Chemistry's personal grow.

I do, but I am still spry enough to make it, slowed my drinkin and got another care provider taking over Fri,Sat, Sunday. Really should help my gardening. SS I'll add epsom salt today and watch the results, thanks for the tip.
Yo Max, howz it going. :) Not very busy on the green front, all the seeds I planted from the net bombed out, not a sprout. So I ordered more, and fuck me they bombed out too. :mad: We're in the silly season for heat at the minute, so point in trying until September at the earliest, maybe even later. Work wise, I've never had so much money in my life, to busy to spend it, but the Mrs tries her hardest. :ROFLMAO: Just going to have a wander round and see what's happening. 😁
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