Help with soil.

Perlite and vermiculite maybe 1/3 of the overall pot mixture...sometimes the soil alteady has this, if not build your soil and add. Can you start a compost pile or illegal in Old Blighty? Peels, coffee grounds, leaves and lots of egg and crushed clamshells....takez time but black gold underneath forbetter smoke.


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No this is the soil I'm using in 16litre fabric pots.
And this is why we ask for pictures.
Your soil is not soil but Coco.
Not a big deal but different rules for how to water and feed.
People do add perlite[ those white pellets] to coco and soil.
We have coco growers here but I am not one.
@ZombieRider is a knowledgeable about coco grows.
And this is why we ask for pictures.
Your soil is not soil but Coco.
Not a big deal but different rules for how to water and feed.
People do add perlite[ those white pellets] to coco and soil.
We have coco growers here but I am not one.
@ZombieRider is a knowledgeable about coco grows.
Thank u 4 help. So the pic u sent me is that the soil u us the canna Terra pro plus by any chance pal
Thank u 4 help. So the pic u sent me is that the soil u us the canna Terra pro plus by any chance pal
I do not use that brand but I do use a 'loaded' soil.
Soil and coco get watered and fed differently.
Most people water their coco everday or even more often.
It is needed. They also feed everytime as there is no nutritional value in coco like a loaded soil.
Soil growers water maybe once every 4-7 days allowing and wanting the soil to dry back.
You never want coco to dry back. NEVER.
My soil has perlite and I even add more sometimes.
I use plastic pots, but many here use fabric.
I do not use that brand but I do use a 'loaded' soil.
Soil and coco get watered and fed differently.
Most people water their coco everday or even more often.
It is needed. They also feed everytime as there is no nutritional value in coco like a loaded soil.
Soil growers water maybe once every 4-7 days allowing and wanting the soil to dry back.
You never want coco to dry back. NEVER.
My soil has perlite and I even add more sometimes.
I use plastic pots, but many here use fabric.
No anyone that uses that soil or wot soil do u use urself steamroller pal. And is it available in UK.
I use Coast Of Maine Stonington for my soil.
I am not sure it is available in the UK.
There are many good soils to choose from.
I have used Fox Farms, Pro Mix BX also but not sure if in the UK.
No anyone that uses that soil or wot soil do u use urself steamroller pal. And is it available in UK.
Sup bro! So that Canna Coco Pro + is 100% coco coir. It has NO fertilizer in it because it's meant for you to water in the fertilizer every time you water, refreshing the pot with fresh nutrients your plant can eat right away.

Did you buy fertilizers yet? If not I can recommend a good series of fertilizer that will get you going.

Welcome to Budbuilders bro, feel free to ask any questions you have.
Sup bro! So that Canna Coco Pro + is 100% coco coir. It has NO fertilizer in it because it's meant for you to water in the fertilizer every time you water, refreshing the pot with fresh nutrients your plant can eat right away.

Did you buy fertilizers yet? If not I can recommend a good series of fertilizer that will get you going.

Welcome to Budbuilders bro, feel free to ask any questions you have.
I have not bought any soil or mix yet because I wanna try get some advice first
I have not bought any soil or mix yet because I wanna try get some advice first
If I were you I would go with that Canna coco you posted and get a simple set of fertilizers to get you through your first grow as trouble free as possible.

For the nutrients, I use General Hydroponics Flora Series. Just get some General Hydroponics (GH) Calimagic, GH Flora Micro, GH Flora Grow, GH Flora Bloom and, if its available in your location, Great White Mycorrhizae. If you cant find Great White, then I would go with GH Florakleen. I have my own recipe I use that is a good starting point, I can share that if you want at some point.

So in total your looking at 4 bottles of nutrients and a bottle of root powder, pretty simple imo.

Your also gonna need a PH pen, like 25 bucks, and a EC pen, also like 25 bucks. You use those to check your fertilizer solution.

It might sound complicated at first, but its WAY easier to fix problems like PH in coco vs soil as the plant will respond right away to fixing any issues. Soil takes a while to show improvement after trying to fix something, so you can end up chasing your tail a bit. Coco is like: you follow the recipe, you will get results.

