Chemistry's personal grow.

Good evening tokers and growers, a late one this week, had a lot to do today, was just hacking my way through my job card, when the doctor rang, been waiting for a flu jab, we have to go to the doctors surgery one patient at a time, a long drawn out affair, but it does make folk happy, so I suppose its all worth it, and I'm all jabbed up now, so come and get me flu's. πŸ₯Š Right, plants are doing ok, just need them to fill out the pot a bit more, and then I'll get them flipped over to 12/12. Now in week four of veg, so end of next week maybe. πŸ‘ Got some hash spinning done, but didn't get round to doing any pressing, so this week I will find time to make a simple, cheap to build, another prototype that will last forever, press for the masses. 😁 Suppose we'd better look at some pics then. πŸ™‚

Pure Kush. Some fat fingers forming, looks a bit of a palm tree at the moment. lol
Pure Kush v4b

Pure Kush v4a

Juan Herer. Real fat fingers on this plant, very compact, don't know what it is, but it has what looks like a dead patch at the bottom of the stem, hope this wont effect it in any way, but as we all know, all it needs is a visit from sods law.
Juan Herer v4b

Juan Herer v4a

Zkittles. All the seeds I bought of this strain have made good strong plants, and this one looks like its going to do the same. πŸ™‚
Zkittles v4b

Zkittles v4a

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon v4a

Back to hash making, part two, lets spin some stuff. 🎑 As you can see from the pic bellow, even a small spinner like mine can churn out some dust, this is why I like to spin in an enclosed box, or you find you have a room full of yellow dust, and nothing in your box to collect. 😁 Also note the reduced amount of greenery in the spinner cage, good, this means we have knocked some thing off. πŸ‘
HM 1a

Moving the spinner to one side, you can see what we have collected, scooped up a nice bowl full from the left.πŸ™‚
HM 1b

But what caused the other divit on the right hand side?
HM 1c

Me dropping my lighter in while scooping out a bowl. 😁
HM 1d

Next stage is to gently brush every thing out of the box.
HM 1e

Then flip it onto your first screen, I'd advise folk not to go to fine with they're screens, as life is to short. 😁 This is what it looks like on the screen, full of unwanted little bits, time to shake off the good stuff. πŸ™‚
HM 1f

And it was at this point, I ran out of time, so the pressing part of the proceedings will be covered next week. 😁
HM 1h

I would have loved to get this lot pressed today, but its been a long one, time to spend time with the family and chill out, so drop in next week and see what happens, will hash make an appearance, what will the end weight be, looks like maybe and ounce, will it be sticky, find out next week, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, I'm sat here taring into a fully cooked breakfast, sausage, eggs, bacon, fried bread, ect, preparing to hack back some hedging before the Winter sets in, that way I don't have a pile of bush cutting to do early Spring, got a buddy coming to help, just helps me stay one step ahead. πŸ˜‰ The other things I grow are doing well, not lost any as of yet. Flipped over to 12/12 this morning when the lights came on, so now we'll see what happens. This will be my second flowering with the LED light. Don't know if I did anything wrong with the LED in flower last time, but I feel like I missed some thing important, some thing that needs changing, what it is, I don't know, but I hope to find out this run. I'm happy with vegging with the LED, but not with the flowering. πŸ€” Thing is, if it was just me, that would be fine, but other members are quibbling over the same issue, Max is on the same thing too at the moment, but when you look at some other growers, they seem to be fine? So this time round I'm going to dabble a bit more with the settings and position. I think the addition of the threaded bars last run made a difference, it lays your light fittings flatter, purely because you can adjust the bar by twisting the bolts, but the wire hangers that came with the light were rubbish, as the only way to balance the light fixture was to cut and re-crimp the hanging wires, this is fine until they get warm and stretch, I don't have this problem now since I changed to solid bars. πŸ˜‰ Right, lets have some pics. πŸ‘

Pure Kush. Doing well, filled its pot, and its corner, looking green and mean, just how I like them. πŸ™‚
Pure Kush v5b

Pure Kush v5a

Zkittles. Think this one is going for it, biggest of the three plants, a lot more bushy than the Pure Kush, think its had its weetabix. πŸ™‚
Zkittles v5b

Zkittles v5a

Juan Herer. Still here, still injured, now its starting flower, we'll see if it can keep up, finger crossed. You can see the indica in its make up. πŸ™‚
Juan Herer v5a

Other things. Hash Press, finally got out in the work shop to look for some thing to crush my hash into blocks. So I had a bong, and started my search. I was looking for some thing easy, you know, a five minute job, both for cleaning and putting together, so that was my brief. I had another bong just to help me along, as you do, then decided that I didn't want kilo slabs of hash, so no need for a big press, as most of my hash comes from pop corn buds and trim, which after processing, works out and around a solid quarter of and ounce. So a small press that suited my needs was the order of the day, I can always buy an industrial press if I ever feel the urge to grow in a field or warehouse, which is unlikely, as I don't want the work. So what kind of crush did I need? 10 tonne? Its only a bit of dust, how much crushing does it take to set a quarter of an ounce? Not ten tonne, that's a fact, so I aimed a fair bit lower. Tried the bench vice, but it didn't have what I was looking for, plenty of crush, try sticking your finger in it and wind it up. 😁 So I figured that was more crush than I needed, and my plan was for some thing a lot smaller, compact if I could achieve this with out to much hastle. Then I caught sight of the very thing I was searching for, hung on a old rusty nail, three different sizes of G Clamp, the middle size had me reaching for it with a smile, right, that will do for the press, now I needed a vessel to crush in? Well outside my house, the road people have dug up some pipes, and placed these orange poles round the holes they'd dug to stop folk falling in. Well on inspection, while walking to dog, these poles seemed to have what I was looking for, stiff tube, steel, and would it stand up to a good crushing? Well after buttering up the foreman, and telling him what a good job him and his crew were doing, I managed to obtain one of these poles, given by the said foreman. Cowabunga! 😁 So I'm now the proud owner of some nice bright orange steel road safety tubing for my project. So another bong was had, well it was the weekend, and not a work day. 😁 Well, I'd forgotten how hard it is to saw pure steel tube with a hand hack saw, and soon had a full sweat on, should have cut it, then had a bong. 🀣 Anyway, after some effort, I had my tube, and my press, now to make it work. I cut a length off the tubing, two inches long, while this doesn't sound like much, but this tubing is an inch wide, so it can swallow a fair amount of trykes in one go, you'll be surprised at the amount. On to the build pics. πŸ™‚

This is the tube that I was given, its two inches long and one inch inch wide.

Don't know about you lot, but I've tried this sort of thing before, with shop bought items, and they were shit, had one of the alloy type crushers with the T bar, and got the hash stuck in the tube, plus the alloy bent out of shape, and was not up to the job, first and last time it was used, absolute garbage. this is why I chose this tubing, its steel, and won't crush out of shape. The other downfall of the crushers I've bought, was the sticking, so this had to be addressed too. Last time I tried this the washers got stuck in the tube, and as you can imagine, was an absolute bastard to sort out, so this time I wanted to avoid this if I could. So the washers were binned this time round, and I employed some funny money instead, as the funny money in question was not round, so was less likely to get stuck.πŸ‘ British 20p coins are the washer of choice, don't know why they are that shape. lol But the work. The big one is a 50p shape, and goes at the base of the press.

