Ah Toe Gro


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Apr 14, 2023
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Running six fem autos. Two of each. Scarlet Runtz(Forbidden Runtz x Scarlet Sunset), Scarlet Grapes(Double Grape x Scarlet Sunset), Hot Cakes(The Hotz x Bessie Cake). Seeds were gifted to me by a member on another site.

Going to top one and FIM one of each. I want to see how they react to see what is better for autos. Seeds are currently sequestered in a zip loc bag with a banana peel. I want to see what happens if I expose the seeds to Ethelyne gas the peels give off to see how vibrant they get. That's not really a beginner technique but I'm trying to cram a bunch of different experiments into this run.

I'm also going to run this without using a cannabis specific soil. I want to see if someone with basic grow skills using the same stuff a newb would most likely buy can get to harvest. I'm using Kellog's Patio Plus which has wood chips. I'm guessing the wood chips are their "version" of perlite because there is almost zero perlite in the mix even though the analysis lists it high up on the ingredients list. I went ahead and amended the soil with around 30% Perlite. Everything I'm using is available at your local hardware store.

Original Patio Plus Soil
Patio Plus Fert.jpg

Soil Analysis.
Soil Nutrient Makeup.jpg

What it looks like straight out of the bag

Original Patio Plus Fert.jpg

Perlite I used.


Basically the perlite amendment was one bag(1.5 cu/ft) to one bag of perlite(8 dry ounces).

For nutes I'm going to go with the nutes my buddy @Terrapin 's used on his auto grow. Again, available at most home gardening centers and a typical nute a newb would use his first time. No myco or bacterial amendments this round.

When I was clearing out one of my storage lockers I found the 3' x 5' I had been looking for but forgot was in that locker. I had brought over a few things when I came to California to run the two 2' x 2's I brought with me like fans and stuff. I'm going to use those for the 3' x 5'. I also found a 6" inline fan in the storage locker so I'm using that as the exhaust fan for the tent. I bought a plug-in speed controller to be able to manually dial in the fan speed. Again, newb stuff. I found a bunch of grow gear I had forgotten about like a 1/4hp Chiller, cloning trays and lids, etc. Thankfully I brought along the ACI T3 humidifier so environment should be fairly controllable. Lights on will be at night. Daytime temps today were a balmy 105° with higher temps forecast for the next week or so. Yippee.......

The seeds will be in their "banana" bag for approximately 2 weeks. After that I'll germinate them and plant them in 3 gal pots. I was going to sprout and go the traditional route of solo cup to gallon pot to final pot but I figured their final home is going to be 3 gal cloth pots so I'm going to skip the solo cup and go straight to soil like most newbs would.

Setup waiting for the seeds to be ready for their final home. Still need to get some runoff plates and plant stands to get them up off the floor but otherwise we're ready to rock!
Tent ready to go.jpg

Next post will be after seeds have germinated and are in soil.

Running six fem autos. Two of each. Scarlet Runtz(Forbidden Runtz x Scarlet Sunset), Scarlet Grapes(Double Grape x Scarlet Sunset), Hot Cakes(The Hotz x Bessie Cake). Seeds were gifted to me by a member on another site.

Going to top one and FIM one of each. I want to see how they react to see what is better for autos. Seeds are currently sequestered in a zip loc bag with a banana peel. I want to see what happens if I expose the seeds to Ethelyne gas the peels give off to see how vibrant they get. That's not really a beginner technique but I'm trying to cram a bunch of different experiments into this run.

I'm also going to run this without using a cannabis specific soil. I want to see if someone with basic grow skills using the same stuff a newb would most likely buy can get to harvest. I'm using Kellog's Patio Plus which has wood chips. I'm guessing the wood chips are their "version" of perlite because there is almost zero perlite in the mix even though the analysis lists it high up on the ingredients list. I went ahead and amended the soil with around 30% Perlite. Everything I'm using is available at your local hardware store.

Original Patio Plus Soil
View attachment 60815

Soil Analysis.
View attachment 60819

What it looks like straight out of the bag

View attachment 60814

Perlite I used.

