Weed Growing Machine
Bud Builders Supporter
Apr 14, 2023
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Maybe the slowest vegging strain i've ever stays very short so i'm not surprised but this is ridiculous. Today is day 25..... 2 sides to the room, 24 plants total. Each side under a Gavita LED.image.jpgimage.jpg
I’d normally be topping and pruning a bit by now......these are so slow, I’m scared to touch them. I always defoliate at the start of flowering too, but may not touch these girls at all. The strain is very heavy yielding but the plants stay very short, less than 2 feet, so I’m kind of feeling my way with these........way different than anything I’ve done in over 35 years of so.
I remember when I first started the forum thing years ago, I came across one of your posts of a room full of beautiful plants in flower. Like something out of high times. You were an inspiration to me and probably didn't even know it.
Yup, been posting threads in places like RIU and THCFarmer since 2010.......many, many people have told me they are copying my style of grow, since my yields hit high marks. About 3 years ago when I switched from HPS to the Gavita’s, my yields took a serious jump from about 65 oz per 2 lights to over 100oz average, and it raised some eyebrows. I’m older at 67, and although I grow for profit, I’m slowly slowing down, I rarely post grow threads anymore and do more posting on sports threads, I.e. football and horses. You can only say and do things so many times, and it gets repetitive after numerous years since I don’t change my methods grow to grow. The only thing that changes is the always, thanks for the kind words.
Nice, I have a Mimosa X Orange Punch in my mix this year as well... and she was definitely a slow starter, very short and runty looking, but she's caught up and surpassed a few of her sisters at this point.
These won't stretch much at all, Barney's makes it a point in their description to note it's stays short..........i could raise the lights a bit, and a reduction in intensity will force them too stretch more but i'm not really concerned about it. It's all about yield, not height, and i expect these to do just fine. But, it will be a 5 week veg, and i normally only go 4 weeks. Actually, i have 4-5 strains I could have grown and chose this one, purposely since it was short and i wouldn't have to worry about staking.
Daytime temps are always between 80-82 degrees.......... nights it drops a bit but never more than 10 degrees. Winter time is a different story of course.......

There's never been a plant that didn't like these led's........they push out so much white light, leaves grow non stop thru flowering. i actually defoliate on a continuous basis........ it's like nothing i've seen before. May will be 3 years using these Gavita's, and i love them. I paid $1300 a piece for them, now they can be had for $740 each as technology has advanced.
Could b the first strain that don’t like the light sshz.what’s you lights out temps.

hopefully they stretch out the last 10 days of veg.
You guys probably already know it, but a good tip to make them stretch is to put them in the direct sun through a window for 3-4 hours a day. They usually stretch a lot more than HPS.
Adding red will definitely help........ i always thought about adding some HPS to my LED's in veg, but I really don't want much stretch anyway. I hate having to add support to the branches in flowering, and the taller they get, the more likely they'll need it. I'm happy where I'm at right now, I'll start flowering in exactly 1 week.......
Defoliation, at least the major one, is done the day I turn back the lights to flowering. On most of the strains I’ve done under these LED’s, I’ve had to continue to remove leaves for most of the grow. Typically sun leaves, the largest ones, block a lot of downward light, so they are the first to go. Irie Seeds Rasta Jeff has a great podcast on defoliation, as does the Ethos Genetics website- they are similar in their approach and spot on. Today is day 30 in veg, I’m getting close to flowering now.

As I’ve said, I’m not sure how much I’m going to remove this crop. Definitely some sets of sun leaves will be chopped, as they are large. Past that, I’m not topping since the strain stayed short and undecided about lolipopping these girls. It will all be settled no later than Tuesday, at 5 weeks.
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That botanicare must b pretty strong whatever is in it..I was feeding my plants daily at 300ppm and was around day 17 -18 I think and they stopped growing and we’re going actually started bout day 13..was feeding less then…I was using it as I ran out of canna classic and no sooner I swapped back feeding same strenth they started recovering .was getting good runoff too..the tips went brown and also brown on leaf margin.what ppm are you at through the weeks of veg and flower..I know different strains have different needs.I wasn’t using ang cal mag think I was giving it too strong sshz…
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it's actually 99% organic and i surely don't consider it to be overly strong. cal/mag is necessary when using it, but i use reverse osmosis water so that contributes to that need. Under my led's, i start around 200ppm and slowly go up to around 500ppm in veg. in flowering, i average 650-700ppm. But i underwater, to help keep my humidity lower. So, i water almost every day but smaller amounts. a month into flowering, i fertilze for two waterings, then do a clean water wash so there is no build up. The best advice is to watch your plants closely, and let them tell you when they want more or less. When the tips brown, cut back a bit but i normally get to that point so i have a baseline- every strain is different too. Botanicare makes numerous products, make sure it's the Pure Blend Pro, which i like the best. i also don't water to runoff, no need since this stuff is so clean. Runoff is necessary to reduce salts in the medium, this product is cleaner and i often don't even flush in the end.
it's actually 99% organic and i surely don't consider it to be overly strong. cal/mag is necessary when using it, but i use reverse osmosis water so that contributes to that need. Under my led's, i start around 200ppm and slowly go up to around 500ppm in veg. in flowering, i average 650-700ppm. But i underwater, to help keep my humidity lower. So, i water almost every day but smaller amounts. a month into flowering, i fertilze for two waterings, then do a clean water wash so there is no build up. The best advice is to watch your plants closely, and let them tell you when they want more or less. When the tips brown, cut back a bit but i normally get to that point so i have a baseline- every strain is different too. Botanicare makes numerous products, make sure it's the Pure Blend Pro, which i like the best. i also don't water to runoff, no need since this stuff is so clean. Runoff is necessary to reduce salts in the medium, this product is cleaner and i often don't even flush in the end.
id say I’ve made a grower error then ..I’ve always wondered how you kept the rh down with that crazy amount of bud in the room, even with that 800watt dehumidifier.hows that going anyway..still going strong…small one I had sh@t itself through last should of heard it screeching .
I buy the Fridgedaire ones, with the extended warranty. The first one pooped out in a few months, got another one under the warranty. When that died, I bought another one which has been working well. I only run them in Flowering, when the humidity tends to rise AND I run it to keep the room warmer at night in the cooler months. Overall, it does a good job keeping it where I want it. It uses more electricity than a light fixture. Lol
Haha..I know..main reason why I haven’t bought a big one.yeah using one is like killing 2 birds with one stone.I actually can’t wait for it to get colder here.have less problems with rh but I got to add a finned heater being in a shed..
i did go thru the room tonight and removed 1 set of sun leaves on each plant. They were the 3rd set downwards, and all were quite large and blocking a lot below. I'm going to remove another set over the weekend, a lower set down lower.
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