Nice on the xtra seahorse~!
Wheely bar would be next fitting add to the lawn racer..
hell yeah, i got some rebar laying around i could weld up a set of sissy sticks!!!
i got the second seahorse because i just knew in the future i would need a new brush and i've dropped the glass tube three times already so i know it doesn't have that many lives.. and when i lose the cap i'll have a backup. for now it's loaded up in my center console just waiting for a red light!!! hehe
jerky night again... just a small batch, 2lbs. dried like a few oz's... hahaha man we talk about weed shrinking up.. freakin meat is a shrinkage crime!!!
i got this new seasoning kit to try from a place called hi mountain. it has a season and cure pack. first time try, i've always just mixed up my own rubs but it was on sale and i liked the name.
I was picturing some kind of roller chair for at your printer as i was reading that post, did not expect to scroll down and see it on a lawn mower

I bet its nice and comfy tho
dude is way comfy, and it reclines too... so you might find me out in the wood line under a shade tree taking a nap on that thing now!!!!!
Man sorry to read that about your Mom but damn those ribs look tremendous!!!
Plants look great too!
Not a very good week for the 14 last week and sheesh what a fucking day Sunday with the hemp smoker taking the checker.
But man taking the stiffest penalty in NASCAR history and following up with a 49 lap down finish was pretty damn ugly. SHR seems like a shit show right now. At least #11 helped me in the pool so there's that.
But anyways, looking forward as always to the next race.
Maybe it was all just the bad before the good. Last week of work this week then it's six weeks of paid vacation for this guy! Is there another job out there that will give me time off and pay me to grow pot, head to Vegas for a few days, then go to Chicago for a NASCAR street race? So yeah as down as I am about #14's season going to shit midway thru, lots to be thankful and happy about.
Even better is both Vegas and Chicago are rec legal so it'll be a chance to stock up on weed store stuff and send it home.
Just gotta grind it out for a few more days and I'm free!
And yeah.....
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Thanks so much bro, mom is getting better everyday. nothing like some good ribs to make her feel better. i don't know if t was the wait or what bro but those ribs were the best... i've eatin ribs at a lot of famous places in my life and there was one particular rib in this rack i just made and i said to myself this is thee best rib i've ever had... no shit.. you hear that tony roma!!!! they were also prolly the biggest rack i ever cooked too, took over six hours. you know how it is, BBQ is done when it's done!! but yeah normally under four hours at around 280*. i realized they were gonna take longer and bumped it up another 15 degrees. i got another two racks in the freezer so i hope they turn out just as good!!!
man you are killing it in the pool right now, you gotta root for the dinger to wreck out on lap two and you'll be set! i'm all in on larson this week!!! no backup driver to root for. it won't be the dinger that's for sure. and i normally root for him too!! nascar with their mean ass penalties... teams cheat every single week, they're not gonna stop it! man back in day jack roush would have 200lb fake rolls of duct tape on the car going into weigh in... it took nascar more than ten years to figure it out!!!
ok, so first things first,,,, i had to get rid of that bright orange!!!
and i do happen to have a beer holder, it just happens to be holding a lighter, a coach, and a bolt at the moment... hahaha
so all plants are now hung and the 550's are off for now. i didn't have anywhere else to hang them all at once so i used the flower cab. it's right around 55% at 68* so that should take about ten days or so for jars. should be some smooth smoke.. the zkittles is ready for a jar, that was chopped about a week earlier...
the next batch is about three weeks old and starting to really take off!!! with all your talk on the cookies i'm even more excited for those to grow out!!!!
enjoy the rest of your week man, it's gonna fly right by for ya!!!!