Tobacco seed?

Anyone know where a fella can get some? Think I'd like to grow some and just see how I like it over the toxic ass cigarettes

Anyone here ever grown it?
Tobacco is always what the hydroshop here uses in their demo grows.
I've grown it a couple times just for an ornamental. It's flowers are quite a show. Very ez to grow and can get huge.
I've seen seeds sold almost stores, grocery store, etsy, ebay, Park Seed etc.
I wouldn't know the first step to get it from live plant to rolled cigar or cigarette though. I tried to use a few leaves as a blunt wrap, just winging it and not knowing what I was doing, and it didn't go well. Winter killed my plants and I never started more but have been thinking about it
Tobacco is always what the hydroshop here uses in their demo grows.
I've grown it a couple times just for an ornamental. It's flowers are quite a show. Very ez to grow and can get huge.
I've seen seeds sold almost stores, grocery store, etsy, ebay, Park Seed etc.
I wouldn't know the first step to get it from live plant to rolled cigar or cigarette though. I tried to use a few leaves as a blunt wrap, just winging it and not knowing what I was doing, and it didn't go well. Winter killed my plants and I never started more but have been thinking about it
Been doing a little digging apparently alot of cigarette tobacco is "Virginia gold"

Thinking it'd be a good plant to grow to sort of block some outdoor ganja...use it like a hedge if possible
Thinking it'd be a good plant to grow to sort of block some outdoor ganja...use it like a hedge if possible
Sunflowers and tomatoes are my go to if im trying to hide plants. The mammoth sunflowers can grow to 10 feet or more, and each leaf is like the size of a dinner plate
And neither of them contain tobacco šŸ¤£
I've had a hard time finding things that don't brown out before the dad used to grow big sunflower patches then dove hunt from the edge...I can't remember too well but I feel like they were always dying about mid September....big suckers though

I got a random blackberry bush coming back I need to direct along my field line at the property edge...I butt up to a cornfield so that helps til September
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I've had a hard time finding things that don't brown out before the dad used to grow big sunflower patches then dove hunt from the edge...I can't remember too well but I feel like they were always dying about mid September....big suckers though

I got a random blackberry bush coming back I need to direct along my field line at the property edge...I butt up to a cornfield so that helps til September
That is why i stopped growing in my yard, everything dies before the weed does. All summer long they blend in amazmg but when everything else is yellow and brown, nice healthy green pot plants stick out like nothing else.
Haha..same here..I actually had to google the process and it seems they harvest all the leaves weeks before harvesting the pods the seeds are in.I never knew that till they are pretty damn remind me of poppy seeds.
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