Chemistry's personal grow.


Puff Paladin
Sep 20, 2023
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Yo T n G's, thought it was time to dump my buddies start up grow thread and sundry and start a new one. I only grow for my own needs, been smoking since I was a kid, so I like a nice smoke, and as we all know, if you want anything doing right, then do it your self. I've grown in all sorts of environments, from under the bed to warehouses, but these days I just like to idle away my spare time, which isn't a lot, to getting stoned, in peace. So this Grow Log is dedicated to anyone who just likes to get stoned, with a bit of nice gear and chill. So if your in that bracket, then stay tuned and see how it goes, you never know, you may learn some thing, or not. My space is not massive at two and a half feet by five long, and eight feet tall, biggest plant I've grown was a seven foot Sativa, took up the whole space on it's own, a 16 week beast of a plant, with a very euphoric hit. Anyway, I've finally got round to buying a new camera, so by the time my other grow diary comes to an end (5 weeks'ish), I should have worked out how to use it. lol Went for a Sony RX100 IV, I have long distance lenses on my other camera, but I just wanted some thing to take general pix that didn't need a ruck sack of back up to work that I could just pop in my pocket, this compact camera takes 4k vids, gives me the option to send any pix I like to adjacent smart phones or devices, so a bit of tech to get my head round. I've started an outdoor Auto seed, got the pot and medium sorted, went thirds on each when I mixed up the medium, sharp grit, home copost, and garden soil. Hope it likes its new home. πŸ™‚

This is the empty planter waiting for the Auto to arrive.
Chemistrys persoanl grow

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What's this hiding in the warm? Looks like a Gorilla Auto popping through.πŸ™‚
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The Auto has a long way to go before it goes outside full time, will get it potted up and show it some sun, 😎 unless it takes a dive, as some seeds seem to do. So in a couple of weeks I'll be on this log full time. The Auto will be updated on this log as it progresses, so until then, stay tuned, and above all, just keep tokin. πŸ‘
Yo, here's how I planted the Auto seed. Root Riot cube, soaked, then the seeds planted and covered until it sprouts. Here's one I did earlier.
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Never done well with Auto's outdoors, my fault for living in a temperate zone where it's sunny one day and dark and rainy the day after. lol But it's got every chance to bloom, if the weather holds up and we don't get a cold snap like we normally do, then I may see a result with this auto. Outdoors here is a bit of a waste of time, if it's not rain and hail it legions of leaf eating bugs, we'll see. Keep tokin.20200417_174914.jpg20200417_175028.jpg
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Seed husk stuck on my only Auto seed, hot day yesterday, cold last night, and it's stuck. No problem at all, put your squirty bottle on stun, jet, and shoot the husk off from the under side of the husk, two shots and mine has gone, try it. πŸ‘ 😎

All the top tips here or what. Keep tokin folks. 😎

Morning, had some bad weather this last week, wind and some really heavy cold Spring rain, flooded all my planters, including my outdoor Auto. 😑 The seedling was washed out of the soil onto the surface, next morning I lifted the cloche, and there it was sat on top of the soil. As gardeners we are used to having to go the extra mile for our plants, so it was picked up two days ago, and put into a 6 inch pot, and stuffed under a nice warm strip light. In the last couple of days it's struggled to get going again. But this morning when I checked it had perked up a little bit. πŸ™‚ So it might still sit out in the Summer sun. 🀞 We'll see.

It's not big, but it's still breathing and it's the only Auto seed I have. πŸ™‚

It's a wait and see job, so see you next week. πŸ˜‰

P.S Wishing I had grown this seed first and posted after it flowered out, but at least you know it's live. lol Keep tokin folks.
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Morning, had some bad weather this last week, wind and some really heavy cold Spring rain, flooded all my planters, including my outdoor Auto. 😑 The seedling was washed out of the soil onto the surface, next morning I lifted the cloche, and there it was sat on top of the soil. As gardeners we are used to having to go the extra mile for our plants, so it was picked up two days ago, and put into a 6 inch pot, and stuffed under a nice warm strip light. In the last couple of days it's struggled to get going again. But this morning when I checked it had perked up a little bit. πŸ™‚ So it might still sit out in the Summer sun. 🀞 We'll see.

