Stoney's Luv Shack

That's what I call falling off the table ripe. 😋

Yeah that Banana Punch caught me by surprise. First I didn't even realize they had it then realized again it was one they did have a while back but it went away until now.
I got the RA email and didn't really watch it intently and figured at some point I'd wander in and get it cheap but people were buying it in the $40 ranges all day yesterday. Then I was at work and gave it one last attempt and picked it off in the high $20. Since they had that "we don't know when it will be back" note on the page I hit two on quantity and called it a day.
It did pretty much lock in an all banana grow for my next run. That BP, Banana Twerpz, Ript Banana, and my new Haunted Banana will be the roster.:cool:

I installed my DIY trellis net and ended up not needing it this grow but they do help a ton with soft branching that can flop like that.
IDK if mine was due to no veg or not pruning...I'm leaning toward not pruning, but the stalks have held firm and I have it windy AF in the room with nothing falling over. And some of those colas are weighty AF too!
SCROG just isn't for me but dude you have the hemp wick which makes for awesome trellis net especially being waxed.
All I did for mine was run the wick around the perimeter then tied in cross strings where I thought I'd need them most which was on anything stretching.
I really like it because it's not the full net grid, no particulates come off it like with polyester trellis netting, and bonus... you can use it after the grow to light your doobs!

I had to giggle at your drink shelf too. Looks exactly like mine! I'm kinda scared of those fuckers so they just sit there like little demons ready to wreck my day.🫠
I drank one of those flag bottles after a football game this season and was so tore up. Everybody else was sipping beers and they knew I was fucked up on something but also knew I wasn't drunk. My wife was telling me when I was talking to people I looked something like this

View attachment 49640

Haunted banana?!?!?! right on!!!!! i never even heard of the banana twerpz before.. i looked it up, wow.. looks like it was caught in a snow storm!!

i better get working on that banana shine so you have something to go with it... i've been looking into how people make banana desserts in the SV to really bring out the banana flavor. i'm going to try it with my mash!!! moonshine mash sous vide style!!!!!!!! popcorn sutton be cussing me out rigt now!! haha

man hemp wick is a great idea. i have lots of that!!!!!! i'm just afraid the mainliners aren't going to be as strong as a normal vertical stem so i might something to help.

i remember years ago when you sent me the first dixie.. i took it to a concert and while tailgating i drank half and gave the other half to my woman, an hour later she's looking around and says so this is what it's like to be you all the time!! hahahahaha

That Dangerfield meme reminds me of the part in Caddyshack when he cuts in on Ted Knight dancing with his wife and tells her "Hey there. How'd you like to make $20 the hard way?"

Loved Rodney Dangerfield.

caddyshack will always be in my top ten all time!!!!!!!

I was watching those too but changed my mind. I've got some Banana Sapphire that I'll probably run next

i had to look that one up too... man that sounds good, i love a diesel tasting bud. the old NYPD from nirvana was always one of my fav's for fuel taste!
I got 'em off of B2's menu. Not sure if he still has any left.

i's always gonna be like this... we find one we really like and then they're gone! and the search continues on for the new best one!! i enjoy the hunt!! hehe

My latest seed purchase View attachment 49664

gorilla goat is an awesome name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope it don't smell like a goat!!! hahaha
thats going to be the next breeder i try!!!

you said your running the moonshines outside this summer?

i'll be running some moonshine outside this summer too!! 😆😆
I'm planning to run the blackberry Moonshine f1s I got from @Moshmen, possibly some interstate Dragon and triangle skunk shine too 😎
I'm hooked on his stuff after growing only 4 plants of 2 strains, off the charts and haven't even smoked em yet!

Mmm, I may have to take a drive to PA this summer lol🤣
My latest seed purchase View attachment 49664

Thanks for posting because I've been meaning to make an order with Irie for a few weeks but been forgetting about it 'till now


I grew his Chernobyl back in 2016 and stupidly gave the rest of the farmer pack away which was around 100 seeds to this old hippie lady looking to grow her own. I wanted to hook her up with something good but it was dumb to give it all away.
That Chernobyl was probably top 3 most potent hybrids I'd ever grown

i's always gonna be like this... we find one we really like and then they're gone! and the search continues on for the new best one!! i enjoy the hunt!! hehe

gorilla goat is an awesome name!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope it don't smell like a goat!!! hahaha

