Stoney's Luv Shack

thanks so much man, they're starting to swell up now!!

i appreciate the kind words Smoke!!

it has been a really fun grow this time too, different changes has kept me on my toes and time has flown right by and i can't believe it's almost harvest time already.

thanks so much brother!!! man if i could get an ARC even in the same kinda ballpark as the black knight pheno i would be tickled pink!

ah man look at that you had the winner... man you got that score a couple times this year so far now huh? poor julie having gragson, she's never done this good in her own pool!! so it looks like she'll have 384 points so if byron does 13th or better you'll pass her. and then depending on how elliott does you'll be duking that one out with a seven point swing... man that is tight scores!!! a lot of people run out of good drivers and have to stretch for guys around now, this is when i save my best drivers. they seem to race harder in the playoffs so i like to save all the good drivers for this part of the season. that's why i went with briscoe, i thought he'd make the playoffs and would be driving extra hard this week to make the first cut. he had a great race last week so hopefully they have the momentum. i had both larson and briscoe's radio on saturday night and man they really need to get their headsets fixed. the crew chief asked him for a balance report when he gets a chance, this was with like 10-15 laps left before the end of the first stage. so briscoe starts telling them what he feels in the car with great detail. while he's talking the crew chief and spotter are on channel two talking shit about how they can't hear him because of his mic... bullshit!! i heard him fine!! and i had both scanners on and whiney ass burton telecasting the tv at the same time, with my ac blowing in my ear!!! so after briscoe tells him this the crew chief says.. no, wait just tell me what you biggest problem is.. one thing at a time bud... no, fuck you man, do your job better. listen to the driver and make all the changes! not just one at a time!!! they were bitching about not hearing him at least three times on channel two.. fuckin fix it!! that's bs man, i felt bad for briscoe having that happen and he doesn't even know about it. i wish i was leading his team, i'd at least listen to what he has to say and if i can't hear him i'd ask him to repeat it like a normal person does!! that kinda ticked me off when i first heard it. but man you'll be fine with JJ.. he ruined the team but he still knows how to drive. as long as his car holds up he'll finish well. he sucked it up that first race so his next one will be better.

i hope all these good vibes run off on your new clones too!!!!!!!!

thanks man, I think... and i say i think only because not all the seeds were marked. the two on the left are either scout snacks or topanga cookies. the two in the middle are Zangria also from greenpoint. the two on the right are what ever one the left row isn't haha

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i went and looked at greenpoints site for photos but couldn't find anything at all that would help me... one plant is short and fat and the other is skinny and tall, like twice as tall... you would think i would be able to identify them pretty ez by now but nope! not yet. haha

both have dads as animal cookies... one mom is do-si-do and the other is topanga cannon og...

it all looks and smells like fire so it's not a big deal to me. but the zangria smells the best, zkittles x purple punch.

close ups..

zangria I and II

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fat albert I and II.. i think maybe do si do heavy hitter????

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and we'll call these dumb donald parker I and II... maybe topanga cannon???

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so clearly they match and are different from each other just not sure 100% which is which....

:)🙃 :)

I grew both those Topanga and Scouts and I couldn't tell ya which is which either. I just remember towers of frost smelling like a sugary bakery with a dead animal behind the oven 😋

I was about an hour behind watching the race so I didn't have the scanner on. Probably a good thing too because I woulda been livid.
We need Tony Stewart at the track and on the radio. Like the old saying goes, when the cat's away, the mice will play and it sounds like his crew has lazied up now that they're out of the playoffs.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the teams doing the best also have the owners in the pit box and on the radio either. Briscoe is a very good driver. I believe top 10. They need to get that #14 Pony running top ten too and quit dicking around! He should totally have a win by now if not two in the bag.
I grew both those Topanga and Scouts and I couldn't tell ya which is which either. I just remember towers of frost smelling like a sugary bakery with a dead animal behind the oven 😋

