New pump fuckin' leaks... THROUGH THE HOUSING !!!

I guess I'm gonna try to slap some epoxy on it but this is ridiculous. Contacting Amazon. Hopefully they'll ship me out another one.
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you may already know this but i would go right through their help chat, you can show them that vid and everything. they seem to act quick on the chat and might get it to you quicker.

you may already know this but i would go right through their help chat, you can show them that vid and everything. they seem to act quick on the chat and might get it to you quicker.

Thanks man. It just showed up today so they accepted the return and it says the new one should be here by the 31st.

Luckily they're just little bitty guys in the system so circulating the water isn't a HUGE issue. I have a towel under it for now, bout to head to work. If that towel is soaked when I get home, I'll just shut it all down and reinstall the spare pump while I wait.
All the DC pumps are known to leak. Even the original German $350 one~!
Sorry. When Sweetleaf bought the DC pump I always recommend I had no clue he was going to run it inline/dry. That is when I sent him a legit inline pump.
The pump may not leak but be warned.
The beauty of the DC pumps is the transformer/ power switcher is separate from the pump so direct heat transfer is not an issue.
I would and do only use the DC pumps submerged. Little leaks don't matter at all submerged.
If you really want a dry / inline pump look up blue line pumps Mr. Moneybags~!
That is what I sent to him for his system.

Have you tried the transformer on old pump yet?
Mr. Moneybags~!
That is what I sent to him for his system.
Have you tried the transformer on old pump yet?
I did and it didn't work. It ran almost continuously for a year and a half so it must've just finally had enough.

The replacement should be here in under a week. We'll see. If not, I'll just slap a piece of gum on it and call it good. It's a leak with barely any pressure so it should be easy enough to fix, but hopefully the new one doesn't leak. This particular leak must be from the smallest hairline crack EVER. It's invisible and I can't feel it at all. It almost looks like osmosis. I couldn't believe my eyes when I finally found the source.

I was fully prepared to have a leak around the fittings. It took me a while to get the last pump's fittings to cinch down tight enough. I was ready to fix this one with the gasket material you sent me until I found where it's coming from. I could probably fix it with a soldering iron or some epoxy or even a piece of gum but I'd rather get the replacement. If it leaks too, I'll be looking into Blue Line pumps like you suggest.
Do you have to send the cracked one back?
If not try super glue on the crack.
Yeah I have to return within a month.

does it come apart? it would be better to glue from the inside. a plastic welder would probably work good if you happen to have access.
I agree. It should be an easy enough fix. Not quite as easy as just swapping out the old one with the replacement, though, so hopefully the new one doesn't leak also.

Honestly some pvc glue would probably do the trick.
just stinks it will take a week for a replacement. man if that thing was in my pond the crack would be filled with fish poop in about two hours and not leak anymore. :LOL:

new faulty stuff is the worst though, such a buzz kill!
just stinks it will take a week for a replacement.
Ha yeah.. I agree. Paid money and waited on shipping and it's faulty. Lame.
man if that thing was in my pond the crack would be filled with fish poop in about two hours and not leak anymore.
I seriously contemplated waiting til I ran some nutes through it but nah.. that'd take forever.
Whoa you weren't kidding. For a pump with the same output as the one I bought for 89 costs over 450.. not quite sure I'm willing to throw that much money at a pump.
You would only need the model 30 or 40 that are around $240~!
Yea they are not cheap but considered one of the best.
man if that thing was in my pond the crack would be filled with fish poop in about two hours and not leak anymore.
I seriously contemplated waiting til I ran some nutes through it but nah.. that'd take forever.
It actually didn't take that long. The towel under it is basically dry and I can barely feel any wetness where the leak was coming from. YOU ALL SAW IT TOO, RIGHT?!
Oh well. New pump coming.


Everything's coming along nicely. Got one leaner but I think it'll do fine. The first to pop is looking great. It's in the pics below.
The water level is an inch or so below the netpots. These aren't the most aggressive roots of the bunch, but they're abundant.

9th day from sprouting
Temp: 80-82
RH: 60-62
Water temp: 70
PH: 5.9
PPM (500): 160

I think I'm gonna like these Lotus nutes. I know it's early, but the pH stays rock steady. I'm not too sure about the solubility, though. There were some odd little black flakes mixed into the Grow blend. I assume that's normal for them? They seemed to dissolve? I put that '?' in there because I mixed for a long time and gave up trying to get them all to dissolve.
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theres video proof... you ain't going crazy (yet)!!!! too cool man, at least it shouldn't be a hassle while you wait for the new one!!

your roots look like they're really taking off fast this time!! anything you did different?
theres video proof... you ain't going crazy (yet)!!!! too cool man, at least it shouldn't be a hassle while you wait for the new one!!
I totally agree. I was not looking forward to swapping out pumps just to do it again next week.

your roots look like they're really taking off fast this time!! anything you did different?
Yeah I sowed directly in the gro-plugs vs. the VG and went with smaller netpots. I was hesitant on going with the 4" pots because of the Power Plant failure, but it allowed for an extra couple inches in the res. Still not sure what went wrong with my Greezy beans, though. Old stock maybe, but they were moved from the VG to the plugs. I'm just not a huge fan of that early transplant.

