Skunk Hero

Rocking it man~!
Make sure you are off N and maybe decrease the hours or intensity/both of light.
Some strains will grow white longer than necessary if allowed to.
Yea real nice looking~!🥳
Rocking it man~!
Make sure you are off N and maybe decrease the hours or intensity/both of light.
Some strains will grow white longer than necessary if allowed to.
Yea real nice looking~!🥳
Thx. I just turned the intensity down a bit. I'll turn it down a little more next week see if that helps the last week.
Just picked up an ac infinity controller 69 pro so I can have wifi.

I ended up getting 40 seeds from gps for $164 during the reverse auction weekend. Most packs I got were $20 and under. Two I wanted real bad were $42.

I bought a new reptile humidifier with its own humidity controller then I realized my aci controller can control a dumb humidifier. Doh!!! I'll use the aci for humidity control on next humidifier.
40 seeds~!
Hell yea~!👊
I was thinking of growing 4 small plants next grow. Veg for 2 or 3 weeks and then flower. I was thinking of trying rockwool and going straight 3 part flora and cal mag. No fancy amendments. Maybe even 4 different strains so I can have some variety.
I was thinking of growing 4 small plants next grow. Veg for 2 or 3 weeks and then flower. I was thinking of trying rockwool and going straight 3 part flora and cal mag. No fancy amendments. Maybe even 4 different strains so I can have some variety.
I have 5 strains in flower right now, i could never grow just 1 strain. I get tired of smoking the same thing so i switch it up throughout the day.
I have 5 strains in flower right now, i could never grow just 1 strain. I get tired of smoking the same thing so i switch it up throughout the day.
Yeah. I have a 27" square tent so it gets crowded fast. I just don't have another dry area and usually use the tent so might have harvest issues with multiples. But I want to try some variety. One strain does get old quickly.
I went to my buds place to check out his skunks from the same mother. His are a few weeks behind. His buds look more ripe and more swollen. Mine aren't even going amber and this is way past harvest window. No swelling yet. Do I just wait it out? Could it be my light?IMG_0747.jpegIMG_0746.jpegIMG_0754.jpegIMG_0752.jpegIMG_0751.jpeg
I went to my buds house to check out the sisters of my clone. Mine look off to me and his look healthier. Here are a few pics. These are two different plants. One is about 3 weeks ahead of the other. IMG_0937.jpegIMG_0942.jpegIMG_0943.jpegIMG_0948.jpegIMG_0949.jpeg
How is he keeping his medium from growing algae like yours?
That is the only real difference I see.
Could it have to do with the deficiency you had in the beginning?
I went to my buds house to check out the sisters of my clone. Mine look off to me and his look healthier. Here are a few pics. These are two different plants. One is about 3 weeks ahead of the other. View attachment 31203View attachment 31204View attachment 31205View attachment 31206View attachment 31207
Not sure why that is. I was thinking I cooked her to early and she never fully recovered. Plus I need to monitor dli a little better. Next grow is going to be less nutes approach.

My friend is going to clone some unicorn glue from his new plants and if timing right maybe I grow it if not I'll popped some other killer looking beans next grow.
Could it have to do with the deficiency you had in the beginning?
Yes I think that played a big role. She still has a lot of size and very dense. I reset the res to a more basic bloom and hope she gets a little swell going soon. She's not drinking that much currently.
How is he keeping his medium from growing algae like yours?
That is the only real difference I see.
I think maybe the light may get to my bucket from gaps or something in the canopy.
How are you running your lights?
How are you running your lights?
I'm running at only 120w. I think dli is 25. Early I was running 190 to 200w.

Yeild should be decent. She has a lot of bud. Just want her to ripen a bit.
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You may want to reduce lights on time?
You may want to reduce lights on time?
Yes 12/12. What do you suggest? 11 or 10?

I think she's just got interrupted somehow from my initial over fertilization. I'll try and avoid this on next grow. Man it's been cold. My heater using most of my days electricity for the grow.
I dropped 1 hour a week when I thought I was close.
May want to reduce nutes also.
Tip burn says to me they have enough especially near the end.
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