Study on joints by degree of weed grinding


Hydro Ninja
Bud Builders Supporter
Jun 5, 2023
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This article made me laugh....
Did someone really have to do a study to figure out if the weed is more broken up it will burn faster and hit harder? Doesn't seem like rocket science
Interesting research center.
I always thought psilocybin and cannabis went well together.
As kids, we would eat a hand full of magic mushrooms, but to keep from getting too antsy waiting for magic to happen, a couple good doobs and we were mellow into the sojourn.

It worked well for me on many occasions.
I had always scissor cut my weed...50 years worth of poorly rolled joints, running down the side and losing weed. So after being online a while I saw a lot of folks using grinders....So I broke down and bought one and presto joints that didn't run every time and they smoke like cigarettes do , but my wrists hurt after a while so I went to a coffee 3 - 4 secs in the grinder and I chop up and fluff up my smoke,,,,too much turns it to powder but just a few pulses and she's ready to roll......Much better than scissor cut weed
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