Observers' 2x4 Space

@ 100% on LEDs

Just running with it rn.

Mutation, I suppose.

I'll see how they respond this 1.5-1.8 e.c I made last night, then decide if I need to be around 1.5 or 2.5 if not higher , for the PPFD I'm pushing on these little ones.

Little one in blue - Started to take off with the higher PPFD and heat.

There's that slight elongation I was looking for.


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Left 2 center 2 right 2 center
Just above canopies
@ 2/2 12/24
1.7e.c 5.6ph

Rough PPFD map, estimate.


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Aaaaand switching to 2/2 will/has basically changed most other variables, that I'm figuring how to account for & balance.

Like temp & RH, no hue in room, no hue in tent, if I keep it sealed up with higher % on panels, more heat of course, went up to 90, which ok, faster dry backs/more too, but no supplemental CO2 and can't be 50rh at that temp.

But, if I catch it every two hours to see the parameters, I can just spray 0ppm water and/ also foliar feed during those periods to keep RH within range and temp not too high, but while I sleep, well fuck me.

Having a automated space......

But I'll figure a way to make it work/balance out.
Brb to this
Removed leafs blocking lower nodes

They go up



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Correct water usage and algae can't flourish, it seems true.


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Alright time to seal it up and observe what happens



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more dry backs, definitely not been on point like i should/could be with the dry backs, doesnt take long after that point to wake up to a tent of dead plants.
Aaaaand switching to 2/2 will/has basically changed most other variables, that I'm figuring how to account for & balance.

Like temp & RH, no hue in room, no hue in tent, if I keep it sealed up with higher % on panels, more heat of course, went up to 90, which ok, faster dry backs/more too, but no supplemental CO2 and can't be 50rh at that temp.

But, if I catch it every two hours to see the parameters, I can just spray 0ppm water and/ also foliar feed during those periods to keep RH within range and temp not too high, but while I sleep, well fuck me.

Having a automated space......

But I'll figure a way to make it work/balance out.
ok so basically less light hours = more/higher PPFD to maintain desired growth, ie. internodal stetching/elongation, or tighter node , spacing.

obviously you dont want straight elongation, thats not "growth" per se, thats just the plant "stretching" to reach a desired PPFD level, i would not call that "growth".

#1. down from 15-16hrs straight (less hours to "pull up" nutrients/ to new growth = also a variable in yellowing -plants, back #2) --> 12hours, 2 on 2 off, so they are interrupted, i expect/suspect they can/will mature faster under *12/12, but not able to actually flower, so ill be able to see their sexes sooner than later and i can move on in the breeding/cloning/sorting/"momming" process.

#2. so shorter hours/DLI/less PPFD can lead to yellowing plants even if the nutrition is there so that can lead one to overcompensate E.C increase 2 much, is what i am getting at/pondering, but i increased that 1.7 ec to 1.9-2 with another gram of 9-17-28 and 0.8 15-0-0 and 0.3g magsulfate

and since i am pushing a higher ppfd now 400-600@100% power on the x2s, besides the other variable in decreased DLI, ill go give them a few mls of this 2.0 solution and see.

light back off at 6am, on at 8pm.

ok watered them all and sealed, RH should rise as they have water to cool down from the added temp

see if it does, besides me spraying the tent, after that dries back.

i will see how they respond to higher PPFD / higher E.C at 2on/2on --- 12/24

aaand ill do this 2/2 for a few more days or so if it does not seem to be working as hypothesized / causing " 2 much damage" then ill go back to 16hrs straight, tired of going back in fourth every 2 hours honestly lol

cool experiment, smoother sailing the other way though, for now. (16)straight)
ok so basically less light hours = more/higher PPFD to maintain desired growth, ie. internodal stetching/elongation, or tighter node , spacing.

obviously you dont want straight elongation, thats not "growth" per se, thats just the plant "stretching" to reach a desired PPFD level, i would not call that "growth".