View attachment 60816

Basically the perlite amendment was one bag(1.5 cu/ft) to one bag of perlite(8 dry ounces).

For nutes I'm going to go with the nutes my buddy @Terrapin 's used on his auto grow. Again, available at most home gardening centers and a typical nute a newb would use his first time. No myco or bacterial amendments this round.

When I was clearing out one of my storage lockers I found the 3' x 5' I had been looking for but forgot was in that locker. I had brought over a few things when I came to California to run the two 2' x 2's I brought with me like fans and stuff. I'm going to use those for the 3' x 5'. I also found a 6" inline fan in the storage locker so I'm using that as the exhaust fan for the tent. I bought a plug-in speed controller to be able to manually dial in the fan speed. Again, newb stuff. I found a bunch of grow gear I had forgotten about like a 1/4hp Chiller, cloning trays and lids, etc. Thankfully I brought along the ACI T3 humidifier so environment should be fairly controllable. Lights on will be at night. Daytime temps today were a balmy 105° with higher temps forecast for the next week or so. Yippee.......

The seeds will be in their "banana" bag for approximately 2 weeks. After that I'll germinate them and plant them in 3 gal pots. I was going to sprout and go the traditional route of solo cup to gallon pot to final pot but I figured their final home is going to be 3 gal cloth pots so I'm going to skip the solo cup and go straight to soil like most newbs would.

Setup waiting for the seeds to be ready for their final home. Still need to get some runoff plates and plant stands to get them up off the floor but otherwise we're ready to rock!
View attachment 60817

Next post will be after seeds have germinated and are in soil

Man, where did you find a 3x5?? I looked and looked and looked before I got my 4x4 and never found one anywhere.

Maybe I was looking for a 3x6 tho now that I think of it lol.

I just planted 18 autos outside. 16 regs and 2 fems. They were all started under that same light you've got on the right side, i love that little beast.
Like I said Brother! That bitch has been living in one of my storage units for a few years now! 😄 They're probably fairly scarce now as, even when I got it, it wasn't that easy to find. I've noticed tent makers don't like to make odd sizes like that anymore. Same with flood trays. I thought my ex had taken it with her but it was laying next to the storage bag I use for my skis. They look alike so when I was poking around looking for it I thought it was the skis. Once I combed through the unit I realized what it was.

Gonna send this journal off with a music video...........


Running six fem autos. Two of each. Scarlet Runtz(Forbidden Runtz x Scarlet Sunset), Scarlet Grapes(Double Grape x Scarlet Sunset), Hot Cakes(The Hotz x Bessie Cake). Seeds were gifted to me by a member on another site.

Going to top one and FIM one of each. I want to see how they react to see what is better for autos. Seeds are currently sequestered in a zip loc bag with a banana peel. I want to see what happens if I expose the seeds to Ethelyne gas the peels give off to see how vibrant they get. That's not really a beginner technique but I'm trying to cram a bunch of different experiments into this run.

I'm also going to run this without using a cannabis specific soil. I want to see if someone with basic grow skills using the same stuff a newb would most likely buy can get to harvest. I'm using Kellog's Patio Plus which has wood chips. I'm guessing the wood chips are their "version" of perlite because there is almost zero perlite in the mix even though the analysis lists it high up on the ingredients list. I went ahead and amended the soil with around 30% Perlite. Everything I'm using is available at your local hardware store.

Original Patio Plus Soil
View attachment 60815

Soil Analysis.
View attachment 60819

What it looks like straight out of the bag

View attachment 60814

Perlite I used.

View attachment 60816

Basically the perlite amendment was one bag(1.5 cu/ft) to one bag of perlite(8 dry ounces).

For nutes I'm going to go with the nutes my buddy @Terrapin 's used on his auto grow. Again, available at most home gardening centers and a typical nute a newb would use his first time. No myco or bacterial amendments this round.

