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Day 9 since it popped above the soil. It seems stalled, but it’s cooler these days. I see no new growth, top or bottom, in the last week.

Temps are in the low 20* with humidity going from 50-60RH.

The cup has a bit of weight and the soil is damp about 5mm-10mm below the surface.

Lights on lowest setting and it sits about 3” below the light. Clones with it are fine and well.

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Day 9 since it popped above the soil. It seems stalled, but it’s cooler these days. I see no new growth, top or bottom, in the last week.

Temps are in the low 20* with humidity going from 50-60RH.

The cup has a bit of weight and the soil is damp about 5mm-10mm below the surface.

Lights on lowest setting and it sits about 3” below the light. Clones with it are fine and we’ll.

View attachment 45769View attachment 45770
Do you soak your soil prior to planting the seed or did you just mist it with a spray bottle daily?
And what are your temps in there? Seems like it may be too cold.
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Do you soak your soil prior to planting the seed or did you just mist it with a spray bottle daily?

Seeds I put in dry. Then mist or use syringe. Once I see roots at bottom and sides I start to water normally.

And what are your temps in there? Seems like it may be too cold.

Lights went out 10 minutes before pic. I think cold has slowed it but not worried about rot yet. Wondering if 6/2 is an issue? Don’t recall if I did them before or just clones. 🤔
Lights went out 10 minutes before pic. I think cold has slowed it but not worried about rot yet. Wondering if 6/2 is an issue? Don’t recall if I did them before or just clones. 🤔
No clue what that thing says, when i zoom its blurry as fekk lol.
I dont like playing with times though.
18/6 or 17/7 for veg and thats it, i see no benefits in 4/4 or 6/2 or 2/2, i dont see ANY benefits to that what so ever. Seems ot would do more harm than good imo.
You want it 78-82 for seedlings, anything less and its gonna be slow imo.
Just my 2 cents
and humid 65%, I use a heat mat with a 1" spacer below my seedlings. I don't have a controller but warmth emanating from the bottom keeps the soil warm. I'm a damp towel germinator though and I like to keep them warm 18/6 all the way for me.
Might warm up if you ran 18/6.
Something is not happening. I would really want to warm it up using the light.
Not much growth from last picture 5 days ago.
This is where my last batch of seeds were at @7 days above soil.
No clue what that thing says, when i zoom its blurry as fekk lol.
I dont like playing with times though.
18/6 or 17/7 for veg and thats it, i see no benefits in 4/4 or 6/2 or 2/2, i dont see ANY benefits to that what so ever. Seems ot would do more harm than good imo.

Offline I told you it’s about 20-26 Celsius and 50-70RH.

The timer for that side of the tent is 18/6 but by 6/2 increments. All the clones and plants grow and veg like this but I can’t recall if I’ve grown seedlings this way?

I stuck it in the window the other day it was so nice. Got to 83f & 62RH, and this was before you text. 73013547269__1638E7B4-98AE-47AD-8CFA-C22E407DEB75.jpegIMG_7337.jpeg

Only for a few hours but we’ll see. 🤷‍♂️
and humid 65%, I use a heat mat with a 1" spacer below my seedlings. I don't have a controller but warmth emanating from the bottom keeps the soil warm. I'm a damp towel germinator though and I like to keep them warm 18/6 all the way for me.

The 200w light in the zone below helps keep the shelf and zone warm. Hasn’t gone below 20* but 24* is common. Humidity is above 50 but rarely above 60’s. Raising one lowers the other.

I put the seedling in the lower zone along with the hygrometer today. I’ll see how that goes.

Changing the timer is my last resort.
Might warm up if you ran 18/6.
Something is not happening. I would really want to warm it up using the light.
Not much growth from last picture 5 days ago.
This is where my last batch of seeds were at @7 days above soil.
View attachment 45804

I don’t usually pop seeds until it’s warmer out. I just keep making clones.

It might be the 6/2 or the cold, maybe both. 🤷‍♂️

I put it in the window yesterday for a few hours and moved it to the Veg zone. See how that goes.
As noted on the corner earlier the seedling stalled. Then started to wither. 73039051781__B77CE444-4BD1-425A-8795-22DDD0D09138.jpeg73039064497__B0DCD35A-5AF9-4064-87A5-D5E6289E687C.jpeg

I put it in a shot glass with water and a bit of h2o2. I didn’t see any root growth digging it out.

A few days later the root and stem are white and I see two little branches off the tap root.IMG_7395.jpegIMG_7397.jpeg

@stonemason let me know about @Stoneyluv corner post on Friday. Thank you both.

I don’t have a lot of hope for this seedling but it’s nice to know I might save it with the steps I’ve taken. I don’t have a air stone so I’ve been swapping out the glass with a fresh one and adding h2o2.

I did germinate this seed and made sure to put it tail down but I’m guessing it wasn’t quite deep enough and packed in. It seemed much closer to the surface when I dug it out.

The perlite is ticking me off too. I usually use peat pucks for seeds but skipped that step. If the root recovers I’ll be putting it in a puck going forward.

🤞guess I’ll see what a few days can do for it.
As noted on the corner earlier the seedling stalled. Then started to wither. View attachment 46531View attachment 46532

I put it in a shot glass with water and a bit of h2o2. I didn’t see any root growth digging it out.
View attachment 46533

A few days later the root and stem are white and I see two little branches off the tap root.View attachment 46534View attachment 46535

@stonemason let me know about @Stoneyluv corner post on Friday. Thank you both.