It's not big, but it's still breathing and it's the only Auto seed I have. πŸ™‚

It's a wait and see job, so see you next week. πŸ˜‰

P.S Wishing I had grown this seed first and posted after it flowered out, but at least you know it's live. lol Keep tokin f
Yo, what a week it's been weather wise, lashing rain, sudden cold snaps, not the best environment for my outdoor Auto Gorilla Glue, but if it keeps going until the better weather arrives, then it should do well. I've left it in the 6 inch pot due to it being portable if we have a late season frost, there's still time. Here are the pics I took of the Auto this morning after it had rained.


Planted in a six inch pot, then it's on it's way to it's permanent home pot/planter. All garden soil with home made compost added. Added slow release 7.7.7 fertiliser, and this is all I plan to give the plant apart from tap water left to stand over night in a two gallon bucket. It looks ok on it at the minute, but has a long way to go, fingers crossed it makes it to the Summer, roll on Summer. 😎
Morning people, just a quick pic of the outdoor auto, we had hard frosts the last two mornings, first one froze the top of a water bucket. So I've had to take the seedling in at night and put it out when the day warms up. We need a bit of constant sunshine to get things moving, should pick up soon, after all, it is the middle of May.

This is the seedling, took the photo yesterday while the sun was out, it's starting to push out leaves in the centre. πŸ™‚

Hoping for some sun today to spur it on. 🀞

And that's a wrap for the auto seedling update, keep tokin. πŸ‘¨β€πŸŒΎ
16 days old, outdoor from seed sprouting, if you check the pix you can see local weeds growing in the pot, left them in for reference, which will grow the fastest, the mountain weed, or the local weed, should give me a something to gauge my auto by, I don't know what the weeds are by the way. lol


Keep tokin folks.


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Yo fans of hemp, hope your all well. A quick update on the outdoor Gorilla Auto. Took these just now, had some sun for a couple of days, but it's blowing a hooleeeeeee now, that should stiffen the seedling up. lol And what a difference a bit of sun makes, the auto has some nice new green leaves pushing through and is starting to look like a plant, so it's looking good at the minute, still have the odd frost or thunderstorm to weather yet, but I think it will do ok if it gets big enough to cope, the outlook is good. 29 days ago it broke the surface, been outdoors since it popped, and only slung under cover for frost protection. A couple of pics.



Look at the local weeds keeping up with the auto, may pot one up to see what it is, strange leaf shape for a weed. The good thing is the auto is keeping up with the weeds, so I must have got some thing right. And that's another update done, don't know what the weather holds for next week, hoping for sun, 😎 see you then. πŸ‘
Morning people, just a quick update on my outdoor auto. We've had some sun and the auto made the most of it, fed only water, still in the six inch pot, it can go a bit longer in this pot as it's not filled it yet. Soon the last frosts will pass, and then it can move into it's final pot to flower out, won't be long now it has some good foliage on it. So onto the pics.

Day 36 from seed and starting to look like a plant. 😎




And that's about it, the weeds have been plucked before the get a hold, the sun is shining, it's Saturday, get some chores done and prepare the BBQ, what more could you want. Keep tokin folks, see you next week. 😎
Evening tokers and growers, hope your all well stoked. Just a quick update on my outdoor auto, which I've transplanted into it' final pot/bucket.
As I was having a toke and looking for bugs on my auto, I happened to notice roots poking out of the bottom of the pot, a sure sign the plant needs up potting.