After getting the basics of the press sorted, its time to stop the sticking. First thought was to veg oil the inside, but I don't want veg oil in my hash. So after a hour of surfing the net, I notice the plastic film on the hash they were pressing, and if you've ever had Red Seal Black, you'll know what I mean. I went a bit greener than plastic, and plumbed for parchment paper, I figured it would be nicer to smoke than plastic if it got crushed into the block. I folded the bottom end like you would if you were wrapping a present, but left out the tape. A tip, make the paper twice the length of your tube, as you need to fill the tube a little higher then the top of the tube, as I found out, if you don't, then you have nothing at the end, so get as much stuff in there as you can. πŸ˜‰

Fill your tube, press the stuff down into the paper tube, cut the paper down after pressing the trykes to just over the top of the orange tube, then fold it as you did the other end. After the fold, place one of the funny money 20ps on top of the paper, this will stop the plunger part of the clamp tearing the paper up. So that's a 20p at either end of the tube.πŸ‘

Washers on, as it sits in the clamp, 50 sits on the bottom of the clamp, the none screw end. πŸ‘

Tube set, and ready to crush. Tighten it up and leave it for 24 hours, just check it every couple of hours and give it a gentle tighten, as it loosed crush until the hash is set hard. πŸ˜‰

After 24 hours, you should have this. This is looking at the bottom of the tube, you can see the funny money impression. 😁

A quick push.

And this is the exciting bit, did it work?

Time to un-wrap a bit and see what's what.

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This block I did in six hours, before I realised it was better leaving it for 24

The next two were a lot better, so 24 hours or more seems to be the best.


OOpps! Just ran out of post space, will have to post the rest of this update on another post. 😁


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Had to do the update in two parts as my photo count maxed out. 😁
This is what I ended up with, was gunning for an ounce, but think I smoked to much dust. lol Each lump worked out to be around a quarter.

Final weight. Nearly an ounce. 😁

This is the quarter on the scales. πŸ™‚

And that my friends is the end of this weeks double update. Day one of flower started this morning, here comes the two week stretch, where's the strimmer, tune in next week and see if we have flowers, until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all well, time for a weekly update on the three plants. Week one of flower has passed, and not stretched as much as last time? Don't know why. I'm starting to think that LED is not as good as HPS in flower, as the HPS fills my grow space, but the LED hasn't in flower as yet. With the HPS, the space was packed, with the LED the plants are a lot less chunky, thinner stems and branches, and the colour is not as good in flower as the HPS, so if this run doesn't pack it out with the LED, then I'm off back to HPS for my next grow, and a nice, less than a year old LED light is going on Ebay, your a long time making your money back on your light if you don't sell off your surplus, which I don't don't being a small grower of personal cannabis, so we'll see what happens later on in this grow, week two of stretch starting this morning. But on a brighter note, the Juan Herer looks like its keeping up, the trunk damage is not as bad as it seems, as the JH is slowly growing out of it. πŸ™‚ The Pure Kush grew through veg looking like it was going to finish its very short life as a male, but its pushing out the first sign of white hairs, so it should look very girly by next week, or produce some danglers. 😀 Another one to watch out for. The Zkittles is a well bushy plant, and has some decent branching, I would think the Amnesia Lemon would have been buried by it, as the AL is a smaller plant in its finished size, and the Zkittles is a tree. Was in the workshop having a bong, as you do when your searching for five minutes peace, and stumbled along some thing I'd been waiting to fettle, but just didn't find the time, but in the end, made some , what was it? Find out at the end of this update if I don't run out of space. 😁 Lets have some pics.

Pure Kush. Just finished week one of flower.
Pure Kush f1a

Pure Kush f1b

Juan Herer. Trunk is looking better, it has been held back a little by the trunk issue, but it has great colour, so should produce some thing. πŸ™‚
Juan Herer f1a

Juan Herer f1b

Trunk is fattening, confident the Juan Herer will produce the goods. πŸ‘
Juan Herer f1c

Zkittles. A bushy thing. πŸ™‚
Zkittles f1a

Zkittles f1b

Other things. Had this oil lamp given a few years back, it was a keep sake from when my friend passed away, I was offered a lot of his things, but this thing was timeless, and slightly historic, but useful. When he was ill before he died, he told me about this lamp, and how back in 1977, it was packed away after some strikes and power cuts, but I'd forgotten about it until helped his family sort out his belongings, he did well to make 80. Well, as I was going through some cupboards, I found the glass chimney for the lamp, and buried at the back of the cupboard, exactly where you'd expect it to be, so you could put your hand on it in the dark, was the brass lamp base, wrapped in a 1977 news paper, and in it was news of the 77 strikes, I've kept the paper purely for the history of it, and I'll try to keep it together with the lamp, as together it is history. The lamp in question is a Super Aladin, produced between 1927 and 1957, all brass, with a glass chimney. I started off gently seperating the parts to give them a good clean.

This is the lamp, brass base and working parts, and glass chimney. As you can see, the mantle has burnt away, so first thing to do was order a couple of mantles, and while I was at it, I ordered a new wick.
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Stripped and cleaned the burner, quite a bit of crap clogging things up, as the oil sets like varnish over time.
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New wick in.

Gave the insides a good splash round with some fresh oil, and this is what washed out.
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After fitting the wick, its time to fit the new mantle, as you can see, the old one is destroyed. The blue is some protection while fitting, as the mantle is seriously fragile after its fired up.
DSC00752 2

Mantle fitted.

Time to set the flame, a gas like blue flame is what we're after, as this indicates a clean burn. πŸ˜‰ I find these lamps need to be left to warm up before you get the best from them.

Warming up.

Warmed up.

Pop on the mantle and give it a minute to warm up. BEWARE! the mantle flares up a foot while the coating burns off. πŸ”₯

Put the chimney on, let the glass warm up, and then your off, bath in the light. The Light was to bright at its centre for my camera to take a pic of, and whited out. lol
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And give it some burn.

And that is it, plants are updated, and a lamp that's not shone since 1977 shines again, I ask you, where else can you go to for this kind of entertainment other than the Farm. 😎 Time to get on with some garden chores, so tune in next week and see what's happening with my grow, until then, just keep toking folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, its Saturday, hope your all rockin n rollin. πŸ™‚ Been busy this week with outdoor gardening, getting the Spring bulb planters sorted, last chance here in November to plant them up, as we've had our first frost of the Autumn, so this is a signal to get the bulbs buried. I also turned out the bucket I grow my outdoor auto's in, its had some home made compost and a bit of grit to keep the drainage right. The reason I do it now, is because it takes a bit for the compost to break down and release the good stuff. So now is the time to do it if your planning on going organic next Spring, as organic takes time. On the inside gardening front, all three plants are doing well, still a bit stumpy, but they seem to be on a growth spurt at the moment don't know why? Plants have just finished week 2 of flower, started week three this morning. All have good colour, only leaf damage is on the Juan Herer, I think this is down to the trunk damage slowing its uptake of nuits, it is getting its self together, so I'm not as concerned as I was last week, it will do what it will do. 😁 The Pure Kush is growing the same as it did last run, tall thin, with a long main cola, not quite a light lifter, but its got six more weeks to try. 😁 The Zkittles is a forest on its own, it is one bushy thing, it has a lot of lower branches, not quite out into the light yet, but should be by week three. πŸ‘ Pic time. πŸ™‚

Pure Kush. Some nice looking branches forming. πŸ™‚
Pure Kush f2a

Pure Kush f2b

Juan Herer. Looking good, especially after the stump went black. I have to say, the black trunk did hold it back and upset its feeding rate.
Juan Herer f2a

Juan Herer f2b

Trunk looks better, but you can see from the other pics that its not as happy as it could be. But the colour is good. πŸ‘
Juan Herer f2c

