About an hour ago my Dale Call arrived in the mail. As I'm playing with it, I see I'm tagged in the notifications and click it.
I see your post and I'm thinking my Dale Call really works! Not the way I thought but it did call Dale!

You'll have to hit the sound button on the video to hear the engine noise it makes

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About an hour ago my Dale Call arrived in the mail. As I'm playing with it, I see I'm tagged in the notifications and click it.
I see your post and I'm thinking my Dale Call really works! Not the way I thought but it did call Dale!

You'll have to hit the sound button on the video to hear the engine noise it makes

I think the cat visibly disowned ya there lmao
About an hour ago my Dale Call arrived in the mail. As I'm playing with it, I see I'm tagged in the notifications and click it.
I see your post and I'm thinking my Dale Call really works! Not the way I thought but it did call Dale!

You'll have to hit the sound button on the video to hear the engine noise it makes

yep, sounds just like an old school Richard Childress motor to me!!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO: just missing a little smoke!! i'm sure you got that part covered!!
About an hour ago my Dale Call arrived in the mail. As I'm playing with it, I see I'm tagged in the notifications and click it.
I see your post and I'm thinking my Dale Call really works! Not the way I thought but it did call Dale!

You'll have to hit the sound button on the video to hear the engine noise it makes

To me it sounds like somebody about to hurl and than wham out she blows....lol
I got the dab press.
Have not worked it hard but haver no complaints.
I like the design and simple way to harvest the yield.
View attachment 60214
This thread may help you brother. There is a lot of info and you get to see what others like Stoney have done. He really did make a nice rig.(y)
Hope the Ca tax is not too much to discourage you. (y)
My son and I looked into this last time you guys talked about them. Cheap on US sites, not so much here.

I don’t get enough each grow to justify the cost. We like smoking the flower. But I do shake trim and larf for bottle hash.

Thanks @Stoneyluv 👍
I found that tumbler for $390 Canadian at a local store, which is half price. Can we make it for much less? Parts are my problem. Real hardware stores don’t exist anymore any small engine places died before Covid.
Thanks @Stoneyluv 👍
I found that tumbler for $390 Canadian at a local store, which is half price. Can we make it for much less? Parts are my problem. Real hardware stores don’t exist anymore any small engine places died before Covid.
$390 is not bad even in US dollars.
Just the way it is with specialty stuff you don't need but want.
That is why paintings sell for millions.
No one needs a painting, they want it.
That is when the wad comes out~!
$390 is not bad even in US dollars.
Just the way it is with specialty stuff you don't need but want.
That is why paintings sell for millions.
No one needs a painting, they want it.
That is when the wad comes out~!
True that! I have paintings. I’m always telling my kids, do not sell my art work at a yard sale!
About an hour ago my Dale Call arrived in the mail. As I'm playing with it, I see I'm tagged in the notifications and click it.
I see your post and I'm thinking my Dale Call really works! Not the way I thought but it did call Dale!

You'll have to hit the sound button on the video to hear the engine noise it makes

Cats not impressed but we are! 🤣
My son and I looked into this last time you guys talked about them. Cheap on US sites, not so much here.

I don’t get enough each grow to justify the cost. We like smoking the flower. But I do shake trim and larf for bottle hash.

Thanks @Stoneyluv 👍
I found that tumbler for $390 Canadian at a local store, which is half price. Can we make it for much less? Parts are my problem. Real hardware stores don’t exist anymore any small engine places died before Covid.

give me a night or two to scope some parts before you take the plunge.. the screens are the biggest in question. the motor and speed controll and direction thing you can get on ebay, and the rest i got from my local dollar store. we should be able to make ya one for under $50.. USD not CA!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:

you don't happen to knw if you can get mcmaster carr up there?

I got the dab press.
Have not worked it hard but haver no complaints.
I like the design and simple way to harvest the yield.
View attachment 60214
This thread may help you brother. There is a lot of info and you get to see what others like Stoney have done. He really did make a nice rig.(y)
Hope the Ca tax is not too much to discourage you. (y)
Looks like a good rig, thanks.
give me a night or two to scope some parts before you take the plunge.. the screens are the biggest in question. the motor and speed controll and direction thing you can get on ebay, and the rest i got from my local dollar store. we should be able to make ya one for under $50.. USD not CA!! :ROFLMAO: :ROFLMAO:
It’s on clearance so I should be okay. That’s still less that $100. 👍

We don’t use eBay. Amazon Canada is the best I can do. Dollar stores we can do but no idea if they carry the same items. Dollar Tree I think is the better one.

you don't happen to knw if you can get mcmaster carr up there?

They seem to be in Ohio only.

Most of the places I used to get business quotes or personal items from are out of business. Even Radio Shack left decades ago. Brafasco didn’t make it past Covid.

I know one or two places I can still get parts for a furnace or washing machine. So maybe.

Biggest problem is only having a small phone to search and find things. Can’t even use google maps any more. Screens to small for all the crap and it nags constantly to install the app. It was still useful last year but not lately.
Mornin Yiz Menz!
Finished jarring up my product about midnight, so, I’m good for another 18-20 weeks. I even resisted going into the kitchen and eating myself to oblivion, hard to do with a solid page of goodies!
I still have the up potting to do, ppl kept dropping by yesterday. I finally said to heck with it. Even had my first politician come back here in twenty years. Said he has lived here all of his life and had no idea this place was back here. Seems they are working off of a mapping system provided to them via the tax accessor’s office. So, the old saying you can run but you can’t hide may be more true than we know. For me, this just means a gate is going up. You may know it’s here, but let’s see if you can get here from there. 😜
Mornin Yiz Menz!
Finished jarring up my product about midnight, so, I’m good for another 18-20 weeks. I even resisted going into the kitchen and eating myself to oblivion, hard to do with a solid page of goodies!
Well done! Is there rest for the weary this week?

I still have the up potting to do, ppl kept dropping by yesterday. I finally said to heck with it. Even had my first politician come back here in twenty years. Said he has lived here all of his life and had no idea this place was back here. Seems they are working off of a mapping system provided to them via the tax accessor’s office. So, the old saying you can run but you can’t hide may be more true than we know. For me, this just means a gate is going up. You may know it’s here, but let’s see if you can get here from there. 😜

Just make sure you buried him deep enough. They have a bad habit of coming back. Remove the head and put garlic in the mouth. If nothing else that should shut him up. 🤣
Well done! Is there rest for the weary this week?
Nope! Trip to the city today to buy 3-4 months of groceries. Up pot tomorrow. Trip to a greenhouse with my gal pals 👯‍♀️ Thursday, hosting a surf and turf lunch for some friends on Friday and a shooting competition on Saturday. Sunday, hopefully Sunday!
Just make sure you buried him deep enough. They have a bad habit of coming back. Remove the head and put garlic in the mouth. If nothing else that should shut him up. 🤣
Hell yea that's what I'm talking about. Yesterday marked a week til chop for me and it feels like Thursday already but it's only Tuesday. Anyone else get anxious the last week and find time slow to a crawl? Like the time at work when you work by a clock or something...
Hell yea that's what I'm talking about. Yesterday marked a week til chop for me and it feels like Thursday already but it's only Tuesday. Anyone else get anxious the last week and find time slow to a crawl? Like the time at work when you work by a clock or something...
My fingernails have started turning blue, possibly COPD? The pulse oximeter shows 97/100. I noticed it after swimming my usual 40 minutes. I've cut way down on smoking too. The time/space continuum also seems off, wife away for the weekend too.
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