And on further inspection, a nice root ball, definitely time to find a bigger pot. 😎

Had to make a planter due to my partner robbing the one I had earmarked for my auto, she likes her flowers. lol
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I grew potatoes in this bucket last year. πŸ™‚
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But for the auto we need drainage. πŸ‘
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Fill with your chosen/secret soil mix, and pop your auto, job done.
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And just add water. Gorilla Glue Auto on day 42. Rubbish weather here again, but at least it will water in my plant. 🌦 Keep tokin folks.
Morning tokers and growers, it's Saturday here, and it's been raining for a week solid, we needed it after the unexpected warm April. Hoping for sun from now on, but the forecast is grim, although the wildlife are loving it, and now there's plenty of grass for the deer and other herbivores, which cant be a bad thing. Anyway, the outdoor auto is slowly doing it's thing, or at least with me watching it daily it looks slow. But, after taking this weeks auto pics I noticed some growth when compared to last weeks, so it looks like the rain has been kind to my junior auto, and why not, the finest water you can give a plant is rain water, perfect PH. Enough babble, lets look at the pics.

Gorilla Glue Auto, 50 days from seed. Last week the plant was a small rosette in the middle of the bucket, this week it's touching the sides. ☺ 😎
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Starting to push out side shoots, don't know what height it will make? Hope to find out by August. 😎
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Just got to pick some seeds out for my next run, and by next week my flowering plants should be down, and then it's another strip, clean and paint. Hoping to rid my self of the tough strain of Thrips I've picked up. 🀬 It's not that the thrips harm much, but it makes your diary pics look rough. lol I've done away with vegging cuttings for the time being and gone over to seeds only, seems to be my veg plants that pick them up and carry them over to my flower space. It's got to the point where the thrips need spraying with some thing I don't want to end up smoking, so vegging cuttings is done for the time being, and I'll not miss the extra work. πŸ˜‰

So that's where I'm at, see what next week brings, until then, whoosh! Keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, just a quick update on my outdoor Gorilla Glue Auto 57 days from seed. Been a wet week, but some sunshine broke through for a few hours. Its not until I compare the pics on this diary that I can see how fast the auto is growing, I see it every day and it never moves. lol And then I update my diary and I can see how much growth it's put on. love it. πŸ™‚ Think I saw a couple of white hairs, but when I fetched the camera I couldn't find them. lol So maybe they'll be more pronounced next week. This is good, because it means it should flower out by the end of August, just as the windy season starts, and the rain.

Gorilla Glue Auto at 57 days.
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And as if you need any evidence of end to end rain. lol
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Not long until my next indoor run, just got to clean out the flower space and I'm good to go. Nearly decided on which seeds to pop, how many, and where their going to sit, I have room for six, but I think I get a better result with 4 plants, and I like the space round them to work, I like the scrog, but it has it's drawbacks, so this time I'm going free style, no netting or frames, just have decide on what seeds to bury. πŸ™‚

So until next week, keep at it folks. πŸ‘
Morning T n G's, hope your all well. This week see's me stripping and cleaning the flower space ready for the next run. All the grow hardware is out and ready for a hoover out.

Next up, not my favourite job, but it' got to be done. lol Two coats of flat white.

Job done, just got wait for it to dry.

Time to fire up the heat pad and let it flatten out and warm up.

Get the seed tray and closhe up to temperature, and the humidity built up under the closhe.

Time to pick seeds. Fancied another go at the Sticky Fingers, think I can do better with it if I can get it going well, the're very slow to pop.

Franco's Lemon Cheese.


Another Zkittle fem, these seeds have been rubbish until now, last two were males but were bought as fems (get your finger out Herbies).

And a Chocolate Skunk from 00 fills the last pot.
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Planted all the seeds in Root Riot cubes, I rate these cubes for seeds and cuttings, was using rockwool last year, but shove rockwool, it's an outdated medium that wont compost and I find some of my seeds get stuck in the strands an whither, so I'm no longer using it.

Then the seeds and pot are put into the seed tray, and the dome added, quick spray and that's it, just add waiting time.

And that is as far as I've got with this run at the moment, next week should see the seeds up and about, so see you then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Jun 27, 2020
One thing I forgot to mention was my extractor fan (RAM), when I was cleaning it I noticed stress cracks on the motor housing, they were not there when I cleaned it last run, these have happened since I started my last run 4 months ago, so beware people, make proper checks on your equipment before you start a run.