Zkttles. Think this one will take over, look at the branching. lol
Zkittles f2a

Zkittles f2b

And that is the plants updated, got some pics of my auto bucket being turned over for Winter, but can't find the pics. πŸ™ So I'll have to post them next week If I've not lost them. 😁
And on that note, I'm off, got some work to do outdoors this weekend, so see you next week people, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, here we go again, week three of flower has just passed this morning, and today we start week 4. Every thing is green and mean, and heading for the stars. Don't know why, but I've just had a week three of stretch, and I mean some stretch. I'll bet there's around two feet of growth, only last week I was commenting on the lack of stretch, this week I've moved the light up twice, not complaining as you need the stretch to set the bud positions, just hoping there's no week four of stretch, as I have enough now. 😁 The only thing I can think of that could have slowed them down is that its been slightly frosty here in the mornings, so maybe lights out temps in my space need raising a bit, its on the job card. πŸ‘ I'm thinking that because the HID's run hotter than LED's that the heat is gone by late evening after the LED's have switched off, instead of dissipating slower through the night like the HID, so next run I need more heat during the colder months of the year, Summer is no problem. I like the structure of the Pure Kush, its grown the same shape as the last one, I like the way the centre cola is on its own, bang on in the centre of the plant, with a circle of side branches round it, perfect shape for small growing, would be nice if the whole cola filled in like the Franco's, we'll find out in five weeks. πŸ™‚ The Zkittles is as bushy a plant as I like, its taken over the space the Lemon Amnesia would have occupied already, it could turn out to be a two or three gallon plant when harvested, would be nice, as the other Zkittles was a nice tasty smoke with a good hit, and this one looks like its going to turn out the same, nice. πŸ™‚ The Juan Herer has not kept up with the others, its half the size I'd have expected it to grow. This has to be down to the damage to the base of the constricted trunk, its now obvious that water and nuits been halved, so we can only expect a plant half the size. If you look at the leaves, the JH has damage to some fingers on a leaf, but not the others, so maybe this points to half damaged trunk, so half a plant, with half effected leaves, but hopefully not half the buds. 😁 Meant to dig out the pics of resetting my outdoor auto bucket for the Winter, but not had a lot of time this week, so next week I'll get them posted. Right, pics then. πŸ‘

Pure Kush. Only the centre cola has bolted, the lower branches are about where I'd expect them to be.
Pure Kush f3a

Pure Kush f3c

Zkittles. Such a bushy babe compared to the Pure Kush, similar growth with the long centre cola, but the branching on the Zkittles is a lot thicker, and leafier. 😍
Zkittles f3c

Zkttles f3d

Juan Herer. If you look at the leaves, you can see that the leaves show a point in between a def and root rot, this is the problem caused by the constricted trunk. Some parts of the plant are being fed well, but on the damaged parts of the constriction the plant is not being fed as well, you can see its also come out in the leaves, shame, but that's life. πŸ˜‰
Juan Herer f3c

Juan Herer f3d

Group shot. See how small the Juan Herer is compared to the other two plants. On the left, the tall plant at the back is the Pure Kush, the small plant in front of it is the Juan Herer. On the right is the Zkittles.
Group Shot f3b

And here we are again, wish there was more to report, think I've covered every thing, I'm just glad I don't have a field with a hundred strains to report on. lol So will the bushyness continue, will I have to lift the lights on week four of stretch, pop back and find out next week, until then, just keep toking folks. πŸ‘

Edited - Just noticed, I have no mites, or mite damage, wonder why?
Morning tokers and growers, hope this update finds you all fine and well. Sorry about last weeks update, but I lost a close friend, 40 years of friendship, took a big hit. Right, plants are doing well, this update is last weeks that I missed, week 6. All three plants are doing fine, at week six you can see the fattning, bit like the quickening in Highlander, but you don't have to chop off any heads. lol You can see the white muff starting to fade, more on the Pure Kush, as it seems to be an early finisher, think it finished earlier than the others last run too. Right, pics.

Pure Kush.
Pure Kush f6a

Pure Kush f6b

Zkittles f6a

Zkittles f6b

Juan Herer.
Juan Herer f6a

Juan Herer f6b

Group Shot.
Group Shot f6a

And that's week six in the bag, so what do the plants look like in week seven, find out in week sevens update, next, and you don't have to wait a week. πŸ™‚
Morning again tokers and growers, its your lucky day, two updates at once, must be getting near Christmas. 😁 This post brings us up to date at week seven of flower. Buds are fatter and the plants are filling in just lovely, in another week we should know round about what we have. It looks like we're going into week 9 of flower, as there's still quite a bit of muff on the buds, putting it down to the cold snap we're experiencing at the moment, frost, may make nice photo's, but it makes my plants quiver. 😁 Right, lets have the pics.

Pure Kush
Pure Kush f7a

Pure Kush f7b

Zkittles f7a

Zkittles f7b

Juan Herer.
Juan Herer f7a

Juan Herer f7b 2

There it is, two updates posted, all caught up. πŸ™‚ Hopefully the muff will die off quite a bit by next week and plunge the plants into going for a finish, but I think this run will go over the normal flowering period by two weeks, this is what I feel is the time I'm behind. I think the tube heater is a benifit, even though its only a mild heater, it does bump up the temps by two degrees, so enough to see a visible difference, making it a worth while purchase, and I now consider it a permanent upgrade to my hardware, and it will be left on until the warmth of Spring is apon us. πŸ‘ And that is us updated, time to grab a coffee and some toast and catch up with every one elses grow logs, until next week, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all fine. πŸ™‚ All is well with the plants, the Pure Kush is starting to fade well, the Zkittles on the other hand has second wind, and is still muffing, which is no bad thing. The Juan Herer has remained the same height, so I estimate that I've lost half the height it would have made with out the early trunk damage. I think that the next round will have a better start with the now installed tube heater, as I feel that I lost a lot of ground to the chilly start the seedlings had, and also at the start of flower, which was not a problem with the HID, as I'm sure the plants couldn't wait for sundown some times in the Summer, but in the Winter when every time you open a door, and a cold draught gets sucked through your grow, I'll bet they soaked it up. 😎 I'm also putting the trunk damage on the Juan Herer down to being to chilly too, as its right in front of the door, draught city, the other two being at the back where the wall stores heat from the lights. I'm at the point where I'm thinking of ditching the LED's for the Winter, and going back to HID until Summer, you never know, we might be returning to old tech for a run, now there's a thing. πŸ™‚ Anyway, lets have some pics. πŸ™‚

Pure Kush. Week seven of flower.
Pure Kush f8a

Pure Kush f8b

Zkittles, also in week seven of flower. πŸ™‚
Zkittles f8c

Zkittles f8b

Juan Herer, yep, its also in week seven of flower. 😁
Juan Herer f8a

Juan Herer f8b

Group shot.
Group Shot f8 3

And that's where I'm at with this run, week eight started this morning, don't know what to say about the muff on the Zkittles, last time round it finished in eight weeks and a weeks flush, so will it turn on the cinnamon fronds, or is she going to be an awkward girl, tune in next week and find out. Until then, just keep toking folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope this update finds you all in good health. πŸ™‚ All the plants are fine, only had one problem this week, and that was the cold again, I dropped the extraction in the evening to keep some heat in the grow space, then we were hit by a good hard frost, this had the side effect of causing moisture to condensate in my extraction pipe, thus when the lights were out, the condensation ran back to my space, out through the extractor fan into my space, and leaked over my LED light, I was not impressed at all. 🀬 I couldn't touch my hardware until it had ran for a couple of hours to dry out. 🀬 It dried out really well, no fuses were blown, and I lost no hardware, so the incident cost me nothing money wise, as all the hardware is running just lovely, which pleases me no end. πŸ™‚ So the extractor is running 24/7, so I'm losing a fair bit of lights out heating, but rather that than disappear in a large blue flash. 😁 Don't know if this will cause me any problems in the coming week, I'm sure next weeks pics will reflect any side effects, fingers crossed we don't. 🀞 Other than the new water feature we're doing fine. Pic time.

Pure Kush, just finished week eight of flower.
Pure Kush ff8a

Pure Kush ff8b

Pure Kush ff8c

Zkittles ff8a

Zkittles ff8b

Zkittles ff8c

Juan Herer.
Juan Herer ff8a

Juan Herer ff8b

Juan Herer ff8c

And there's this weeks update. All that remains for me to say is?