When I was clearing out one of my storage lockers I found the 3' x 5' I had been looking for but forgot was in that locker. I had brought over a few things when I came to California to run the two 2' x 2's I brought with me like fans and stuff. I'm going to use those for the 3' x 5'. I also found a 6" inline fan in the storage locker so I'm using that as the exhaust fan for the tent. I bought a plug-in speed controller to be able to manually dial in the fan speed. Again, newb stuff. I found a bunch of grow gear I had forgotten about like a 1/4hp Chiller, cloning trays and lids, etc. Thankfully I brought along the ACI T3 humidifier so environment should be fairly controllable. Lights on will be at night. Daytime temps today were a balmy 105° with higher temps forecast for the next week or so. Yippee.......

The seeds will be in their "banana" bag for approximately 2 weeks. After that I'll germinate them and plant them in 3 gal pots. I was going to sprout and go the traditional route of solo cup to gallon pot to final pot but I figured their final home is going to be 3 gal cloth pots so I'm going to skip the solo cup and go straight to soil like most newbs would.

Setup waiting for the seeds to be ready for their final home. Still need to get some runoff plates and plant stands to get them up off the floor but otherwise we're ready to rock!
View attachment 60817

Next post will be after seeds have germinated and are in soil.
Average Joe grow, good idea.
Do you plan on changing the banana peel?
I remember when reading it said to replace every couple days.
I'm following and thanks for mentioning us along your way out there.👊
Yes. Me and the GF bought a bunch of bananas so I should have plenty of fresh peel material to replace the peels every few days.
Average Joe grow, good idea.
Yup! Curious how "essential" some of these products that were developed specifically for cannabis are in comparison to the bulk stuff. Trying to see if it's more product than skill or more skill than product when it comes to growing. I have a pretty good idea what that outcome will be but this way is a little more science driven rather than just pure, anecdotal opinion. The skill part should be able to steer around the shortcomings, if there are any appreciable ones, and be able to get to harvest with comparable dry weights. I guess we're going to find out in the next few months.
I'm interested in that banana peel trick too, can you show us your process as you try it?
Sure. One of the things I did, which I'm not sure if it's a hinderance or not, is to stick the seeds to some painters tape and label each one on the backside to keep them separated in the bag. I'm not sure if the tape is covering the seeds up too much but I figure Ethelyne is a gas so it should make its way to the seeds via air transmission. I stuck just a corner of the tape to the inside of the bag to allow the rest to be exposed to the air and not be sealed away lessening gas exposure. A little mesh container allowing air exchange with divisions to separate cultivars would be ideal.....3D printers? Hint, Hint....😛

Seed gas exposure.jpg

Ferts I'm using on this run. I'm kind of torn on this one because I can vary the ratios and give the plants what they want when they need them but most newbs won't know how to manipulate their ferts so I'm still deciding on whether I adjust as I go or go with a straight ratio throughout like a newb would. Even doing the ratio I'm thinking of using throughout, full strength Fertilizer, 1/2 strength Morbloom, is a little more than most newbs would even think of or know of doing but I'll pretend some blowhard, know it all buddy of his made the suggestion if I go that route!;)

Yes. Me and the GF bought a bunch of bananas so I should have plenty of fresh peel material to replace the peels every few days.

Yup! Curious how "essential" some of these products that were developed specifically for cannabis are in comparison to the bulk stuff. Trying to see if it's more product than skill or more skill than product when it comes to growing. I have a pretty good idea what that outcome will be but this way is a little more science driven rather than just pure, anecdotal opinion. The skill part should be able to steer around the shortcomings, if there are any appreciable ones, and be able to get to harvest with comparable dry weights. I guess we're going to find out in the next few months.

