making a lose knot. Like for computer fans.

You can also put them over clip-on fans but any I have come apart easily for cleaning so I don’t bother.
Um I’m good. I’ll take your word sir. No need to be reveling anything. 🤣
hey Gmorning all, I downloaded a VPN yesterday so I could get back on the Farm to get a few of my pics. I didn't have time last night so I shuter down and I'll get at it today....Great now I can't access my emails because Gmail & google don't recognize my computer and I have to hop through hoops.

Text..nope no cell phone...so its email confirmation and they'll send a code to an alternate email........that I can't access because its the same run around...to access my email I have to get a text...or an email confirmation.....wtf...lol.......so I had to turf the VPN and I'm back to the beginning again..... ah I'll smoke a few. drink some coffee and hum.....huuummmmmm and repeat.
hey Gmorning all, I downloaded a VPN yesterday so I could get back on the Farm to get a few of my pics. I didn't have time last night so I shuter down and I'll get at it today....Great now I can't access my emails because Gmail & google don't recognize my computer and I have to hop through hoops.

Text..nope no cell phone...so its email confirmation and they'll send a code to an alternate email........that I can't access because its the same run around...to access my email I have to get a text...or an email confirmation.....wtf...lol.......so I had to turf the VPN and I'm back to the beginning again..... ah I'll smoke a few. drink some coffee and hum.....huuummmmmm and repeat.
Use Tor Browser. It’s an onion router. App stores or Torproject.org

iPhone has Onion Browser that uses Tor. But not as good. Might leak your original IP.
So far I’ve been okay to snoop.
I've been reading up a bit on logic aka copycat aka Adam Smith and a few other alias's Not really liked much on some other forums and as the guy said in the video above he's supposed to be a rip off artist. I know not other than being banned I didn't have any real contact with him. For him to go out of his way to block my IP address just because I asked him why I was banned is a bit odd...
Thx man. Did the whole house. This is my living room, wife has her own.

View attachment 2294

That tv is also a pc and a VR rig.
Thats sick man, my living room is lame as fk now...
I just got an Oculus quest 2 VR system, im excited to get on it one of these days but its still sitting in the box. I traded a rosin printer and curing station for it. 300 in, 500 out. Made out good i think.
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