What is the most unusual bud you’ve ever enjoyed? Taste, affect, look?


POTM Winner 🏆
May 21, 2023
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Over the years, lots of bud has come and gone, but occasionally, something really stands out.
Share the stories of your unusual bud, whether you grew it or not!

Two come to mind for me:

1 - Decades ago, a buddy of mine gave me something he said came from Arica. It was leafy, very dark (it was black) and really looked like something that should be thrown out rather than smoked. I rolled one up and took a few hits. Hours rolled by, I just sat in my yard looking at the lawn around me. It was the closest thing to a mushroom trip I ever had from weed. Never saw that stuff again.

2 - One of my best sources ended up with some of the best looking and smelling bud I ever saw. Big, sticky buds that just smelled like skunk. Rolled up a fatty and shared it with a friend. We finished the entire thing, neither one of us felt anything. In disappointment, my bud opened up a bottle of jack daniels. One shot and we were both flying way higher than either of us could believe.

That stuff wouldn’t do anything without a little alcohol in your system, but just a shot or a beer, and damn! Ripped beyond belief.

I’m curious if there have been any cool flavours or aromas that one doesn’t necessarily put together with weed?
I had this brick weed in the early 2000s when dank was still harder to find here. I got a qp of it you could tell it was good stuff before it was pressed down and even then it wasn't bad...it was on the upper realm of brick weeds. The aroma though was wild, pizza combos or pizza flavored Pringles is the only way I can describe the smell and even the taste...

Now for effects I am fond of this "apple Kush" I was getting around 2007 or so. Big green buds that tasted like a green sour apple. We did bong rips with apple juice just to enhance the apple experience....some of the best herb still for me

For me the strains that tend to lay me out and make me feel the best these days are gas and by gas I mean that as a scent and not just as a general term for dank weed, like when the bud smells like an oil can or gas can or mechanic shop grease rag type shit, burnt rubber also falls into this realm for me....ones that don't do it for me are the jet fuel ones if that makes sense they're close and I get why they're considered gassy but it's just a nah for me, or baby shit/puke smelling strains those too can kick rocks
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