Sure. One of the things I did, which I'm not sure if it's a hinderance or not, is to stick the seeds to some painters tape and label each one on the backside to keep them separated in the bag. I'm not sure if the tape is covering the seeds up too much but I figure Ethelyne is a gas so it should make its way to the seeds via air transmission. I stuck just a corner of the tape to the inside of the bag to allow the rest to be exposed to the air and not be sealed away lessening gas exposure. A little mesh container allowing air exchange with divisions to separate cultivars would be ideal.....3D printers? Hint, Hint....😛

View attachment 60918

Ferts I'm using on this run. I'm kind of torn on this one because I can vary the ratios and give the plants what they want when they need them but most newbs won't know how to manipulate their ferts so I'm still deciding on whether I adjust as I go or go with a straight ratio throughout like a newb would. Even doing the ratio I'm thinking of using throughout, full strength Fertilizer, 1/2 strength Morbloom, is a little more than most newbs would even think of or know of doing but I'll pretend some blowhard, know it all buddy of his made the suggestion if I go that route!;)

View attachment 60919
I'm interested in your popping rate after the exposure in the bag. I think I'd tent the bag a bit with something to let the banana release the gas. We eat banana's every day, lots of peal, we rarely go a day without at least 1 banana each.

You figure every 2-3 days replace the skin?...any Idea when peak gas release is? in their decomposing?....Moe???
I'm interested in your popping rate after the exposure in the bag. I think I'd tent the bag a bit with something to let the banana release the gas. We eat banana's every day, lots of peal, we rarely go a day without at least 1 banana each.

You figure every 2-3 days replace the skin?...any Idea when peak gas release is? in their decomposing?....Moe???
As they are decomposing

I'm still going to synthesize ethylene gas, just not have had priority for the stuff I need.
I'm interested in your popping rate after the exposure in the bag. I think I'd tent the bag a bit with something to let the banana release the gas. We eat banana's every day, lots of peal, we rarely go a day without at least 1 banana each.

You figure every 2-3 days replace the skin?...any Idea when peak gas release is? in their decomposing?....Moe???

Tent the bag? Not sure what you mean. If you mean set the bag up so that the seeds hang over the banana peel then no need. Ethelyne gas is heavier than air so it would be better to suspend the peel and have the seeds sit at the bottom of the bag if max gas exposure is your aim. If you want to get that technical I think it would certainly increase your chances of maximum gas exposure but I'm going to assume that moving the bag around every once in a while will move enough of the gas to distribute inside the bag. I just put the peel at the bottom and stuck the seeds near the top of the bag and laid it on its side so that the peels don't touch the seeds but the gas gets to the seeds.

As they are decomposing

I'm still going to synthesize ethylene gas, just not have had priority for the stuff I need.

Yup. I like them pretty ripe anyways so I'm probably putting them in the bag when they are at peak gas.
Nice, found your new grow.

The banana thing is cool. I know you can’t leave them with other fruit or veggies as they cause them to rot/ripped faster. This related to that? (I suppose I should read above posts first.)
Ethylene causes fruits to ripen

And there's working theory and research on ethylene exposure to seeds, causing an increase in photosynthesis, under elevated CO2 levels.
(Clarification needed)

The ethylene acts as a "primer"

Also, maybe some effect on the sex?

Now I also wonder about possible effects of releasing ethylene into the last week or two of a run, how it'll affect senescence, and ripening of the buds.
Last edited:
Nice, found your new grow.

The banana thing is cool. I know you can’t leave them with other fruit or veggies as they cause them to rot/ripped faster. This related to that? (I suppose I should read above posts first.)
Kind of. You're correct that ethylene is used to ripen fruits and vegetables quicker but an experiment was done by some scientists and they found that seeds exposed to ethylene tended to be more vigorous with a hardier root system. Autos have a finite veg window. Being able to have a more vigorous plant in that time period should result in a bigger plant. Bigger plant. Bigger harvest.

The person that gifted me the seeds is a pollen chucker but has run the cultivars through several harvests so the seeds are stable in that sense. It also gives me a sense of what I should expect as far as dry weight.
Tent the bag? Not sure what you mean. If you mean set the bag up so that the seeds hang over the banana peel then no need. Ethelyne gas is heavier than air so it would be better to suspend the peel and have the seeds sit at the bottom of the bag if max gas exposure is your aim. If you want to get that technical I think it would certainly increase your chances of maximum gas exposure but I'm going to assume that moving the bag around every once in a while will move enough of the gas to distribute inside the bag. I just put the peel at the bottom and stuck the seeds near the top of the bag and laid it on its side so that the peels don't touch the seeds but the gas gets to the seeds.