So when you finish your latest run, just blow out the top of your fans and have a look, this was covered in dust as it's on the extraction side of the fan, I noticed it when I used the airline to blow out the dust. Stay frosty people. πŸ˜‰
And the other thing I couldn't remember, that I wanted to put up was outdoor Gorilla Glue Auto, it's doing well to say the weather is so unpredictable, one minute it's too hot for bare foot patio walking, the next day you need wellie's. lol But the picture speaks for it's self, and if you fancy a go at an auto, give it a go, interesting plant, but not for the impatient grower, these fuckers can be frustrating to watch when your used to a foot a week of growth under lights, my first inch took three weeks to grow, I nearly binned it, I thought it was a freak. lol But I'm glad to say, I didn't bin it, and I'm currently feeling the love for it. 😎

Gorilla Glue Auto, day 64
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Some nice muff pushing through. Like the predatory Hoverfly protecting my plant. I'll put a tape to the plant when I get a minute and we'll see how tall it is. Going by the flowers I would say it's had it's stretch bar a couple of inches. Sun and showers are the weather forecast for the next couple of days, so more perfect water and sunshine on the way. πŸŒ§β˜€πŸ˜Ž


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Been really busy lately, so forgot this too. It's the seeds from the Dr Underground x Zkittles (male) cross, think there's around 100, if anyone wants to count them. lol
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Morning tokers and growers, happy 4th of July, get the fireworks and the cannons out. lol Got the buds sorted from the last run, not a massive harvest, finished with around 3 gallons of good bud, one and a half form the Amnesia Lemon, and the same from the Dr Underground. The Sticky Fingers produced two gallons, which is now in the hash bucket, and will be processed when I get time. The Franco's Cheese, Choc Skunk, and Zkittles fem, are all up, but the Sticky Fingers is lagging behind, or a no show, we'll see.

The Zkittles (fem)

The Chocolate Skunk.

The Franco's Lemon Chees.

The Sticky Fingers.

Gorilla Glue Auto, outdoor, day 71 from seed.
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Flowers are forming well on the auto, need more sun, rain is fine for watering, but sun is growth, C'mon sun.
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I need sun said the rose. lol

Amnesia Lemon bud, hits like a train, but needs curing to bring out more of the lemon taste and flavour, but at the minute I'll suffer the taste and except hits like a train. lol
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Dr Underground, nice hit, quite earthy with a flowery smell, been jarred up, now we wait and see what develops during the cure.

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And that's about it for this week, the only thing I can see going wrong is the seedlings look a little leggy and may fall over, so they are looking like pipe cleaner jobs. lol
That's the down side to trying to get all four different strains to pop and grow at the same time, let down by the sticky fingers again, the last one was last up too, just slow poppers, I've no doubt it will catch up if it shows. And that's it, give it large for your 4th of July bash, see you next week, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, the weekend starts here. lol All's well with the seedlings, had one no show in the Sticky Fingers department, but we'll pop another and see if it catches up with the others, it is quite a tall plant, so it should. 🀞 The other three seedlings are starting to stiffen in light breeze blowing round them, but they still needed a crutch in the name of a pipe cleaner apiece. Won't be long before they can stand on their own leg. lol Not fed the seedlings yet as they still have the seed leafs to absorb, so next week maybe. No sign of the thrips as yet, an nothing on the yellow cards apart from dog hairs. 😁 So on with the pics, not a lot to see at this stage, but the seedlings are starting to wake up and take in the MH, Spring has arrived in my indoor garden. 😎

Zkittles (fem)
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Franco's Lemon Cheese.
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Chocolate Skunk by 00.
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And the no show Sticky Fingers. 😑
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But we have a remedy, what's hiding under the bowl? It's another Sticky Fingers, my last of these seeds. πŸ™‚
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Outdoor Gorilla Glue Auto day 78 from seed. Had wind and rain all week, so my auto is looking a bit battered this week. Forecast a bit of sun this week, so hopefully it will look better next week. 😎
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And that's all I have for you this week, hoping the Sticky Fingers will pop and take it's place with the others, or I'll just run the 3 strains, we'll see.
Keep tokin folks.
Forgot to add these pictures to my log, just another set of bubble bag pics. but I do love a bit of good hash over any cabbage, so I'll put them up for the die hard hashers. I'll give folks a tip on these bags, don't buy the gallon bags, get the 5 gallon bags, or even with a small grow like mine, you'll still be there all day trickling water through them, and if you have a pound of trim to push through, be prepared for a long day. lol I have five gallon bags as of this week, so this will be the last time you see my gallon bags 😁 they will be gifted to some one starting out.

