Chemistry's personal grow.

Morning tokers and growers, hope your all well as usual. πŸ™‚ Right, week 3 of flower has passed, plants are doing fine, nothing to worry about, other than I think the Franco's Lemon Cheese is going to grow into my lights hood, who said 4 weeks veg is not enough? Five weeks veg last time saw me 6 inches from my light once the plants stopped pushing out upward growth, this time a week less at 4 weeks veg, and it looks like the plants are taller this run? The other two plants, the Shishkaberry and the White Widow are not as tall, second tallest is the Shishkaberry followed by the White Widow. No defs at the minute, but with 5 weeks left of flower, there's still time to develop a small to large problem. πŸ˜‰ Plants are starting to gain some shape to them now the buds are forming and the stretch has lulled, we'll find out how the buds will structure on the stems, we'll then know if the buds will be carrot shaped or just have cluster buds, I've no preference as both types work. ☺ Orange pics time. 😁

Shishkaberry week 3 of flower gone.
Francos Lemon Cheese f3

DSC00012 2

White Widow, week 3 of flower behind it. Seems a bit small for a White Widow, plenty of indica in it.
DSC00007 2

Franco's Lemon Cheese, week 3 of flower gone.
DSC00268 2

Group shot. You can see the Franco's just starting to tickle the shade, see what happens next week, a dollar says its in the shade in a weeks time. lol
Group Shot b

And on another subject that's close to my heart, beer, pronounced like Homer Simson. lol

Don't think I've ever drank a Porter ale, and if I have, I can't remember. lol Don't know if honey and beer go together, I figure I'll find out in a months time.🍺 And that is my update, updated, got a stack of work to do in the yard, had high winds, so stuff every were, you know how it goes, anyway, see you next week, keep tokin folks.πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, its Saturday again, and time for another update. πŸ™‚ All is well with all three plants, no defs, but still showing the brown tips from over feeding in week one of flower, thought that would have faded, but no, looks like it's there for the duration of the grow, next time I'll pay a bit more attention to detail. πŸ˜‰ Plants have just finished week 4 of flower, all are pushing out some lovely white muffs, should look like a set of brand new toilet brushes by next week, only long handled jobbies. lol 😁 I have to say, the difference in the strains height and build this run is amazing, all look very different, you know what I mean, some strain just look the same, no matter what they're name is, but all three of these are different in every way, stood side by side, you could pick any of the strains out visually. πŸ‘ So on to week five of flower, just over the half way line, four more weeks and we'll see where we're at. Even after all these years of growing, I still get a buzz out of growing cannabis, the last week before the lumber jacks move in and clear the trees has to be a favourite moment for most growers, shed a tear at the empty space, pop seeds, and smile again. πŸ™‚ But that's a couple of weeks away, so in the mean time, did the Franco's Lemon Cheese touch the sun? Better look at some orange pics. lol 😁

White Widow, just starting week five of flower when the light came on this morning, starting to bulk up, has to be the smallest White Widow I've grown, been a couple of years since I grew one, remember them being a lot bigger? Still fattening up though, a wait and see job.
White Widow f4a

White Widow f4b

Shishkaberry week 4 of flower gone.
Shishkaberry f4a

Shishkaberry f4b

Franco's Lemon Cheese, just finished week four of flower. And what a whopper she is. πŸ˜‚
Francos Lemon Cheese f4a

Did she make it to the light? This is four days ago. πŸ™‚
Francos Lemon Cheese f4b

Yep, you know she did. lol
Francos Lemon Cheese f4c

Group shot.
Group Shot

I didn't get time last week to start the Milk Stout, time is scarce at the minute, Spring's here, so the outdoor weeds are growing faster than I can chop them down, lol Hope to get it done this week some time, maybe. Also, I think the Franco's will grow a bit more leg this week, I'm leaving it as it is, as long as it doesn't become a fire hazard. lol Lets see what to much light will do to the plant, if any thing, think the leaves will yellow a little and maybe dry out a bit, but I expect it to be respectable smoke either way. Will the Franco's lift the light shade this week. 😁 That's me updated, will room be burnt to the ground, find out next week, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope it's warmer where you are, as it's white over here with frost. πŸ₯Ά This week see's me with a def on the White Widow, not enough K, one minute it had enough, then boom, it didn't, so you can see the it on the tips and the serrated edges of the leafs, K is up now, but the damage will last the rest of flower, bummer. πŸ˜’ On another note, the other two plants are doing great, the Franco's Lemon Cheese is still residing in my lamps hood, and loving it, the Shishkaberry is fattening up well, got some nice tops forming, so it seems fairly happy with life. πŸ™‚ All three plants have just finished week 5 of flower, and started week 6 this morning when the lights came on, other than that we're rockin and rollin on the grow front. Planted my Summer outdoor auto seed, got my two gallon bucket from last year all ready to pot up the auto around mid May time. I normally start my outdoor seeds indoors then move them out, but as I'm growing an auto, I've decided to give popping the seed outdoors a go this time, the hard frosts were not in plan A, but have been pencilled in for plan B. 😁 Not had time to brew the Milk Stout, again, just been to busy with outdoor stuff, and you know what happens this time of the year, you get in after work, and bang, the heat hits you, and you start to nod off, so next week maybe? 😁 Orange pic time. πŸ™‚

White Widow, just finished week 5 of flower.
White Widow f5a

White Widow f5b

White Widow f5c

Shishkaberry, starting week 6 of flower.
Shishkaberry f5a

Shishkaberry f5b

Shiskaberry f5c

Franco's Lemon Cheese, week five of flower gone.
Francos Lemon Cheese f5b

Seems to like a bit of sun this strain. 😎
Francos Lemon Cheese f5d

Francos Lemon Cheese f5a

Francos Lemon Cheese f5c

A good three inches into the hood now, and two inches from the bulb with its nearest leaf tip. πŸ™‚
Francos Lemon Cheese f5e

Outdoor auto, I enjoyed growing the outdoor plant last year, although I don't want any more gardening work, of any type, as I have enough to go at already, the Gorilla Glue auto I grew last year was no bother at all, just water from the tap, left for a few hours in a bucket in the open air to blow away the Chlorine, and it did fine on that diet, so I plan to go the same route this year, still only the one plant, two gallon builders bucket with the same soil as last year, all I've done is mix in some home made compost at the end of last Winter, and left it to break down. I'm starting my seed off in a six inch pot, as last years plant did well in a six, so using the same pot again this year.

Planting in soil is easy, make a divit and drop in the seed.
Gell 2 b

Then cover with soil, water it in well, stick in a label, planted three seeds, gellaone, gellatoo, gellathree, one and three have been gifted to buddy who bails me out with seeds when mine don't pop, cheers bud, enjoy. lol
Gell 2 a

Coldframe, not every one knows what one is? Its basically a wooden frame with a glass lid, a sort of mini wooden green house for hiding your plants from bad weather, like frost or heavy rain that can wash away your seedlings before they get time to root well. This is one I built two seasons ago, only just replaced the glass and frames as they were blown off during the Winter in a storm. 🀬
Coldframe closed

The Gelato Auto is in the blue tray, big pot, bottom of pic.
Coldframe open

A free seed from a past order, lets see what happens between now and August, just got to keep it alive until June, hoping it warms up by then, didn't last year as you can see from last years auto grow. lol 🀞
Gell 2 c

Might be a good year for Plums, mine has some good flower this year, here comes the plum jam, plum wine, plum bread, can be a bit like turkey at Christmas. lol
Vic Plum 2021

And that rounds up another update, the frost is lifting, time to do some chores, so keep tokin folks, see you next week. πŸ‘
Yo tokers and growers, hope your warmer than us this week. πŸ₯Ά Been a rough week weather wise, hard frost, hail, ice cold winds, so nothing to report on the ouddoor Auto, its not put in an appearance yet, so maybe the frost got it, or it may pop next week if the weather picks up, got a spare just in case, I'll plant the spare next month if the Gellatoo expires. πŸ™‚ Got some burn coming through on two plants, from when the PPM meter went awal, always seems to show its self a week later. So the White Widow is showing burnt tips, as is the Franco's Lemon Cheese down one side, the fan side, the other side of the cola is fine, as is the rest of the plant. The Shishkaberry is fine, seemed to like the overdose and is acting like its had a booster. lol The thing that surprises me is the White Widow is hit the worst, you'd think it being a good strong indica that it would have gobbled up the extra nuits, but it didn't? Anyway, its not the end of the world, just finished week 6 of flower, so I don't think the grow will burst into flames and leave me with ash, or at least I hope not. 😁 I've not doubt the cold weather has a bit to do with the plants up and downness, at it's not long before the cold air is sucked in and blown over your plants, and god forbid, even if you slightly open a window to let in some fresh air, it seems to find your grow. 😁 Who would want to live in a temperate zone. lol Apart from these mini problems, I'm on my way to a nice harvest. Looking forward to a toke on the Shishkaberry, not had a toke of this before, looks very Sticky Fingers in it shape, so I expect it to be a similar smoke and hit, can't say any thing about the taste until its down and cured, one I'm looking forward to. Right, time for some orange pics. πŸ™‚

White Widow, you can see the burning. 😑
White Widow f6a

Shiskaberry. Looking nothing like the White Widow.
Shishkaberry f6a

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese f6a

Francos Lemon Cheese f6b

Francos Lemon Cheese f6c

Francos Lemon Cheese f6d

If you look at the pic, you can see mites chompings on the leaves near the buds, they normally stay on the bottom leaves of the plants out of the way, but after these plants burnt, the mites moved up, why? Can't be hotter at the bottom of plant than the top, so why? I'm hoping that budding young scientist, πŸ€“ looking in can see a weakness in the mite behaviour, and exploit this, to the mites demise, or better, doom. Took these the other morning, wasn't going to post them, but there seems to be as many garderners as there are growers on the Farm.πŸ™‚

First one is my coldframe, living up to it's name at the minute.
Frozen Glass

There's a ten degree difference in temps inside the coldframe, which if it's freezing outide the frame, then the ten degrees higher saves the seeds/seedlings. Out doors.

In the frame. 😎

This is the water bucket I put out to air off the chlorine, it sits for 24 hours and then it's is fit to use on seedling, be warned, if you don't air it off, your seedlings will suffer, as the chlorine burns them a little, not enough to kill them, but it holds them back to a point where they stall, older plants don't seem to suffer.πŸ‘
Water Bucket

If you look at the pic above, you can see where I broke the ice up the day before, its not ice lolly weather here. 😁 Bottom pics show how hard this Spring has been up till now, never known Tulips to freeze.