Enjoy your day, see you next week, and until then, like you need telling, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers, growers, the hung over, the still going, and the just starters, HAPPY NEW YEAR to you all. πŸ‘ Plants are doing fine, bar the fact they're struggling to finish flowering, don't know why, combination of low temps and high moisture, even with the tube heater. What is happening is, the tube heater causes the high moisture, and the LED, because it runs cooler is causing the lower tempretures during lights out, and this in turn is causing the high moisture content. So I've decided to return to HID for my next grow. This is not to say that LED is a no goer, it works for some, but if you live some were temperate, then you may, like me, struggle with Winter temps like I have. Moving away from environment, and on to the plants. There are side effects to the problems I'm having plant wise, like the brown tips, its like the plant is trying to finish, but can't, almost stuck in limbo, because normally my run finishes in eight weeks, nine with a flush. But this round the plants look stuck in flower, horse tailing being the prime visual, even though I've cut the plants feed, they still horse tailed. 🀬 Its like the plants don't know what to do, as if they're confused, trying to finish, but cant, we'll see how it goes next run. πŸ˜‰ Anyway, pics. πŸ™‚

Pure Kush.
Pure Kush f9a

Pure Kush f9b

Zkittles f9a

Zkittles f9b

Juan Herer.
Juan Herer f9a

Juan Herer f9b

And that finishes my first update of 2022. Got to get the beef joint ready for this afternoon, family gathering, looking forward to it, got a couple of boxes of mixed beers for Christmas, so will be laying into them this afternoon.
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Enjoy your day people, and above all, just keep tokin. πŸ‘
Yo tokers and growers, how's it going, time for another update. πŸ™‚ All is well, plants are doing their best to finish up, but with the freezing cold weather, and now its warmed up we have rain. This grow is taking its time to flower out, we're now in week9, and still we're not over the finish line, with maybe another week to go, or more. πŸ˜’ Normally I'd be looking at a good clean down and paint by now. Anyway, ambers are starting to appear, so this is a good sign that things are on course, all be it excruciatingly slowly. The foliage looks dire for where we are in flower, if you look at the tips on the Zkittles and the Pure Kush, you can see what looks like burning, but this is caused by the fact the plant has over transpired due to being in an over moist atmosphere, this stops the plant from transpiring, this means it can't transpire to suck up fresh water and nuits, so forces the plant to stagnate a little, and then you see the signs on the leaves, starting at the tips and working its way half way up your leaves, this is why ventilation is a key factor in large green house culture. There's nothing that can be done this round, so its a grin and suck it up job. 😁 It just goes to show how important your plants atmosphere is to them, and further goes to show why certain plants can only be grown in certain areas (endemic). So that means you have to create endemic atmospheres to suit your endemic plants, my atmosphere has gone tits up this run, and has made the normally easy job of growing a bit of personal a bit of a grind. For my next run I'll be returning to HID, the next time the LED will put in an appearance will be in the Summer when I can control the moisture, and lights out heat wont be a problem. Pics. time. πŸ™‚

Pure Kush.
Pure Kush f9a

Pure Kush f9b

Pure Kush f9c

Zkittles f9a

Zkittles f9a

Zkittles f9b

Zkittles f9c

Juan Herer.
Juan Herer f9a

Juan Herer f9b

Juan Herer f9c

And there you have it, another quality update, delivered by the Farm, and for free, where else would you go to find this kind of quality information. πŸ˜„ Get your selves back here next Saturday for another quality update, especially if you have a lot of time on your hands, no friends, and your looking for some thing to do for five minutes. lol Until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all well. Here we are in week 11 of flower, can't remember the last time one of my grows ran this long, were getting there, but still a way to go. 😟 Biggest problem with running plants this long is the chance for moulds and mildews to put in an appearance. My humidity is bang on now, but still getting the ugly leaves due to the cold spates we keep having, this is the down side to having to run your extraction 24/7 after lights out. I'm having to cut this update short, as I'm a bit on the rough side a the moment.

Pure kush.
Pure Kush f11a

Pure Kush f11b

Zkittles f11a

Zkittles f11b

Juan Herer.
Juan Herer f11a

Juan Herer f11b

Group shot. All plants are in week 11 of flower.
Group Shot f11 2

Humidity and temp.

Been feeling a bit sick the last couple of days, so decided to do a flow test this morning, now a wait and see what happens job. 😟
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So there you have it, a quick update. All I can say now is, just keep toking folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, it's a sunny Saturday morning, and time for an update. πŸ™‚ Not a lot to report, plants are in flush as of this morning I'm glad to say, week 12 of flower, I should have two week old seedlings at this point and be off on another grow journey, but instead, I have another two weeks to go on top of the twelve the plants have completed already, same plants, same grow space as all the other grows. Next run we see the return of the HID, a new set of bulbs are on order, should be here next week some time. 😎 Lets look at some pics.

Pure Kush. Ugly leaves, but a nice covering of ambers.
Pure Kush f12a

Pure Kush f12b

Zkittles f12b

Zkittles f12a

Zkittles f12c

Juan Herer.
Juan Herer f12a

Group Shot.
Group Shot f12a

And there we are, all updated. So enjoy your weekend people, and just keep tokin. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope this update finds you all fighting fit and raring to go. We've finally reached the chop, seems a long time to flower, too long. Why? Heat, with out it, where I live, its needed in the Winter, its temperate here, so we get fifty percent rain and fifty percent sun, so Summer time its fine, but what I've found with running the LED is there doesn't seem to be enough heat to make my space work. This became obvious when moisture ran back through my extraction pipe above my fan, and poured through my extraction fan and onto my power points, in my youth, this was not a problem, as the odd 240v shock kept me on my toes, nowadays it knocks me on my butt, I'm not as resilient as I was in my youth. lol 😁 So some thing has to change, so the LED is boxed and stored for the time being. I'm not saying LED's are rubbish, they just need to come on a bit, forget the hype about bulbs and power consumption, and focus more on what the plants need. I can't vouch for other brands of lights, as I've only tried Viperspectra. The Viperspectra's are built with the same common parts that other top LED's are made of, so I don't think its the build quality. In veg the light works well, but for some reason, I have struggled to finish flowering out the last two runs. I'll hold my hand up and say I've only ran the LED in the coldness of late Autumn and early Winter, so maybe it would be a top producer in Summer, but I still think that with out the extra heat to balance out the moisture, I'd still be in the same place I am now. If you think about it, in Summer its hot, not many plants grow in Winter, so plants have over millions of years adapted to this, and maybe need it at some point, like in the peak of Summer. One thing I've noticed with LED's is that the fittings are flat, and the bulbs used are torch like in their beam pattern which straight down, in all my life, I've never been any were where the sun is directly above a plant, always the sun comes from the side. So what I'd like to see in the future is curved fixtures with the bulbs angled. I found found that I was burning 600w to light just the centre of my grow space, where as my 400w HID bulb would light the whole space, and not just the centre, the sun is round, and so is a HID bulb. I'm aware that some people are doing well with LED's, but in my space they just get me by. And that's my summery of my second run with LED's. Moving along, pic time.πŸ‘

Pure Kush. Smells of fruit, and looks better with out the knarlled leaves, which looks worse than it is, buds are fine, and purple. πŸ‘
Pure Kush f13a

Pure Kush f13b

Zkittles. I like this strain, would love to grow one outdoors and just leave it to get on, seems a bit rampant for small indoor growers, you wont find me complaining about the extra bud though. 😁
Zkittles f12a

Zkittles f12b

Juan Herer. This plant is only half the size it should be, looks like an auto, but it has some frost on it, would have like it full size as its the last seed I have of this, and its no were on the net to buy more seeds, bought these from a member from the Dank Den, which is no more, has a very Autumn look about it. πŸ™‚
Juan Herer f13a

Since the above pics were taken, the plants have been felled and hung, finally. πŸ™‚

Pure Kush. second best producer of this run, one hanger.
Hangers 3

Zkittles. Top producer this run with two hangers.
Hangers 5

Juan Herer. Only the one hanger, ended up a third of its finished size due to the trunk damage, quite frosty though all the same. πŸ‘
Hangers 4

Other things. Two weeks ago I manged to catch flu, don't know where from, but it got me. πŸ˜• Its a bit like having a treble flu, but at day five I was on my butt, couldn't breath by day five, and worse still, I had to give up toking, yeah I know, life with out a toke, how could I possibly survive this dire situation, gasp.😰 FUCK going with out a hit, time for edibles, specifically shortbread. Saved 😁 So I thought I'd put the process up, that got me though this dire situation. Its not a lot of messing about which is why I chose shortbread, you can get this together even if your totally battered. Out came an old cook book with the reciepe, don't remember where the booklet came from we've had it so long. This is how I made the shortbread fingers.

