24-48 hours darkness before harvest

I’ve done both ways - darkness is bullshit fir sure no science just to much experience! Lol light well again no science but I’ve seen a slight uptick in terps for sure - plus it just easier ! So I always cut during or at the end of a cycle .

Smoke hell yeah and we used to dry that shit in the sun ! Prolly wasn’t perfect but workref pretty damn good , my guess is sun degrades thc into more Cbd/Cbg ?Idk mayb that’s a @Moe.Red myth buster?
I’ve done both ways - darkness is bullshit fir sure no science just to much experience! Lol light well again no science but I’ve seen a slight uptick in terps for sure - plus it just easier ! So I always cut during or at the end of a cycle .

Smoke hell yeah and we used to dry that shit in the sun ! Prolly wasn’t perfect but workref pretty damn good , my guess is sun degrades thc into more Cbd/Cbg ?Idk mayb that’s a @Moe.Red myth buster?
So you harvest at the end of the day and noticed a slight uptick in terps? Interesting, might harvest some branches end of light cycle and some in the morning and see if there is a difference.
I’ve done both ways - darkness is bullshit fir sure no science just to much experience! Lol light well again no science but I’ve seen a slight uptick in terps for sure - plus it just easier ! So I always cut during or at the end of a cycle .

Smoke hell yeah and we used to dry that shit in the sun ! Prolly wasn’t perfect but workref pretty damn good , my guess is sun degrades thc into more Cbd/Cbg ?Idk mayb that’s a @Moe.Red myth buster?
I think I can bust some of that right now.

CBG is the precursor molecule to both CBD and THC. But it does not work backwards as a degrading process. THC becomes CBN as it breaks down.

I dry/cure in the dark to try to maintain as much of the essence of the plant while alive as possible. Heat and light will drive off a lot of terps from the finished cured product.

But in terms of when to harvest during a light/dark cycle? I think there are too many variables to make a blanket statement.
As I read this discussion, I was wondering (from a soil grower's perspective), whether the time of harvest might make a difference regarding the amount of moisture in the plant and how it might impact drying the plant.
When to harvest...
The plant tells me when to harvest... when she meets all the requirements... trichome color of cloudy is peak potency and amber trichomes are slightly past due.. at a microscopic level.. the trichomes also lean over.. the trichomes head should be almost bursting.. plants should be leaning, and bud firmness...those are the things I check before harvest.... I always Harvest my plants and the end of the dark cycle when the terpenes are at the highest %.. no need to go longer than 14 hours of darkness.. at that point you risk mold starting...FB_IMG_1689692095996.jpg
I also only water them during the last few weeks. This time I added 2 tablespoons of molasses to one of my plants in week 8 because I'm curious.
I use black strap molasses and that’s important as the black strap has no sulfur in it. I use it at a rate of one tblspn pr gal. every watering. Two reasons, it kicks off good microbial activity and it’s a natural source of both cal and mag.
Watering with it in week eight, more than likely you won’t see a benefit from.
Many disagree with the use of it… I have been using it for years and I do see a benefit from it.
I use black strap molasses and that’s important as the black strap has no sulfur in it. I use it at a rate of one tblspn pr gal. every watering. Two reasons, it kicks off good microbial activity and it’s a natural source of both cal and mag.
Watering with it in week eight, more than likely you won’t see a benefit from.
Many disagree with the use of it… I have been using it for years and I do see a benefit from it.
The Molasses is sugars.. Sugars feed microbes.. microbes creates enzymes that breakdown salts and organic matter.. let's the plant use up what's left in the medium and she can mature and get ready for harvest.. I'm with ya CannaGranny..
Watering with it in week eight, more than likely you won’t see a benefit from.
Some say using it late in flowering can be a benefit. Of course, there are many opinions about using molasses.

let's the plant use up what's left in the medium and she can mature and get ready for harvest..
I've read that using molasses a few weeks before harvest can improve the flavor. Using what's left in the medium would help do that. I think that's one of the reasons many say it's best to starve the plant before harvest.

Anyway, the reason I only used molasses for one of the two plants was to see if we could tell the difference. (I have some expert stoners to help with that.) The plants are the same strain, but the one that didn't get the molasses is a mutant. So, the comparison may not be very scientific. I suppose a better comparison would be to test using clones from the same plant under the same growing conditions. Maybe I'll try that if both of my clones survive.
Some say using it late in flowering can be a benefit. Of course, there are many opinions about using molasses.

I've read that using molasses a few weeks before harvest can improve the flavor. Using what's left in the medium would help do that. I think that's one of the reasons many say it's best to starve the plant before harvest.