I don’t have a lot of hope for this seedling but it’s nice to know I might save it with the steps I’ve taken. I don’t have a air stone so I’ve been swapping out the glass with a fresh one and adding h2o2.

I did germinate this seed and made sure to put it tail down but I’m guessing it wasn’t quite deep enough and packed in. It seemed much closer to the surface when I dug it out.

The perlite is ticking me off too. I usually use peat pucks for seeds but skipped that step. If the root recovers I’ll be putting it in a puck going forward.

🤞guess I’ll see what a few days can do for it.

from what i read quite a few things can cause it, i caused mine from a combo of dense soil, wet soil, and much to small of a container.
from what i read quite a few things can cause it, i caused mine from a combo of dense soil, wet soil, and much to small of a container.

Soil was fresh and not compacted. Container was a typical red cup I use. Watering was minimal with a syringe or spray bottle. Like I usually do. Clones I do a bit differently.

Normally once they pop it’s a done deal. I’ve had seeds do the “S” root before and not break the surface but this is the first a seedling just stopped.

Water and environment are my likely issues.

Waiting to see if any root growth occurs in the shot glass. Top seems to be drying out.
I would offer a light feed.
What lighting schedule are you using?
My latest seed starting method is to feed lightly when first set of leaves after the cotyledons appear.
I would offer a light feed.
What lighting schedule are you using?

I’m doing 6/2 on lowest light. Same as my clones. I’ve done clones so long I don’t recall if I’ve grown seedlings under 6/2 before?
My latest seed starting method is to feed lightly when first set of leaves after the cotyledons appear.

I normally don’t feed until I see a node first.

After lightly digging out the root I noted it had moved higher in the soil. Plan to use a peat puck next time. Get rid of the perlite.

Water, environment, or light.

Before bed I put a single drop of water with FFJ & Lacto mixed at 1ml/1L. Took a chance. More of an impulse.

I have nothing I trust to hold the stem upright while sitting in water. So I left it hooked onto the side of the glass. The cotyledon is hold it up.

I’ll be checking it after 11am.
I really don't understand the 6/2.
I know it adds up, I wonder if your plant knows it..
I would not start seeds that way if they were free.
Just me maybe.🤷‍♂️
You're too cold, messing with light and having trouble.
There is a simple fix to this IMO. 18/6
I agree with Steam. I dont understand playing with the light hours.
18/6 and 12/12 have been proven for years, "if it aint broke dont fix it" is my favorite motto.

Weve talked through text and i told you its too cold, and 18/6 would raise the temp.
Get a cheap cool mist humidifier to combat the low RH from raising the temp. Its the only way imo
That one has a night light and may be only battery operated.

I really don't understand the 6/2.
I know it adds up, I wonder if your plant knows it..
I would not start seeds that way if they were free.
Just me maybe.🤷‍♂️
You're too cold, messing with light and having trouble.
There is a simple fix to this IMO. 18/6

Shit. You really think the 6/2 is the main issue?

I like the convenience of that time. Let’s me work on them when I’m available more. Also helps with the hydro bill. We have peek hour usage prices here. 🤦

These two side zones are one above the other without seals. Light and air gets past the sides freely. I’ll have to drop 6/2 all together. 🤔

Lights are on at 11am for zones 1 & 2. I’ll chew on it until then.
Weve talked through text and i told you its too cold, and 18/6 would raise the temp.

The biggest reason for 6/2 is more time for me to work on them. If I sleep during normal hours or get insomnia I’m still able to look after them okay.

I’m weighing options and seeing if I can just flip to 18/6. I have another timer not being used ATM I can setup and swap.

When we chat in text we use maybe, guessing, and you change your mind at times. In this case you suggested I grow a new, known, strain. I said it was colder than I like to pop seeds, but we did have that week or so of great weather so I tried. Then it dropped in temperature again. That’s when we started talking temps, humidity and 18/6. You’ve also told me not to use my lights to change temperature, but we’ve both done it when needed. Rules for growing seem to be flexible and I’m trying to get used to that. Seems to be as much following your gutt as it is following steps.

I try to cherry pick through our chats what I can do with what I have that will make the best results. You do the same and I try to roll/work with it. But I do try to get other opinions if it’s something neither of us is comfortable with or certain about. Still doesn’t mean I get it right.

I’ve run out of time and options for this seedling and others have questioned the 6/2 as well now so I’m already looking to switch things even though I don’t believe it’s that simple a solution. It’s just easier to apply in the time remaining and might prove to be the only fix. 🤷‍♂️

Get a cheap cool mist humidifier to combat the low RH from raising the temp. Its the only way imo

I’ll need to see what the light changes do first as it affects both zones. The room has a huge dehumidifier too. Need to see what else, if anything, gets changed. The zone below heats and helps with humidity depending what I do.

At the end of the day this should end up making things better over all. I just wish I had waited until end of March or used a seed I more of.

I always appreciate your help even when I don’t agree with you. More than once you got me through a panic attack over these silly plants. 🤣
Well I’m not sure where to go from here with this. Not much root. Stem looks better. But top is still drying out.

Temps are a bit better 25* & 60RH last time I checked.

No idea if a peat puck now is good idea or if I should wait to see something grow first? I think the top is just going to shrivel and die.
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