All 4 plants have great looking roots and I'm jacked!
Had to make a swap. That leaner was a layer when I got home this morning. I noticed yesterday that the stem was flattish in a couple spots. I assumed the two symptoms were related so I moved it to a different bucket, thinking maybe that was a drafty corner or something. That didn't solve the lean so I swapped it out with one of my spares that's just been chilling in the dome. Thankfully I kept the extra two and kept up on watering them.

Here they are. You can see, the leaner has decent roots. It may have started damping off.
Bring your light closer and give them a little support.
I dont see damping off signs, I just see them getting tall and falling over.
The other three are doing fine. They're a little lanky but they really stretched in the dome, before I moved them into the tent. The one in that pic has been in the dome. It's now the tallest one in the tent by more than an inch. The other three have hardly stretched since the move.

i agree, growing heavy and leaning over, just some temporary support needed.
I actually propped her up straight this morning using one of the pebbles.


I couldn't get a good pic of it, but there were clearly little flat spots in the stem. That was a couple days I ago when I first mentioned the lean, too.

I'm not saying you guys are wrong because my light is a foot further away than the recommended height. I just don't think it's what caused this one to fall.

I actually think @Aqua Man once recommended I raise my light all the way up and just control it with the intensity. Chime in and correct me if I'm wrong. I might be making shit up.
I actually think @Aqua Man once recommended I raise my light all the way up and just control it with the intensity. Chime in and correct me if I'm wrong. I might be making shit up.
You can do this too, I just like running my lights low cause I have cheapo lights so I don't wanna burn em up by turing up the intesity lol.
It has to be extreme lack of light for stretch to occur from intensity.

Spectrum on the other hand can affect that greatly. Using a 4000 kelvin or higher reduces the stretching. The more blue the light the less.

Thats why many use fluorescents for the first week or so
Turn off the red lights when starting them from now on. Also they will bend like that when intensity is too high.

When they recommend a height for seedling i bet they also recommend only the blue light is on. If your light has that option
They're website suggests a 39:49:99 ratio of R:W:B. Right now my let is set to a 3:4:5 ratio. I'll lower the reds and see if that helps.
Keep in mind suggestions are middle ground and genetics play a role. The red to far red ratio is what really up the stretch.

I don’t mean to keep it there but just the first week.

Their ratio indicates middle of the road being 1:2.5 red to blue you are 1:1.6 thats a huge difference bro… huge and personally the first weekly would do 1:3 or even between that and 1:4 ratio.
No idea if this is true but I heard a breeder talking about selecting a male and saying cotyledons actually have trichs on them if you magnify them (never tried) and that he looks at those and marks all plants with trichs on the cotys then hopes one is a male when sexing plants.

So maybe you could use that as an indicator? Something to look at at least at this stage when not much else going on 🤷🏻‍♂️
Trichs don't really give any indication on the males tendency, it's best to use males and test the offspring, or u can reverse a male into a female and get a really good idea what your working with. I've seen females with pre trichs in veg that kinda fizzled out and ones that were late bloomers turn out to be fire
The other three are doing fine. They're a little lanky but they really stretched in the dome, before I moved them into the tent. The one in that pic has been in the dome. It's now the tallest one in the tent by more than an inch. The other three have hardly stretched since the move.

I actually propped her up straight this morning using one of the pebbles.


I couldn't get a good pic of it, but there were clearly little flat spots in the stem. That was a couple days I ago when I first mentioned the lean, too.

I'm not saying you guys are wrong because my light is a foot further away than the recommended height. I just don't think it's what caused this one to fall.

I actually think @Aqua Man once recommended I raise my light all the way up and just control it with the intensity. Chime in and correct me if I'm wrong. I might be making shit up.

glad to hear she's standing again with a little help.

i agree with all the things Aqua man says as well.

i don't know if anything here can be extracted for hydro but in soil if i overwater a young seedling they will shoot up fast and furious all bobble headed. don't think you can overwater in hydro but maybe its an O2 thing??


saw this today man and thought of your avatar...

glad to hear she's standing again with a little help.
She has since been removed and exiled back to the dome and was replaced with the last of the taller ones. I still have one healthy-ish seedling in the dome now but it's nearly half the height of the others. It looks good but it's squatted with smaller leaves than the rest. Either runt or a totally different pheno, so I left it out of the tent. If any others decide to give up, she'll replace them.
She has since been removed and exiled back to the dome and was replaced with the last of the taller ones. I still have one healthy-ish seedling in the dome now but it's nearly half the height of the others. It looks good but it's squatted with smaller leaves than the rest. Either runt or a totally different pheno, so I left it out of the tent. If any others decide to give up, she'll replace them.

that was smart planning by having the extras and not ditching them to early. now she got benched and the backup is in!!!
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