Anyway, the reason I only used molasses for one of the two plants was to see if we could tell the difference. (I have some expert stoners to help with that.) The plants are the same strain, but the one that didn't get the molasses is a mutant. So, the comparison may not be very scientific. I suppose a better comparison would be to test using clones from the same plant under the same growing conditions. Maybe I'll try that if both of my clones survive.
Yeah and “they” will sell you a 39.95 bottle of bud candy to sweeten your crop too. It contains molasses. It’s useless. I’m super surprised at the age you quoted yourself to be that you have a group of “expert stoners”. The friends we keep, right?
You ask for advice and you got it, from a 35 year cultivator and a young man that himself holds several cannabis cups. The advice matters not as you already have the answers or so it seems, before you even ask.
In your case running the individual trials is best. Let us know how this turns out for you. There is always more than one way to skin a rabbit.
When to harvest...
The plant tells me when to harvest... when she meets all the requirements... trichome color of cloudy is peak potency and amber trichomes are slightly past due.. at a microscopic level.. the trichomes also lean over.. the trichomes head should be almost bursting.. plants should be leaning, and bud firmness...those are the things I check before harvest.... I always Harvest my plants and the end of the dark cycle when the terpenes are at the highest %.. no need to go longer than 14 hours of darkness.. at that point you risk mold starting...View attachment 13937
😍+1 this is the way
Yeah and “they” will sell you a 39.95 bottle of bud candy to sweeten your crop too. It contains molasses. It’s useless.
I bought a jar of Grandma's Original Unsulphured Molasses from the grocery store. Someone recommended that brand, but I can't remember where I saw it or who said it. I didn't mention sweetening. I only mentioned improving the flavor. My understanding has been that improved flavor is a reason we limit nutrients close to harvest. That said, I may have misunderstood what @B2ACG meant by this: "The Molasses is sugars.. Sugars feed microbes.. microbes creates enzymes that breakdown salts and organic matter.. let's the plant use up what's left in the medium and she can mature and get ready for harvest.." I interpreted that as meaning adding molasses is related to not feeding the plant near harvest, in that both would lead to using up "what's left in the medium." Isn't it commonly accepted that excessive nutrients late in the flowering stage can adversely affect flavor?

I’m super surprised at the age you quoted yourself to be that you have a group of “expert stoners”. The friends we keep, right?
That was a joke. I am old, though. I started getting high during the tumultuous 1960s and grew my first crop about then, too. That's more than 50 years ago. I only grew occasionally, though. Life can get in the way. Of course, there also have been many changes during that half century.

It's interesting you mentioned old age and cannabis use. There was an article about it in the Washington Post a few days ago. Accordingly, use among seniors is increasing rapidly. That "65 and older" line in the graphic below has the steepest upward slope of any age group. My guess is that dealing with pain has a lot to do with the increase. It's certainly true for me.


You ask for advice and you got it, from a 35 year cultivator and a young man that himself holds several cannabis cups. The advice matters not as you already have the answers or so it seems, before you even ask.
I didn't ask for advice or wish to hijack this thread. I only wrote that I used it because I'm curious. I guess it's somewhat relevant to harvesting, though, and harvesting is on my mind because I have two plants that are close.

In your case running the individual trials is best. Let us know how this turns out for you. There is always more than one way to skin a rabbit.
I am. I'm writing about it in my grow diary. There's not much to say now. I'm not planning to add any more. The plant didn't appear any different after getting the molasses. In a month or so, we'll see how it tastes.
I bought a jar of Grandma's Original Unsulphured Molasses from the grocery store. Someone recommended that brand, but I can't remember where I saw it or who said it. I didn't mention sweetening. I only mentioned improving the flavor. My understanding has been that improved flavor is a reason we limit nutrients close to harvest. That said, I may have misunderstood what @B2ACG meant by this: "The Molasses is sugars.. Sugars feed microbes.. microbes creates enzymes that breakdown salts and organic matter.. let's the plant use up what's left in the medium and she can mature and get ready for harvest.." I interpreted that as meaning adding molasses is related to not feeding the plant near harvest, in that both would lead to using up "what's left in the medium." Isn't it commonly accepted that excessive nutrients late in the flowering stage can adversely affect flavor?

That was a joke. I am old, though. I started getting high during the tumultuous 1960s and grew my first crop about then, too. That's more than 50 years ago. I only grew occasionally, though. Life can get in the way. Of course, there also have been many changes during that half century.

It's interesting you mentioned old age and cannabis use. There was an article about it in the Washington Post a few days ago. Accordingly, use among seniors is increasing rapidly. That "65 and older" line in the graphic below has the steepest upward slope of any age group. My guess is that dealing with pain has a lot to do with the increase. It's certainly true for me.

View attachment 13941

I didn't ask for advice or wish to hijack this thread. I only wrote that I used it because I'm curious. I guess it's somewhat relevant to harvesting, though, and harvesting is on my mind because I have two plants that are close.