Yup. I like them pretty ripe anyways so I'm probably putting them in the bag when they are at peak gas.
I think he meant to make the bag balloon like a tent. Like some do when putting seeds on wet paper towel. Blow it up with a straw then seal quick or have something inside to leave a space. My guess anyway.
I'm interested in your popping rate after the exposure in the bag. I think I'd tent the bag a bit with something to let the banana release the gas. We eat banana's every day, lots of peal, we rarely go a day without at least 1 banana each.

You figure every 2-3 days replace the skin?...any Idea when peak gas release is? in their decomposing?....Moe???
My wife’s the same. Banana a day almost. If this works I’m in. 👍
I think he meant to make the bag balloon like a tent. Like some do when putting seeds on wet paper towel. Blow it up with a straw then seal quick or have something inside to leave a space. My guess anyway.
Thought about that initially but came to the conclusion that the less air space there is the higher concentration of gas there'll be in the bag. I don't take it all out as I don't want the tape to stick to the side of the bag sealing off the seeds but a compromise seems to be what seems most logical.
Yes. Me and the GF bought a bunch of bananas so I should have plenty of fresh peel material to replace the peels every few days.

Yup! Curious how "essential" some of these products that were developed specifically for cannabis are in comparison to the bulk stuff. Trying to see if it's more product than skill or more skill than product when it comes to growing. I have a pretty good idea what that outcome will be but this way is a little more science driven rather than just pure, anecdotal opinion. The skill part should be able to steer around the shortcomings, if there are any appreciable ones, and be able to get to harvest with comparable dry weights. I guess we're going to find out in the next few months.

Sure. One of the things I did, which I'm not sure if it's a hinderance or not, is to stick the seeds to some painters tape and label each one on the backside to keep them separated in the bag. I'm not sure if the tape is covering the seeds up too much but I figure Ethelyne is a gas so it should make its way to the seeds via air transmission. I stuck just a corner of the tape to the inside of the bag to allow the rest to be exposed to the air and not be sealed away lessening gas exposure. A little mesh container allowing air exchange with divisions to separate cultivars would be ideal.....3D printers? Hint, Hint....😛

View attachment 60918

Ferts I'm using on this run. I'm kind of torn on this one because I can vary the ratios and give the plants what they want when they need them but most newbs won't know how to manipulate their ferts so I'm still deciding on whether I adjust as I go or go with a straight ratio throughout like a newb would. Even doing the ratio I'm thinking of using throughout, full strength Fertilizer, 1/2 strength Morbloom, is a little more than most newbs would even think of or know of doing but I'll pretend some blowhard, know it all buddy of his made the suggestion if I go that route!;)

View attachment 60919

Newts are solid, little dab will do ya w/ Alaska....

Trying to wrap my head around things 🧐 Can you do a side by side on seeds with the peel and some without?
Are the seeds moist or are you gassing them then germinating?
I'd try it but I know banana peels will draw flies and mold so I avoid these sorta things in organics.
IDK what's going on and am confused as well as very high but maybe something like this will work with the banana peel?🤔
Newts are solid, little dab will do ya w/ Alaska....

Trying to wrap my head around things 🧐 Can you do a side by side on seeds with the peel and some without?
Are the seeds moist or are you gassing them then germinating?
I'd try it but I know banana peels will draw flies and mold so I avoid these sorta things in organics.
IDK what's going on and am confused as well as very high but maybe something like this will work with the banana peel?🤔
We have this thread where we discussed this a little.
Newts are solid, little dab will do ya w/ Alaska....

Trying to wrap my head around things 🧐 Can you do a side by side on seeds with the peel and some without?
Are the seeds moist or are you gassing them then germinating?
I'd try it but I know banana peels will draw flies and mold so I avoid these sorta things in organics.
IDK what's going on and am confused as well as very high but maybe something like this will work with the banana peel?🤔
Yea the thread linked above will give ya more info we talked about it a few months ago
Newts are solid, little dab will do ya w/ Alaska....