We had a hard frost just as it got dark, then it hailed, and it all stuck to the leaves. Some one tell me what global warming is again? It aint here. lol I have a small collection of Primula's, I keep them for my partner, she loves them, looked stunning this year, until the cold blast arrived. 🀬 Ah well, Summer's on its way.

And that as they say is that, for this week, all updated, still not brewed another beer kit, don't know about every one else, but with this cold weather, I get home, shower, some thing to eat, some thing to smoke, and bang, the heat in the house knocks me out. lol So people, keep warm, stay safe, and keep tokin, see you next week. πŸ‘
Hey tokers and growers, hope your all well, it's Saturday, again, only seems like a couple of days since I did last weeks post. πŸ™‚ That's week seven behind us, one more week of flower to go, then it will be flush time, don't know what's up next seed wise, as it's a busy time of the year for me, twice this week I've been absent from the Farm in the evening, I sat down, had a bowl, then fell asleep, and woke up to a blank screen, in the dark, twice. lol That aside, things are good. One thing of note, is the bleaching on the tips of both cola's that are in, or nearly in the hood. 😁 I've never smoked a bowl of bleached tips, so cant comment on the smoke, but have read a bit online about it, but the info is shady, so here is my chance to see what all the fuss is about, I don't expect to be blown away, but you never know, next run I may be growing only blonde cola's. lol We still have the hard frosts at night, so the Auto is seriously slow growing, had it out the coldframe on the few sunny days we've had, but it's crawling. I think the Gorilla Glue Auto I grew outdoors was the same last year, really slow to start, but once it produced a couple of leaves to rake some energy from the sun, it was off, just need some sun. 😎
Orange pics time.

White Widow, week seven of flower gone. Got some fade amongst the burning.
White Widow f7a

Shishkaberry, been an easy plant to grow, but does it taste of berries. lol
Shishkaberry f7a

Shishkaberry f7b

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese f7a

The Icurus cola, a bit frazzed, bit blonde in places, but still going, ran out of height, so it will just have to tan for the next week. lol
Francos Lemon Cheese f7b

Gellato Auto, outdoor. Doing ok, could do with a break in the cold weather, last years Gorilla Glue did ok, so I've no doubt this one will produce some thing. πŸ™‚



Took this early this morning, does this class as day one, or do I wait until it's upright. lol πŸ™‚

Was walking around the garden the other day, we have a small wildlife pond, mainly for watering the wild birds and local small mammals (wildlife) when I saw this, Frog spawn, also saw a couple of Newts, it shoud hatch this week some time, a good sign of healthy land if you have a full eco system, love it. πŸ™‚
Frog Spawn 2021

And that about sums up this weeks update, still not got round to doing the Milk Stout, but, I've had another delivery through the post, another ale, going to get it fired up later if time prevails, will post you the pic next week. The Honey Porter Ale was introduced to a pint glass yesterday evening, and I have to say, it's different, not sure about the honey, but the porter is a nice beer, saw another kit online, wild berry porter? You may see one appear on an update in the future. lol Will the Icurus cola catch fire, can the Gellato grow a couple of leafs, will I stay awake every evening this week, tune in next week to find out. 😁 Keep toking folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all fine on this first day of May, last month of Spring, before a hopefully sunny Summer. 😎 Week 8 has arrived, the plants are starting to fade, those golden yellows splashed with reds and purples, love it. So this week will see me start my flush, don't think it needs a big one, as most of the stored energy has been burnt up in the fan leaves, and used by the plant to finish, should be chopping by the end of next week, it has been frosty cold the last couple of weeks here, so I expect to be a week behind, coupled with the burn when the testing meters went down. 🀨 Apart from those two minor set backs, we are on course. πŸ™‚ I've lost a bit off the tip of the Franco's Lemon Cheese, as it keeps tapping the bulb on my HPS, and it's dried and fallen off. lol It's still a big cola, and the whole plant should make two gallons of bud, should, we'll see. πŸ™‚ The White Widow looks a bit shabby at the minute, but I'm sure it will still get me stoned, and with a trim it should look the business. πŸ™‚ The Shishkaberry is a really easy plant to grow, didn't suffer the same as the other two strains when the meters went off, real stable plant, wonder what it tastes like, and hits like. lol One I wouldn't hesitate to grow again grow wise, hit wise, another wait and see job. lol It has bee really cold for the Gelato Auto, produce not new growth this week, and I can't blame it, it's been dark, frosty, hail stones, its had the lot, but its still ticking over, two more weeks and we should see some decent sunshine, will the Gelato survive that long? Seem quite tough outdoor auto's, so cope well with big temperature and humidity swings, or at least last years did, maybe this one won't? But it's hanging in there. 😁 Orange pic time.

White Widow. Heading into flush today.
White Widow f8a

White Widow f8b

Shishkaberry f8a

Shishkaberry f8b

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese f8a

Francos Lemon Cheese f8b

Francos Lemon Cheese f8c

Gelato Auto outdoor, this pic is from day two, now day seven, its been cold. πŸ₯Ά
Gellato Auto d2

Got another beer kit going, a lot of these Norfolk beers around, they must be professional pissheads. lol

Also, a pint of the Honey Porter, real dark beer, if you hold it up to the light, nothing shines through, really dark. You can taste the honey quite strongly, don't know if I'm a fan or not, but I'm still testing. lol
Honey Porter

And that is all I have for you this week. One thing, if anyone is waiting for a reply to their topic, I'm having problems replying to folks topics, as all I'm getting is member names on the topics and no date stamps to reply to, even this topic I had to go to page one a navigate to the end, so if I'm in the middle of helping you, sorry I can't navigate to your comments only your profile, so if I'm a little absent, you know why. All that remains for me to say is, stay lucky, and keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, seems my forum foibles are all sorted, big shout out to Aqua for that extra mile, and all the mods for that matter who go the extra mile and keep the site rollin, tip my hat to you all. πŸ‘ Moving along, we're all down and hung, by next week we should be dry enough to jar/bucket, always looks like you've hit the jackpot when the plants are hung wet, but every day you look in your drying room they are smaller, torture or what. 🀣 I've been looking into the murky world of LED lights, and even after following 1D1's excellent topic LED's For Dummies, 😁 I still had no clue what do buy, but lucky for me, they're all made by the same people, just a different name product, none of the present manufacturers make all their own parts, and are sourced from other outlets to build their lights. So this leads me to think that it doesn't matter who puts it together, just that they use the best parts available to them as of now, so I'm down to three models on my list, one of them will be purchased this weekend, hopefully to be delivered next week. Delivery is an issue with a lot of firms/people, I don't fancy a month wait, so postage time is bug bare, not point telling me the company has the best light in the world, but takes a month to ship to my house, that's not high tech. So the brands I've whittled down to can ship in a convenient time scale, so you can expect an update on this next week, hope its delivered while I'm at home, or it fits through the letter box if I'm at work. 😁
It has been dire here weather wise, and the Gelato Auto has not grown a millimetre this week, looks green and mean, but no centre leaves are showing at the minute, but if last years is any thing to go buy, then it's making roots instead. I was surprised to see such a small seedling make so much root when it came to up potting it last Spring, I only tipped it out for a look, it's on the first few pages of this diary if you want to have a look, you'll see what I mean, and maybe this is why most good Auto growers like to grow in one pot for the whole grow, maybe they know some thing we don't, or didn't. πŸ˜‰ Strange thing this growing lark, you protect your plants from sprout to the last week in flower, and then lust over their dead bodies, lets lust. 😁

The first 5 technical triangular hanging implements are the Franco's Lemon Cheese.

White Widow, last two frames on the right. Weird thing, every time I grow a plant in the Widow's position, it's a smaller plant than the others, don't know why? I'm leaning towards a design fault in my drainage, maybe a salt build up in that corner. It's level, same depth of medium, nuits, water, as the others. I'll give it ten minutes of thought before I re-build next run. πŸ™‚

Shishkaberry, from the right, two frames in after the White Widow is the 3 frames of the Shishkaberry, lovely smell when trimming. πŸ™‚

In this pic you can see the sum total of my trim, orange mesh bowl, not a lot of hash to be made there. And the red mesh bowl is the few odd buds that grew on the end of a stem, with nothing else on it, I just nip them off and dry them seperately, then jarred under a mixed strain label.

Was trying to get a good pic of the Icurus bud, the normal universal visual measurer just didn't stack up, so I grabbed a can of coke, then another, should have bought a tray. 😁
Green side. πŸ™‚

Blonde side. 😁

Things of note. The colour change from white to the coffee colour had some positive effects. Why is there not as much hash trim as there was with the white walls? If you think about it, a cannabis plant drops it's seeds on the ground around it, unless it's pillaged by a foreign pheno hunter. lol So tell me where the side light comes from? As all the plants are growing side by side, there is no side light in nature, and these plants have adapted to this over millions of years, so based on this information, I should paint the bottom half of my room dark green to match the plants natural environment, maybe next time. lol Not had time to start off another beer kit, hoping to today, as it is forcast rain all day, so indoor chores are the thing of the day, will get a bit done on the grow space if I can avoid the woman in my life, as she has designs on me painting the guest rooms, one that I use for bubble hashing, so my first job as soon as I finish this update is to gather, and hide all the usable paint brushes. lol And that wraps up another update, we'll see what we wind up with dried by the end of next week, and we will find out what will be producing the sun for my next run. I've not had time to ponder on what to sow next, while we're drying, I've got time to shuffle through the seed packs and see what's what, still have a couple of strains I got as freebies, that I've not grown before, so maybe one of those, or an old favourite, we so many choices these days, and that is no bad thing. Any way, enjoy your weekend, wet or dry, and above all, keep toking folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, how are you all sunny Saturday morning. Down and not running at the minute due to upgrades being fitted in my room. The single biggest upgrade is moving over to LED light fittings, and after countless evenings pondering over different brands, quality of fittings and led's, I decided they're all the same, just put together by the brand name holder, all parts made in China by the same factory, and only one fitting had the heat loosing fins, so welcome to my new light, Viperspectra XS4000, the spec is online if you want to have a look. First impressions, seems well built, heavy, and seriously bright, you don't want to be looking at the pretty LED's to often, or you may wind up blind over time, they are bright, so I've ordered my self some shades, to go with my deck chair and sombrero hat. lol 😎 Went for a cheap set of Lumii glasses, a lot of folk seem to be getting on with them, so I should. Having a colour change this time in the room, would like to have had the time, and the skill to put some art into it, but just don't have the time, but one day. Strikes me that we have some talented artists in our world of growing and tokin, but its never shown to any one, I'm tired of silver deserts and arctic white walls, and appeal to the artier folk amongst us, strut your stuff, go colourfull, show us your art, your grow room needs you. lol I've not grown with LED's before, so I've gone sky blue this round, with the same colour on the bottom half as last time, as I think the blue will give me a good chance of picking out deffs a little bit sooner. No more orange pics, can't help but feel a little sad, but rest assured orange pic fans, if the LED is not up to the job, then the orange pics will return. lol Other than the new light, and paint job, I had to re-build the extraction side of things, as it was in the way of the new lights position as the new light is longer than the HID hood, all ways some thing. lol Most of the build is done, and I'm hoping to get a few hours on it later to run every thing in to see how it performs, and see if any thing needs tweeking, as they always do. πŸ™‚ Chose my seeds for the next run, going with four plants this run, as I'm interested to see what sort of canopy I'll get, was going with three. πŸ˜‰ Got another new strain to me, think it was a freebee with an order, can't remember. All three plants are about 90% dry, they'll expend that last ten in the bucket to cure. Anyway, lets have some pics. πŸ™‚

