Welcome to Our New Members - Start Here


Staff member
Apr 1, 2023
Reaction score
Hello everyone, thanks for stopping by.

We are very new. We've been working on this for a while, but just went public yesterday 4/14/23 and started adding members.

Why - we wanted a place by us, for us, where economics and ego are not the driving forces to build a forum.

Some info-

Currently we are operating pretty much by invite only. Eventually the word will get out, but for now it is a bit small. This lends itself to a tight community with moderation not really required. That said, there are really just a few rules.

Be good to each other.
Pay it forward.
Trolls will not be tolerated.

You probably noticed there is no advertising or sponsors. That is by design. This is that odd free place where the users are NOT the product.
We don't sell or share your data
We don't direct clicks, or edit threads or any such nonsense because we have a paying vendor to appease. All products must stand on their own merit.
It's OK to buy and sell here freely. The house does not take a cut. Just please do not sell anything illegal.
Virtually all topics are currently open. Hot buttons like politics, religion etc may get shut down in the future if we stop being adults.

I invite you to pull up a chair and help us make this into something we can all be proud of and call home. We have a real opportunity to be different and better. Let's do that.

We are open to all suggestions. Just ask any of the founding members:

Smoke (formerly known as SmokeDaReefer)

Welcome. We are glad you are here.

We are now open to the public, but we want to have a higher level of information exchange with less drama than your typical free for all. We are not motivated to grab as many new users as we can to improve ad revenue - revenue is not even part of our DNA. This site will be funded 100% by user donations, and that will be based on what you feel comfortable with.

What we want are respectful growers from across the spectrum. Newbies to those been growin' for 50 years. Doesn't matter as long as the user is someone who is a net positive to the community.

If you know someone that would fit in well to this framework, please invite them. Just please help us with self / community moderation.

As we get older, we will find better ways of weeding out the net negative users, right now the plan is to not invite them in the first place!

Once again, welcome.
Well hello, a new forum to play on, cool. Nice to see you are going sponsor free. I saw the Farm had almost a full board of Viparspectra sponsored posts the other day . I gotta say I'm grateful to SF for providing me with lights and tents but it gets boring with so many people posting sponsor obligated threads. Anyways the cold north east is here with Dusk and Qnight saying hi


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Welcome pipe. Glad you are here. I miss smiling over your posts.

Who knows how big we get, but advertising and sponsorship is something we have no interest in. That’s not to say we don’t talk about products, just that money has no sway in what is said.

I hope this experiment works!
Glad to see you PC, I too always enjoyed your posts and beautiful flower shots bro. Hell yea bro, glad you're here!

Your cats are so beautiful, my shit memory can't remember their names but I remember your posts about them. My Prissy (another black cat) just had babies and we are keeping two of them. A cute black "tuxedo" a lot like mama named Lizzy and a tiger striped male named Moe....cute as buttons and really starting to get into mishchief, especially little Moe, he is a compact little terror boy :LOL:


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Well hello, a new forum to play on, cool. Nice to see you are going sponsor free. I saw the Farm had almost a full board of Viparspectra sponsored posts the other day . I gotta say I'm grateful to SF for providing me with lights and tents but it gets boring with so many people posting sponsor obligated threads. Anyways the cold north east is here with Dusk and Qnight saying hi
The sponered growth diaries is a sad part of things. Glad you came by!!!!
The sponered growth diaries is a sad part of things. Glad you came by!!!!
Yea, they hit me up hard over there. When I declined the first offer, they sent me a second offering me two tents and two lights, a big one and small one! Again, I declined. I just didn't want to sell my soul to try out lights I knew nothing about and to let them be my little pimp.
Yea, they hit me up hard over there. When I declined the first offer, they sent me a second offering me two tents and two lights, a big one and small one! Again, I declined. I just didn't want to sell my soul to try out lights I knew nothing about and to let them be my little pimp.
I had many offers from Spider Farm as well. At first they really got mad at me because I took their PPFD chart and added up the numbers and divided by the number of readings. The average was incorrect so I sent a PM to many of the staff. They corrected it but just sad because who knows how many of their product were sold because of sponser driven grow diaries.
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Hey guys and thanks Steam for the invite. I'm always on a quest for a respectable forum and, from what I can tell, there are some top minds in on this. I look forward to all the knowledge to be gained.

I just started germinating my very first seed ever, yesterday afternoon. With your help and my can-do, she'll grow into a big beautiful plant.
Hey guys and thanks Steam for the invite. I'm always on a quest for a respectable forum and, from what I can tell, there are some top minds in on this. I look forward to all the knowledge to be gained.

