Observers' Flower Space

Kidding right? Only two days…🤦
Literally...fucking go down about it.

Hit like a depression train.

I've had 5 or 6 of those same fucking bongs all broken, I just got it Friday, placed it on the shelf and it slid off

And my just woke up at 4am hungover ass didn't catch it.

My dumbass placed it on a shelf it's too tall for.

Bong here I've had for a year or so no problem

As soon as buy fucking something nice for my self I break it.

Just fucking money and time down the fucking drain


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Literally...fucking go down about it.

Hit like a depression train.

I've had 5 or 6 of those same fucking bongs all broken, I just got it Friday, placed it on the shelf and it slid off

And my just woke up at 4am hungover ass didn't catch it.

My dumbass placed it on a shelf it's too tall for.

Bong here I've had for a year or so no problem

As soon as buy fucking something nice for my self I break it.

Just fucking money and time down the fucking drain
Man i feel ya. I had a bong very bery similar to that one you just broke.
I was actually selling it to a friend later in the day and my kid pulled a mason jar of change out of my cabinet, the jar slipped and landed right on the top of the bong. The jar actually crushed it into crums from the top down.

lesson learned? Mason jars of change are heavy and my cabinet is now locked with a gun lock lol.
Man i feel ya. I had a bong very bery similar to that one you just broke.
I was actually selling it to a friend later in the day and my kid pulled a mason jar of change out of my cabinet, the jar slipped and landed right on the top of the bong. The jar actually crushed it into crums from the top down.

lesson learned? Mason jars of change are heavy and my cabinet is now locked with a gun lock lol.
Good deed.

This whole family shit is tiring.

"Wife" is killing me.
One more down


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This mcfatty

Growing buds almost as big as the container its self.


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75% of 123 = 92

123-92 = 31grams from a 12inch tall solo, now let me fill 420 of these in a 5x5, with those genes.

If 75% of that weight is water and stems.


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Gotta get some sun, get out more, some routine-exercising.

And some shrooms, lol.

And a better diet, less alcohol.

Vitamin D supplements recommend for everyone during winter and those who do not get much Sun.
75% of 123 = 92

123-92 = 31grams from a 12inch tall solo, now let me fill 420 of these in a 5x5, with those genes.

If 75% of that weight is water and stems.
I think it's closer to 90% water weight though.
Sucks not able to dry this in the cold.

Prob 74f

Higher temp dry really seems to fuck it off.


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Its more the cure than it is the drying time imo
A 5 day dry has cured just fine, but yea 10 days is better
Still learning the dry/cure, best time to jar/bag em.

Main issue is drying spot, or so I think, temp wise.

Currently it's in the bathroom at 73f 59rh which isn't too bad I suppose, but cooler is better for the hydrocarbons.
Thought about cutting a few of the tops off to even out the canopy but fuck it.

1-2 weeks and boom


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13~ days from first strip > transition > "stripped"/defoliated" again last night and tonight.

On "21 day" strip is too long and late imo (surely varies per room/ENV) lower/new nodes are already growing and taking energy away from other sites by then, ones that are way down in the canopy anyways.
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