grizzle crinkle smells like hay


Puff Paladin
May 21, 2023
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im not sure how but somehow during the dry i must of fcked it up smells and taste like hay , a few months back i grew the same strain shit was great only difference this time was i did some lst and the light i was using , last time i used the spiderfarmer sf4000 and got 1.5 oz per plant of some killer shit .this time used the viparspectra ks3000 did some lst and got 2.5 to 4 oz a plant it's not as good as last time will try and post some pics tomorrow of some dried
the seeds i used this time were seeds i got from the last grow .
will the smell and quality get better in a few weeks after curing ?
Yea man it might turn around. You said you are also growing from seed so you may have many reasons it's different. Different phenotype, is the seed an s1? They say s1 seeds are never exactly like the parent. Was it pollinated by another plant that maybe threw a nanner late in flower?

Many reasons it may not end up as "dank" as last time. A clone would be a different story.
Yea man it might turn around. You said you are also growing from seed so you may have many reasons it's different. Different phenotype, is the seed an s1? They say s1 seeds are never exactly like the parent. Was it pollinated by another plant that maybe threw a nanner late in flower?

Many reasons it may not end up as "dank" as last time. A clone would be a different story.
I've grown s1 several times, and they are usually never quite as good as the mother.
im sorry but i do not know the difference between a s1's s2 f1 f2's , i do know out of the 5 plants 2 might be ok the other 3 im not so sure about 1 of them i might just use it for bubble hash and then this could be just my anxiety because i do not smell any weed like i used too lol
I don't know much myself dude, maybe someone else can better explain it but I think if you want seeds that are going to consistently perform near identical you'd want seeds that are IBL or F4 F5...I think each generation up you lock in more of the traits you want when breeding. IBL stands for inbred line which means it's been bred to be stable and stands alone as it's own strain. I think IBL = F6. If you get F4 or F5 they will be pretty stable and have a narrow variety in the phenotypes the progeny will throw. F2 is the least predictable generation because recessive traits come out.

Atleast that's what I've gathered.
By look and your description it sounds like your crop was overfed and still had a lot of fertilizer in the plants at the time of chop.
I'll throw a dart at the wall and guess that you used salt based fertilizers and or a bloom booster?
Cure and time will help break that down but I think you found the threshold of feeding for the strain.
Next grow, back off how much and how often you feed, cut feeding around week 6 of bloom, and let the ladies clear their plate at the end, almost to the brink of starvation.
A plant mobilizing nutes, mainly nitrogen from the lower regions to feed the upper regions is a good thing the closer you get to harvest. Temps and humidity will also play a role in food uptake so you want that dialed in as close to perfect as possible especially after week 6 so they eat up everything fed to them without burning.
You'll get them to exhaust all the ferts available and fade out into ripening greatly reducing the amount of chlorophyll left in the plant causing that grassy hay smell while at the same time amplifying terps that will give you that dank aroma.

The light change and training did play a role but that role was in how the plants fed. Environment also played it's part and the result was an overfed crop with food still left on the plate at harvest. If the smoke has a bitter metallic like taste to it, that's another sign it was overfed when alive
I'm gonna side MDK. It was new seeds which means different phenos and terpene profiles. The cure will make it better 100%. I will never smoke freshly dried weed ever again. Puts a terrible taste in my mouth.
There are multiple ways to skin a cat or so they say

Mean gene won an emerald cup and he just hang dries without curing. I'm sure taste factored into the judgement. I think curing is most important for long term storage personally. I am wrong ALOT.
There are multiple ways to skin a cat or so they say

Mean gene won an emerald cup and he just hang dries without curing. I'm sure taste factored into the judgement. I think curing is most important for long term storage personally. I am wrong ALOT.
who was the judges..what year?
Idk that, I just know over a 3 year period he took 3rd then 2nd then 1st...some say it was rigged some say it wasn't, alot of people say he has fire weed though
By look and your description it sounds like your crop was overfed and still had a lot of fertilizer in the plants at the time of chop.
I'll throw a dart at the wall and guess that you used salt based fertilizers and or a bloom booster?
Cure and time will help break that down but I think you found the threshold of feeding for the strain.
Next grow, back off how much and how often you feed, cut feeding around week 6 of bloom, and let the ladies clear their plate at the end, almost to the brink of starvation.
A plant mobilizing nutes, mainly nitrogen from the lower regions to feed the upper regions is a good thing the closer you get to harvest. Temps and humidity will also play a role in food uptake so you want that dialed in as close to perfect as possible especially after week 6 so they eat up everything fed to them without burning.
You'll get them to exhaust all the ferts available and fade out into ripening greatly reducing the amount of chlorophyll left in the plant causing that grassy hay smell while at the same time amplifying terps that will give you that dank aroma.

The light change and training did play a role but that role was in how the plants fed. Environment also played it's part and the result was an overfed crop with food still left on the plate at harvest. If the smoke has a bitter metallic like taste to it, that's another sign it was overfed when alive
was organic with gaia green
If you can leave those bags sealed another week or 2 gonna be even better .
Or a month or two lol. I just opened one of Amnesia Lemon that was heat sealed and stored in a cooler in my basement, and the smell smacked me in the face like a lemon tree that got sprayed by a skunk. It was harvested in October and I heat sealed a bunch in November.
The groves really do work magic under the right conditions. Totally thought I was out of Sativa and then found that hiding under all my BCP... freaking tops too! Damn stoner.
Or a month or two lol. I just opened one of Amnesia Lemon that was heat sealed and stored in a cooler in my basement, and the smell smacked me in the face like a lemon tree that got sprayed by a skunk. It was harvested in October and I heat sealed a bunch in November.
The groves really do work magic under the right conditions. Totally thought I was out of Sativa and then found that hiding under all my BCP... freaking tops too! Damn stoner.
2/3 weeks it’s smokeable hell 3 days and b smokable but ur right about 8/10 week cure is perfect for my taste
2/3 weeks it’s smokeable hell 3 days and b smokable but ur right about 8/10 week cure is perfect for my taste
Oh yeah for sure... I TRY to keep my paws off for at LEAST 2 weeks... it's usually a little harsh without at least that long and the flavors only improve over time... back to my wine analogy lol. I swear I'm not a wino. 🤣
Or a month or two lol. I just opened one of Amnesia Lemon that was heat sealed and stored in a cooler in my basement, and the smell smacked me in the face like a lemon tree that got sprayed by a skunk. It was harvested in October and I heat sealed a bunch in November.
The groves really do work magic under the right conditions. Totally thought I was out of Sativa and then found that hiding under all my BCP... freaking tops too! Damn stoner.
I'm confused about the grove bags maybe someone can straighten me out. I doubt it, I'm easily confused these days.
I thought the grove bags were supposed to be breathable so if it were a little too wet its ok. Is that right?
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