First up is the Icarus cola, green side. lol
DSC00246 2

Icurus blonde side. lol
DSC00248 2

Franco's Lemon Cheese, returned around three gallons of dried bud. Its in a five gallon bucket, look at the length of the cola. lol

White Widow, about a gallon and a half dry from this plant, apart from the cola's that you saw, there was not larf or pop corn. Had a crafty toke, a bit fell in my pipe while I was trimming. πŸ™‚

The Shishkaberry did nearly as well as the Franco's, but got clubbed by the Icurus bud. lol Still produced around two and half gallons. Some nice fruity colours in the bucket, had another trimming accident and a bud from this was also tested. 😁

Had this arrive at the door, brown box, new light. Have to say, quick postage, well packed, double boxed, I'm impressed. πŸ‘
Box 1

Box 2

Box 3

Box 4

As Spring ends, and Summer moves in, the last of the Tulips bid farewell until next year, they're looking a bit rough, but they're still holding colour, even with the frost damage. 😑



DSC00273 2

I'm sat looking over the spread, wondering if it's safe to plant out yet, or is there a last frost lurking in the near future, hope not, as I'm planning on planting my outdoor tommato plants this afternoon, I think its a good time, as we have a week of rain forecast, so this will save watering them in with tap water. Gelato Auto is still alive, still outdoors, and still only has seed leaves. lol this is last week, as I've not been to open the cold frames yet this morning, so I'll snap a pic while I'm down there, and post it next week, this is it at 15 days from pop, hoping it gets its self going now the frosts are past, even though there is a chance of a freak weather spell. 🀞
Gelato Auto day 15

And that is it people for this week, all updated, will the Auto produce a leaf or two, will we get a sharp frost, will the grow room get finished, will we all still be here, find out next week, 😁 Until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘


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Morning tokers and growers, hope its warm and sunny where you are, we've had four days of wind and rain and a bit of hail. 😑 Looks like I'll have to hide the paint brushes again this weekend. lol Not had time to sow any seeds, hope to get them buried this afternoon, looking at a four plant grow this round, was going with three, which is all the light I could get out of the HPS, but the new light might just give me the boost I need to grow four, even though I built the space for three. Got all the room painting done, second coats applied, swept the extractor pipe, it was choka with dust and bits of leaf. Room is all rebilt now, had the new Viperspectra XS4000 running this week, just to see what it's about, stays cool in the space, even when ran on 100%, and at that point, it is bright. I like the dimmer, it will be handy for starting seedlings and cuttings. Light has been running all this week, no burn outs, no smells, so I'm fine with how it performs, but in relation to MH, it does not have the crystal blue spring colour that us old schoolers adore, so I expect the orange summerness is gone to, I'll have to see how we get on with this side of the LED scene, as I like the seasonal light change from MH Spring to HPS Summer, jury is out on that one. πŸ˜‰ Anyway, lets have some pics. πŸ™‚

First up, new paint job, bored with white, and it was on offer at the hardware store. lol You can see how bright this light is by the colour blue colour tone above and bellow the light.
DSC00293 2

Light seems to have all the bases covered, nice arrangement of LED's, don't know if there's perfect placement for an LED cluster. Came with all the hanging wires, rachets, every thing except the screws to hang it to the ceiling.
Light b

Not a fan of this, could be tidier, I realise its to take the wiring outside your room if you so choose, but still could have put a bit more thought into it, as these light are not cheap, and for that money, I want space age tech. I like the fins for heat lose a lot. πŸ‘
Light c

The hanging wires seem strong, but this is a heavy unit, and they do seem a bit weak, not that it would be a big deal if the light fell down, as my plants will break its fall, but could just do with out the experience if I could avoid it. 😁 I have a buddy who says he can make me some better brackets, when he gets time, don't hold your breath over seeing them in my life time though. lol The wire hangers seem a bit long, don't know if that's by design for heat loss, or whether its just how they are, but when I get into flower and raise the light, we'll see how hot it gets.
Light d

Was looking at the amount of dust in my extractor fan, the fins were well coated with grime, makes you wonder where it all comes from, so out with the wife's tootbrush again, must make sure I remove all the fluff this time, nearly got caught, dog got the blame. 😁
Sort extractor

Got the cloche on the heat mat making moisture, just got to burry the seeds some time today, and we're good to go. 😎
Cloche a

Cloche c 2

Seeds, a couple of these I've grown before, like the Super Lemon Haze and the White Widow, which I'm giving another run, as it didn't do as well as I expected, so it's going again. The Pure Kush is another strain I've not grown before, as is the Holy Punch, so two new ones for me. 😎😎
Seed packs

And that is it for this week, I'll get the seeds in today, if not it will be the middle of the week before they're planted. Not had time to brew any beers, just don't seem to have the spare time at the minute, pardon the pun. lol But its always the same this time of year, Spring is a busy time for outdoor work. Nearly forgot the Gelato Auto, have to say it is trying, but the weather is against it, its not dead, but it's not moved either, I think with a bit of wall to wall sun, it will burst into life, we'll see, got a spare just in case. πŸ˜‰ And that's me away, catch you all next week, until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
May 30, 2021
Afternoon tokers and growers, hope your all well. πŸ‘ Bit late with my update, had my second flu jab on Friday, yesterday, felt like death warmed up, felt better this morning, and had my first bong since Friday, and now starting to feel normal again, good old weed, but they say that if you have a reaction, that means it's working, so I must be bullet proof now then. πŸ‘ So on with the update, got the seeds planted, think it was Sunday dinner (last week), so we're off the starting blocks for this run. πŸ™‚ Right, led's run a lot colder than HID, a lot, so no warm room after lights out. Started the seedlings in the usual way, heat mat, humidity dome, and three of the seeds are up, but one is being elusive, this is no biggy, as every time I grow a Super Lemon Haze its the last to pop, so no reason to think any different this time. πŸ™‚ Pictures never lie, so they say, so lets look at some. πŸ™‚

Super Lemon Haze, not a lot to say really, except, hurry up and pop ya b*****d. Maybe next week. 😁
4 seed start 2

Holy Punch, it's up, but you can see it's a bit chilly for it after its easy ride on the heat mat, it will work it out. 😁
4 seed start 3

Pure Kush, its not fazed by the colder temps, seems to eat it up, good strain for some one living in a colder climate maybe?
4 seed start 4

White Widow, not looking good, bit leggy, bit leany, hoping its not down to rubbish seeds, as this last run, the White Widow struggled too, but she's a trier, and I like that in a plant. πŸ™‚
4 seed start 5

The outdoor Gellato Auto is starting to move a little, took this pic this morning, day 28, if that matters any more, won't be a record holder for the fastest outdoor auto. lol But, if you compare its growth to the weed seeds that have popped in the same bucket, then its not so far off, will it produce, yeah I think so, eventually. 😁
Gelatoo d28

Was taken by the amount of flower on the Rosemary, seems like frost did it a bit of good, was going to take some cuttings from it to replace this aging specimen, think I'll leave it this year.

This is my first week under LED's with any thing green that can die under them, so some learning to be done, mainly on the heat side in early veg, if you look at the three seedlings that are up, they look like they've been over fed, this is down to me not keeping an eye on temps, thought it would be ok while the lights were on, think this was a mistake, as I only had to worry about over heating with HID, and not the lower temps, lesson learnt. πŸ˜‰ I don't think it will be a problem in flower, as the light will produce more heat when it's pushed a bit, but in early veg when seedlings don't want to much light, I will have to find a method keep the seedling warm until they're big enough to cope. πŸ‘ Other than that, I'm running the lights at 25 inches, above seedling height, and things look like they will work out at that for the time being, find out next week I suppose, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, its Saturday, and its sunny for a change. 😎 Well we have movement in the garden at last, seedlings, and all four are up for a change, can't remember the last time I had a 4 out of 4 pop, so maybe this is an Omen. 😈 All I need now is for all four to be female and the job is a good one, a couple are fems, but I think one is a regular as it was a freebee from an online vendor, so it will be a couple of weeks before this strain reveals its self, but even a male can be usefull in a small grow, as you can grow any thing if you have the seeds, so I'm rarely peed off with males, unless I get four males out of four, in which case, a tear or two may be shed. 😭😭 Just been up the garden to take a pic of the outdoor Gellato, popping in the frost may make it hardier to the climate we have, but it's had a struggle on its hands, mostly here the weather gets warmer at the end of March, which is when I set my outdoor seed, not just my cannabis seeds, but for the whole garden, but as anyone who's tried to get jump on the growing season this year has found, April was a tyrant of a month, not even the weather man could have predicted the coldest April on record, so tell me again about global warming, and again? So next year, do I shake a stick at the weather gods? You bet I will. 😁 Some times it works, and some times you bomb out, as a species we seem to get off on risk, maybe some thing built into us after we ate all the Dinosaurs. lol Any way, enough of the outdoors, lets move indoors and see what's what. The Pure Kush is still the biggest plant of the four, followed by the Holy Punch, and then the White Widow. The Super Lemon Haze is up and shoving out a small centre, a bit leggy compared to the others as I lifted the light after some of the seeds sprouted, so the Super Lemon Haze has some stride on her, not a problem, as it saves a lot of trimming. πŸ˜‰ Right, onto the pics, there's never much to see at this stage, but week on week things will become busy, weed two of veg. πŸ™‚

