Good plan and 100% agree. Yeah very common to see N cut to much these days… tbh you don’t need a bloom nutrient imo
No shit?

Now I've seen people talking about the lucas formula when it comes to using stuff like general hydroponics trio...and that uses just the micro and the bloom and leaves out the grow which is the heavy N...which people claim worked...I don't know however. I haven't seen anything about just skipping the bloom nutes but my best results always came from all purpose fertilizers being ran the whole time

I'm interested to know
I'm all over the place on what I feed my plants - you do not want to do what I do lol.

I've been known to drop out the FloraGrow early on in the cycle and just use Micro. But I have reasons for tweaking things.

If you are new using GH trio, follow the light feed chart at 50% and work your way up is my advice.
Exactly tweaking nutrient ratios can be beneficial but for newer growers its almost always more problematic then beneficial.

A balanced fert is all thats needed. Until you start to see and understand more about how thise ratio effect plants.

Its a good thing in a sense to see issues because it provides you some very valuable information for the future

Updated photo, was kind of bummed out my friend corrected the bagseed he gave me. At first he thought it was purple blueberry kush as the guy had that type too, didn't taste fruity at all....all gas really. So he ended up finding out it was GMO cookies

So for seedlings I got
8 cereal milk
2 LQ (idk shit besides it was super fire)
1 GMO cookies
2 white gumbo

Then I got 9 clones I took in flower from my alien og that I think may be finally revegging....then the 2 bigger gals are veg clones from the same plant which is inside finishing up
i got a bunch of bagseed that are regular seeds i been thinking maybe on my next run in the fall i might fill my 4x4 up with 1 gallon fabric pots for a sog grow
Do it dude....find some lost fire

This alien og while not the most sugary bud is really smelling good, like a grapefruit to me almost....lemony with a little something else on the fruit side with a gas undertone
i wouldnt know what too look for in a pheno hunt lol i would just grow it and smoke it lol
Just take some clones of each plant ya know....then the ones you like best keep em

This is really only my 2nd one...every grow prior to these two I was just keeping it all regardless. Now I'm just looking for girls that are slightly different than the buds the seed came I'm hoping with the white gumbo I get a more gumbo leaning pheno because I don't care for "the white" much at all...bland...but the gumbo tastes like bubblegum
Ok so I've decided to do a Pepsi challenge of sorts. I'm going to use the new mix of store bought soil on one of these outdoor plants and river soil for the other. I got sand from the missouri River, sandy dirt mix from Missouri River, and silty mud from the Mississippi River. May add some river rocks for aeration as well as a we bit of compost I've been making.

Here is my dirt

I got 12 seedlings I had planned to move inside but not sure if I'm going to go ahead with that or just keep them outside to avoid all the bug drama. May just start up the Aether x GDP sweetleaf sent over. Problem there is....hiding all these outdoor plants becomes a task. Also I'm fighting a hemp field about 6 miles from my house. Hoping I got good blockage to keep the pollen away.

Upped the pot on the last 2 seedlings today...roots lookin nice and white

My 9 reveg plants are revegging too...I may need one of those Tommy Chong pool tarps 🤫
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For genetics i liked the results i got with
Dutch passion
And Atlas Seeds.

Ive always heard good things about Irie genetics, @dragonsflamegenetics of course, brothers grimm, compound genetics, there are a lot of good genetics out there, just do your research and stay the hell away from ILGM, CrapKing, and pacific seed bank, they dont send you what you order, its whatever they feel like. Buy seeds in bulk and repackage them to sell.
I stopped running ILGM as well, now I am running masonic seeds Kush Kack 1st.
I'm all over the place on what I feed my plants - you do not want to do what I do lol.

I've been known to drop out the FloraGrow early on in the cycle and just use Micro. But I have reasons for tweaking things.

If you are new using GH trio, follow the light feed chart at 50% and work your way up is my advice.
Too right, I can't be followed for notes. Iam testing foop green planet, rooted leaf fuel cal/mag.SS grower
Id love to dig holes. Tried for 3 days, about 9 hours in total.
Problem is, even with a pick axe, i could only get 6-10 inches down before hitting bedrock so i gave up. Gotta do containers. Which sucks cause i didnt plan to buy soil. Just planned on digging holes and mixing in compost.
I rented a walk behind skid steer thing with a 2' diameter auger. Makes it easy. Worth the money to rent vs killing yourself digging!