The set up, I like to do this in the bath, then it only takes a few minutes to rinse everything out at the end.

Drop the bags of trim into the ice and water, and give it a good stir, with an ample sized stirrer with some ooomph. πŸ™‚
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Next step is to strain the bucket on the right, threw your bags into the bucket on the left. Get it right and you end up with this sample on the dish. It's a bit of messing about, but I like a bit of hash. 😎
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Lovely stuff. 😎
Yo tokers and growers, hope your all fine this Saturday morning. All four plants are fine, and three are starting to look like real plants, we're off the starting line. The Sticky Fingers seedling is up and away at last, it's about nine days behind the other three, but grew taller than the others last run, so it has the genes to catch up. The Franco's Cheese is looking the strongest of the bunch, a real strong seedling, needed no support to keep it upright unlike the Zkittles and Chocolate Skunk which needed the pop up pipe cleaner support system for a week. lol But other than that it's all going as planned. Thought I'd miss the veg space, but I'm not, don't miss the extra work, only the strains I can't keep forever, but the thing is, there are other strains to try, and as a born gardener I just can't help my self, I need to grow them all. lol Every time I look at seed banks I think, I'm having some of those, and those, and a pack of those, just cant help it, and it makes no difference what I grow, be it some veg, fruit or some weed, growing things is in your blood, one taste, and your an addict. lol But then, I don't have to tell you, because your already here. lol On with the pics.

Zkittles, looking green, and no scaffold.
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Franco's Cheese. A nice strong seedling that needed no scaffold. πŸ™‚
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Sticky Fingers. Another strong seedling, finicky last run, but I think I have it's number this time. lol
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Chocolate Skunk. Looking forward to this one. πŸ‘
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And this one, bet your sick of hearing about this one. lol Gorilla Glue Auto, outdoor day 85 from seed.
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Top cola is becoming quite fat.

Frost starting to appear. 😎
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And that wraps up this weeks update. The seedlings should start to speed up now they have propper leaves to pull in the light, they're already starting to reach, so it's all working out. See you next week, keep tokin folks
Afternoon T n G's, it's Saturday, two days off work, time to chill out and kick back with the family friends, but not until I've posted this update. πŸ™‚ Seedlings are now young plants. Three of the foursome are taking off, but he Sticky Fingers is nine days behind, and only looks like it's just trying to grow, real slow seedling for such a vigorous tree when it gets going. πŸ˜• The other three plants are not holding back, their off the starting block and heading into the sun. 😎 Right onto the pics, don't know if I'm getting any better with the new camera or not, need to get sat down and read the user manual, but when I get the time, I sit down and have a smoke, then I think fuck it, I'll do it another day. lol So anyway, pics.

First up is the Zkittles, week four from seed, and looking not bad. πŸ™‚
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Next up is the Chocolate Skunk, 4 weeks from seed, and just starting to find it's legs. πŸ‘
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Then we have the Franco's Lemon Cheese, I do like a lemon strain, looking forward to this one. πŸ™‚
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And the Sticky Fingers bringing up the rear, might chuck it in the compost if it takes the piss to much this time. lol
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The outdoor Gorilla Glue Auto is thriving too, apart from the odd leaf muncher and endless wind and rain we have at the minute, it's coping really well.

Gorilla Glue Auto, day 92 from seed, and starting to fill out, and it stinks for it's size. I've been told that the stronger an auto smells, the better the hit? We'll see. lol
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Packing it on and becoming frosty.
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And that's this Saturday update, updated, off to do family things now, see you next week, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all well on this sunny Saturday morning. 😎 All the plants are doing well, hoping to flip to flower next week, there are some preliminary female traits starting to show on a couple of the plants, so nearly blue touch paper time. πŸ™‚ I've removed a couple of the fan leaves so the side shoots get so good strong light, apart from that, nothing has been done to alter them in any way, not been topped either, watch these plants grow into the lights. lol The Sticky Fingers is still holding up the party, but it's getting flipped whether it's ready or not. Still on Canna A and B veg nuits, with a splash of Calmag and a few mills of Cannazyme. Pictures speak a thousand words, so lets move onto them.