Holy Punch.
Holy Punch v2

Pure Kush, biggest of the seedlings, I'm liking the way this plant struts in veg, seems more cold resistant than the others. πŸ‘
Pure Kush v2

White Widow, bit crinkly on some leaves, a chilly start in life.
White Widow v2

Super Lemon Haze, leggy after her bolt to the light to catch up, its a week behind the others, but has a habit of catching up, which is no bad thing. πŸ™‚
Super Lemon Haze v2

Gellato Auto, its sarting to warm up here now, so I expect the auto to take off, bit curly from the frosts, but hope we get some nice weather in August to finish it off, we'll see. πŸ˜‰
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Starting to get a feel for the new LED light, next run if its cold I'll pop in a green house heater just to fill the gap between low running (cold) and high when extractor kicks in, while using HID I'd not encountered this problem, as the HID's kick out heat all the time, lesson learnt. Got another beer kit to set off, today hopefully, don't want to run out do we. 😁 So next week I'll update on that, its another IPA, got a thing about these now. (Max) And that's all I have this week, hoping that next week we have plants instead of Cress like structures to look at. lol So until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all fighting fit. πŸ™‚ All four plants are still going, but, one is romping on, while the other three seem to be lagging, don't know why at the moment, but if it carries on, then we'll have to to delve further into the problem. Thing is, the Pure Kush looks good, but the other three are not, the Super Lemon Haze popped a week behind the other three, which all sprouted at the same time, and it might just be that the Pure Kush is a better strain than the others, who knows, and going by my usual way of treating seeds and seedlings, the they should grow out of it. 😁 Moving along, I have to say the Pure Kush is a nice sturdy plant compared to the others, I nearly binned the other three and took cuttings, but I like having an assortment of buds to toke, so we'll carry on and see what happens, as normal, lets have some pics. 😁

Pure Kush, not a mark on it. And an equal to any MH grown plant, both in colour and stature, week 3 of veg. πŸ‘
Pure Kush v3

Holy punch. If you look, you can see the tip of the leaf in the centre of the pic, some thing is going on, but its not showing on the Pure Kush.
Holy Punch v3

Super Lemon Haze. Same thing on some of the leaves, looks over watered, or root problem, but the last plant grew in this position did really well.
Super Lemon Haze v3

White Widow.
White Widow v3

Gellato Auto outdoor.


Things are chugging along, apart from the minor leaf defects, which may be down to going from cold to quite warm, as the outdoor temperature rose as Summer drives off the really cold Spring we had. If its not that, then I'll have to take a look at my hardware, which means taking the plants out of the medium and replant them afterwards, another hour I'll never get back. lol Plants are young, so if this is the case, then it should only add on a couple of weeks to vegging, no biggy. Other things of interest. Got given some seed potato's that were going spare after a buddy had planted a couple of rows in his veg garden, so I grabbed a seven gallon pot and stuck them in. I don't expect to become the next potato mogal, but if I get a few on my dinner plate next to some meat I'll be happy. ☺️

Potato Planter.

Tomatoes are taking off now the sun is with us, plenty of flowers forming. πŸ™‚

Poppies, I did'nt plant these, they just blew in with the other air bourn weeds, all I do is pick off the seed pods as the flowers fade, this stops them from taking over, and as we all know, most poppy seeds pop, one years seed, seven years weed. πŸ˜‰

Managed to get another beer brewing, its another IPA, I'm starting to like the St Peters IPA over most others, so it looks like I'll be seeing a few of these over the Summer. 😁
DSC00337 2

And that's about it for this week, we'll see what develops over this coming week, will the plants get dug up, probably, 😁 find out next week, until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all tiggity boo. πŸ™‚ All is not well with the grow, didn't have time to sort any thing until mid week, which I think was too long for the plants. When I finally got round to looking at the problem, I discovered my drainage hole was blocked, I run a drain to waste system, which wasn't draining, the spent nuits normally drain into another trough, which has a pump in it, and when it fills up, all I do is pump it off into a five gallon drum, and this is how my spent nuits exit my grow space. Well it turns out that the drain hole was blocked by small pieces of the Hydroton, thus causing major over feeding and watering as the plants were sat in the waste, which was building up every watering. 🀬 Right, the solution to the problem was to riddle out the small and broken Hydroton, no mean feet I'll tell you, then re-plant the four strains, but it's done now. πŸ™‚ I have to say that I'm teetering on the edge of binning the current plants, as its easier to plant more seeds than it is to bring plants back to health, some are easy, but some can be a real hastle. But, I've jars of cured buds, so a lull in my grow won't see me suffer, and its a bit more interesting watching plants being swung round after a major problem than waiting for more seeds to pop, even though we love popping seeds. 😁 It would take around a month to get the seeds to the point of flipping to flower, but if the current plants swing round in two weeks, then I've save two weeks, if not and I have to re-seed, then its the time lost trying to spin them round, so I'm going to carry on for a week and see if they pick up, plan A. πŸ‘ The outdoor Gellato Auto is taking off well now, and has the rest of June, July and August to finish off. 😎 Right, pics.

Pure Kush, week 4 of flower, and should be staring in the face of 12/12. 😑 The Pure Kush just looks wilted and should bounce back with a bit of carefull watering.
Pure Kush v4

Holy Punch, you can see the drowned washed out colour on the fan leaves. 😑 The centres don't look damaged, so this young plant should spin round too. πŸ™‚
Holy Punch v4

White Widow, a bit droopy, but the centre is also good, so should spin round with the other two above. πŸ™‚
White Widow v4b

Super Lemon Haze, bit worried about this one, its a week younger than the others as it took longer to pop, so may not be as resilient as the other three, but they are a tough strain, so we'll see how it goes. πŸ™‚
Super Lemon Haze v4a

Gellato Auto outdoor. What a difference a bit of sun makes, just like last year, big struggle through the cold and ice, and now its going for it. At least one plant is spun round, just in time for the rainy season.
Gellato Auto w6a

Gellato Auto w6b

Red Rose is throwing out some nice flower, just need to get it through this wet period and hope the sun comes out, or rot can set in at the base of the flower.
Red Rose 1

Red Rose 2

Eating Apples. These won't mind the rain, as they like a bit of moisture this time of year to build up the fruit, then sun to ripen. Currently the fruit is around 3/4 of an inch wide.
Eating Apple a

Had a buddy come round mid week, said he's going to have a go at brewing beer, asked if I could give him some pointers, so I set about making up five gallons of Stout ( would be rude not, since I had an apprentice on tap. lol), had the kit sat there for two weeks, maybe more. lol So he was shown how to get started, dumped all my old brew gear on him, and made space for more. lol This is the kit we got started. πŸ™‚
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Right, think that covers every thing for this update, time for me to get on with the home chores I've ducked using the, its to wet excuse. lol So see you all next week, and we'll see if things pick up, or whether we plant more seeds, find out next time, until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, its Saturday morning, and it's time for another update, so grab coffee and a chair and take the weight of your feet for five minutes. πŸ™‚ I would say we're half and half this week, all four plants are nearly there, by next week they should be mean and green. Plants have been a bit slow to spin round, but in this weeks pics you can see a massive improvement in both colour and stature, always a good sign. πŸ˜‰ You wouldn't think a bit of over watering would be such a bad thing, more food and water should make bigger plants you would think, but its not so, a plant can only grow to the size of its environment, this is why outdoor plants are seven feet by seven, and indoors are 3 feet by three feet, which is no bad thing, as I only have room for medium sized plants, don't think I've room to scrog a seven footer, although I've grown the odd pure Sativa that's done its best. lol Funny thing, the Pure Kush was the best looking and the Super Lemon Haze was the worst, this position has changed and the Super Lemon Haze looks better than the Pure Kush, intriguing. The White Widow is also bouncing back into form, but the slowest to spin round is the Holy Punch, don't know why, maybe a weaker bred strain, it won't be the first time a plant pulled up its socks and went for it after a late start, so we will see what happens. πŸ™‚ The Gellato Auto outdoor is going for it, no defs, not been fed since it was up potted to its current planter/builders bucket, so its on soil and rain water, at some point it will need a feed, but unless it shows signs of hunger, then its a no feed job. πŸ˜‰ Right then, pic time. πŸ™‚

Pure Kush, week 5 of veg. You can see the leaves have picked and lost the drowning look. The big fan leaf next to the label looks a bit ropey, bet it yellows later.
Pure Kush v5

Holy Punch. Still a bit of yellowing in the new growth, the colour is coming, should be nice looking by next week, if we don't have another bog garden experience. 😁
Holy Punch v5

Super Lemon Haze is picking up fast, and now maybe the healthyist plant of the four, go Super Lemon Haze, might turn out to be my top plant this run if it carries on. πŸ™‚
Super Lemon Haze v5b

White Widow is bringing on some nice new colour, should be looker by next week. 😁
White Widow v5

Gellato Auto outdoor. Starting to look good after its chilly start, just like last year, I thought the frosts would murder the auto, credit to its robustness, its still here, and going for it. 😎
Gellato Auto w8a

Gellato Auto w8b

Other things that are growing around me is this tall Iris, planted years ago, was killed by the severe frosts we had one year, froze all the tuba's, that then went to mush, so this was probably produced by a seed from the Iris after the frosts sent it to flowery heaven, but its back, and this makes me smile, welcome back. πŸ™‚