Is it weird that I kinda hope it does smell like a goat? 😋
Trying to get the warden to give me 86 bucks for seeds this month lol.
That'll get me 3 packs. THREE!!!!
lol, she's not biting 🤣 😮‍💨

how do you buy yours? do you message from here? i googled and only saw the farm, and well you know.. i'm not signing up there again. saw i gram but don't have any social media accounts cept for youtube..
Thanks for posting because I've been meaning to make an order with Irie for a few weeks but been forgetting about it 'till now

View attachment 49677

I grew his Chernobyl back in 2016 and stupidly gave the rest of the farmer pack away which was around 100 seeds to this old hippie lady looking to grow her own. I wanted to hook her up with something good but it was dumb to give it all away.
That Chernobyl was probably top 3 most potent hybrids I'd ever grown

was that the same chernobyl clones you sent me? or were those from somebody else? i remember keeping that cut for quite a while.

Is it weird that I kinda hope it does smell like a goat? 😋

when i smell a skunk outside i get all happy and start smelling it more!!! hahahaha i'm not so sure i've ever smelled a goat and went mmmmm, i wanna smoke that!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Bristol baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you see who i have in the race pool this week??? your wife would approve!! like i've said just cuz ya got em in the pool doesn't mean ya gotta root for him!!! hahaha
was that the same chernobyl clones you sent me? or were those from somebody else? i remember keeping that cut for quite a while.

when i smell a skunk outside i get all happy and start smelling it more!!! hahahaha i'm not so sure i've ever smelled a goat and went mmmmm, i wanna smoke that!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Bristol baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you see who i have in the race pool this week??? your wife would approve!! like i've said just cuz ya got em in the pool doesn't mean ya gotta root for him!!! hahaha
I must research what the Golden goat is, and then we can get a feel for the smell an taste. "Hey who's got the damn Goat smell?" Lol.
Is it weird that I kinda hope it does smell like a goat?
The best plant of the resulting seeds was named “Golden Goat” after the smell of Golden Goat Recycling machines in the dead of summer, when the soda syrup smells would mingle in the hot sun. The flavor is tropically sweet and lingers on your tongue. The high is straight to your head and comes on instantly.

From Iries website, ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻
sounds absolutely bangin!!
The best plant of the resulting seeds was named “Golden Goat” after the smell of Golden Goat Recycling machines in the dead of summer, when the soda syrup smells would mingle in the hot sun. The flavor is tropically sweet and lingers on your tongue. The high is straight to your head and comes on instantly.

From Iries website, ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻
sounds absolutely bangin!!
Golden Goat has a strangely unique taste. I've always loved it but I couldn't nail it down well enough to describe it.
was that the same chernobyl clones you sent me? or were those from somebody else? i remember keeping that cut for quite a while.

when i smell a skunk outside i get all happy and start smelling it more!!! hahahaha i'm not so sure i've ever smelled a goat and went mmmmm, i wanna smoke that!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


Bristol baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! you see who i have in the race pool this week??? your wife would approve!! like i've said just cuz ya got em in the pool doesn't mean ya gotta root for him!!! hahaha

I doubt they came from me because I don't remember but they may have come from Blackdog at Jorge's forum back then.
He's the one who passed me that farmer pack and I had been wanting to grow it for a long time since I believe it was MountainHigh at Bubbleponics where I first saw it grow and that shit he had was some of the most resinous weed I'd ever seen.
It was one of those rare strains where a fat yield and potency were there together rather than one or the other it is with so many strains.

Dude if you like roadkill skunk you should smell the dumpster behind an Indian food joint next to the liquor store I shop. It's like the perfect potpourri of rotten Indian food, dirty diaper, rat piss, and dead animal back there. Every now and then I'll hit on a strain that smells similar and it's fucking heavenly. The closer it is to making me throw up in my mouth a little the more I like the strain. I have at least one of those types of plants in my grow now but it's hard to tell which one because there's a lot going on in there and it's mostly dead skunk but there's undertones of sweet rancid coming from somewhere in there.

The pool is gonna be fun this week! Nearly everybody has a different driver so it really has a checkers or wreckers feel to it this week. I think the field gets shuffled up a bit and I'm nervous about picking the 45 but if it pays off then that's a baddass pick! I'm just sandwiched by Logano and Elliot and those are two hungry drivers so we'll see!