First thing is the recipe.
Shortbread Hash 1

Then I crumbled up a quarter of good black into a bowl, well it is medicinal, made the dough, and folded in the hash. I split the amount of dough in the recipe by half, all the hash was deposited into half the dough, the other half I baked on its own, for munchies. 😁
Shortbread Hash 2

Hash peppered dough. 😍
Shortbread Hash 3

Top tip, grease your tin well, or the butter will escape from your shotbread while its in the oven. πŸ‘
Shortbread Hash 4

And if you've followed the instructions in the recipe, you should end up with some thing like this, yum yum. πŸ™‚
Shortbread Hash 6

So there you have it, another run ends, time to set up for the next, still not got round to ordering new seeds, so I'll have to see what left in the seed store. Anyway, there you have it, the best cure for flu, the end of a run, and a cookery lesson, you'll not find this in a life style magazine, only here on the Farm, so that's it, hope to be up and running again in a couple of weeks, only one thing left to say, Just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, its Saturday, hope your all well, not much to report this week, been really busy. Nearly got the grow space cleaned and de-bugged, thinking about a four plant grow this run, if I can germinate four seeds at once, lol and then scrog them out, not ran a scrog for a while, so will make a change grow a different way, not decided on seeds, but one I fancy is the Chocolate Skunk, that was a really nice toke last time I grew it, so maybe pop one of those. Ran out of Super Lemon Haze seeds, so an Amnesia Lemon may make an appearance, love a good lemon strain. πŸ™‚ Just the other two strains to pick out, which shouldn't take long, as I've not a lot to choose from, so that reduces the hours of indecision to a minimum. lol The last run is dried and jarred ready for a cure, not a lot of trim, so there was medium sadness around the hash bucket, oh no, no hash this run. 😁 The Pure Kush is as fruity as a strain can be, smells like jam on toast. 😁 The Juan Herer is also fruity, but not as fruity as the PK. The Zkittles has an earthy smell to it just like the last one I grew, with a hint of pine sap. The run was probably the worst producer I've had in a long time, maybe two gallons all in.πŸ™ But as we all know, its in the toke, all three plants produced a good hit from the tester buds, and can only get better with a cure, so no worries on that front. Not many pics this week, hoping to get my space sorted this weekend so I have some thing to show you next week. Pics.

Pure Kush.


Zkittles H1

Zkittles H3

Juan Herer.


That's this run jarred and signed off, Just got to get things spun round, and we're off again, so watch this space and see what's poppin next, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all well. πŸ™‚ Got a bit of work done on our grow space, plan to plant the chosen seeds for this run today, heavy rain here, so indoor jobs card only today. πŸ‘ I have ordered some new seeds, but they're still in the post, so having to use up old stock that I have in my seed safe. 🀫 You watch, I'll plant seeds and the new stock will hit the door mat on Monday, I'd bet money on it. lol I'm going with 400w HID for light, the usual drain to waste system, with Hydrotund for a medium, purely for an easy life, coco would be my first choice, but the mess puts me off, or more specifically, my partner hates the mess coco makes, and parks the Hoover outside my grow space door, think she's trying to tell me some thing, but I just can't put my finger on it, she'll tell me when she's ready. 😁 Four seeds are being planted in the Root Riot cubes, and the cubes placed in pots, and the pots placed where the plants will stay until chop. I'm scrogging all four plants and have made up a new frame from the now famous white water pipe, glued the corners on. I just pushed the corners on the first time I built one of these frames, and the plants kept pushing the corners off, which I found a little frustating, so don't be dim, glue them in. πŸ‘ Ordered some pea mesh, I like this over the ropey type stuff as I can wash the plastic pea mesh before its employed, thus washing off bug, mites, thrips, and eggs. πŸ˜‰ Pics.

Just slung this together to give you an idea of how it will look when I get the seeds planted today. The popped seed in the Root Riots will be placed under the paint shop cup cloches until the seedlings take off. Could do with all four popping for a fast filled scrog, as if one has a no show, then its a waiting game for the remaining seeds to fill the scrog in, would like this run over before Summer. 🀞
Pots Set

Seed choice. Going for another Chocolate Skunk from 00, last one was a really nice toke, very fruity with an earthy after taste, nice. Amnesia Lemon needs no introduction as its been around a long while, not as lemony as Super Lemon Haze, but it does the job. Last time I ran the Franco's Lemon Cheese under HID it grew into the light shade, shouldn't do it this time as its being scrogged, but I've no doubt it will try. And my final choice is this Barney's Farm Critical Kush, another old pack of seeds, think they have different packaging now, think I've had this pack for seven years, last seed, hope it pops.🀞
Seed Selecton

And that's where we are at the moment, hoping to have four leggy leaning seedlings to show you next week, with or with out crutches. lol Will that seven year old kush pop, will my seedlings look like Cress, again, find out next week, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, howz it hanging this, sunny here for a change, Saturday morning. 😎 Well I didn't get round to setting seeds until Thursday, so they're just popping through, first was the Chocolate Skunk by 00, then the Franco's Lemon Cheese, followed by the Amnesia Lemon, brining up the rear is the Critical Kush. Think I've had this seed over 8 years, don't think Barney's Farm use the same packaging any more? I'll find out next time I order some of their seeds. πŸ™‚ Just goes to show how resilient hemp seed is to pop in a couple of days after 8 years. Looks like a four out of four this run, all four seeds popped, not had that in a while. 😁 Not a lot to show this week, seeds are just breaking through, hope to have straight up stems with a couple of leaves on top by next week. lol Got conformation for my new seed order, should be here this week some time, so next run we can have some thing different to look at for a change. Pics.

Critical Kush by Barney's Farm.
Critical Kush S1b

Chocolate Skunk by 00. Can't remember who said they'd grown this, think it was Mosh, said it was a nice smoke as he had grown it before, and I have to agree, so here goes another. πŸ‘
Chocolate Skunk S1b

Amnesia Lemon by unknown. (a freebee)
Amnesia Lemon S1b

Franco's Lemon Cheese by Green House Seeds. Just a brown spec, but its doing its best. πŸ‘
Francos Lemon Cheese S1b