I was about an hour behind watching the race so I didn't have the scanner on. Probably a good thing too because I woulda been livid.
We need Tony Stewart at the track and on the radio. Like the old saying goes, when the cat's away, the mice will play and it sounds like his crew has lazied up now that they're out of the playoffs.
I don't think it's a coincidence that the teams doing the best also have the owners in the pit box and on the radio either. Briscoe is a very good driver. I believe top 10. They need to get that #14 Pony running top ten too and quit dicking around! He should totally have a win by now if not two in the bag.

oh dead animal, i'm getting that one... kinda more like a dead animal in a sunny texas dumpster for the month of august!!! but no bakery man... nope, just shitty diaper goodness!!!!! :LOL:

that's a good point about stewart, he's been too busy with his new drag racing career, he needs to ditch that and whup some ass at the home shop!! i'm not sure why they couldn't hear him, i understood him fine, it was like they didn't even give him a chance, he said like five words and the crew chief is already on channel two talking at the same time saying i can't even understand him can you?? and the spotter jumps right up his ass and says no no i can't... well fuckin listen and you might!!! it's not that hard... they could have had his car so much better and in half the time if they could just talk to each other. i mean if it's an equipment issue fix that on tuesday not mid race sunday night! if i hear anything like that this week at kansas i'm sending tony stewart an email!!!!

kansas huh... i sure remember that one earlier this year, well the last lap anyway...

this could be the perfect week for some payback!!!!


i might pull a restart on my new veg round... that soil i tried out is absolute garbage. i think it was filled with gnat eggs or something. i put in two of those tangle foot traps and in one night they're both completely loaded more than i've ever seen. the plants are struggling with it or maybe just from the flies.

either way i changed out all the soil in all eight of them for the coast of maine stuff i'm using in flower right now. i was kinda saving it for when this round was ready for flower but screw it i'll just get more before then! i even transplanted the can't get right. but just in case i dropped two more banana punch and one dotz to fill out the roster and i'll drop more if i need to over the next few days... it's way too early in this grow to be stressing over silly issues so i dropped back ten and punted and will start completely over if i need to.

i don't really mind though, i guess i just should have known better.. lesson learned.

Diatomaceous Earth works too, but once it gets wet a couple times it doesnt work as well.
I think mosquito bits are better but DE works too.

cool, thanks man. i happen to have a bunch of DE here at the shack.. i use it for my chickens!! hell it keeps the bugs off of them maybe it will work for my plants.

i assume a thin layer on top so the can't burrow?

maybe we'll see how it works with airpots, they might just use the side holes to get in...
cool, thanks man. i happen to have a bunch of DE here at the shack.. i use it for my chickens!! hell it keeps the bugs off of them maybe it will work for my plants.

i assume a thin layer on top so the can't burrow?

maybe we'll see how it works with airpots, they might just use the side holes to get in...
I've been using this stuff for a few years and haven't had a gnat since. I like it cuz it's liquid and you just add it to your feed water. Dont get me wrong, mosquito bits do work, I just find it way easier to use the liquid.


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I do the mosquito bits a couple times per grow.
Seem to always get or have gnats in soil.
I think most soils come with them.
A lot of places up here keep their soils outdoors~! :mad:
I've been using this stuff for a few years and haven't had a gnat since. I like it cuz it's liquid and you just add it to your feed water. Dont get me wrong, mosquito bits do work, I just find it way easier to use the liquid.

Thanks! i've actually seen this sold at my local pond store. i agree liquid is easier to deal with!!

thanks Smoke!! i've seen this at the local pond store too, they sell quite a bit of it. i've never used any of it or even knew it would work on fugus gnats.

learn something new everyday!!

I do the mosquito bits a couple times per grow.
Seem to always get or have gnats in soil.
I think most soils come with them.
A lot of places up here keep their soils outdoors~! :mad:

yeah this was definitely stored outside. I never knew about those bits before. i was reading the package and i can mix it with water and just pour it in because i already have the soil in containers. i'll probably use my new tea brewer to mix it up!!!!

how do use em? just mix in your soil?

I hate when people leave soil outside!! Build a car port even just so it stays fkn dry!

oh this was outside in the elements and on the bottom row if the pallet at that. i didn't notice it had a tear in the bag till i got it home either!!