Seems to be a lot of bees around in between the rain showers, noticing some that I've not seen before, I don't think they're new, just that I had the camera in my hand. πŸ™‚
Bee sat on White Aster.
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Potato Planter, boy have these taken off, only a couple of weeks since I planted them, entry 331, June 12th I put the planter up on my diary, I'm confident I'll have a few tates from this project after seeing the sheer amount of growth, can't wait to dig them up and see what weight I get from them. 😎
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And that's about it, all updated, no beer brewing this week as I have a small glut, but I can assure you that this will be addressed when the sun turns out one weekend, and the BBQ is fired up, and a few buddies arrive. lol 😁 So if your plants look a bit under the weather, don't panic, take your time, and you will be rewarded with buds to be proud off, any one can do it, it just takes a little practice and a bit of patience. Right, I'm off, see you all next week, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all green side up and root end down. πŸ™‚ Things are coming together, plants are back on course, their looking green and mean, so much so they'll be flipped today, strange not changing a bulb this run, and only changing the timer, don't know if I miss polishing the HPS bulb before its installed or not, or burning my fingers taking out the MH because I've forgotten to switch it off for ten minutes before hand to cool, again. 😁 I'd like to have flowered these four plants with just four weeks veg, just to get a direct comparison between the HID and the LED, but with the drainage problems, this has set me back two weeks, no biggy, just means these plants are two weeks older in veg. I don't think it will change any thing that will be detrimental to my comparison with HID, I would have liked the first run to be the same veg length, next time maybe. lol Apart from this, I'm quite happy with the way the LED has performed in veg, so at the very least this light is equally good for veg, but can it flourish in flower? Others that I've watched growing with LED in flower look to be doing well, but some seem to need some supplementary light? In my case, this would see the LED binned, and the HID re-instated in and instant. For me the LED light of choice should be better than HID if its the future, but if extra light is needed, then for me there is no point, I'd rather go back to running one single HID light that has served my for years with out a fault, with out extra lights added. So we've come to the point where the new LED will be pushed a little bit harder. Will the buds be bigger/harder and have a more explosive hit, or are people bumping up there results, only one way to find out, ding ding, flower starts today when I swap the timer, so in two weeks from now we should have the first direct comparison with my HID for flower. Enough tech, lets look at some plant pics. 😎

Pure Kush, week six of veg, quite a bushy little babe for its size. If you look, you can see a little tip burn, this is no bad thing, as it means it has an over abundant amount of stored energy to burst into flower, more is better than less in this case. πŸ™‚
Pure Kush v6b

Holy Punch, seems a smallish plant over all, its not been able to keep up with the other three in veg, so maybe a really good choice for people with small spaces, or it may make Redwood status in flower, wont be the first time the lights have been lifted. lol
Holy Punch v6a

White Widow. This plant looks better this time round, which is good, as the last one didn't do as well as it could have, this time round it looks like a winner, its got eight weeks to prove me wrong, and probably will. lol
White Widow v6a

Super Lemon Haze, love the look of this plant, the one that looked the worst due to the bad drainage is now looking the best, is there any point in loosing sleep over your pants, no, as they'll do what they like anyway. lol
Super Lemon Haze v6a

Gellato Auto, outdoor, is doing well got a nice stem on it, quite windy where it is, but its not showing sings any signs of a disorder, and the Gorilla Glue auto I grew there last year was just fine, so the Gellato should be fine.
Gellato Auto v9 2

Gellato Auto v9 1

Other things I grow are these Sempervivum's, grand kids bought me them for a birthday one year, not hard to keep, they just sit in the pot looking colourfull, but this year some thing happened, they flowered, can't tell you what species they are, as the tag blew away a couple of years ago, quite impressive in a small way, flower spikes are four inches tall, and the rosettes they sprung from are about and inch across. 😎
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There can't a more stunning sight than feeding butterflies, why make a simple nectar sucking insect so stunningly beautiful, not that some other insects are not as stunning, just that these are in a league of their own, imagine holding two four feet sheets of cardboard, one in each hand, in a slight breeze, how can they fly in strong winds, amazing creatures. πŸ‘
Painted Lady Butterfly.
Painted Lady Butterfly 1

Painted Lady Butterfly 2

Think that's every thing updated, so another update comes to and end, before this one turns into a set of encyclopedias. lol So will the LED perform as well in flower as it did in veg, you know the score by now, find out next week, 😁 Until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning toker and growers, how are you all. Its Saturday morning, update time. 😎 Well, as you can imagine, buddies turned up last Saturday, so not a lot got done, apart from a half ounce through various pipes, 😁 so this week sees us flip, done it this morning first thing, plants are now on 12/12, so hoping for some white hairs next week, on all four plants, but you know how it it is, there's always a straggler. LED wise, the plants are green as you would like. Nuit wise, I'm using around 100ppm to 150ppm less in veg per feed, don't know if other folk are having the same sort of thing, not that I'm unhappy about saving on nuits, but in the back of my mind, I can't help but think I'm on a looser due to less nuits being eaten, but the plants tell a different story, and are lapping up what they have, so maybe in the long run the LED will pay for its self with the savings I've made in veg, if the light lives that long. lol If this trend carries on, it could be a big saver over a longer period, or the plants will go on a stretch frenzy and eat twice as many flower nuits, we'll have to wait and see how that works out, the economist in me has his fingers crossed. 😁 All four plants are looking lush, what more can I ask.
Right, pics, not as many as I normally post, this is due to being flat out at work, and its been hot, so nothing bar the essentials was achieved this week. Pics time, all week seven of veg, apart from the Super Lemon Haze which is a week behind the other three.

Pure Kush.
Pure Kush v7a

Holy Punch.
Holy Punch v7a

White Widow. A bit tippy.
White Widow v7b

Super Lemon Haze. Best looking plant of them all at the minute. πŸ‘
Super Lemon Haze v7b

Gelato Auto. Outdoor auto is doing well, no deffs or bugs at the moment, we'll see what happens when it starts to flower and starts to smell, not that it doesn't now, but you know what they're like.
Gellato Auto v10a

Gellato Auto v10b

Eating Apples are doing ok, a good mixture of rain and sun has them swelling up, fruit is around two inches wide.
DSC00432 2

Final pic is this rose, was going to leave this pic out, but after a quick smell of this rose, and the colour, thought I'd post it anyway.
DSC00436 2

And that's about it for this week, hope to have white hairs for the next update, as this would be in keeping with the HPS, which produces white hairs in seven days, so can the new LED produce white hairs in the same time scale, is it as capable as the HPS, you know what's coming, find out next week. 😁 Until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all well this sunny Saturday morning. 😎 All is well with the plants, all four are chugging along, and have just finished week one of flower. On the HPS vs LED race, the plants don't seem to make as much initial muff under the LED as they did under the HPS, but then there is less heat to make the plants drink more with the LED, so maybe this has some thing to do with the equation, as the plants under the LED are drinking less, so eating less, but it doesn't seem to have any baring on the colour or any part of the plants well being, so maybe the reason HPS is deemed better is because of the heat it throws out, plants also seem a bit shorter than when they're grown under the HPS, so will I wind up with another Icarus cola growing into the light, a wait and see job I think. 😁 I thought there would be slight differences between LED and HID, but the differences are quite wide, heat being the main difference, and how I had my grow room hardware was set up, every thing was set up for heat and its removal, but now I find my self looking for a bit of heat after lights out, and this may be a big problem in the Winter, so a supplemental heat source will have to be employed for the colder months, it wont take a log burner, but a subtle little green house heater looks to be the way forward. πŸ˜‰ Another technical problem I solved (very cheaply) is the height loss using the supplied cabling that the LED came with it, lost me nineteen inches from ceiling to LED, using the cables supplied, this is more than the HPS, with hood. πŸ™ So I've designed some thing cheap that any one can cobble together to reduce the height indifference, got some pics of the construction, its so easy to build, you could build it after a bong, or two. πŸ‘ Lets see some pics. πŸ™‚

Pure Kush. Getting to be a bushy thing, biggest plant of the four.
Pure Kush v8

Holy Punch. Smallest plant of the four, and its in the same spot as the Franco's Lemon Cheese that grew into the HPS, so its in a good spot.
Holy Punch v8

White Widow. Second smallest plant of the four.
White Widow v8

Super Lemon Haze (Barneys Seed) Second biggest plant of the four after the Pure Kush.
Super Lemon Haze v8a

Super Lemon Haze, you can see the white hairs growing out of the centre, should be prominent amount of muff by next week. 😎
Super Lemon Haze v8b

Gellato Auto outdoor. Doing well, just needs more sun. 😎
DSC00445 3

Other things. This is what I came up with during a stoned moment after clearing a bench in the work shop, needed space to do a bit of house maintenance, so I had a bong and got side tracked, no surprise, work or a bong, work or a bong. 😁 Got to thinking about the hanging wires supplied with my new LED light, and the height loss. So here I am with a hand full of bits, what I was looking for was some thing fully adjustable, that wouldn't take more than a toker to adjust on the spot, and this is what I came up with, a bit Heath Robinson, but it is super shiny and blends in with the aluminium heat sink on my light. Don't think it takes much explaining, and you most likely have some or all of the parts knocking around in your shed if you want to knock one up for your self. First pic shows you the parts and how I put them together. I'm going to put a bolt either side of the carabena's connected to the original holes on the light fixture, not done this as yet, purely because it is solid as a rock. Balance was a big thing, so I used two small carabena's to keep the light central, one on its own was a bit wobbly, but two is perfect. The other reason I used the threaded bar is because it makes the whole bar adjustable, I didn't use a spanner to tighten things up, as I wanted the freedom to adjust the bar with my fingers. It all works fine, and I've reduced my height from 19 inches down to 6, although at six, it will be touching the ceiling, so a four to six inch gap should see me through, with a bit of luck. πŸ˜‰ Any way, tech pics.