That's the seeds popped, up to them now. They all seem to be growing at the same rate, can't see that lasting long, a dollar says by next week the seedlings are all different sizes, and we'll be able to see which strain is going to be the strongest of the bunch, my money is on the Franco's Lemon Cheese, as last time I grew it it grew into the HID's light shade. Not this run, as its a scrog run, but I'll bet it tries to take over, not that I'm bothered, as its a nice toke. But that's not for a few weeks yet, hopefully in six weeks the scrog will be filled and ready to flip to flower. 😎 Main thing now is to make sure the seedlings don't damp off or pick up any moulds due to the amount of water we have to throw at seedlings, so how many will survive my rough treatment, will any damp off or drown, tune in next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, hope your all well. πŸ™‚ All four seedlings are still flourishing, got good colour, and all straight as flag poles, the only straggler is the Critical Kush, bit slow on the leaf development scene, but its doing its best, eight year old seed, but this week it should make a couple of leaves to gather some light, then it will be off, no stopping it then. Feed wise, I'm feeding nothing at the moment until they look like they need some thing, the way they're going, maybe next week they'll get some Canna A and B vega. So that's the first week of the seedling stage behind us. Another week and they should start to look like plants and start to develop stout strunks to support all the lovely buds that will be hanging from their branches, glistening like Christmas baubles. 😁 Got my new seed order, came Wednesday, so next run we'll have a range of seeds I've not grown before, along with freebees. Got a couple of Auto seeds in the order, I'm thinking that an indoor Auto grow might be on the cards for a later run, thinking five would be ideal in my space, four in a square and one in the middle, this should give me a nice canopy with minimum gaps, maybe this coming Winter, fancy them in coco, but the mess coco makes puts me off. 😁 Anyway, enough future babble, lets have some pics. πŸ‘

Critical Kush. Slowest to grow.
Critical Kush S2a

Chocolate Skunk. This was a really nice fruity toke last time I grew it, hoping for the same again. πŸ™‚
Chocolate Skunk S2b

Amnesia Lemon. Going well.
Amnesia Lemon S2a

Franco's Lemon Cheese. This is a nice strain to grow, a good return for your effort, and a nice toke. πŸ‘
Francos Lemon Cheese S2

And there goes the seedlings first week with new leaves, could do with the Critical Kush getting a move on and catch up bit, I'm sure it will. And that's where we are, things should speed up this week now the solar panels are growing, we'll find out next week. All's well at the moment, but will it stay that way, find out next week, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, its time for another Saturday update. πŸ™‚ All four seedlings are still alive, but only three are doing well, the Critical Kush is falling behind, and the ten year old seed is looking a little off colour, and looks like its not going to grow up to be a tree. This is more than likely to be the age of the seed and its storage, as I don't have a state of the art seed storage facility, just an old vintage tin with a black plastic bag. 😁 So we'll have to see how it goes with the Critical Kush, my feelings are that it will fail, as its no where near as big as the others, and looks like its only popped this week. The other three plants are on point, they're not suffering any lag like the Critical Kush, which makes me happy. πŸ™‚ So it looks like its going to be a three plant scrog instead of a four. 😁 Anyway, lets have some pics. πŸ‘

Critical Kush. This seedling has stalled.
Critical Kush S3a

Chocolate Skunk. You can see the size difference between the seedlings since last week.
Chocolate Skunk S3b

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon S3a

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese S3a

Other things. RIGHT! Fucking small ossi fans, drive me fucking mad, brand new they don't last long. Well I paid in January for two brand new ossi fans, first died after 3 weeks, second one died Monday just gone. 🀬 So what do you do? Buy more fans, then more fans, and more fans. Fuck that, I decided to have a look at some of the small ossi fans I have piled up in my workshop, had six or seven, kept for spares, that I never got round to sorting, so yesterday evening, I had a bit of spare time, until my grow space went quiet? You got it, another fucking fan died. 😑 So this pushed me into the workshop for an investigation, and after a large bong, which in the end just slowed the job down, but I got there in the end. πŸ˜‡ I was amazed at what I found, all the same cause of breakdown, so what do you think it was?

This is the problem with all seven ossi fans I had. For those that are not mechanically minded, the bar on the cog has worn through the wire, strange thing about it is the fuse didn't blow?
So off came the rotation bar, then I cut out the blown wire at the blown point, soldered the wire back together, and covered the joint with heat shrink.
The blown wire (black one).
Fan 1

The burnt off wire after it was cut from the loom, you can see the burn out in the middle of the two cuts.
Fan 9

One thing, if you do this repair your self, which is easy, do REMEMBER that the fuse may not have blown when you remove the fans plug from your power socket, so watch your fingers. If you don't fancy the doing the job your self, then take your fan collection to some one who's competent with higher voltages, because it doesn't half make you swear if you get a belt from your mains, you've been warned. 😁

And there you go, another quality update updated. So if you don't manage to fry your self this weekend, tune in next week to see if the Critical Kush makes it or not, I don't think it will reach flower, but then I've been wrong before, and I'm willing to be wrong again, until next week, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, its Saturday, its raining, its dull, but its sunny Spring day in the grow space, love that MH blue. 😎 Three plants are fine, but one is waving goodbye, as its not in with the in crowd, so the Critical Kush has left the scene, its in this round of pics, but it wont be appearing in any further photo shoots, and will now reside with the worms in the compost heap, bye CK. πŸ‘‹ This pack of seeds is the worst I've had from Barney's, all the other packs have been good, and I've grown a few of Barney's over the years, the Super Lemon Haze being a favourite, a good lemon. πŸ‘ So we're down to a three plant scrog, the upshot of that is the CK was next to the Chocolate Skunk, to the Chocolate Skunk has more room to spread out now, and is a better toke than the Critical Kush anyway, swings and roundabouts. πŸ™‚ The other three plants have no problems, they look green and mean, so no worries about them. Was looking at the plants this morning, and its nearly time they were topped to encourage side branching, down side to this method is you lose your main cola, which is sacrilege to some growers, but they have to go if your going to scrog your plants, as its the only way to keep the canopy flat, which to me is the point of scrogging. So near the end of the week some time, the three remaining scroggers will topped. The fan I repaired last week is still working, so a small saving on a new fan there, which at the moment, with the vicious rise in electric, makes me smile. πŸ™‚ Not wanting people to feel glum, but some people will find the energy prices force them out of growing their own, got some young families around me cutting back things before the bills bury them, sad to watch. Moving along, pic time. πŸ™‚

Critical Kush. Last seed, final appearance. Look at the size difference between the plants.
Critical Kush V1a

Chocolate Skunk. Big difference in growth.
Chocolate Skunk V1a

Chocloate Skunk V1b

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon V1a

Amnesia Lemon V1b

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese V1a

Francos Lemon Cheese V1b

This week, when I make time, will see me meshing up the scrog frame in readiness for the plants being topped. Once the plants reach the scrog height, the scrog will go on, this should be in a couple of weeks, hopefully. So that's where we are with the grow at the minute, just been informed that I have some decorating to do, as I'm stuck indoors today as long as its raining, come on sun. 😁 So tune in next week to see the topped plants, and any other garden subjects that may help you along, so until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all bathed in sunshine like we are, forecast is a sunny weekend, not warm enough for a barby, but nice enough to be out in it with out wearing a freezer suit. 😎 Plants are looking well, nice colour and good vigorous growth. Topped the three remaining plants, and compost binned the struggling Critical Kush, which is a shame, as Barney's stuff is normally bullet proof, this wouldn't put me off buying more of Barney's range, but I would avoid the Critical Kush. πŸ˜‰ The other three remaining plants have had no problems at all, they're reaching for the sun. Found some time to top all three plants, the Amnesia Lemon is going for it, and is currently the biggest plant of the three, which is strange, as the Franco's Lemon Cheese grew into the hood last time I ran it under HID, but I'm sure it will catch up later, not that it matters, as height is not the issue this run, as all three plants will be sharing a scrog, so nothing should grow into the shade this time, but as you know, every now and then you come across a rogue that upsets your perfect plan. If all goes to plan this week, and we have a growth spurt, then the next update should see us with the scrog net on in next weeks update. 😁 Anyway, lets look at some pics. πŸ‘

Critical Kush. πŸ‘Ž
Critical Kush V2a

Chocolate Skunk. Topped, and loving life, if you can track some of these seeds down, get some, nice fruity, earthy toke, and smells divine in a grinder. πŸ‘
Chocolate Skunk V2a