I just started germinating my very first seed ever, yesterday afternoon. With your help and my can-do, she'll grow into a big beautiful plant.
Hi grump.

You started over there about the time I was forced out so we haven’t had any interaction. But I do know a little about your medium and can help you here if you want to post up a diary.

Well hello, a new forum to play on, cool. Nice to see you are going sponsor free. I saw the Farm had almost a full board of Viparspectra sponsored posts the other day . I gotta say I'm grateful to SF for providing me with lights and tents but it gets boring with so many people posting sponsor obligated threads. Anyways the cold north east is here with Dusk and Qnight saying hi
Mr. Carver ! Glad to have ya using that hash pipe again this morning - no it still needs oiled up - welcome


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Yea, they hit me up hard over there. When I declined the first offer, they sent me a second offering me two tents and two lights, a big one and small one! Again, I declined. I just didn't want to sell my soul to try out lights I knew nothing about and to let them be my little pimp.
I took the first mars light in idk mayb 2020 I needed it! Lol but quickly realized I’d rest her pay for product I wanted rather than feel obligated to make look good
I had many offers from Spider Farm as well. At first they really got mad at me because I took their PPFD chart and added up the numbers and divided by the number of readings. The average was incorrect so I sent a PM to many of the staff. They corrected it but just sad because how knows how many of their product were sold because of sponser driver grow diaries.
Funny when Adam got his free spiderfarmer she bashed my hlg, s called me a liar when I gave my opinion - in the end I have a sf1000 that I won in some gives way that I clone under - gave the others away! Even my kingbrites outperform them - one day I’ll move to the bar lights but jeez just dropped a couple G’s less than 2 years for the boards I got
Hey guys and thanks Steam for the invite. I'm always on a quest for a respectable forum and, from what I can tell, there are some top minds in on this. I look forward to all the knowledge to be gained.

I just started germinating my very first seed ever, yesterday afternoon. With your help and my can-do, she'll grow into a big beautiful plant.
Welcome after that first harvest we will chill your grumpazz out ! Lmao
I took the first mars light in idk mayb 2020 I needed it! Lol but quickly realized I’d rest her pay for product I wanted rather than feel obligated to make look good
You do feel obligated.

Take the lights slg and I are using. Raging kush. Nobody is going to edit the fact he is having trouble with the app and once he gets it figured out or sends it back - that info will be posted front and center.

This is the way.

Hell yea buddy, and I will figure it out. I'm all but positive it's just the old phone and this will get squared away toot suite.

On the subject, Can I just turn that light on and put it on a manual timer until I get the new phone? I don't want to damage the light in the event that may not be kosher. Perhaps it's a question for Scynce too and I can call them.
Hi grump.

You started over there about the time I was forced out so we haven’t had any interaction. But I do know a little about your medium and can help you here if you want to post up a diary.

Will do. I had a decent thread going over there fixated on the build itself, mostly. It has all come to fruition and a diary is now on the table. Pefect time to hop over. Thanks again, Steam.

I appreciate the warm welcome. I have no idea what I'm doing but I'm doing it. 🤣
Welcome after that first harvest we will chill your grumpazz out ! Lmao
Haha. It's just a username from back in the day. Back before the trials and errors of psychedelics and a healthy divorce, to boot. Reminds me to stay humble. We all got shit going on. Looking forward to my first harvest, nonetheless!
Hell yea buddy, and I will figure it out. I'm all but positive it's just the old phone and this will get squared away toot suite.

On the subject, Can I just turn that light on and put it on a manual timer until I get the new phone? I don't want to damage the light in the event that may not be kosher. Perhaps it's a question for Scynce too and I can call them.
I think if you run the default flower with timer and don’t touch anything recipe or custom related it works right? Just stop before the last step where you get locks? I think we texted video about that. I can dig that up if you want.
I think if you run the default flower with timer and don’t touch anything recipe or custom related it works right? Just stop before the last step where you get locks? I think we texted video about that. I can dig that up if you want.

I don't remember exactly but I will try one more time. Seems like I did try that but it would not let me adjust the intensity off 100% so I bagged it for the manual thing. I did try on other solution that had the intensity where I wanted but then the timer did not work, went in there at 9pm and the light was still on.
Hey Y'all!

Figured I'd tag along since moe was dumb enough to invite me!😂

I'm the latest shill for VS so once I do my little diary I'll make sure and post an honest review. I haven't run the XS1500Pro yet but it looks fairly well built. I guess we'll see how she does.
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