Trying to wrap my head around things 🧐 Can you do a side by side on seeds with the peel and some without?
Are the seeds moist or are you gassing them then germinating?
Gassing then germinating. I'm exposing them all this round. I got the seeds from a breeder that's run them a few times so the seeds are stable. I got to see the runs so I have a pretty good idea of what I should be yielding and how plant growth should progress.
I'd try it but I know banana peels will draw flies and mold so I avoid these sorta things in organics.
Take a look at the pics in my first post again. I stuck the seeds to some painters tape then stuck them and the peel inside a zip loc to keep bugs away. It's been around 5 days so end of next week should be time to spring them from their gas prison and get them into some wet paper towels as I left my vertical germinator at home so I'll have to sprout them the old fashioned way.
IDK what's going on and am confused as well as very high but maybe something like this will work with the banana peel?🤔
That could work but I would put the seeds in the mesh rather than the peels.
We have this thread where we discussed this a little.

Do you do something similar to your seeds before germinating?
I'm more into visuals than reading essays and theories which is why I'd like to see side by side work done with these outside the box ideas.
Not that theories are wrong, I just need to see it happen

Gassing then germinating. I'm exposing them all this round. I got the seeds from a breeder that's run them a few times so the seeds are stable. I got to see the runs so I have a pretty good idea of what I should be yielding and how plant growth should progress.

Take a look at the pics in my first post again. I stuck the seeds to some painters tape then stuck them and the peel inside a zip loc to keep bugs away. It's been around 5 days so end of next week should be time to spring them from their gas prison and get them into some wet paper towels as I left my vertical germinator at home so I'll have to sprout them the old fashioned way.

That could work but I would put the seeds in the mesh rather than the peels.

Different grow ops will change the DNA and how a plant will grow out. Very rarely will you see the same results across the board from different grows. Most recent example is many of us growing GPS DipNStix and the strain showing differences between being grown hydro and soil and how they were fed, trained etc. Right now I have the same strain indoors and outside and you couldn't tell they were related let alone from the same batch of seeds.

So just by your grow being different from where you sourced your seeds, there will be differences in your results. That's why I prefer in house side by side testing on experiments so there's only one variable to look at and decide positive or negative results of the experiment.
At first I thought this was to ensure female seeds but I guess it's just to improve genetics another way other than breeding or to get a plant to maximize potential in less than ideal conditions?
Are you able to measure the gas output or can you gauge it by smell, condition or age of the peel?

Best of luck with your project Buddy! You have me curious but very skeptical
Do you do something similar to your seeds before germinating?
I'm more into visuals than reading essays and theories which is why I'd like to see side by side work done with these outside the box ideas.
Not that theories are wrong, I just need to see it happen

Different grow ops will change the DNA and how a plant will grow out. Very rarely will you see the same results across the board from different grows. Most recent example is many of us growing GPS DipNStix and the strain showing differences between being grown hydro and soil and how they were fed, trained etc. Right now I have the same strain indoors and outside and you couldn't tell they were related let alone from the same batch of seeds.

So just by your grow being different from where you sourced your seeds, there will be differences in your results. That's why I prefer in house side by side testing on experiments so there's only one variable to look at and decide positive or negative results of the experiment.
At first I thought this was to ensure female seeds but I guess it's just to improve genetics another way other than breeding or to get a plant to maximize potential in less than ideal conditions?
Are you able to measure the gas output or can you gauge it by smell, condition or age of the peel?

Best of luck with your project Buddy! You have me curious but very skeptical
""Researchers have found that treating seeds with ethylene gas increases both their growth and stress tolerance.

This discovery, involving enhanced photosynthesis and carbohydrate production in plants, offers a potential breakthrough in improving crop yields and resilience against environmental stressors.""

"Ethylene as a Way To ‘Prime’ Plants
My lab focuses on how plants and bacteria sense ethylene and on how it interacts with other hormone pathways to regulate plant development. While conducting this research, my group made an accidental discovery."