Chocolate Skunk V2b

Amnesia Lemon. Very lemony toke.
Amnesia Lemon V2a

Amnesia Lemon V2b

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese V2a

Francos Lemon Cheese V2b

Other things, like the cheap PH and PPM meters, simple to build, cheap, made to dip in an inch of water, so why have I got a bag full of meters that broke down? It rained quite a bit last week, so this forced me into the workshop to get some things fixed, that I'd hidden out of the way of her indoors. πŸ™‚ While having a small toke, I pulled out a plastic bag, full of PH and PPM meters, started fiddling with one. Anyway, out came the craft knife, then the pliers, then the choppers/nibblers, and I took one apart, goes with out saying that in my current state, it won't be going back together. πŸ˜‚
After another small pipe, I had one of the cheapy yellow PH meters in bits. What I found is, the probes are siliconed in where the probes meet the solution your dipping into, well I don't know if the salts from the nuits causes the solution to creep past the silicon into the meters inner workings, on all the meters I took apart, all suffered the same water encroachment. So it seems you can't leave your meters in fluids, or lay them down after you've used them. I now have an old cup, and my cheap meters will be housed in this cup, up-right to stop the ingression of fluids. The other thing I found was that the pickup probes were a little gummed up, so a mild clean up with a bit of soapy water and fine paint brush soon had that sorted. Hopefully this will save me a few bucks to put into my utility bills, and save you a bit of cash. πŸ‘

Taking a look inside. 😁

If you look on the black splodge on the cardboard, you can see water droplets, this came out an old meter, so must have come from inside the meter when I opened it.

So there you go. Leave your meters upright to stop moisture getting inside, and every now and then, give the probes a gentle clean with a soft toothbrush and mild soapy water, change the batteries every year, and your meter should serve you well, and save you some money buying new ones. πŸ‘

And that's it for this week, all is updated, hope you save some money in the future on meters, I will. 😁 Until next week, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope this update finds you in fine fettle. πŸ™‚ All is well here, got wall to wall to wall sunshine today, BBQ maybe. 😎 Finally got round to fitting the scrog net mid week, just in time for the Amnesia Lemon as its touching the scrog netting already, while the other two are around an inch shorter, but it wont be long before all three plants are pushing against the mesh. πŸ™‚ Don't know how long it will take to fill the mesh with branches, maybe four weeks from now with a bit of luck, would like this run out of the way before Summer, then I can give the LED another run in warmer conditions than last time, as the LED runs much colder than the HID. It strikes me that the free heat from the HID heats your outer environment as well as the inner, as the house seems warmer with the HID than the LED, thinking the LED will get another outing later this Summer when the weather warms up. Managed to get the scrog net on mid week, just in time, as the Amnesia Lemon is touching the mesh, while the other two are around an inch shorter. Don't know how long it will take to fill the net, three to four weeks maybe, or flip at half a net, will decide that over the next few weeks, depends on how fast they take off. Pics. πŸ‘

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk V4a

Chocolate Skunk V4b

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon V4a

Amnesia Lemon V4b

Franco's Lemon Cheese. Don't know what ate the leaf, hope its dead. 😁
Francos Lemon Cheese V4a

Francos Lemon Cheese V4b

And there you go, all updated. Plants should fill out the scrog a bit more by next week, want to know how much, then tune in next week and find out 😁, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all fighting fit. Plants are starting to pick up a bit of pace, branches are growing well and starting to fill the frame. All three have good colour and seem quite vigorous, so no problems at the moment. I would say the scrog is half full, the only bald patch is where the Critical Kush was, so I'm trying to get the Chocolate Skunk to fill some of it in, as well as its own spot, and with a little help from the Amnesia lemon, the empty space should be filled in in a couple of weeks. πŸ™‚ Right, pics. 😁

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk V5a

Chocolate Skunk V5b

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon V5a

Amnesia Lemon V5b

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese V5a

Francos Lemon Cheese V5b

Group shot. You can see the bare patch where the Critical Kush let the side down, so the plan is to let the other plants encroach the space. If you imagine all three plants on this side of the scrog, then you can see the scrog is half full. Not that it needs to be chocca full, as I think the two plants on the right will out grow the scrog space they have before the whole scrog is full, so it could depend on how tight it gets for these two right hand plants as to when they get flipped. 😎
Group Shot V5c

There you have it, all is going well here at camp Chemistry Grow for a change, unlike the last two runs, so will this scrog continue to flourish, tune in next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, its Saturday, time for an update. πŸ‘ The scrog is filling fast, don't think I'm going to wait for the whole net to fill, as I'd like to get this run out of the way by the end of June before it heats up here. All three strains are going for it, no defs or other known problems, so we're still on cruise control. πŸ‘ One thing that stands out is the Chocolate Skunk, it has the stiffest fattest trunk of three, takes some bending for a whisp of a bush compared to the other two, so anyone looking for a strong stemmed cross to stiffen up another cross, this might be your thing. πŸ˜‰ Right, pics.

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk V6a

Chocolate Skunk V6b

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon V6a

Amnesia Lemon V6b

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese V6a

Francos Lemon Cheese V6b

Group Shot.
Group Shot V6 1

And there you go, another update posted. Not a lot to report this week as things are going to well, but I'm sure it wont stay like that for long. 😁 So until some thing goes tits up, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, happy easter, hope you've had your fill of chocolate eggs. 😁 Late update this week, got abducted for the weekend to visit inlaws. βš”οΈπŸͺ“πŸ”« Home now. πŸ‘ Nearly ready for flipping to 12/12, next Saturday hopefully, I don't think I can fill the scrog in any more even than it is now, with out ending up with high parts to the canopy later after stretch, when I'm aiming for a level canopy, so next week will likely be flippin time, just one more week to see if I can fill in the left hand top corner. 😁 Got good colour and growth, and the under growth that's getting no light is being sucked in by the plants, I've pulled a few yellow leaves off the trunk of the plants, more of the under canopy will be sucked back into the plants as the scrog cuts out the direct light from above. Plant pics. πŸ™‚

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk V7a

Chocolate Skunk V7b

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon V7a

Amnesia Lemon V7b

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese V7a

Francos Lemon Cheese V7b

Group Shot. You can see the top left corner I'd like to fill by next week, but if it doesn't we'll flip with out it.πŸ‘
Group Shot V7a

Quite level at the moment. πŸ‘
Group Shot V7b

And there you have it, all updated, check in next week and see if we're flipping with or with out the top left corner filled, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, doesn't seem that long since I did the last update, been a busy week. πŸ™‚ Scrog is filled in as much as I can get it too, got about an eighth of the scrogs bare patch left, downside to loosing the Critical Kush, wont happen again, as that was my last seed, thank f**k, glad to see the back of them, the seeds that did sprout well ended up with hermies, I can't smoke pollen, unless its pressed into blocks. πŸ™‚ Apart from that, we're cruising calm waters. Only other slight mistake I've made is, I forgot to water the plants before I went to work, so a twelve hour shift with out feeding, the plants wilted a little by the time I'd realised, got home from work, had a shower, grabbed some thing to eat, grabbed a cold beer, filled a pipe full of Super Lemon Haze, opened the door of my grow, and saw a scrog of slightly wilting tops, it was then that I realised what I'd done. 😀 So a quick watering was organised, and by next morning the plants were erect again. πŸ™‚ I'm expecting a few yellow leaves over the next week as a consequence of my mistake, and a minor slow down in growth for a day, but no more than that. 🀞 New growers reading this and take heart, it doesn't matter how long you've been growing, you will always make a mistake, no matter how small. 😁 But apart from these minor setbacks, I flipped to 12/12 this morning and swapped over to HPS from MH, so we're now in flower. Now the magic starts. πŸ‘ Lets look at the pics. πŸ‘

Choclate Skunk. You can see the lower trunk leaves being sucked back into the plant, waste not want not, as the canopy thickens, the bottom leaves under the scrog will die off due to a shortage of light.
Chocolate Skunk V8a

