BB T-Shirt AI Designs - help us pick the best

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Did you notice he has 3 arms?

AI is spitting out 6 armed toads at the moment. I guess it thinks cannabis causes trips like LSD. Or birth defects maybe. I think we still have a few minutes until AI takes over and the terminator shows up.

AI has real issue with some features.
Hands man~!
Always count fingers and look for background people with melted faces.
Backwards hands, 6 fingers, backwards elbow...
Don't order yet, but the store is going up.

We can put any of these designs up there or all of them. In any garment. BB makes $5 off each one, this would be huge for us if folks bought them.

Is there a reason paypal isn't accepted as payment
You have two going there that is apt for that day. The four twenty one and the one of the microbus with the date on the plates. I would add the location, somewhere. Willow Springs. Thanks! 🥰
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