#1. down from 15-16hrs straight (less hours to "pull up" nutrients/ to new growth = also a variable in yellowing -plants, back #2) --> 12hours, 2 on 2 off, so they are interrupted, i expect/suspect they can/will mature faster under *12/12, but not able to actually flower, so ill be able to see their sexes sooner than later and i can move on in the breeding/cloning/sorting/"momming" process.

#2. so shorter hours/DLI/less PPFD can lead to yellowing plants even if the nutrition is there so that can lead one to overcompensate E.C increase 2 much, is what i am getting at/pondering, but i increased that 1.7 ec to 1.9-2 with another gram of 9-17-28 and 0.8 15-0-0 and 0.3g magsulfate

and since i am pushing a higher ppfd now 400-600@100% power on the x2s, besides the other variable in decreased DLI, ill go give them a few mls of this 2.0 solution and see.

light back off at 6am, on at 8pm.

but also, if i run higher E.C i may have to check the nitrogen input PPM to avoid nitro tox, i am not sure, the medias water content is important to keep the E.C within proper ranges too....when running higher E.Cs, WC has to be on point
and i dont suspect 600ppfd to cause "bleaching" of the chlorophyll pigments, but it kinda looks like it on some, if it was 800+ppfd then id suppose so, again, maybe just need to push higher E.C lol.

so i need to be patient and see how they respond to this 1.9 e.c sol.

and thatll tell me i suppose, 6-10 hours, many cycles later lol
Bad quality


Light back on in 15 mins

Be back.


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Still too much water usage.

Dial that back
Slightly interesting

Morphology changed on this one under 2/2

And some rapid growth occurring, but that's more attributed to running high-er PPFD.


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Damn they grow back quick.

The drip ones I've been pruning anyways.

Still can't decide on a e.c to run with, measuring the output (run off e.c) would solve that though
, mostly, but tangles with other variables too of course.


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Damn they grow back quick.

The drip ones I've been pruning anyways.

Still can't decide on a e.c to run with, measuring the output (run off e.c) would solve that though
, mostly, but tangles with other variables too of course.
Still 2/2
This will be interesting to balance the drip timer plants. With 2/2 schedule
Which my daughter went swimming in the res so that took care of that lamp

Have not refilled it, learned allot from the drip system got the idea/concept now, obviously not mastered but yeah.

A platform of knowledge to build off of now


Fuckin little keyboard.
Not typing a book on this

That's 15-16 hours on

Ok tomorrow is a week of this nonsense lmao

I can not maintain environment

Holy fuck though, if i trees, besides getting the water content and nutrition ON POINT I mean they I'm manually balancing everything , while balancing around being a father.

Nice and flat.

They have definitely been growing rapidly. Under 2/2 , higher ppfd higher ec, but again, this involves a lot of variables that I am not going into detail about, just because I'm on little keyboard, lmao.

DLI , E.C, WC, pH, all fluctuate depending on the amount of photons, the type* of photons, energy of the system (temperature), and water molecules in the air, (rh), the plants them self's, the temperature of the media and solution, wind speed, and probanly more not at the top of my mind.

Last picture is in part the result of high intensity, for what that plant can handle given the pigmentation of the chlorophyll and other variables


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morphology changed on this plant, rapid growth though

Probably stress induced morphology change, while adapting to the new 2/2 schedule


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And again, can not keep environment consistently stable at the correct parameters or growth rate would/should be even higher.
I'll let her dry back more.


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Lil babes

I'll use less water on these, or try to, this literally teeters on the edge, everything just right at every second = boom fast growth

But then can easily miss em and over dry and nearly kill em , oof


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when you keep plants in certain states for a consistent amount of time under certain conditions , you get a lot more control over what the plant is doing.

If I were to keep this plant in a state of let's say in a drooping state but don't let it get worse, she will/they'll spit them fuckin roots out so fucking fast.

keeping the media at a certain w.c, ph, e.c % and during specific times, more or less = crop steering


now, harder to achieve without sensors and gear, but, once one recognizes the patterns and mimics....consistently.....its not impossible to crop steer without sensors, just fuckin hard and time consuming without automation.


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Learned a lot more once I started using the wool, and smaller containers.

And quickly.

Hell yea


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