Caught up here now , M bits for the win Stoney ! I used to used DE till I seen people using the bits

Nice work how you like the green point beans ?

thanks Moshman!!

I got some on the way. i like the idea of the liquid since the plants are in place and delicate at the moment so i'm gonna mix the bits in water and try it out. next time i upcan or start over i'll mix them in dry.

i still see them flying around, and not just in the grow but i see them in my basement here and there. they better stay away from my worm farm i just cleaned that thing!!!!

i might fog bomb the basement...


Greenpoint has been very good to me over the years. gotta be close to 98-99% success rate. selections are nice, and prices are affordable especially if you get into the reverse auctions. delivery is always fast even when just selecting the "no rush" shipping option. and shipping is only like $6-7 if i remember correctly. on a good reverse auction you can get a pack of six fems delivered for under $25

i've gone to other places over the years for those special strains that greenpoint don't have but greenpoint pretty much sets the standard for me, i compare all other seedbanks to their service and products.

i always say when a company does well by me over and over i say they have a "get out of jail free" card and if they mess up i won't be upset at all and won't hold it against them.. well greenpoint has a few GOOJF cards with me!!!!

Man don't be talking up that Greenpoint honeyhole! I don't wanna lose any reverse auctions vs this crowd!
GOOJFC is the perfect way to sum it up. I could get a whole pack of duds and it wouldn't matter with all the past success I've had.
GP also trained me to not eat the rat poison. And by rat poison I mean hyped up packs of seeds with "rare" names or genetics selling for hundreds of dollars. I'll put a $25 pack of anything from GP vs any $100, $200, $300 and beyond pack and come out just as good if not better than that expensive stuff.

Yeah I believe gnats are acquired by two things...Poor storage at the garden center and/or unwashed coco. One store here selling Foxfarm is a guarantee on gnats and it's all about their outdoor storage and has nothing to do with FF. If it gets rained on...fugetaboutit. Like all the soils at home depot or lowes are nothing but stacks of gnat infestations

I have my soils shipped in from Grow Green Michigan. Warehouse storage and week long journey on a UPS truck has me living gnat free for the past 3 years. I buy in bulk when they have "dank deals" with free shipping and store in my carport leaving them in the boxes they come in stacked up on concrete with no chance of getting wet.
They sell the national name brands like Fox Farm, Roots, and CoM etc and ya gotta get 'em at the right time for lowest price but I can vouch that every bag or compost I've ordered has not had a single infestation come out of it
I add them to a 5g bucket cover and bubble for 30 minutes to hour then water in.

sweet thanks, i should have some tomorrow so hopefully i can get a hold on this in a week or so!!!

Man don't be talking up that Greenpoint honeyhole! I don't wanna lose any reverse auctions vs this crowd!
GOOJFC is the perfect way to sum it up. I could get a whole pack of duds and it wouldn't matter with all the past success I've had.
GP also trained me to not eat the rat poison. And by rat poison I mean hyped up packs of seeds with "rare" names or genetics selling for hundreds of dollars. I'll put a $25 pack of anything from GP vs any $100, $200, $300 and beyond pack and come out just as good if not better than that expensive stuff.

Yeah I believe gnats are acquired by two things...Poor storage at the garden center and/or unwashed coco. One store here selling Foxfarm is a guarantee on gnats and it's all about their outdoor storage and has nothing to do with FF. If it gets rained on...fugetaboutit. Like all the soils at home depot or lowes are nothing but stacks of gnat infestations

I have my soils shipped in from Grow Green Michigan. Warehouse storage and week long journey on a UPS truck has me living gnat free for the past 3 years. I buy in bulk when they have "dank deals" with free shipping and store in my carport leaving them in the boxes they come in stacked up on concrete with no chance of getting wet.
They sell the national name brands like Fox Farm, Roots, and CoM etc and ya gotta get 'em at the right time for lowest price but I can vouch that every bag or compost I've ordered has not had a single infestation come out of it

:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: i ain't talking them up, i didn't even mention the non stop flow of coupons and other frequent flyer perks!!! haha

i agree with ya on the rat poison... i'll see some promo a seedbank will have and i just giggle and say good for you!! hahaha greenpoint has def spoiled me.

but speaking of honeyholes... damn bro have i been over paying for soil!! by like 40-45%!!! damn,, and that don't even factor the high test gas at $4+ a gallon i spend driving to haul the stuff home. and i have to pick it up and down twice sometimes three times to get it here.

i ordered soil from there today already. turns out i had an account and bought stuff back in '13 from them. no soil but a bunch of grow stuff from ebay. i never knew... but i know now. thanks bro!!!

i wasn't sure what to do man, i already opened the bag i was saving for flower in the next round and my choices were to drive even further and take a chance on a new place or buy stuff where i got the gnats from in the first place!!! i just assumed it would be outrageous online with the shipping but yeah you saved me a bunch of bucks already!!! with or without gnats!! ha

quick Q.. if you just leave the default free shipping option have they ever used USPS to ship to you? i chose ups just in case. i'd hate to have to run to post office for something that big it takes over a half hour of waiting just to get freight from there. my town has a lot of great things, the post office isn't one of them!! haha


made a few changes at the shack over the weekend...

i got rid of my old analog thermostat and put in a digital and got one to control the rh in the winter....


and i've always had a passive intake which pulls through my veg cabinet to ventilate both areas with one exhaust. so i put in an active intake with a speed controller....


and i put in a far red spectrum led puck like Pipecarver uses. trying one out...


it's getting close to harvest... last weekend i put a finisher spectrum on. just finishing up week eight...


i think i'm going to harvest four of the six this weekend. everything about this grow has been themed "new and different" and i normal vine ripen my buds pretty mature so this time were gonna flip flop that and harvest earlier than normal. so i'm pretty sure these two zangria will get chopped...



and these two might get the chop as well... one is marked as a scout snacks and one is a topagna cookies.



they quit eating a week ago and i have been force feeding them and i think they're done plumping out and i think they'll go by the end of the weekend with the other two... no promises though...

and then these two taller plants really could use and extra week or two... some of the lower buds are now just getting some color in them... these two plants are both a tall glass of milk!!!



and here is a family shot....


sweet thanks, i should have some tomorrow so hopefully i can get a hold on this in a week or so!!!

:LOL: :LOL: :LOL: i ain't talking them up, i didn't even mention the non stop flow of coupons and other frequent flyer perks!!! haha

i agree with ya on the rat poison... i'll see some promo a seedbank will have and i just giggle and say good for you!! hahaha greenpoint has def spoiled me.

but speaking of honeyholes... damn bro have i been over paying for soil!! by like 40-45%!!! damn,, and that don't even factor the high test gas at $4+ a gallon i spend driving to haul the stuff home. and i have to pick it up and down twice sometimes three times to get it here.

i ordered soil from there today already. turns out i had an account and bought stuff back in '13 from them. no soil but a bunch of grow stuff from ebay. i never knew... but i know now. thanks bro!!!

i wasn't sure what to do man, i already opened the bag i was saving for flower in the next round and my choices were to drive even further and take a chance on a new place or buy stuff where i got the gnats from in the first place!!! i just assumed it would be outrageous online with the shipping but yeah you saved me a bunch of bucks already!!! with or without gnats!! ha

quick Q.. if you just leave the default free shipping option have they ever used USPS to ship to you? i chose ups just in case. i'd hate to have to run to post office for something that big it takes over a half hour of waiting just to get freight from there. my town has a lot of great things, the post office isn't one of them!! haha


made a few changes at the shack over the weekend...

i got rid of my old analog thermostat and put in a digital and got one to control the rh in the winter....

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and i've always had a passive intake which pulls through my veg cabinet to ventilate both areas with one exhaust. so i put in an active intake with a speed controller....

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and i put in a far red spectrum led puck like Pipecarver uses. trying one out...

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it's getting close to harvest... last weekend i put a finisher spectrum on. just finishing up week eight...