I am. I'm writing about it in my grow diary. There's not much to say now. I'm not planning to add any more. The plant didn't appear any different after getting the molasses. In a month or so, we'll see how it tastes.
Interesting as I am for sure that you have played yourself off as a newbie. I have seen you remark several times about this is my second grow or fourth grow etc. What’s up with that?
Also explains why you have an answer before you even ask. I guess I just don’t get the game. Care to explain?
Other people that I know that are your supposed age didn’t fit into the hippie scene and were targeted by the main stream about the evils of the green. Is this not the case? I NEVER read the Washington Post, but interesting parallels.
I have directly seen you post your supposed age, yet now, that was a joke?
I don’t know about you. Something’s seem terribly amiss.
I have opinions that may go a bit against the grain…. As with everything the benefit or detrimental effects are in the dose with a lot of contributing factors….

More microbes is not equal to better… with increased bioactivity comes increased demands for o2 and higher co2 production in the rootzone both of which are very important. Then trying to balance the boom bust of population that can cause PH swings and other issues. The speed of reproduction and die is quite amazing.

There are many different species that all perform specific functions. Further to this molasses will attract a few of these but not all.

Do i feel like molasses is always a benefit….. absolutely not and here is why. The only time a benefit can be seen through nutrients (not PGRs) is if there is a deficiency of a nutrient to begin with. Much like ppl and multivitamins or supplements we are led to believe that say potassium helps regulate water flow so we should supplement it…. But thats just plain wrong.

Can molasses be beneficial….. it absolutely can and I believe the way @CannaGranny and @B2ACG use it is likely to be beneficial…. I cannot say if its needed but a small regular dose may help for some.

-This all boils down to chemistry really.

-Microbes are not microbes they are vastly different and perform very different functions specific to the individual.

-adding molasses does not magically make certain microbes appear they already exist and it will simply cause a population increase of certain species which can be good or bad.

I was a nay sayer on the molasses for many years but if used in a light regular dose i can see there may be some benefit.

Organic nutrients themselves leads to reduced salts which n the soil. But remember salts are not what many of us think… its a chemical term and even microbes break nutrients down in chemical salts before being dissolved into water and into ionic form. Plants only take up nutrients in ionic form.

Personally i feel like organics is a bit of a sham in terms of the bullshit we are fed. But no denying its better for the environment.

I have no dog in the fight… and like most things it can be beneficial when used properly and for the right reasons…. Likewise it can create issues when used to much.

TLDR: molasses can be beneficial in the right circumstances but not all circumstances. Important note is what @CannaGranny said un-Sulphured is the really important part with light regular doses to prevent a boom bust and the complications that come with it
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Interesting as I am for sure that you have played yourself off as a newbie. I have seen you remark several times about this is my second grow or fourth grow etc. What’s up with that?
I don't believe I ever said I was new to growing. My first outdoor grow was in fact in the 1960s. I have emphasized that I am new to indoor growing. There's a difference. I don't really count my outdoor growing as relevant to my indoor growing experience.

Regarding my indoor grows:
  1. Black Jack was last year and failed due to spider mites.
  2. Acapulco Gold was harvested last March.
  3. Black Jack is flowering and within a few weeks of harvest.
  4. Amnesia Haze is vegging and waiting for the flowering tent to become available.
Does that help? Does it even matter? Who here should feel a need to explain their history every time they post? My indoor growing history can be found in my grow diaries either here or on that other forum.

Also explains why you have an answer before you even ask. I guess I just don’t get the game. Care to explain?
Sometimes it's nice to have a second opinion. Perhaps some elaboration or exploration of the relevant science is helpful. Then again, sometimes there is more than one useful answer. In this case, there seems to be a contradiction. I put it as a question because I thought it might be less threatening if I approached it that way.

Other people that I know that are your supposed age didn’t fit into the hippie scene and were targeted by the main stream about the evils of the green. Is this not the case? I NEVER read the Washington Post, but interesting parallels.
Oh, my. Do you want to discuss politics and society beginning in the 1960s? Really? Sure, we were exposed to a lot back then. I knew many folks who liked marijuana, and I also knew many who didn't. The same is true today. Everyone was targeted by the propaganda of the time -- including hippies. Some saw it was bullshit immediately. Others still haven't. We're seeing a lot of propaganda now. Take the attacks on LGBT folks, for example. When we take away the rights of anyone, we will no longer be able to call this a free country. The goals of "life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness" are being overtaken by bigotry and hatred.

I have directly seen you post your supposed age, yet now, that was a joke?
Do you ask for everyone's bio? When this forum starts asking for copies of birth certificates or state IDs, I'm out of here, along with just about everyone else.

I know you don't like me. I can live with that. Can you? I do not owe you any explanations. No one does. If you find me offensive, add me to your ignore list or just scroll on past my posts. I won't mind. This isn't my first forum.

I don’t know about you. Something’s seem terribly amiss.

I can't help about the shape I'm in
I can't sing, I ain't pretty and my legs are thin
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to

Oh, well

Now when I talked to God, I knew he'll understand
He said, "Sit by me and I'll be your guiding hand
But don't ask me what I think of you
I might not give the answer that you want me to

Mm-mm-mm, yeah

~ Oh Well by Fleetwood Mac. Album: Then Play On (1969)
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