Zkittles week 5 of veg.
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Franco's Lemon Cheese, week 5 of veg.
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Chocolate Skunk, week 5 of veg.
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Sticky Fingers, week 4 of veg.
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All the indoor plants are rockin and rollin. The oudoor auto is also doing well, could do with some wall to wall sun now to fatten up, but other than that it's doing well, and here are it's pics.

Gorilla Glue Auto, outdoor, day 99.

Getting a little frosty. πŸ™‚
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Everything is on auto pilot (pun) at the minute, no defs, only the odd leaf muncher on the auto. And now It's time to kick back and enjoy the weekend, stay safe folks, just keep tokin. πŸ‘
Just chopped this tester from the base of my auto, it's fading fast. πŸ™‚
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Morning tokers and growers, it's Saturday at last, time to rest my ancient body before the alarm clock wakes me Monday morning, cant wait. 😏 But until then it's BBQ time, and a smoke with some buddies. And this is where my Saturday mornings seem to start. Plants are growing fast, and will be flipped today some time, just got to clean and change the bulb to HPS, Summer time in the grow. 😎 Only one plant dragging it's heals and that's the Sticky Fingers, again. I've not faired well with this strain, last time out it looked rough all through flowering, so no sympathy for it. The Sticky Fingers will be run as it is, and if it starts to fail it will be pulled and fed to the compost worms. πŸ™‚ All the other plants are doing well, the Franco's Lemon Cheese is a strong looking plant, nice strong stems and good leaf structure. The Zkittles is a straggly looking plant, hope it develops some good branches to hold up the buds, I'm not a fan of tying plants up, I just find it tedious work. The Chocolate Skunk is a nice looking plant, hope it does well as I have it on good form that it does taste of chocolate, nice. The winning post is 8 weeks away, C'mon. Right, on with the pics. πŸ™‚

The Sticky Fingers. I've not flowered anything this young before, so this is an experiment, would be nice to get a smoke from it. πŸ™‚
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The Zkittles. Not had a result from these seeds either, last two were males. So hoping for a lady this time. 🀞
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Chocolate Skunk.
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Franco's Lemon Cheese.
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And a group shot, think this will start to fill out next week after a week of flowering. 😎
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And finally my outdoor Gorilla Glue Auto. Looks like it's fading fast, the big fan leaves are being sucked in by the plant in a bid to finish flower, love it. 😎
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Don't think the auto has long left, pilfered a nugget yesterday, sun dried, and it was a pleasant hit, so it should improve with age and a cure, lovely. πŸ™‚
And that's us updated, will flip to flower later when I get a minute, and see how many ladies πŸ™‚ or gents we have. ☹ See what happens this week.
Keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Yo T n G's, it's Saturday, time for a quick pick and update. All's well with this run, week one gone of flower, even the Sticky Fingers is pulling it's weight, think this four are going to bolt for the sun, week one of flower gone and they've already put on a good foot of new growth, got them all pencilled in for a two and a half foot stretch, this will see me with 22 inches of distance between the HPS and the tips of the plants, 400 watt. Always nice if you can get things to fit. lol

We have an all female line up, which is nice, even the Sticky Fingers is looking like a babe, although it may be hiding a dick some were, we'll see. No thrips visible, wouldn't bother me if they don't put in an appearance. πŸ™‚ The Gorilla Glue Auto is down and drying, it's currently drying in the shed due to rain, would really love to finish drying in the sun, but rain is forecast for the next two days. πŸ˜” Right, onto the orange pics. πŸ™‚