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i think i'm going to harvest four of the six this weekend. everything about this grow has been themed "new and different" and i normal vine ripen my buds pretty mature so this time were gonna flip flop that and harvest earlier than normal. so i'm pretty sure these two zangria will get chopped...

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and these two might get the chop as well... one is marked as a scout snacks and one is a topagna cookies.

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they quit eating a week ago and i have been force feeding them and i think they're done plumping out and i think they'll go by the end of the weekend with the other two... no promises though...

and then these two taller plants really could use and extra week or two... some of the lower buds are now just getting some color in them... these two plants are both a tall glass of milk!!!

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and here is a family shot....

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Bumper crop!!!
Looks like all those changes are seriously paying off!

For some reason I thought everybody knew about GGMi!
I don't think they've ever used USPS for me. Pretty sure it's always been UPS but maybe some FedEx in there too. All of my orders have been minimum 8 bags of soil or 4 bags compost and buying dry nutes in 9lb or 15lb bags so they've always come in multiple somewhat flimsy boxes but it is just dirt so not like it gets damaged.
And yeah man I see it the same way as you...I spend maybe $5 less per bag compared to local pricing and it's delivered to my door. No drive and loading bags and all that so I've gotten rather spoiled buying my soils that way
All I have to do is stack it all!

Bumper crop!!!
Looks like all those changes are seriously paying off!

For some reason I thought everybody knew about GGMi!
I don't think they've ever used USPS for me. Pretty sure it's always been UPS but maybe some FedEx in there too. All of my orders have been minimum 8 bags of soil or 4 bags compost and buying dry nutes in 9lb or 15lb bags so they've always come in multiple somewhat flimsy boxes but it is just dirt so not like it gets damaged.
And yeah man I see it the same way as you...I spend maybe $5 less per bag compared to local pricing and it's delivered to my door. No drive and loading bags and all that so I've gotten rather spoiled buying my soils that way
All I have to do is stack it all!

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Hell in Florida I had issues getting 1 bag I would gladly bought a skid !

Thank you, i appreciate that!

Hell yeah I’ve paid $60 for a bale of promix before and happy I found it ! Thanx for Sharon

right?!?!? i'm right there with ya... i can't even get promix around here, i basically have a choice of two brands and i keep driving further away and getting worse products!

stonington mix is $65 a bag here stashed outside and proven to have gnats. two bags with tax costs me $139 w/tax and i have to drive... i ordered two bags of the same stuff for $75 total yesterday!

Bumper crop!!!
Looks like all those changes are seriously paying off!

For some reason I thought everybody knew about GGMi!
I don't think they've ever used USPS for me. Pretty sure it's always been UPS but maybe some FedEx in there too. All of my orders have been minimum 8 bags of soil or 4 bags compost and buying dry nutes in 9lb or 15lb bags so they've always come in multiple somewhat flimsy boxes but it is just dirt so not like it gets damaged.
And yeah man I see it the same way as you...I spend maybe $5 less per bag compared to local pricing and it's delivered to my door. No drive and loading bags and all that so I've gotten rather spoiled buying my soils that way
All I have to do is stack it all!

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seriously paying off!!! the first and biggest change is no more cages. and the only reason for cages was the turntable so no more turntable either. five round circles in a circle cut my grow space in half i think. i guess there's a reason everybody does it like this.

second change is all new soil each grow, no more reusing. there's a reason everybody else does this as well!!! and now that you just saved me hundreds of dollars a year or more, i have no problem buying new soil and using the remains for veggie gardening.

the third change i'm keeping is the new nutrients i'm using. i feel i would have dead leaves and more spent looking plants in the beginning of week nine than what i have now. i haven't really talked about it much but i will when this round comes to an end and i actually get to taste the buds!!! nothing secret or anything rare just different brands that i never used is all. it could have everything to do with new soil in this case so i'd like to finish them out first.

i'm not sure if i will keep the containers, i wanna see the roots before i lean in either direction. i will say where i thought the sips would have an advantage with watering this style has not been uncomfortable or a pita in any way at all. with the down there care it's kind of ez to reach through and water the back row.