Also, 16 litre pot is a bit too large for coco coir imo. You should rock something like a 7-11 litre pot instead, so you can get the full benefits of coco like fast drainage.

You dont need perlite (the lil white pellets) in the coco coir, pure coco has all the drainage you need. Adding perlite just adds another unnecessary step.

I like use hard sided plastic pots, or plastic grow bags. The fabric pots tend to dry out quicker than the plastic ones, making it a bit more crucial to moniter the moisture levels in the pot.

Whew that was a lot of info lol. If you end up going the coco route I will gladly help you along the way, its not as hard as it might appear :D. If you wanna play with some dirt and go a different route, you can talk to our Soil growing expert @CannaGranny, she is super helpful!!
If I were you I would go with that Canna coco you posted and get a simple set of fertilizers to get you through your first grow as trouble free as possible.

For the nutrients, I use General Hydroponics Flora Series. Just get some General Hydroponics (GH) Calimagic, GH Flora Micro, GH Flora Grow, GH Flora Bloom and, if its available in your location, Great White Mycorrhizae. If you cant find Great White, then I would go with GH Florakleen. I have my own recipe I use that is a good starting point, I can share that if you want at some point.

So in total your looking at 4 bottles of nutrients and a bottle of root powder, pretty simple imo.

Your also gonna need a PH pen, like 25 bucks, and a EC pen, also like 25 bucks. You use those to check your fertilizer solution.

It might sound complicated at first, but its WAY easier to fix problems like PH in coco vs soil as the plant will respond right away to fixing any issues. Soil takes a while to show improvement after trying to fix something, so you can end up chasing your tail a bit. Coco is like: you follow the recipe, you will get results.

Also, 16 litre pot is a bit too large for coco coir imo. You should rock something like a 7-11 litre pot instead, so you can get the full benefits of coco like fast drainage.

You dont need perlite (the lil white pellets) in the coco coir, pure coco has all the drainage you need. Adding perlite just adds another unnecessary step.

I like use hard sided plastic pots, or plastic grow bags. The fabric pots tend to dry out quicker than the plastic ones, making it a bit more crucial to moniter the moisture levels in the pot.

Whew that was a lot of info lol. If you end up going the coco route I will gladly help you along the way, its not as hard as it might appear :D. If you wanna play with some dirt and go a different route, you can talk to our Soil growing expert @CannaGranny, she is super helpful!!
Id also use coco as said above. Easier to fix when hit problems. Faster growth than soil also. And cant really over water coco unless water stupid amounts on a seedling where soil you can over water.
I have not bought any soil or mix yet because I wanna try get some advice first
I'm in the uk bud and I use that coco, you want to mix it 70/30 with perlite, I use shogun nutrients because I find they do a good job and are reasonably priced, and I've been feeding them 3 times daily which has been a bastard to hand feed but the plants have absolutely loved it. I love coco now but you have to get your feeding on point I've found
I find it mad how ppl charging crazy prices for clones on strainly and other places yet people was saying they can get ounces for like 40-50 in canada. Does anybody know why that is and why clones are that much
I find it mad how ppl charging crazy prices for clones on strainly and other places yet people was saying they can get ounces for like 40-50 in canada. Does anybody know why that is and why clones are that much
Because if people will pay that amount, then they sell it. Call it hype or whatever, its because people are greedy imo.
I'm in the uk bud and I use that coco, you want to mix it 70/30 with perlite, I use shogun nutrients because I find they do a good job and are reasonably priced, and I've been feeding them 3 times daily which has been a bastard to hand feed but the plants have absolutely loved it. I love coco now but you have to get your feeding on point I've found
U wana try sort a drip system out jon be better for ya. Like u said hassle hand feeding three times a day
I'm in the uk bud and I use that coco, you want to mix it 70/30 with perlite, I use shogun nutrients because I find they do a good job and are reasonably priced, and I've been feeding them 3 times daily which has been a bastard to hand feed but the plants have absolutely loved it. I love coco now but you have to get your feeding on point I've found
How big of a pot are you using? Never found myself needing perlite in pure coco. Just keep her saturated and your good.
MArs hydro got one saw sumone using it looks good and use ya run off trays as nornal.
85 for all that. Cheap


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