CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

What i would've done for a deer season break in my town!!
We never had deer season break but we did have ski club.they would bus us every Thursday night 2.5 hours to michagin .we wouldn't get home till 1:30 a.m. but if you missed school on Friday you couldn't go to ski club the following week. Talk about some wild times.
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Said I have 26+ more years of this~! :oops:
I’m not going to make it. 😒

Friday, 14th April 2028
Cardiovascular disease
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Gmorning Granny and all other guests. I ordered a new reclining love seat almost 2 months ago and we get delivery today. A big expense we splurged on after a lucky win at the casino. We won $2500.00+ on a Sunday then went back on Wednesday and won another $1500. We don't go very often maybe once a month and usually lose, its in down town Halifax and we may go after a Costco run, we just play slots and get a meal, very low rollers. We've been back twice since and'll get it back eventually. My wife says it won't's spatially challenged, I'll make her fit...Cats will love it, now to keep there claws out of it. I wanted something we could both snuggle down in and watch TV together
Gmorning Granny and all other guests. I ordered a new reclining love seat almost 2 months ago and we get delivery today. A big expense we splurged on after a lucky win at the casino. We won $2500.00+ on a Sunday then went back on Wednesday and won another $1500. We don't go very often maybe once a month and usually lose, its in down town Halifax and we may go after a Costco run, we just play slots and get a meal, very low rollers. We've been back twice since and'll get it back eventually. My wife says it won't's spatially challenged, I'll make her fit...Cats will love it, now to keep there claws out of it. I wanted something we could both snuggle down in and watch TV together
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Nice! Looks like a great place to sit down and relax awhile!
Got some dabs yesterday, like 4 different types all shoved in this multi container. So being that my wife smokes me dry constantly on dabs especially I decided she wasn't going to know that I got a half oz and instead just think I got an 8th, then I can bust the others out over time and not have her standing around asking to slurp up all the dab action.

Anyway, went and found all my old containers so I could separate them out and hide them. Found one container with about a quarter gram of dried up dabs in it....I know they technically got a shelf life at the dispensary but curious if they ever really go bad? I'm thinking I'll use it to roll in a joint or blunt
My wife would not find this funny. [I looked around to make sure she couldn't see me giggle even though she is 20mins away at work] I was supposed to put the tree up for her over the weekend. Kidney stone got me out of it. I would have rather put up the tree.
My daughter and I toiled endlessly to unfold and setup our 2.5’ tree.

We have cats, so sometime between now and 12/25, I expect to post a WTF photo! Cats and a tree - I’m doomed!
They can be a pain to set up and I'm a bit of an indoor Scrooge. I sorta enjoy putting up lights and decorations outside. I'm just responsible for setting it up our Christmas tree and fluffing it out. We have a couple of cats in our house. We hang ornaments that they can't break or that don't have sentimental value down low.

There have been evil whispers about adding a second tree in our little sun room...
i set up five xmas trees for a client yesterday!! he normally has six but he gave one away last year.. a little early if you ask me but i was just doing my job. kinda cool though because the guy has some very nice vintage decorations!!

My wife would not find this funny. [I looked around to make sure she couldn't see me giggle even though she is 20mins away at work] I was supposed to put the tree up for her over the weekend. Kidney stone got me out of it. I would have rather put up the tree.
I agree! I’d much rather put up a tree as kidney stones! Sorry to hear this!
My Hubby being a bit sneaky managed to get US a heart doctor appointment together. Literally put us in the same room together. Was kind of weird..but that’s okay. I’m getting even. I’m scheduling US an OB-GYN appointment next week…
Got some dabs yesterday, like 4 different types all shoved in this multi container. So being that my wife smokes me dry constantly on dabs especially I decided she wasn't going to know that I got a half oz and instead just think I got an 8th, then I can bust the others out over time and not have her standing around asking to slurp up all the dab action.

Anyway, went and found all my old containers so I could separate them out and hide them. Found one container with about a quarter gram of dried up dabs in it....I know they technically got a shelf life at the dispensary but curious if they ever really go bad? I'm thinking I'll use it to roll in a joint or blunt
Nothing that is intoxicating EVER goes bad. It may loose 'some' effectiveness, but every hallucinogenic substance maintains properties forever and ever....
Nothing that is intoxicating EVER goes bad. It may loose 'some' effectiveness, but every hallucinogenic substance maintains properties forever and ever....
how true you are

I was just reading about the "birthday of LSD" which was November 16, 1938, by the Swiss chemist Albert Hofmann. I liked the part about, the scientists observed the animals were restless and twitchy but otherwise the new compound was not noteworthy. Then like 5 years later the chemist was thinking, wtf were the animals doing that one time... Then he decided to synthesize it again, by this time the reason for the experimenting with Lysergic Acid had resolved itself, he had made a new drug that would help increase blood flow, i forget its name. So when he made some more up 5 years later, he accidently consumed some via his skin, and went home and tripped out. the rest is history.

TBH i never knew about the beginning before. Common day LSD was made purely by chance while methodically testing everything in the lab that could make lysergic acid stable, and then not even fully realized until 5 years later, when the chemist just couldn't get over how those animals were acting.

He said something like he didn't find LSD, it found him.

Cool shit!

Hope everyone is having a great day/night!
Sorry about your tailbone @GoodShit97 , i can't imagine what that's like... i guess like a donut cushion like for hemorrhoids would help to sit? idfk..

I've been trying my best doing two jobs, it leaves me enough time for 3-4 bong hits and that's it for the whole day. naturally my tolerance has gone down, but its good cause i don't have much left either! lol
I feel like i've been saying that forever, but i doubt some elf has been refilling my bag when i'm not looking, i just misjudged the rate that it would go

peace and love
i set up five xmas trees for a client yesterday!! he normally has six but he gave one away last year.. a little early if you ask me but i was just doing my job. kinda cool though because the guy has some very nice vintage decorations!!

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My mother always set up the tree right after grey cup game. She’s got the old vintage mantle piece snow covered town.

We haven’t setup our tree since our daughter and grandson moved out a few years ago and moved to Quebec. Wife’s heart hasn’t been in it.

They were all going to come this year for a visit/vacation but three kids and a huge dog made it too expensive. Not enough room here and no one to look after the dog if they leave it.

Hoping to work something out for next year. Put the holiday spirit back in the season.
You will live to be 81 years, 8 months and 23 days old! This is only true if my wife lets me. Who knows what the future will bring and no killer meteorites or vampires mentioned.

Between lack of information and the fact doctors can’t even predict when most will pass away I’m not worried about it.

Worst case scenario I get to finally have uninterrupted sleep! 😴
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