Zkittle's is first up, nice branching, first of 4 seeds that turned out to be female, one no show and two males.
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Chocolate Skunk is doing well, no deffs or bites. Nice center cola forming.
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Franco's Lemon Cheese is a nice compact indica looking plant, would be nice if it tasted of lemon. πŸ™‚
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Sticky Fingers. Youngest plant I've ever flowered, was thinking it would just fall behind the others and get swamped, but I think it has other ideas. 😁
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Group shot, all just finished week one of flower and entering weed two, the Sticky Fingers is 9 days behind the other three (top right corner behind the Franco).
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And it's the last time this plant will appear in this diary as it's been chopped, my Gorilla Glue Auto is down. Don't know what to expect weight wise as it was a small plant, would be happy with a couple of ounces, it was no bother to grow, did it on it's own apart from the odd water when it was dry, would I grow another outdoor auto? Yes, if you don't expect to much, then you have nothing to loose, but be warned if you grow in a hot area, because they stink for their size, imagine poking a small skunk with a pointy stick, and your some were close. 😁 The smoke is not bad, had a crafty bud from the bottom when I cut it down, and I have to say it was a nice hit, not couch lock, but lively, good for those days when you only want to be softly stoned and not battered. lol
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And that concludes another update. I'll post the dry weight of the auto when it's dried and if it stays sunny. 😎 And that's a wrap.
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all geared up for the weekend. All four plants have just finished week two of flower, and all female, even the Zkittles is a babe, nice after the last 3 of 4 seeds were males. 😑 And the Sticky Fingers looks good this time round, same feeding as the last one, but this plant is gobbling up the feed with no defs? Dodgy strain maybe? Anyway, I'm just glad it's a babe, now I've a chance to get my moneys worth out of the seeds. πŸ™‚
The Zkittles is a tall plant, think it's gonna be a light toucher, hope it's not a fire starter. 😁 The Chocolate Skunk is looking nice, it's going for it just like the Zkittles. The Franco's Lemon Cheese is loving life, a nice compact plant compared to the other Sativa doms, so could be a couch locker, nice. I've no problems to report, no defs, and best of all, no bugs. 🀞 So it's been a good week on the grow front. πŸ™‚ Lets have some orange pics.

Zkittles, week 2 of flower, check out the Sativaness.
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Choclate Skunk, week 2 of flower.
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Franco's Lemon Cheese, week 2 of flower.
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Sticky Fingers, week two of flower, but popped 9 days later than the other 3, can it catch up? It was the biggest plant last run. We'll see. πŸ˜‰
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The Gorilla Glue Auto is not completely dry as we've had a lot of rain, as soon as it's dry I'll get it on the scales and get an end weight. Other than that its a wrap on this update. Week 3 of flower starts today, so we'll see how this week goes. Catch you all next week. Keep Tokin Folks. πŸ‘
Final weight for the Gorilla Glue Auto outdoor plant is 56g, said I'd be happy with 2oz from this plant, and this is what I ended up with. The hit won't blow your socks off, but it's a nice pleasant hit, like a good Sativa, but with out the LSD visual effects. Good if your in the workshop and want to keep all of your fingers, or cant be arsed to play the where did I put that game. 😁 Only thing I need to work out now, is which one to grow next season. πŸ™‚ Also wish I'd trimmed a bit tighter.

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56g is my target to beat next year. Keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, got that Saturday feeling again. We're now starting week 4 of flower, no defs, and no bugs. 😁 Only problem I have is my Chocolate Skunk has fallen over, not an over all problem, just would like it stood up. Other than that the plants are done stretching, so what I have will be the final height bar some bud fattening, so at least I know the plants will fit the space. The Zkittles seems to be the tallest, it stretched in typical Sativa dom style, hoping for a solid cola instead of staggered buds, but it's a wait and see job. πŸ™‚ The Chocolate Skunk is giving the Zkittle's a good run for it's money, equally as tall, but it's leafier than the Zkittle's as it's more indica based. The Franco's Lemon Cheese is just getting on with it, no defs, good colour, what more can you ask from a plant. The seedling Sticky Fingers is doing well to say it was so young when I threw it into flower, still time for it to go wayward, but it looks ok for the time being. So lets look at the pics. πŸ™‚

First up is the Sticky Fingers, not a massive plant this time round, but then it was put into flower early as it was 9 days behind the others in veg from sprout.