COTA next week!!! It's not sold out but damn close! It's catching on here as one of the best events to experience from what I can tell. I think this crowd will be double the size from 2022 and there's buzz all over town about it even during this SXSW festival which is kinda crazy!
I might get a chance to meet Chase Briscoe too! Him and Suarez! But yeah those guys along with several other drivers will be in the fan zone Sunday morning for a QnA and autograph session. Maybe I'll get him to sign my war chain!
Also gonna be some sort of acrobats show and a lumberjack skills show before the race. Pre race concert is some country music guy I've never heard of.
And ol creepy Kyle will be there for some sort of coffee with Kyle thing along with Michael Waltrip

And check this out...It'll be here Sunday just in time for the green flag to drop!


I'll have to stop by the Hendricks hauler and see if they have the matching mini helmet to go with the set :cool:

The best plant of the resulting seeds was named “Golden Goat” after the smell of Golden Goat Recycling machines in the dead of summer, when the soda syrup smells would mingle in the hot sun. The flavor is tropically sweet and lingers on your tongue. The high is straight to your head and comes on instantly.

From Iries website, ☝🏻☝🏻☝🏻
sounds absolutely bangin!!

This is getting more and more interesting.
So you're telling me I'll have something that smells like a sweet recycling dumpster in the hot sun along with a nasal burning chemical spill aroma?
Fuck yeah man sign me up for that shit!!!! 😋
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This is getting more and more interesting.
So you're telling me I'll have something that smells like a sweet recycling dumpster in the hot sun along with a nasal burning chemical spill aroma?
Fuck yeah man sign me up for that shit!!!! 😋
Yeah man thats the same thing i was thinking! And I've got some Lemon Jeffery here which is Lemon Skunk x Golden Goat, so that should be a winner too!

Something about a sweet recycling dumpster in the summer heat just sounds bangin 🤣
The closer it is to making me throw up in my mouth a little the more I like the strain.
Sounds like Crescendo would be your bag baby.
When I was cleaning that stuff my wife had to leave the room.
Said it smelled so horrible I knew I was going to love it~!
SLG had his tested and it came back over 30% I think.
Smelled like week old body odor on an 80 year old athlete when trimming to me~!
Cured to be fire~!
Some days I am glad I can't tell what I smell or taste~!
^^^ I be a chicken tender, a soft juicy one too!!!!! haha went out to TSC tonight and grabbed a 50lb bag of chicken food. carried it around, jarred it up, gave them some... tending!!!!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


they need to cross peanut butter breath and the goat strain... i'd buy seeds called "goat breath" in a second!!!!! could even be GOAT like greatest of all time!!!


my kitchen faucet still fuckin leaks!!! i fixed the threaded leak with new parts and new gaskets. turned the water on and then it starts leaking from up under the faucet assembly where i can't even get to. got a replacement coming tomorrow. total clusterfuck!!! and in such a PITA of a place, i'm not built to be crawling all the way under sink cabinets!!

still only have cold water, the sink saga continues... 🥸

The pool is gonna be fun this week! Nearly everybody has a different driver so it really has a checkers or wreckers feel to it this week. I think the field gets shuffled up a bit and I'm nervous about picking the 45 but if it pays off then that's a baddass pick! I'm just sandwiched by Logano and Elliot and those are two hungry drivers so we'll see!

COTA next week!!! It's not sold out but damn close! It's catching on here as one of the best events to experience from what I can tell. I think this crowd will be double the size from 2022 and there's buzz all over town about it even during this SXSW festival which is kinda crazy!
I might get a chance to meet Chase Briscoe too! Him and Suarez! But yeah those guys along with several other drivers will be in the fan zone Sunday morning for a QnA and autograph session. Maybe I'll get him to sign my war chain!
Also gonna be some sort of acrobats show and a lumberjack skills show before the race. Pre race concert is some country music guy I've never heard of.
And ol creepy Kyle will be there for some sort of coffee with Kyle thing along with Michael Waltrip

And check this out...It'll be here Sunday just in time for the green flag to drop!


I'll have to stop by the Hendricks hauler and see if they have the matching mini helmet to go with the set :cool:

ahhh man that is so cool you might get to meet briscoe!!!! dude if sees your war chain you know he's gonna do a doube take and wanna talk about it!!!! that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm not even going to last time i went there to check on the indy car i ended up preordering larsons 69 camaro and bought a new koozie!!!! hahahaha i almost bought the diecast of last weeks valvoline car but resisted for now!!! fuckers!! they really know how to price something just high enough to get one over on me but not high enough that i won't buy it!! damn good marketing!!

and how the fuck are they letting creepy kyle in a fox race?? i hope your wife kicks him in the jimmies!!!!!! now that would make for great TV!!!