The new hanger, fully adjustable for any hanging light situation. The bolts on the end of the thread bar will be joined by two more, one on either side of the carabena's, this will stop them sliding, not that they do, as I had to screw the bar through the carabena's to get them on, so they're going no were. πŸ‘

New hangers.
New Hangers

The old hangers.
Old Hangers

Left side fitted.
Left Side a

Left Side b

Right side.
Right Side a

Right Side b

And there you have it, easy and cheap to build, would cost you a couple of dollars if you don't have the bits already, been running with it all this week, works well. All I did when fitting the bits, was to mark the centre of the threaded bar to give me a good starting point for balancing the light when it was hung, a couple of twists of the bolts and it was bang on, height adjustment is by upping or downing the carabena's on the chain, easy fix. πŸ˜‰ And that my friends, is the end of this weeks update, will the lights fall down, will we be inundated with muff, only one way to find out, tune in next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, grab your reading glasses, grab a coffee, its Saturday, its sunny, and its update time. πŸ™‚ Not a lot to report on the def side of things as the plants are green and mean. But on the bug front, the mites are back and kicking off, normally they stay at the bottom of the plant, but these are at the top, for week two of flower this may become an issue later in flower if they don't move back to the base of the plant. I've upped the fan speed to try to cajole them into my way of growing, but this stain of mite might just web every thing in the last week of flower, little bastards. 🀬 As you know, I'm not a fan of pesticides on my food, or my weed, so nothing non organic will be done to sort the problem, cant see the point in slowly killing my self to eradicate bugs. The plant most effected is the Pure Kush, the biggest strongest plant of the four? Work that one out. The other three plants are not effected as bad, you can see the bites, but the mites are not moving up the plants like they have conquered the Pure Kush. Why are some plants more resilient than others, or is it some thing that triggers the mites to attack at the start of flower? Maybe a scent the plant gives off in flower attracts them as I mainly see them when I start flower, rarely in veg. I'd be happy if the mites stayed with the Pure Kush, but some how I don't think they will. 😑 Anyway, the other three plants are not really effected, would be nice if it stayed this way. πŸ™‚ Made a minor change to my light hanger to make it easier to adjust the height. Right, pics, week two of flower gone, six to go. πŸ‘

Pure Kush.
Pure Kush f2b

Pure Kush. If you look at the leaf in the bottom right hand corner, you can see the mites on the move.😑
Pure Kush f2a

Holy Punch.
Holy Punch f2a

White Widow.
White Widow f2a

Super Lemon Haze.
Super Lemon Haze f2a

Gelato Auto.
Gellato Auto v12a

Gellato Auto v12c

Other things. Had to adjust the height of my light this week and found the two small carabena's a chore to move up the chain, four small carabena's as apposed to one big one. I didn't want to swap out the small carabena's as they keep the light stable, so I added another, twice as big carabena to sort the problem out, this also stops me from placing the light to high and it over heating, as this now gives me six to seven inches from the ceiling to blow a fan over it if need be. πŸ˜‰ You can see the larger carabena looped through the two smaller ones, kept the two smaller one for stability, saves having to make some thing better, yeah, I know, lazy, but it works already. 😁

Right side, big carabena looped through the two smaller ones. πŸ‘

Left side, chain on both sides needs tidying up, but I do that when these four plants have finished flowering. πŸ™‚

So there you go, another quality update logged, time to kick back and enjoy the weekend, so enjoy yours people, see you next week, and above all, just keep tokin. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, hope your all super well, and raring to go on this drizzly here, Saturday morning. All is not well, the mites have taken over about a quarter of the Pure Kush, so this plant may not make it to the end of flower. The other three plants look fine, with just a few bites, but I have a feeling that after the Pure Kush is conquered, the mites will move over to the other three and they will fall to the mites too. 🀬 Been looking at some organic'ish methods for eradicating the mites, but even then, you still have to smoke the stuff, and will this be a hazard to your health? Who knows, and this is why I don't want to spray any thing on my grow, as even some of the organic stuff will still be more than toxic when you smoke a cured bud, dilemma or what. 😁 I'm going to try a few things while the mites are in action, purely to see if any thing works really, the best time to sort them is when the mites first arrive, that's the time to annihilate them, but as we all know, this is no easy thing to do, as even if you spray, you cant reach every nook and cranny. I've been lucky that when I've had mites before, they stayed at the bottom of the plant out of the way, and only destroyed the leaves on the bottom branches, and not the buds. But this time they started at the top, don't know why? Maybe the heat from the HID's kept them at bay, the LED's run cooler at canopy level, so maybe this allowed the mites to climb higher. I'm sure there's a trigger that wakes the mites up, always flower time for me. 😑 Anyway, moving on. πŸ™‚ Lets look at some pics.

Pure Kush. You can see the bites on the leaves, and the colour is draining. 🀬
Pure Kush f3a

Holy Punch. Nice Sativa leaves, you can see the bite marks on it too.
Holy Punch f3a

White Widow. Quite a skinny plant for a White Widow.
White Widow f3a

Super Lemon Haze.
Super Lemon Haze f3a

Gellato Auto outdoor. Week 13 from seed.
Gellato Auto w13 3

Short update, been really busy at work this week, so just hit been hitting the sofa instead of getting on with things. 😁 Next week I think we'll see the mites over come the Pure Kush, as it doesn't seem to have much of a defence against the mites, would be nice to see it turn around, but I think it will fail, only one way to find out, tune in next week and see who wins, mites or kush? until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good afternoon tokers and growers, hope your all well, an late update this week. 😁 Got folk over for the weekend, so flat out busy tonight and tomorrow entertaining. Plants, mites are still on the move, never had them this bad, I'm thinking its because there seems less moisture in the grow space because, as its cooler for the plants running the LED, as apposed to HID, which causes the plants to drink and sweat more due to the heat. Any way, other than the mites, the plants are doing ok, plenty of muff on the Super Lemon Haze, as there is on all of the plants. The weird one is the White Widow, not seen one grow like it is, seems more of an auto to me, in the way its growing, wrong label by the seed vendor maybe, because the last one I ran was also quite small for this strain, who knows. 😁 Right, lets have some pics. πŸ‘

Pure Kush. You can see the mites taking off on this plant, hit this one more than the other three, so maybe the mites have favourites for some reason, and just like us, some food will taste like shit to them, which is good for us. πŸ™‚
Pure Kush f4

Pure Kush f4a

Holy Punch. Thin leaves on this, must be holding a fair bit of Sativa.
Holy Punch f4

Holy Punch f4a

White Widow. Quite a whispy looking plant, would be nice if it grew into a single cola. πŸ‘
White Widow f4

Super Lemon Haze. Best muff of the four strains. πŸ™‚
Super Lemon Haze f4

Super Lemon Haze f4a

Gellato Auto outdoor. Been raining, again. Doing well, white muff is just starting to turn cinnamon. Week 14 from seed. πŸ‘
Gellato Auto w14a

Gellato Auto w14b

Gellato Auto w14c

Gellato Auto w14d

Other things growing, are the French Golden Delicious apples, could be a good year, with a bit of luck. πŸ™‚
Eating Apple a

Eating Apple b

Other than that, not a lot to report, so I'll cut this short, as I have a lot to do, so enjoy your weekend people, and above all, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, the weekend starts here, its Saturday morning, hope your all raring to go. πŸ™‚ Right, mites have not moved much, they've had regular sprays with water that I left for 48 hours to settle, and PH'd to seven. The idea is that it drives the mites down away from the flowers, this is to stop them webbing the buds, as they can have as many stalks and leaves as they like, but not my buds. lol Apart from the mites the plants are on form and should be done in 3 weeks, the only problem child is the White Widow, it is just a weird flower this time, and last time it produced the least, got one more seed left, but I'm reluctant to waste me time on them, as they produce nothing much, but the other plant strains do well next to them, so it can't be environment, I'm putting it down to the seed. The White Widow and the Holy Punch look like auto's in the way they grow, keep saying it, but it must be a mix up with the seeds at the suppliers end. πŸ˜‡ The Gellato Auto outdoor has full on cinnamon fronds, so its close to harvest, a few more golden trykes and its a chopper, had a small tester bud of the bottom of the plant, and it was ok, not a leg wobbler, but a full marathon would be out of the question after a bong. 😁 So that's outdoor auto that's about to start its second life, not hard to grow outdoors if any one fancies a go, you just have to keep an eye on bugs, as there are more plant chomping bugs outdoors than I have mites indoors. .lol On the technical side of things, there are no changes, but I have an idea to build a fibre glass trough to fit my persoanal needs πŸ™‚, so I can fit my plants under my lights footprint better, this is in the pipeline, but I've not date to start this project, as I've a lot of work on at the minute that we're trying to get sorted before Winter sets in, I have my heart set on a custom trough, just lack the time to make it real, I'll get there. πŸ˜‰ Right, lets have some pics. All plants have just finished week 5 and starting week 6 of flower today. πŸ‘

Pure Kush. Past damage is starting to show on the leaves, but with a bit of luck they will just fall off and leave just the buds, like a trimless plant. lol Won't be holding my breath. 😁
Pure Kush f5a

Pure Kush f5b

Holy Punch.
Holy Punch f5a

White Widow. Don't know what the score is with this strain of White Widow, both seeds that I've popped have grown like auto's. Even MORE whispy than last week. lol
White Widow f5a

Super Lemon Haze.
Super Lemon Haze f5a

Super Lemon Haze f5b

Tomato's are doing ok, took the seed from some food market toms last year, with the intention of setting the seed this year, purely as an experiment to see if they would grow, and I have to say I'm slightly impressed by the way they've grown, one tomato at the food market costs loose change, a packet of seeds on the other hand can be a couple of dollars, so as an experiment I popped the seeds from my lunch. lol And this is how they're doing. I don't know the actual strain names, but one is a Beefheart and the other is a standard type tomato.

Standard tom.
DSC00520 2

Unknown Beefheart strain. Had a couple of the smaller one off, and eaten, nice taste. This has spurred me on to try some thing exotic next year, will have to skuttle round with my fork next time we're in a restaurant. lol
DSC00519 2

And that's all I have for you this week, will the mites create a webbery, will they win this round, tune in next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this sunny Saturday morning, hope your all well. 😎 Plants have just finished week 6 in flower, and starting week seven this morning at lights on, two more weeks to go before chop. The mites are still with us, think the worst is over, no webbing as yet, so still hoping for a return for my effort, the Super Lemon Haze is the most repellent of the strains, good old Barney's. πŸ™‚ I've still no clue as to what's going on with the White Widow, think its a lost cause, got two weeks to go, and looking at it, it may not be good enough to hash. lol The Holy Punch has to be an auto of some sort, as its the shortest plant of the four, just goes to show that seeds are every thing when it comes to growing, bad or abnormal seeds will just lead you up the garden path. ☹️ On a brighter note, the Gellato Auto outdoor is down and hung, had a bud from a lower branch to test it, it seemed fine, so its down. Not a bad smoke for an auto, the auto scene is a lot better than it was a few years ago, at one time you would have needed a big bowl on you bong to get off, but nowadays the auto's are nearly as good as the non auto strains, a very healthy future for tent, and small l growers like my self, who only want a bit of a toke for my self, and a turn on for close friends. πŸ˜‰ Any way, lets have a look at some pics.