Chocolate Skunk V8b

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon V8a

Amnesia Lemon V8b

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese V8a

Francos Lemon Cheese V8b

Group Shot. You can see the small bare patch in the top left hand corner, may fill in during flower, but I won't be holding my breath. πŸ˜„
Group Shot V8 2

Had to push over the branch in the bottom left hand corner as it was getting a bit tall for its spot.
Group Shot V8 1

We've now arrived at the end of this weeks update, will my early morning mistake make any difference, will it cause my leaves to turn yellow? Oh no, not again. 😁 Tune in next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, its Saturday morning, and time for an update. πŸ™‚ All has gone well this week, no mishaps like forgetting to feed the plants before I went to work, don't think its done any harm, just the trunk leaves that were falling off due to not getting enough light, plants have just sucked them in a little sooner, no biggy. πŸ™‚ We have now finished week one of flower, and started week two when the lights came on this morning. πŸ‘ So we're on our way bud heaven again, looking forward to getting these strains out of the way so I can start my new seed stash, as I've emptied every seed depot I had, even down the back of the sofa, not that the sofa stash was a bad thing, as the plant I grew had class, and shaded the seeds I'd bought, don't know what to think about that, so I changed my seed supplier. πŸ˜† Anyway, that's for the next run. I also invested in a duel spectrum HID bulb, had one before, but can't remember how it performed, its on one of my diaries some were. So this is being employed for flowering next run, so we'll see how it performs, again, in a couple of months. Other than that, no insects have put in an appearance, but as we all know, they don't arrive until your in flower, how do the b*****ds know, my plants are in a wardrobe in a house, but they still find them, some sort of high end sat nav maybe. 😁 Back to orange pics for the next 8/9 weeks, not had them for a while, downside with HPS is its hard to spot deficiencies fast enough before the take over and do a bit of damage, so anyone using HPS for the first time, beware, just because things are orange, it doesn't mean your golden. πŸ˜‰ Right, lets look at some orange pics then. 😁

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk F1a

Chocolate Skunk F1b

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon F1a

Amnesia Lemon F1b

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Fancos Lemon Cheese F1a

Fancos Lemon Cheese F1b

Group Shots. Here's a thing that most folk don't know, plants sleep, I've never had any pics of this before, but now I have, and this is how it came about. The lights came on in this morning, so I did my usual feed/watering, took my pics for this update. If you look, the Chocolate Skunk is sulking slightly in the first pic. Well, one hour later, I decided to put a chalk mark on my black fan pole, purely to see how fast the scrog is growing by the week, so I took the first pic at lights on.
Group Shot F1a one hour wake up

Any way, I decided a hour later to put a chalk mark on the black pole that holds my mini fan, to see how fast the plants were growing, purely for a bit of interest. But when I looked at the second round of pics for the updade, the plants were nearly praying. πŸ™‚
Group Shot F1b one hour wake up

The chalk mark. There will be another one next Saturday. 😁
Marker F1a

After two hours with the light on, the plants were fully awake, so this tells me my plants take two hours to wake up and tune in to the light, so am I only getting ten hours light to my plants, or can they still making full use of the light while they are extending their leaves? Don't know, next time I have a few beers, I'll ask a plant. 😁

And there you go, that's us updated, If you have nothing better to do next Saturday morning, or just have a fetish for cannabis plants, tune in next week and see the second chalk mark (so exciting) Until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all well. πŸ‘ We've now finished week two of flower and starting week three as of lights on this morning, no defs, bugs, or any mishaps to report. πŸ™‚ That's the two week stretch out of the way, put another marker on the fan pole to mark the two week stretch, and to see how fast the plants grow by the week, normally with out the scrog I would expect two feet of fast growth, but due to to scrogging I expect about a foot from the base of the scrog to the top of the plants after two weeks, and that's about what I have now, some types of super Sativa will break these rules, and push out jungle amounts of growth every day, happy to say, these are not. 😁 More of the shaded pale yellow leaves have fallen, no point in the plant keeping them as they're in the shade and serving no purpose, if you look at a wild plant, you'll see the same thing at the trunk, lime coloured leaves, or crinkly brown. Isn't nature a wonderful thing. πŸ‘ All three plants are fully flowering, soon have some major muff tops to to show you, week five being my favourite for muff, seems to be the peak. πŸ‘ Orange pics anyone. πŸ™‚

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk F2a

Chocolate Skunk F2b

Amnesia Lemon
Amnesia Lemon F2a

Amnesia Lemon F2b

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese F2a

Francos Lemon Cheese F2b

Week two muff shot. 😁
Muff F2a

Group Shot.
Group Shot F2 1

Group Shot F2 3

Other things, was sat having a toke in the sun, out in the yard is where my squeeze grows here flowers in pots, now I don't have a lot to do with the flowers, other than being the main transporter of the pot/tubs around the garden, give me veg and fruit trees any day, don't have to carry them around. 😁 Got a text from Amazon, you know what they're like for pushing their wares, and a couple of the pots next to where I was sat had pansies in them, normally to busy to look at flowers, but these bright and complicated in colour, take my hat off to the breeders of this type of plant, as they must grow thousands of plants to cross, and then cross them until some thing they like sports the colours they're looking for, amazing plantsmanship. Anyway, I took a couple of snaps while I was sat toking, you can tell I was toking as all the pics have a blurd patch some were, thumb print on phone camera lense, never claimed to be a photographer. lol These are just a few of the patterns, I could fill a whole update with different petal patterns.

This one looks like it was made from an ink devil.
DSC01125 2

DSC01126 2

DSC01127 2

This is a complicated pattern.
DSC01130 2

This one is nearly ready to dead head as its nearly done. Nice colour purple for a hot rod or custom truck. 😁
DSC01132 2

And there you go, we've come to the end of another update, we've had minor muff and complicated colour, if you want more, and bigger muffs, then join me next week for more of the same, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘


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Morning all you tokers and growers, how are you all this Saturday morning, all good I hope. πŸ‘ Here we are, just finished week three at lights on, and starting week 4. The plants are looking good, and developing some nice tight tops on them, Muff every were for week 3, we'll be muffed up to the eyeballs by week five, can't wait. 😁 Still no bugs or defs, apart from the one caused by my not feeding the plants before I went to work, think the plants are over it now, I've no doubt they dropped more yellow leaves from the base, faster because of it, but no loss, they were doomed in the dark anyway, so not worried, much. 😁 You just have to laugh at your mistakes and dream one that day you'll become a grow master, although I can't tell you how long it takes, as I've been around a while now, and I still fuck it up from time to time. 🀣 What I'm trying to say is, any new growers reading this, don't let your mistakes get the better of you, keep smiling, and enjoy your growing, or the stress of indoor growing will crush you in the end, so above every thing else, enjoy what you do, if you don't like a certain method of growing, change it to some thing else. I like coco, but the mess drives me up the wall, this is why I moved over to DWC, no muck, just clean water to tend. Only downside I found to DWC is how heavy the 5 gallon buckets were to move about with out splashing nuits all over the place. These days I run a drain to waste system, pour fresh nuits in at the top, waste drains out into the bottom tub, when its full, the tub is pumped into a five gallon barrel to remove it, easy life. πŸ‘ Fancy some orange pics. πŸ™‚

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk F3a

Chocolate Skunk F3b

Chocolate Skunk F3c

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon F3a

Amnesia Lemon F3b

Amnesia Lemon F3c

Francos Lemon Cheese F3a

Francos Lemon Cheese F3b

Francos Lemon Cheese F3c

Marker, not moved much this week.
Marker F3

Group Shot.
Group Shot F3b

Group Shot F3c

There goes week three, hello week four, and the end of another update. πŸ™‚ If you think you might be at a loose end next Saturday with no hope of finding some thing else to do, pop back next week and see what week four has produced, you never know, you may get snowed in and need to fill in some time, 😁 Until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
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