i have a list of all kinds of other little changes but those four are the main ones and the rest are just convenience changes and would happen no matter what the other changes are.

but yeah i plan to buy bulk from GGMi. they shipped my order of two bags already and i should have em friday. hell i wouldn't even had time to run to local gnat scat place with their limited hours of brick n mortar business. this alone will help my game out not just my wallet. now i can buy the kinds of soils i see other people use!!!! ....and i'll most certainly leave the shipping method defaulted next time. if they can save a buck with fedex that's just as cool with me. their choice.

i'm pretty sure once this harvest is done i'm gonna bug bomb the whole place! ☢️
Just got my shipping confirm from the "little green leprechauns" and yep, UPS.
I always feel like I kinda get over on them with that free shipping. Like I can get a bag at $42 w/ free ship. Or pay $20/bag + $65 shipping. Or pay $50/bag + two hour drive. Funny math when it comes to buying dirt.🧐

Bristol Baby!! At night!!!🏁🏁🏁
We got the boys from Wyoming coming into town tonight so I won't be able to watch the race until Sunday afternoon.
Made some movement in the pool and am 1 back out of 2nd now. C'mon #20!!! I see you have the Dongle Nozzle for this one.:LOL: Ewww. 🤮That might be a great pick though.:unsure:
I've got #6 next week at Texas.
You're right about that playoff pick strategy. I need to do that better, calculating cut off line races and desperation. Did that a little with Hamlin and that crazy bastard Chastain so maybe that was what was in my head when I picked Kez.
Yeah I forgot to reply but yeah Larson at Darlington was my second win of the year. Got one earlier with Logano which kinda stopped the bleeding on bad early picks and I've been chipping away at the lead since.
Next week is gonna be so harsh man. Baylor game at night in Waco then come back and get up to to go to Fort Worth for the Texas race the next morning. Then back to work for KU at home then OU and finally the bye. Yeah it was smart to pass on that OU game cuz I'll be wiped out.🛌

I'm guessing you'll be elbow deep in the sticky this weekend! Ha enjoy buddy!
I'm kinda looking forward to my next trim job. Scored this kit for $100 back on Prime Day. Feels like maybe I should go to barber college before I use this thing IDK. Looks serious. :ROFLMAO:


Enjoy your weekend Buddy! Beat Pitt, Go Raiders, Go #5 and Hook 'Em Horns! 🤘☠️🏁🏁🏁
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Just got my shipping confirm from the "little green leprechauns" and yep, UPS.
I always feel like I kinda get over on them with that free shipping. Like I can get a bag at $42 w/ free ship. Or pay $20/bag + $65 shipping. Or pay $50/bag + two hour drive. Funny math when it comes to buying dirt.🧐

Bristol Baby!! At night!!!🏁🏁🏁
We got the boys from Wyoming coming into town tonight so I won't be able to watch the race until Sunday afternoon.
Made some movement in the pool and am 1 back out of 2nd now. C'mon #20!!! I see you have the Dongle Nozzle for this one.:LOL: Ewww. 🤮That might be a great pick though.:unsure:
I've got #6 next week at Texas.
You're right about that playoff pick strategy. I need to do that better, calculating cut off line races and desperation. Did that a little with Hamlin and that crazy bastard Chastain so maybe that was what was in my head when I picked Kez.
Yeah I forgot to reply but yeah Larson at Darlington was my second win of the year. Got one earlier with Logano which kinda stopped the bleeding on bad early picks and I've been chipping away at the lead since.
Next week is gonna be so harsh man. Baylor game at night in Waco then come back and get up to to go to Fort Worth for the Texas race the next morning. Then back to work for KU at home then OU and finally the bye. Yeah it was smart to pass on that OU game cuz I'll be wiped out.🛌

I'm guessing you'll be elbow deep in the sticky this weekend! Ha enjoy buddy!
I'm kinda looking forward to my next trim job. Scored this kit for $100 back on Prime Day. Feels like maybe I should go to barber college before I use this thing IDK. Looks serious. :ROFLMAO:

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Enjoy your weekend Buddy! Beat Pitt, Go Raiders, Go #5 and Hook 'Em Horns! 🤘☠️🏁🏁🏁

i got my goods delivered on friday and GGMi came through!! i don't mind paying $38 a bag, and i don't even have to leave home.


man i had forgot that you scored the TMS tickets for next weekend.. that track is so fast!!! i did the math on your score and oh man!!!! i won't spoil it but oh man!!!

there was no way i was gonna root for the pole smoker... larson had a good race, he was just a little too loose off corner exit at the end but for starting last he did well. i like that red car i have a preorder in for the diecast.

got my new #5 hoodie already!!! just in time to cuz it's starting to get a little chili here.. a couple nights dipped down to 49* already!!!

ooooh speaking of chili...


you know whats on the menu!!!!!

that trimmer is cool looking... i nick myself enough with hand trimmers, i'd need extra bandaids on hand with one of those!!! haha

so tonight after the race..... chopped!!!!


i took the four down and left the taller two in there yet. i moved the one over and gave each one their own light!!!


i was very happy with the roots and didn't see any red flags....




I think i was underwatering them just a bit... after slicing it apart i could see the inside was lighter colored. i'm not looking for smoke ring!!! hehe


so deja vu here we go one more time... started over with seed starter mix and no ARC this time, had to replace it with dotz.

week one...



and yeah i bet they were burning couches in morgantown saturday night!!!!!!! saw your horns won by a lot... was that the first home game of the year?

now i just need the raiders to pull one out against the bills. the bills had a tough loss last week so they're either gonna implode or come back stronger.

just win baby!!! ☠️
Visited Daytona speedway recently for a motorcycle race but a very kool nostalgic track !


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Really though I can't talk much shit about that today. If you saw the sorry excuse for a cheesesteak I'm trying to work thru you'd wanna throat punch the guy for calling this sorry ass thing a cheesesteak. Fucking Kraft cheese slices bro. I've had dried out stale jerky more tender than this meat. And don't even get me started on this bread. 'Nuff said.🤬

Finished the race a bit ago and yep...I'm a happy dude today!!!🥳
IDK what's better...that #20 coming in 3rd or ffw'ing thru a rain delay.🤭
Ya know I got those two wins but also seems I've had a ton of top 5 finishes keeping me in that hunt for the lead.

Everything looking great man! You gonna use that soil on veggies or reboot for the ganja?
Watching Red Zone now catching NFL highlites and resting up for a long bastard of a week. I don't have the ticket anymore so I'm stuck with local games..Chiefs & Jags and Texans vs Colts. Yeah I'd rather watch Real Housewives over those teams so keeping it on the hilite channel today.

Yep TMS aka No Limits, Texas USA Sunday!!!☠️
Got some great seats up in the shade about dead center between the pit road exit and entering into turn 1.
Prerace festivities will include Lucha Libre wrestling and armadillo racing. Good clean redneck fun for all ages!!!😆
I expect another screaming hot skillet kind of day with the weather heating back up.
Hopefully not as many cautions as last year but yep you can bet on there being a few disastrous wrecks with how fast they get going on that track.
Blaney had a real hard hit into the wall last year and I'll never forget this one...

Visited Daytona speedway recently for a motorcycle race but a very kool nostalgic track !

hells yeah!! that is very cool Moshmen, some classics too!!! i was there back in '94, i bet a lot has changed in that area since then!!

thanks for posting those man!!!!

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Really though I can't talk much shit about that today. If you saw the sorry excuse for a cheesesteak I'm trying to work thru you'd wanna throat punch the guy for calling this sorry ass thing a cheesesteak. Fucking Kraft cheese slices bro. I've had dried out stale jerky more tender than this meat. And don't even get me started on this bread. 'Nuff said.🤬

Finished the race a bit ago and yep...I'm a happy dude today!!!🥳
IDK what's better...that #20 coming in 3rd or ffw'ing thru a rain delay.🤭
Ya know I got those two wins but also seems I've had a ton of top 5 finishes keeping me in that hunt for the lead.