Pure Kush.
Pure Kush f7a

Pure Kush horse tailing, just finished week 6 of flower?
Pure Kush horse tailing

Holy Punch. Such a small plant.
Holy Punch f7a

White Widow. All the seeds have turned out different, don't know what's going on, but I'm reluctant to plant any more of them, as the last two have been a waste of time.
White Widow f7a

Super Lemon Haze. I'll say one thing for Barney's seeds, they all grow well, not had a bad seed from them, keep up the good work. πŸ‘
Super Lemon Haze f7a

Gellato Auto. This strain did really well, I'd plant another of this strain. Good branching, good sized solid tops with little or no waste, a nice little auto. πŸ˜‰
Gellato Auto w16a

Gellato Auto w16c

Trimmed and hung, not a lot of trimming to do on this plant, really nice plant to work with. πŸ‘
Gellato Auto w16 cut n trimmed  4

Gellato Auto w16 cut n trimmed  3

And there ends the life of the Gellato Auto outdoor, I'll give it a month to cure a little, then I'll start its cremation, grab a couple of buddies and we've got a wake. 😁 I have to say that in the past I gave auto's a wide berth, but in their defence, they have come a long way since they first hit the scene, and I hope the dedicated auto breeders carry on fine tuning these plants, give it a couple of years, and auto's will be up there with the best. And at that point, technically you could grow all you smoke for the year outdoors, with minimal space needed, could be the future, and the savings on electric and all the other things that empty your wallet every week tending your grow. πŸ˜‰ And that brings this update to and end, by next week I'll know how much damage the mites have cost me this round, so tune in next week for another edition of mite wars, until then, just keep tokin folks.. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, hope your all wheels down and shiny side up. πŸ™‚ Not much has changed this week, the mites seem less active, as the humidity rise seems to have slowed them down, a lot, the don't like rain. lol So maybe this some thing to consider if you don't want to spray chemicals that may cause side effects to you, never mind the mites. Thing that bugs me is, when I grew the last run with HPS, the mites stayed at the bottom of the plant, but with the LED, the mites stormed to the top unhindered, so what's the difference, I'm still using the same fan, extractor, same sized room, so what changed to cause the mites to move up? I've noticed the plants drink less with LED, maybe due to the heat, and I'm thinking the extra drinking creates some sort of dampness that the LED doesn't. So the next run I'm going LED from start to finish, and if the mites reach the top, then I'm back on the HPS for a run just to see if the mites stay on the bottom of the plants. Some were there's a link, its just finding it, and exploiting it in our favour. πŸ‘ Other than that, the plants are on course to finish at the end of week 8, or 9. The Pure Kush looks the worst, as it was hit the hardest by the mites, its also the only plant that doesn't get hit on all sides by the fan, as it resides in the left hand top corner, this has it covered by the plant in front of it, so maybe fan moving/rotating corners is the way forward? The other three plants are doing fine, the Holy Punch is still auto sized, so have to assume that's what it is. The White Widow is a waste of time this run, it will produce nothing worth a toke, not even good enough for the hash bucket, wouldn't like to pollute the better trim already in the trim bucket. lol The Super Lemon Haze is just getting on with it, looks good, just how the others should look, so it just goes to show that good genetics are the best starting point for your grow. πŸ‘ Anyway, week seven has just passed, plants are starting week eight of flower, so by next week, we should see how this grow is going to pan out, so with out further ado we'll move onto some pics. πŸ‘

Pure Kush. Looks rough now, but no webs, so it should produce some thing, even if its only from the hash bucket. lol
Pure Kush horse tailing

Holy Punch. Packing on the frost.
Holy Punch f7a

White Widow. Not been the worlds best seeds for this strain, disappointed with these seeds, as it takes just as long to grow a good plant as a bad one. 😑
White Widow f7a

Super Lemon Haze. Best of the bunch. πŸ™‚
Super Lemon Haze f7a

The Gellato Auto is trimmed and jarred, got around three ounces, so not bad for a plant that just sat in a bucket in the sun. πŸ‘
Gellato Auto outdor  4

Gellato Auto outdor  7

And there ends another update, soon be time to sort out seeds for the next round, don't know what's poppin until I get my seed bag out and have a look what's left, so see you all next week, until then, just keep toking folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, how you all doing this Autumn Saturday morning. πŸ™‚ Plants are now in flush as of this morning, I'll give them a couple of days and then cut them down, get them trimmed and hung to dry. Not a good harvest this time as the mites won this round, no webbing or dust on the buds, so this is as good a result as I can expect, thankyou mites. 😑 Three of the plants will produce a couple of ounces, but the big disappointment is the White Widow, bought three seeds, grown two, both were rubbish genetically, neither of the two I've popped have grown the same, and this last one is a joke, so much so, that I'm not going to bother with the last one, I feel I should crush it to get rid of it, or sell it to some one I don't like. 😁 If the Pure Kush had escaped the rath of the mites, then this would have turned out to be a good plant, stated well, and then I drowned it rushing to set up my hardware, lesson learned. πŸ‘ The Holy Punch is the smallest plant of the four, I'd stake money on the fact that its miss labeled, and is really an auto, which is shame, as it could have done really well outdoors for the Summer if I'd known. πŸ™ The only saving grace is the Super Lemon Haze from Barney's, its a nice looking plant, as are all the plants I've grown from Barney's seeds, good job, as I am partial to a lemon strain, don't know if I've said that before. lol So in a couple of days I'll be stripping out all the hardware, don't know if I'm going to post this part of the grow, as its well documented through out this grow diary, think I've bored every one enough with it, and if you've seen one painted grow space, you've seen them all. lol Right, pics of these four standing for the last time. πŸ™‚

Pure Kush. Nice colouring, shame about the mites and the horse tailing.

Holy Punch. Bit blurred.
Holy Punch f8a

White Widow. Not seen any thing grow like this one.
White Widow f8a

Super Lemon Haze. Best of the bunch.
Super Lemon Haze f8a

And that's it for this update, back next week for the hanging, would be nice to have more than four hangers, but we'll have to see how it goes, so tune in next week for the hanging, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, how are you all this Saturday morning, hope your all well. πŸ™‚ Right, we're all down, hung, dried, and jarred. πŸ‘ Its not the best or biggest haul I've ever had, but it will do, as I still have a large stash to smoulder through, so the one plant I've kept is the Super Lemon Haze, love lemons. 😁 The Holy Punch I've kept too. The White Widow, and Pure Kush have gone into the hash bucket, which will be processed in a couple of weeks, as I now have enough trim from my last couple of grows to make it worth my while whipping out the ice bucket, I'll post the results with pics when I get the job sorted. πŸ‘ I was hoping to be able to give you a full and definite review on my first excursion into LED, but due to the end result, I can only say that in veg, I saw no difference in the plants, four weeks from seed I could have flipped to flower, if it wasn't for the drainage problem early on in veg, so HID and LED are equal on that score. There is a massive difference on how the LED light is distributed, a bulb being round, and an LED being a flat board. I would like to see the next generation of LED lights take on a similar theme, and make the fixtures slightly curved to give a more outward penetrating light, as I feel that the flat surface makes the light to focused on one foot print, unlike a round light which puts light on the whole surface of the plant canopy, and not just the square under the light, LED light manufactures, please look into this, as your missing a trick . πŸ˜‰ All in all I think the LED's will take over in the end, with a couple of design tweeks we could do better than we already are, and there's the savings on electricity to take into consideration, and in the end the savings from swapping over could see you end up paying for your LED's from the savings, win win. πŸ‘ Anyway, lets see some pics. πŸ‘

First up to be hung is the Pure Kush, it produced two hangers.

Second hanging is the Holy Punch which produced one hanger.

Third hanging is the Super Lemon Haze, it produced two hangers.

Fourth hanging is the White Widow.

White Widow, weird grower, grew like Millet.

And finished, but not cured in the bucket ready to glass jar.
Holy Punch.
Holy Punch f9a

Pure Kush.
Pure Kush f9a

White Widow.
White Widow f9a

Super Lemon Haze. πŸ™‚
Super Lemon Haze f9b

Trim wise, most of the yellow fan leaves just dropped off with a gentle tap, on all four plants, so this is all the trim the four plants produced, don't think I'll become the hash king any time soon. 😁

On another note, while I was unplugging the hard ware to take it out and clean it up for the next run, this little stunner flopped its way into my grow space, seemed to love the LED, I switched the LED off and out the window it flew, Large Tortoise Shell butterfly, don't know what sex. πŸ™‚
DSC00586 2

DSC00585 2

And that my friends marks the end of this run, and this update. Don't know when I'll get fired up again, got a lot on, busy time of the year for me in the Autumn, but hope to be at least ready to switch the lights on by the end of the month and get some seeds popped, don't know what I'm popping as of yet, but it won't be one of these White Widow seeds, twice they've been poor quality, so the last one is binned, or I'll only have another go, you know how it is. lol So until the lights come back on, keep poppin, keep watering, but above all, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all bristling with enthusiasm on this sunny'ish Saturday. Not a lot to report this week, still in the process of spinning the grow space round, got the space painted, went for the same colours again, used up the halve tins I had left from the last daub, so maybe another colour/colours next run, will have to wait and see what catches my eye at the hardware store. Not decided what seeds to plant, should get my self online and buy some new stock, as I'm running out of good seed, getting down to all the rubbish stuff like Victory's White Widow, never binned a seed before, first time for everything. So during this run I'll have to order some better genetics, good job there's still some devoted seedsmen that care about more than a few bucks, and long may these dedicated folk rain. πŸ‘ Mites, I need to gather some intel on these creatures, I've taken them to light in the past, and let them extract the urine last run. Every living thing has a physical weakness some were in they're life cycle, and so do mites, its just a matter of exploiting these chinks in they're armour, if I find any I'll let you know. πŸ‘ I don't think poisons and sprays are the way to go, who really knows what's in your food or water these days, or when profit rears its ugly head, then it seems no body cares, it becomes one of those things we just except as there's nothing we can do, suffer the concoctions, or go with out, so I draw the line on smoking chemicals too. πŸ‘

I run a sealed room, so it amazes me how much dust and bits of stuff accumulate in corners after your fans have finished blowing them round, a quick hoover and its ready for paint. πŸ™‚
Clean up 1a 1

Round two, paint brush and roller time, not a big lover of painting, but it looks good when its done. πŸ™‚
Clean up 1a 2

