Mold in Oregon dispensary herb!


Puff Paladin
Apr 18, 2023
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I found a place that sells $30 oz. Well several of those oz taste like freaking mold!! I know Oregon tests but if they only test four ounces out of fifty pounds they could miss it and I think they did. Two different strains taste moldy. Gross.

Can I use 190 proof ethanol and make a tincture? I know how I’m just wondering if it would kill the mold. I’m not smoking that crap.
Some strains have a musty mold taste imo.

If you have a UV light break open a couple nugs and shine a UV light on it and if its moldy, the mold will glow.
Yeah Iv'e had some sativa with a mildewy taste but this taste like straight up mold. I hope you are right and it's just terps but it seems off. I don't have a UV light to check.
Some strains have a musty mold taste imo.

If you have a UV light break open a couple nugs and shine a UV light on it and if its moldy, the mold will glow.
I was about to post the same thing
I use this one for just about everything...checking buds, looking at wounds on my dog to make sure it's not ringworm, check for body fluids in places where there should not be body fluids etc. Molds will glow like they're radio active under this light

I was about to post the same thing
I use this one for just about everything...checking buds, looking at wounds on my dog to make sure it's not ringworm, check for body fluids in places where there should not be body fluids etc. Molds will glow like they're radio active under this light

Same one i have!
I just decided to email the dispensary and let them know. Curious to see if they make it right or ignore it. At least I only have one oz out of 8 that taste like that. Different strains.
Ive always thought dosido tastes like moldy cloves. Its one of my least favorite strains taste wise. The high is pretty good tho.
With dispensary weed you never know man. Ive bought bud covered in mildew from dispensaries before. Ive also gone and picked up 3 8ths and got 52 seeds.... dispos suck thats why we grow our own meds.
Yeah I hate dispo weed. I miss managed my last harvest so I was forced to buy that stuff. Hurry up October!!
I found a place that sells $30 oz. Well several of those oz taste like freaking mold!! I know Oregon tests but if they only test four ounces out of fifty pounds they could miss it and I think they did. Two different strains taste moldy. Gross.

Can I use 190 proof ethanol and make a tincture? I know how I’m just wondering if it would kill the mold. I’m not smoking that crap.
Take it back and ask wtf.
I hear this all the time......MD weed is well know to smell and taste like mold. Dispens suck.........
I bought some in california that was really good, depends on reliability of vendor. If they take the weed back and replace, then they are Ok...Too big a brush to paint everyone with imho. Your own homegrown with love will always be best, like my dog is the best dog.60.jpg
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