Everything looking great man! You gonna use that soil on veggies or reboot for the ganja?
Watching Red Zone now catching NFL highlites and resting up for a long bastard of a week. I don't have the ticket anymore so I'm stuck with local games..Chiefs & Jags and Texans vs Colts. Yeah I'd rather watch Real Housewives over those teams so keeping it on the hilite channel today.

Yep TMS aka No Limits, Texas USA Sunday!!!☠️
Got some great seats up in the shade about dead center between the pit road exit and entering into turn 1.
Prerace festivities will include Lucha Libre wrestling and armadillo racing. Good clean redneck fun for all ages!!!😆
I expect another screaming hot skillet kind of day with the weather heating back up.
Hopefully not as many cautions as last year but yep you can bet on there being a few disastrous wrecks with how fast they get going on that track.
Blaney had a real hard hit into the wall last year and I'll never forget this one...

so i'm not sure how you see it but it looks to me like the bean guys are winning up there^^^ :ROFLMAO:

i've had a few bad cheesesteaks in my day but not sure i ever saw somebody unwrap a craft single for one!!! man my worst ever was at a howard johnson's in mystic connecticut, it was just a 1/2" thick ribeye steak with long onions on a hard roll with the bottom sliced open. they couldn't have messed up more details of making a steaksandwich!!

if my math is right you should now be one point from the lead. and you'll be at the next race live... how do you say it?, that cooler than the other side of the pillow!!!! i think i messed it up but you know what i mean!! :LOL:

and nope, no more reboots on soil bro.. shouldn't have been doing that in first place at least not to the extreme i did. nah i actually have an area in the back of my house that got eroded out over the summer from a clogged gutter. it pooled up so much that i had a leak in the middle of my basement wall!!! so i filled it all in with clay and banked it up high for runoff in the future but it sticks out like a sore eye and nothing nice will grow in clay so i'm taking all this soil and all the gnat scat soil that i dumped out and i will landscape it over the clay and plant flowers and stuff in it. having soil without weeds in it around here is rare. not the good kind of weed... so this will make for great flower soil. i'll probably bag it up for the winter though because nothing will grow this late in the year here but next spring i'll be set with plenty!!!! my goal is now to grow enough ganja to have used soil to wrap around the entire house. the flowerbeds are almost unnoticeable now and are taken over with weeds and crap so i'm gonna make it look good again!!


so what has onions, celery, peppers, garlic, bacon, beef, tomatoes, and beans... you know..


i bet ya like it if it wasn't called the C word..... hahaha i'll call it bean n beef soup!!!

we got fresh loaf of ciabatta bread and some shredded cheese to go with our bean n beef soup!!!!

way better than the dry beef n jalapeno mix i was served in san antonio one time!!! :ROFLMAO:

🙃 :) 🙃

Update night!!!!!

another week in the books already... starting week ten on the two in flower and just ending week one for the new round...


these two will get the chop this weekend whether they're ready or not!!




she got bleached pretty good...



and this is the other one....




and here is the new batch...


i'm a little nervous about this one.. she's really curling her leaves...


still battling the gnats... been using the skeeter juice everyday but it doesn't seem to phase them, they come flying out of the soil like superman!! it's okay, i have plans to nuke them all next week. i have a half a dozen bug bomb foggers and a handful of no pest strips... by time all that poison wears off it will be winter here and i won't have to worry about it anymore!!! i'll probably ending growing a sixth toe from it but i won't have gnats anymore!! i can't believe one bag of soil caused all this mess... i almost wanna go punch the dude that sold it to me, i kind of trusted him.. was i fool!


so i know this one isn't totally in the books but i just wanna say this has been a very fun grow and i admit i was in such a rut the way i was growing... it had to be close to ten years that i grew in cages on the turntable with SIP buckets.. and my soil was just as old!!! haha

but really it has been a blast and i gotta thank all you peeps steering along the way and helping me out. i really enjoy the free range style of growing and i kind of liked harvest everything at once, sort of anyway. i'm a bit overwhelmed with what to do with all the buds at the moment but lets face it, that's one of the best problems to have... well that and running out of jars, and i'm pretty sure that's gonna happen too!!

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