And that's it for this mini update, but it shows you where I am with the next run, hope to have more to show you next week, seeds planted would be the ideal situation to be in, or popped would be better, I'll try and get that sorted today, but I'm flat out at the minute, so things will have to slot in as and when I get some free time to do them. And on that note, I'm outta here, tune in next week and find out if I've got any seeds planted, until then, enjoy your weekend, and just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all fine and dandy. Finally got round to burying some seeds, yesterday, so I don't have any pics of seeds bursting from the husk for you this morning, but next week, they should be up and swaying in the breeze, they may have crutches, or they may not, depends on whether they pop when I'm to whacked to sort them or not. πŸ˜„ Anyway, went for four plants again, that way if one is a non starter, then I have three more to go at, plan A. πŸ‘ Went for a Juan Herer, Zkittles, another Pure Kush, and a Amnesia Lemon freebee. So that's the line up for this run, all four are planted, so now its a waiting game, what's gonna pop, what's not, love this part of growing, nature has put a plant in this stripey seed, just needs un-packing and building into a tree. It was like this as a kid at Christmas, we would get model air craft as stocking fillers, along with glue, paint, sand paper, craft knives, but until you un-wrapped you model, you didn't know what it was, I remember painting all the bits for the first week, then rushing it the second to get it glued together so you could show your mates, and they'd show you their models, some would have tanks, some ships, some cars. Anyway, not many pics this week, as there's not a lot to report on until things take off, hope by next week to have some thing green to show you, four pots of green would be excellent, but as we know, in the real world. Pics. πŸ‘

As usual, I set up the heat matt and cloche to get the seeds going. I'm a firm believer in bottom heat, saves finding some were warm to set your seeds, and takes away some of the guessing if its warm enough where you've put them, and short of a power cut, they will be on a heat no matter what the conditions outside the cloche. So anyone struggling to pop seeds, try a heat matt. πŸ˜‰

Seed choice.
Seeds 1c

Seeds set in Root Riot cubes, I like these, as you can grow cuttings or seeds from the cubes, the don't go off if stored for a while, and unlike Rock Wool, these rot down in the compost heap. πŸ˜‰
Seeds set 1a

The Juan Herer is an old seed, had it around ten years, last one, I bought them from a guy who was doing a bit of pollen chucking when the The Dank Den was up and running, I bought three from him, and this is the last one, so hope this turns out right, maybe a bit of luck is needed for this one. 🀞 The Pure Kush I've just grown, but I liked the structure, so another one is added to this run. πŸ™‚ The Zkittles is a nice smoke, nice taste, nice hit, so this is why its been added. The Amnesia Lemon, last time out was a bit slow to get off, and as a result it turned out to be a small plant, I also dabbed this plant last time I grew it with some male pollen I had saved from a male, produced a lot of seed, and had a really nice lemony taste, I do like a lemon, so its in. 😁 And that's all I have for you this week, will the seeds pop, will the seeds flop, get your self back here next week and find out, until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, at last its Saturday, raining here, ducks seem to love it. πŸ™‚ Got some green bits to show you this morning, came up mid week, pleased to say that the 10 year old Juan Herer seed came up. πŸ™‚ Its a bit squirrely looking, but its up, two others have poppped, the Pure Kush and the Zkittles, the Amnesia Lemon has not produced a seedling as of yet, and could be a dud, shame, as it was a good toke last time, still might pop, but its getting a bit behind the others, and you know what that means, less light for it to catch up, we'll see. So a three out of four at the minute popped, which is not a bad thing, as I think I only have the space for three full sized plants anyway if I give them the space they need to branch out. A couple of the seedlings look like they may need a crutch next week, again, one day I'll be there when they pop and I'll lower the light, and not allow the seedlings to become leggy. lol

As normal, I planted the seeds in Riot Cubes, quite like these cubes, very handy. πŸ˜‰
Seeds popped v1b

Pure Kush is off, its not hanging about, good stout stem on it. I remember the Zkittles being a big plant last time I ran it, maybe the Zkittles will give the Pure Kush a good run size wise, we'll see, but at the minute, the PK has it in the bag, unlike the Amnesia Lemon .😁
Seeds popped v1a

Once the shoots were up, time to prick out the seedlings and up-pot to some thing bigger, so the seedlings were planted into there final pots. Love seeds and seedlings. 😍

Pure Kush.
Pure Kush v1a

Juan Herer. 10 year old seed, doing well. πŸ™‚
Juan Herer v1a

Zkitttles. This was a big plant for my space last time I grew it, nice producer and a nice hit too.πŸ™‚
Zkittles v1a

Amnesia Lemon. Might be the last appearance this one makes. lol
Amnesia Lemon v1a

And there you go, a bit of green stuff showing through, by next week we should have some bigger leaves, and in three weeks we should be ready to flip, just got to get these young plants through the leggy period first, and then they'll take off, then they can start to be fed some thing to make them grow faster. Sticking with the Canna nuits again this run, they're just so easy to get on with, and I like the way they measure out. πŸ˜‰ And that's it for this week, will the Amnesia Lemon turn up, will the seedlings become leggy and fall over, pop back next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this sunny October morning, makes a change to see some sun, had rain for the last week. 😎 The seedlings are doing well, still a no show on the Amnesia Lemon, but the other three seedlings are starting to take off quite well, so its a three out of four this run, shame, as the Amnesia Lemon was a nice smoke last time I grew it, made some nice hash from the trim. πŸ™‚ The ten year old Juan Herer seed is doing fine, started a bit squirrely, but it spun its self round. The other two are bigger looking seedlings, and have to say the Zkittles is starting to over take the Pure Kush in size, even though the Pure Kush was up two days before the Zkittles, I see a power struggle ahead, which one is going to push the light over first. lol Second week for the seedlings, normally for me it all starts in the third week, seems to take my seedlings a week and a half to get sorted, so by next week the seedlings should be small plants, and we should get a basic idea of the structure of the plants, like the shape of the leaves, indica or sativa type. Anyway, pic time. πŸ‘

Pure Kush.
Pure Kush v2a

Pure Kush v2b

Juan Herer. Waring a crutch just in case the wind gets it. 😁
Juan Herer v2a

Juan Herer v2b

Zkittles. Second time I've grown this, nice sized plant last time I ran it. πŸ™‚
Zkittles v2a

Zkitles v2b

Amnesia Lemon. Still a no show, its got until the middle of next week to pop, or the Zkittles gets extra space. πŸ™‚
Amnesia Lemon v2a

Other things, I picked up a couple of bottles of citrus beer while shopping with my partner, haven't had time to have a slurp, but tonight is the night, and if its any good, then I may have a look round for a citrus beer kit, some thing different to try. 🍺 And this is all there is for this week, will the beer taste of lemons, or will it be a lemon, will the seedlings still need their crutches next week, or will they be able to stand on there own leg, check in next week and find out, until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, time to clean those bongs and pipe clean those neat pipes, the weekend is here. πŸ™‚ Right, seedlings are starting to go for it, all have good colour and vigor. Seems its a three plant grow, as the Amnesia Lemon won't be joining this green journey. πŸ˜’ But the other three are off, the ten year old seed of the Juan Herer is starting to shake off the odd leaf pattern on the tips, so it looks like a goer. The Zkittles is the biggest plant of the three, followed by the Pure Kush, and third is the Juan Herer, all have a different look about them, you can see the large amount of indica in the Juan Herer compared to the other two strains which look sativa based. Don't know if I've done some thing different this run, but the seedlings seem slow to take off, weather is a bit cold, borderline frosty, so maybe its time to restrict the cold air vents a little, and keep the heat in a bit more. πŸ˜‰ This week saw me make a start on my one and a half gallon trim bucket, got the trim broken down in to roller sized pieces, I'll get the buds spinning in the trim spinner later when I get a minute, then leave it spinning for a couple of hours. I find it does a better job if you run it slow rather than smash the buds to bits and wind up with to much rubbish to sift on your sifting trays, the idea being to roll off the frost. πŸ˜‰ Anyway, lets have some pics before this update turns into a book/books. 😁

Pure Kush. Week three of veg, was hoping to flower these three plants at week four weeks, but I seem to be a week behind. πŸ€”
Pure Kush v3a

Pure Kush v3b

Zkitttles v3a

Zkittles v3b

Juan Herer.
Juan Herer v3a

Other things. Finally got round to getting my trim bucket out and gather up the siffting tools,πŸ™‚ been trying to sort out some hash for a while, but just don't have the time spare to sort the job out, this morning sees me make time, don't know if I'll get the whole job done today (would be nice) but even if I ONLY get the spinning done, then we're half way there. πŸ˜‰ I don't use any thing fancy, because as you already know, things can get sticky, very sticky, very fast, so it helps if you can just dump the sticky stuff, with little cost to your self. This is what I use, a cheap build, a couple of bits of wood, all off cuts, and bits of wood destined for the log burner. Just slap them together, and your off. I made this spinner, I was well stoned at the time, just wanted to see if it worked, sort of a stoner project, πŸ™‚ And blow me if it didn't work really well, so well I've not got passed the prototype to build a better one, one buddy sat on it and crushed it, you can still see the curvature in the mesh. lol It stuck back together and is nearly worn out. I keep my eyes pealed for better parts and the auto jumbles, but until the prototype wares out. 🀣 Anyway, if you like the idea, get one built, and post your design in your diary, you might have a better design than mine, in which case, I'll nick your ideas to update mine. lol Right, lets get spinning. πŸ‘

This is my spinner, its just a large plastic box with a clip on lid, the lid keeps the fine dust in, as we don't want to lose that do we. πŸ˜‰
Hash Making 1

Trays x2, can't remember the mesh size on the trays or the tumbler, but there's plenty of good advise online. I remember going for a good sized mesh for the tumbler, going with the idea that it would block less, and as I'm sifting it later, it doesn't matter if I get a bit of debris in my container. πŸ‘ If you look at the mesh, you can see the difference, the one on the right is wide meshed, the one on the left is finer. I use the wide gauge mesh tray first to take out all the rubbish, then the finer tray to create the magic. πŸͺ„
Hash Making 2

Motor, the motor for my spinner, I chose a 12v Denso windscreen wiper motor off my old 4x4, cheap, and has a bit of torque on low power to turn the spinner, also its an electric motor that is meant to be running for a couple of hours, so it is purpose built really for the job. πŸ˜‰
Hash Making 3

How to fill the spinner.
Hash Making 4

Hash Making 5

I fill my spinner to three quarters full, this will reduce after a couple of hours spinning.
Hash Making 6

Hash Making 7

Hash Making 8

This is the trim that's going in the spinner from the trim bucket.
Hash Making 9

And that's it, was hoping to have a video of the spinner in action, but that will have to wait. Hope to get every thing spun and prepared this afternoon so I can show you the results next week.
So until then, build your self a spinner, and get spinning that trim, and above all, just keep tokin. πŸ‘
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