Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all on this sunny but frosty morning, hope your all well.

Part two of my venture into canna butter, and it went like this. I left the ingredients in the slow cooker for four hours, this seemed to be enough by the look of it, all the butter and buds were well mixed together, I gave the mix a good stir every hour just to make sure.

I have to say that the jars were fecking hot, and using oven glove didn't save me, as the fingers dipped into the hot water the jars were sat in, being this hot is obviously a good thing from the cooking point, but not for scorched fingers.

Next thing to do was strain the mixture into a clean jar, so what to use for a strainer? I decided to go old school and use muslin, this would save cleaning a sieve or other utensil as I could just bin it when I was finished, easy life.

So out with the tongs, as the oven gloves were a little damp.

The mixture was then poured through the muslin, which I secured, old style again, with an elastic band, this would also be binned with the used muslin.
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This is the mixture as it came out of the slow cooker, hot stuff.
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Next up was to strain the mixture, I was thinking that the muslin would soak up the butter into the cloth as I'd used a fair sized piece, but it didn't.

Looked a bit like curry sat there in the muslin.
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Ended up with nearly a full jar of canna butter in the end.

I'm thinking now, that I should have weighed the finished amount to see what the loss to the muslin and dry buds would have been, next time.
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Once set it took on a nice clean colour, I thought it would be greener than it was.
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I don't know if it was a mistake or not, but I'm treating it as one, and that was squeezing out the muslin into the jar. When I make this again, I think I'll skip the squeezing as I think it just forced the dust sized pieces of bud through the muslin into the jar. In the long run I don't think it does any damage to the end result, but it still wound up in the jar, which defeats the object of using a fine sieving method, I wanted a super clean product so when I cook with it, the food would have no specks of bud in it.
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So how did the butter perform? I have to say, it did its job, two teaspoons gave me a nice relaxing hit. This gives me a base to work out how much butter to use in cooking. Taste wise it was ok, a fairly neutral taste, with a wax like texture, I thought it would be a bit more buttery.
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And there you go, another string to my stoners bow.

All in all an easy product to produce, and hassle free as after the ingredients are mixed and put in the slow cooker, its just a matter of waiting four hours with the odd stir in between until its done. Serving suggestions, toast for a wake n bake, or slap some on your favourite crackers.

Tried both of these with good effect, only thing I can say is, don't try this when you have the munchies.

So there you are, canna butter 101.

What next? Find out next time, until then, just keep tokin folks.