Sulfer question


Puff Paladin
Apr 18, 2023
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Ok Micronized suffer to kill mites... so you are not supposed to use an oil spray within three weeks of using sulfur to prevent sulfur burn. Would a soapy solution to kill bugs be considered an oily spray? I am going to use a solution a bro gave me on here consisting of quite a bit of Tea Tree and Peppermint soap with some H202 and Alcohol, water. I just don't want to burn these plants. Thanks in advance for your replies.
Ok Micronized suffer to kill mites... so you are not supposed to use an oil spray within three weeks of using sulfur to prevent sulfur burn. Would a soapy solution to kill bugs be considered an oily spray? I am going to use a solution a bro gave me on here consisting of quite a bit of Tea Tree and Peppermint soap with some H202 and Alcohol, water. I just don't want to burn these plants. Thanks in advance for your replies.
As long as your are still in veg........

1/4 cup Dr. Woods Peppermint
1/4 cup Dr. Woods Tea Tree
1 tablespoon hydrogen peroxide
1 cup rubbing alcohol, no higher than 70%
2 quarts warm water

Mix everything well. Everything can be purchased easily on Amazon. This is very effective at killing everything, including all the different types of mites. I spray my room and pots down with it after every grow too. I’ve bought everything to kill tues on the market at one time or another- this old-time recipe seems to work best for me for just about every issue. ONLY IN VEG!

Spray everywhere up and down the plants, especially underneath leaves and on top of the soil or coco in the need to over spray, just make sure everything is lightly coated.
Is this what you are talking about using? The soap in the peppermint and tea tree both contain oils. If I was going to try this I would first spray the plants with just plain water for a couple late afternoon to try and remove as much sulphur as can be and then do a small test area of the new spray.
Yeah this is the one I am going to use. I am just wondering if I will have Sulfer burn as I have been applying sulphur for weeks. Is this considered an oily spray?

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