it seems like a lot of drivers are hungry right now and really trying to step up their game this year!!! tensions are gonna be high this weekend!!! you know how i love bristol!!!! i can't wait!!! i didn't look at the weather but i hope it's nice and cool on sunday!!!!! let the motors eat and get the tempers flaring!!!

bristol baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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hanging out.....


something i noticed about this last harvest that i never had before... no dead leaves?? none.. normally i have some brown and bunch of yellow. maybe i wasn't feeding properly in the past... food for thought!!
something i noticed about this last harvest that i never had before... no dead leaves?? none.. normally i have some brown and bunch of yellow. maybe i wasn't feeding properly in the past... food for thought!!
Man that is going to be a pain to trim~! :p
Busting your balls~! They look great~!
I did note the difference between my 'finished' plants and the ones that had more leaves left.
I am not torn. I should learn to grow better, but man you have a lot of trimming to do~!
^^^ I be a chicken tender, a soft juicy one too!!!!! haha went out to TSC tonight and grabbed a 50lb bag of chicken food. carried it around, jarred it up, gave them some... tending!!!!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:


they need to cross peanut butter breath and the goat strain... i'd buy seeds called "goat breath" in a second!!!!! could even be GOAT like greatest of all time!!!


my kitchen faucet still fuckin leaks!!! i fixed the threaded leak with new parts and new gaskets. turned the water on and then it starts leaking from up under the faucet assembly where i can't even get to. got a replacement coming tomorrow. total clusterfuck!!! and in such a PITA of a place, i'm not built to be crawling all the way under sink cabinets!!

still only have cold water, the sink saga continues... 🥸

ahhh man that is so cool you might get to meet briscoe!!!! dude if sees your war chain you know he's gonna do a doube take and wanna talk about it!!!! that would be awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i'm not even going to last time i went there to check on the indy car i ended up preordering larsons 69 camaro and bought a new koozie!!!! hahahaha i almost bought the diecast of last weeks valvoline car but resisted for now!!! fuckers!! they really know how to price something just high enough to get one over on me but not high enough that i won't buy it!! damn good marketing!!

and how the fuck are they letting creepy kyle in a fox race?? i hope your wife kicks him in the jimmies!!!!!! now that would make for great TV!!!

it seems like a lot of drivers are hungry right now and really trying to step up their game this year!!! tensions are gonna be high this weekend!!! you know how i love bristol!!!! i can't wait!!! i didn't look at the weather but i hope it's nice and cool on sunday!!!!! let the motors eat and get the tempers flaring!!!

bristol baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Your kitchen is fucking with my kitchen plumbing PTSD. If there's one space I hate is under the sink. I get down there, lay on my back, it's dark so I have to use a worklight, then with the position I get into is so unnatural I get dizzy and have to stop and let that shit pass. That's all before being able to see the problem let alone work on it.
Wrong time of year for that too with supply water being cold. Be nice if it was midsummer than at least the cold water isn't really all that cold. Well at least down here it's not cold. The cold water supply is luke warm and hot supply is scalding 😋

Haha great to see you loving Bristol again now that they're not doing dirt anymore!!! We're gonna get gladiator style racing two weekends in a row!

Say in addition to Briscoe and Suarez we'll also see Byron, Reddick, Bell, McDowell, and Logano in the fan zone. Logano will be with Briscoe at the Ford tent so I can't really get nuts and talk shit but over in the Toyota tent, Denny Hamlin is gonna be there. Any messages you want me to pass along to him?:devilish:

And you preordered the '69 Camero??!!

^^^ I be a chicken tender, a soft juicy one too!!!!! haha went out to TSC tonight and grabbed a 50lb bag of chicken food. carried it around, jarred it up, gave them some... tending!!!!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

I have to confess I was hungry when I posted that.:D
my kitchen faucet still fuckin leaks!!! i fixed the threaded leak with new parts and new gaskets. turned the water on and then it starts leaking from up under the faucet assembly where i can't even get to. got a replacement coming tomorrow. total clusterfuck!!! and in such a PITA of a place, i'm not built to be crawling all the way under sink cabinets!!

still only have cold water, the sink saga continues... 🥸
I knew it wasn't gonna be so easy! It never is man, it never fkn is. 🤦🏻🤦🏻
Sounds a lot like my "quick" pad slap I got myself into last week lol.
So I was at Lucas oil stadium this weekend don’t know if you or bandit ever made it up here for the 400 or the open wheel 500 but here’s some Lucas pics - delete them after ya see em save thread space , that drag tire with the screw in it ? How ya think that would turn out ? Lmao


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