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Well I’m not sure where to go from here with this. Not much root. Stem looks better. But top is still drying out.

Temps are a bit better 25* & 60RH last time I checked.
View attachment 46860

No idea if a peat puck now is good idea or if I should wait to see something grow first? I think the top is just going to shrivel and die.
Try rubberbanding a plastic sandwich bag over the top like a dome to up the humidity to like 85%. Couldn't hurt at this point I find higher humidity helps seedlings
Try rubberbanding a plastic sandwich bag over the top like a dome to up the humidity to like 85%. Couldn't hurt at this point I find higher humidity helps seedlings

I don’t think that would work due to size. I’ve been keeping an eye open for the dollar store bell domes to put over my DIY cloner. The shot glasses sit nicely in the plug holes. The coffee can lid has a raised middle which would be perfect to hold a dome top.

After your post I thought about my options. I came up with this. IMG_7499.jpeg

Dollar stores should be getting spring planting stuff soon. I want it like this but wider. Either sit on the lids rim or on the table but cover the entire can.


That’s my sons display one. Has a base he has a model on. But if I find one like it that would be great. 👍
Checking on it yesterday showed a bit of root growth. 😳

Top still looked like it was slowing drying/dying. So I prepped to put it in a peat puck. That’s when I saw mold. The water level used to be higher.

It was fine yesterday but I don’t always wear my glasses. I hoped it might be roots as the water level was higher but I think being under the jar, even with the side raised, was too humid.

After wiping it a bit I put it in a peat puck, carefully tucked it in.


I used one of my yellow LST clips to hold the jar higher.

This morning at lights on I found it still standing straight but with a clump of white hairs sticking out all around the stem a few mm wide.

I panicked thinking this was mold for sure now as it’s about 10mm above the soil. And reappeared over lights out.

I used some lacto and water to lightly spray just the plant while I held it sideways. I then lightly squeezed the outer rim of the puck to get rid of any extra moisture.

The dome was still damp so I cleaned it, dried it, and sprayed a shot of lacto spray inside before putting back on.

Not being 100% certain it was mold I did a search but found pics of both mold and roots that looked similar. Need to take a pic before I react next time. Then act when I’ve checked. These internet samples all look a little like it. IMG_7539.jpegIMG_7538.jpegIMG_7540.jpeg

My wiping it before planting might have removed some near the soil. IDK, we will see I guess.

After moving the seedling into the peat puck I put hot water into the can and used it like a hot water bottle. It seemed to help but I have no idea the temp or humidity under the jar.
Still looking okay and not bent over. No idea what the temp or RH is but the zones been around 24c & 60+RH which is better. Moisture still forms inside the jar.IMG_7564.jpeg

Not sure if using the coffee can as a hot water bottle is helping?

Mold hasn’t popped back out but I can’t say it’s gone either. Still not sure if the lacto was any help or to strong. I just know it’s a protector and will prevent mold if used as a foliar spray. After the fact I have no idea.
Still looking okay and not bent over. No idea what the temp or RH is but the zones been around 24c & 60+RH which is better. Moisture still forms inside the jar.View attachment 47382

Not sure if using the coffee can as a hot water bottle is helping?

Mold hasn’t popped back out but I can’t say it’s gone either. Still not sure if the lacto was any help or to strong. I just know it’s a protector and will prevent mold if used as a foliar spray. After the fact I have no idea.
Wow I think you might have saved her.thats the last time I bet against you.🤞🤞I proubly would have givin up and pulled an old yeller by now. Great job.
Wow I think you might have saved her.thats the last time I bet against you.🤞🤞I proubly would have givin up and pulled an old yeller by now. Great job.

It’s 50/50 still. It’s still too cold and not humid long enough. The mold makes me think I got the environment almost right but I wasn’t expecting that added bonus.

Tonight at lights on is where I’ll give it a good look over and check it’s health.
I failed. The mold keeps returning each morning I check.

Not great pics but you can see the mold. From the middle of the stem to the Cotyledon is all covered. I tried fighting it all weekend.

The strange thing is that the root and stem are fine at the ground. No brown or rot. The h2o2 bath fixed things up enough.

This was my first case of mold. I’m not sure if a toothpick or some other way to support the seedling in the shot glass would have helped.

I’m disappointed at how things turned out. Once the weather got colder and I lost control of the environment the writing was on the wall. Skipping steps like starting in peat pucks added to the problem.

A last hale merry was to use a bit of vinegar and water to kill the remaining mold but it had advanced to far.IMG_7661.jpeg

I’m sure it’s dead by now. I’ll open the puck to see how the root did. I at least want to see if any of this care paid off. If the root spread I know at least half the steps helped.

Only one seed left so I’m stopping here. We’ll see how things look in April/May.
I gotta send him this package of 5 or 6 strains I have here 🤦🏻
Just keep forgetting to take it to the Post Office.
I'll get it there eventually 🤣
You got the thread open are you gonna pop the last seed?

I don’t think I’ve ever closed a thread. 🤔

I have one seed left. I’m waiting until April when I know the temps are good and I can win a fight if things go off.

I guess I could close this and start again in a month or so. 🤷‍♂️
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I guess an epitaph is in order…of sorts.

I tried trimming the col…the col…the first leaves off. That helped for a day. Over night the mold spread.

I dug it out carefully and found two new root branches. It also looked healthy and white. If I had prevented the mold I think it would have survived.

I chopped it and ground up everything for the Bokashi bucket. 😔
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