Franco's Lemon Cheese, budding well.
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Zkittles, a tall leggy plant, some nice muff on it. πŸ™‚

Chocolate Skunk, another easy going plant to grow, done nothing to it accept feed and water. Half of it fell over into the corner.
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A quick vid of all 4 plants soaking up the sun and swaying in a gentle breeze.

That about wraps it up for this week. Been told flu 19 hates to live in smokey lungs, so I'm off to spend the weekend protecting my self, so keep toking folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all feeling fine, and it's Saturday, first day off this week for me, and I intend to enjoy it. All four plants are doing well, no defs, no bugs. πŸ‘ Plants have finally stopped stretching, the Zkittles is 4 inches from my light and seems to be dealing with it quite well at the minute, the Chocolate Skunk is as tall as the Zkittles, a little more in the bushy department, and equally as tall, it has succumbed to the extra weight and half has fallen over, so may need staking up. The Sticky Fingers has stuck to it's task and kept up with the others, and it's taller than the Franco's Lemon Cheese, and its 9 days of veg behind the others. The Franco's Lemon Cheese is looking well, seems to be the bushiest out of the four, so whether it will make buds or fluffy cabbage growth will need a bit more patients, by the end of week 5 of flower we should see which way it's going to go. All four plants have just finished week 4 and are starting week 5 of flower today. πŸ™‚ It's orange pic time now, bet you cant wait. lol

Franco's Lemon Cheese.

The Sticky Fingers, some muff on this baby.
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Zkittles is a tall plant, it's the plant with the three tall stems, seems very leggy, still some nice muff on it though. Behind the Zkittles under the line on the wall is the Choclate Skunk, you can see the half that's fallen over in the bottom left hand corner. πŸ™‚
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Chocolate Skunk, this has a good muff on it too, cant beat a bit of muff, it's the path to good buds. πŸ˜‰
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Had a delivery the other day, and it came early. 5 litres of each totaling 20 litres. So now you know what my plants will be eating for the next year ahead, tuck in ladies. 😁 The reason for the blue towels is because I now wash and sterilise every thing I bring into my grow space, as I now have zero bugs to fight, and want to try and keep it that way. 🀞

Right, time to get on with family stuff, got to get the BBQ sorted for this afternoon, and a myriad other Saturday jobs to accomplish before I get sat down, so enjoy your weekend, that's us updated, see you next week, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Meant to put this pic up too, but forgot, group shot, really busy this morning. πŸ™‚


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Morning T n G's, hope your all geared up for the weekend. All's well with my 4 plants, week 5 has just disappeared into the past and the beginning of week 6 starts today. Still no defs or bugs, and we're over the half way through flower, 3 more weeks and I'm made. πŸ™‚ Only problem I have is my Chocolate Skunk has fallen over, its the bottom branches that grow to the wall and slide down, a couple of 6ft garden canes have halted its slide into oblivion, not a problem I'm upset about, as it's the fat heads that cause it, and we do love fat heads. 😁 Other than that I'm on a roll. The Zkittles has a nice top cola forming, would be ideal if it grew to become one solid main cola, which most of it has, but it's running out of time as the muff will start to turn into orange fronds next week, we'll see. The Franco's Lemon Cheese is quite a stumpy plants compared to the other three, seems to like to spread out, must have more indica in it than the others. The Sticky Fingers is a bit pale, but still has good tops on it, it can only let me down if it herms, as it's right in front of the fan and would spread pollen over the other three plants, seems fine at the minute though. 🀞 Other than that, the job is a good'un. Time for some orange pics, you know you love them. 😁

Zkittles, nice solid tops on this plant, should make it easier to trim. πŸ‘
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Sticky Fingers, a bit pale, but not as pale as it looks in the pic, you can see the dark leaves in the back ground out of the light.

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
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Chocolate Skunk.
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And a group shot.

And that's about it for this update, not a lot to remedy as nothing has gone wrong, bit boring for watchers, but I'm not complaining. πŸ™‚ See you all next week, enjoy your weekend, and keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
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