Too right, I can't be followed for notes. Iam testing foop green planet, rooted leaf fuel cal/mag.SS grower
I’m glad to know I’m not a complete knucklehead for playing scientist occasionally with ratios of the nutrients.
Usually, I try to stay on the light side of their recommendations, but if something looks off, I’m not too concerned to change things up. Just reading through other’s diaries here and the place that changed my account helps a lot with diagnosis when things come up.
Everything got an uppotting before the rain came. Should be a nice few days of growth coming. I love these reveg plants, they are wild....if I can time it right these may be the direction I go on outdoor 20230619_160329.jpg20230619_160424.jpg

Today ended up being harvest day on my indoor alien og bag seed. I spotted a small piece of rot so I decided to pull it...found about 3 buds over all that had it will continue to inspect as I trim it down. I just want to thank everyone here as a community for the help, I could name people but I'd probably name everyone. This is a real cool place and I'm glad to have gotten the cheat code to enter the secret level 😁. I'd also like to thank all my old grow homies locally that put in many seasons alongside me who are no longer here. I do it in their honor too, we love(d) to smoke and gonna keep it going 4 life!

After I heard the undertaker theme in my head my vibe shifted to this....glad to be over this long strange inaugural indoor grow


Off to trim jail of sorts I'm gonna dry this in my tent never done that so I gotta do a little work...late night, 4:20 somewhere...
Clean the lower's, everyone says, look at them ^ lowers, I know air flow is why, just Look^, nice shot, good grow! SSgrower
Clean the lower's, everyone says, look at them ^ lowers, I know air flow is why, just Look^, nice shot, good grow! SSgrower
Thanks dude I feel like I totally boinked this poor girls flowering stage myself. Fricken autos I had held everything back. After the reality of bagseed hit and I lost 5 out of 6 plants (3 male, 2 herm) I got a bit discouraged and neglected and miss-timed everything. I went brain dead to be honest and quit writing in my log book so looking and thinking back to when I did what became a nightmare. Tightening that up on my next grow, going to get a calender and dry erase board for right outside the tent.

I probably would have trimmed it a little better had I been up on my pruning...I did all that at wack times too

Think next I may pheno hunt these aether x gdp SLG passed me. I just gotta get a cloner put together and a veg area to give myself what I need ya know.
No biggie just literally about a quarter or so, did a pretty thorough scan of it. Seems to be all in spots buds laid on the trellis net...I'll be less of a lazy asshole next time. I was only 2 days early. Got 2 clones of it going outdoor going to prune it better I think see if it helps...
So update of sorts. Shit turned out mediocre, I knew the trichs were lacking but it had a real greasy oilly feeling to it so I wanted to see. Nah pass on it...gonna let this girl die for sure. I feel like she turned out great for what she is, alot of smells and terps retained, just very midsy

I'm running a few clones of her outdoor, they are looking good, quite a few lady bugs making use of them, helping keep them clean. View attachment 20230701_065154.mp4
Just some random photos...all are starting to flower some more than others.

My big girl that was grown in store bought is in full on flower mode and the riversoil one which looked to be smaller has now become the larger plant. I have my thoughts. I think the store bought soil was doing too good and she needed a bigger pot. I'm thinking she flowered ahead of everything else because she got a little root bound. That's where I'm currently leaning atleast.
Do everyone a favor and kill that weed.

Screenshot_20230816_141914_Samsung Internet.jpg
The velvet leaf? Is that what this is? They harmful?
Yea velvet leaf, considered a noxious weed in most states and provinces. I farmed corn wheat and beans in my past life. I hate that weed
Lmao, I'll kill it in your side lot has quite a few ill have to get a pic one looks like a tree I'll have to Sawzall it
Lmao, I'll kill it in your side lot has quite a few ill have to get a pic one looks like a tree I'll have to Sawzall it
Thank you

Edit: the corn farmer beside you says thanks too.
The second ear on some of those plants will make grain. Looks good
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Yea I am friends with the farmer....fuckin asshole has a hemp field across town. One of those gotta be first look at me guys, now he is fuckin up everyone's outdoor and pretty disliked over the whole deal lol. No doubt he wanted to be growing real drug weed but he got in anywhere he could and it just wasn't all for the good, his good maybe...bum deal I'm living on a prayer this year see how it goes may be my last outdoor run here if it gets pollinated by the hemp

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