Salts right?
I don't think they would unless exposed to moisture

yeah, pretty sure. i'll open em up later after work and see what i got. not that i couldn't buy others... i only ever grew one plant in it, it was for a contest back in the day. it was a skunk#1 and i called it skunky dunk!!!!!! hehe
I know someone is gonna see it and challenge me on it 🤣
Like or @Observer lol.
Sorry bro, I am not going back to the old days of tiny res. My current setup is 115 gallons total. Does that count?

How about 1 gallon of fog? Will ya let that slide?

If not, my only option is to take a plant to flower in a friggin cloner.
Sorry bro, I am not going back to the old days of tiny res. My current setup is 115 gallons total. Does that count?

How about 1 gallon of fog? Will ya let that slide?

If not, my only option is to take a plant to flower in a friggin cloner.
In the cloner!
Always wanted to see it done 🤣
Can you actually do this? 🤔

Would be even better actually

As the fog could always be there, the water would need to be automatically replenished or you need to manually be there to add more water, the fog would last longer from a gallon of water, I would think.

It probably won't be the easiest but you could definitely do 1gal hydro/fogger disc.
I'm down to drop more seeds, but honestly, I should be getting evicted soon and be under a highway.

And my electricity should be shut off in a few days.

I do not function properly with today's society.
Having issues, can't take care of my self or provide for family or self.

Too many mental Struggles.



I'll be back eventually but these next few weeks will be the end of me, probably.

Much ♥️.

Didn't want to say anything but I'ma kinda drink right now (see the problem, lmao) so oh well

Or seem like a beggar

Sorry y'all.

I'm struggling.
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But you can really achieve some crazy growth in a 1gallon of media or less, esp rockwool.

When you have that shit dialed in with genetics that's vigorous, with properly timed fertigation, omg.
If and when I ever get commercial I'd never do more than a gallon or, just use 4-6inch RW cubes on Slabs in a sog configuration, to PRODUCE flowers for smoke or extract.
I know I could beat 90% of commercial growers in yield @ at least 117.6G /per sq foot in a DIALED GROW in solo cup volume comparable media.

They barely get to 80g/per sq ft

I bet I could pull it off in theory under perfect everything variables that I set, leaving the genes to do their part.
I'm down to drop more seeds, but honestly, I should be getting evicted soon and be under a highway.

And my electricity should be shut off in a few days.

I do not function properly with today's society.
Having issues, can't take care of my self or provide for family or self.

Too many mental Struggles.



I'll be back eventually but these next few weeks will be the end of me, probably.

Much ♥️.

Didn't want to say anything but I'ma kinda drink right now (see the problem, lmao) so oh well

Or seem like a beggar

Sorry y'all.

I'm struggling.
Hey, you don’t get to just check out like that! When one door closes another opens. If you need help, get help! I’m not ya Momma, but drinking does not help. Been there, done that.
I’ve grown quite fond of you. Get ya shit together and when ya do and can, come back!
Sending ya a big fat hug, cuz I can’t just give ya one in RL.
I'm in, I'll be starting some Thai hybrids pretty soon.
Dude I want some of those Thai crosses u been working you willing to trade for something? Oh them damn Colombian 18 week beans I’d trade for them to ? lol I e got a few ecsd from the 90’s you might like
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awesome. How often do you water?

Damn thought I’d seen it all from ya but you just keep coming with more crazy kool shit ! Lol

Haha that's not my grow fellas. I found that on reddit from some guy who reminds me of Observer doing crazy shit and his Pringles can grow is one of his sideshows

was that you that grew a contest plant out of a bong one time? 🤓

Yeah that was me. Never got it to harvest but I bet I could today with no veg knowing what I know now ;)
Haha that's not my grow fellas. I found that on reddit from some guy who reminds me of Observer doing crazy shit and his Pringles can grow is one of his sideshows

Yeah that was me. Never got it to harvest but I bet I could today with no veg knowing what I know now ;)

I got more crazy shit planned.

I once heard about an ancient culture that grew plants on the mountains, where the story comes from or how true it is I can't not say

Mountain peaks and ravines, high humidity/fog for roots.

Want to recreate that in a tent.

Suspend plants over fog.
Hey, you don’t get to just check out like that! When one door closes another opens. If you need help, get help! I’m not ya Momma, but drinking does not help. Been there, done that.
I’ve grown quite fond of you. Get ya shit together and when ya do and can, come back!
Sending ya a big fat hug, cuz I can’t just give ya one in RL.
thanks granny
So if you're in on this, hit the Yup, 10-4 reaction!
I wanna get this set up and started Monday if possible, thanks!

any ideas on how i can measure out a gallon of soil? i'm thinking of growing four autos, two in soil and two in hydro. thats a lot to ask by monday though.. probably just drop a seed in soil.
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