"Several days after placing the seedlings under light, some lab members made the unexpected and startling observation that the plants briefly gassed with ethylene were much larger. They had larger leaves as well as longer and more complex root systems than plants that had not been exposed to ethylene.

"These plants continued growing at a faster rate throughout their whole lifetime"

That's it lol
I've done ONE run with "ethylene treated" seeds, many more to come down the line.

Would like to do a proper controlled grow and eliminate as many variables as possible to properly test.

And produce my own ethylene
These are reg seedz and you're also hoping to increase the resulting # of female plants, right? If this isn't I'll put my dunce cap back on...
They're femmed autos. I'm using autos as my first test to see how big they can get in the limited time they have before they genetically flip to flower. This technique could be a game changer for weed in general but especially autos that have a limited window for veg growth. If gas exposure can boost the performance within that time frame then yields should be higher overall with every auto that you expose. With photos this would also be a game changer but moresoe in terms of speed rather than volume if we are using this in a grow op setting where timetables come into play as far as deliveries to distributors. Faster veg times will allow an extra harvest per year.

@Bandit420 makes a good point in that different environments and media will yield different results. The breeder has done at least 3 runs along with others running his crosses and the seeds are stable. This also gave me a general idea of what I can expect as far as yield. What I want to see is how dramatically different this may or may not be. If I can beat everyone else including the breeders dry weights then obviously the gas exposure has an effect. Once I establish that gas exposure affects plant performance I can parse it down into side by sides. First I want to see if it actually does what scientists are reporting.

I haven't seen any recent reports of large scale growers doing testing so I'm not sure if they already did and it didn't result in a bump in performance or hardheaded growers are being resistant to it and dismissing it out of hand. Not sure but I want to see for myself if this has any effect.
""Researchers have found that treating seeds with ethylene gas increases both their growth and stress tolerance.

This discovery, involving enhanced photosynthesis and carbohydrate production in plants, offers a potential breakthrough in improving crop yields and resilience against environmental stressors.""

"Ethylene as a Way To ‘Prime’ Plants
My lab focuses on how plants and bacteria sense ethylene and on how it interacts with other hormone pathways to regulate plant development. While conducting this research, my group made an accidental discovery."

"Several days after placing the seedlings under light, some lab members made the unexpected and startling observation that the plants briefly gassed with ethylene were much larger. They had larger leaves as well as longer and more complex root systems than plants that had not been exposed to ethylene.

"These plants continued growing at a faster rate throughout their whole lifetime"

That's it lol
Do you do something similar to your seeds before germinating?
I'm more into visuals than reading essays and theories which is why I'd like to see side by side work done with these outside the box ideas.
Not that theories are wrong, I just need to see it happen
I have not done this yet, but it really seemed easy and no risk IMO.
found some more info

The ability of seedlings to transition from darkness to light as they emerge from the soil is critical for plant survival. Here, we demonstrate that ethylene is an important factor early in seedling development that has long-lasting effects on plant growth and tolerance to stresses after they transition from darkness into light.

Our study illustrates that transient exposure to ethylene in darkness results in long-term increases in photosynthesis and carbohydrates upon transition to light.

These changes lead to increased growth and stress tolerance. This response is likely to be widespread in angiosperms since several angiosperm species show growth enhancement under these conditions.

when i make my ethylene gas ill try to use it on the seeds AND seedlings.
i usually dome them the first few days if RH is low anyways, be a good time to pump some ethyl in.

not too complicated to make right at home, bottle it.

I've done ONE run with "ethylene treated" seeds, many more to come down the line.

Would like to do a proper controlled grow and eliminate as many variables as possible to properly test.

And produce my own ethylene

If the gas is slightly lighter than air how do you know for sure the seeds are sitting in it?

Tenting sounds like it might be detrimental to the test.

I was looking forward to tossing a banana peel on each plants soil to help but I don’t think that’s going to do anything helpful. 🤣

I have chopped them up and added them to the Bokashi soil so that might help grows. They seem to break down just fine this way. 🤔
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