CannaGranny’s Corner a Thread For General BS and Good Will On BudBuilders

did you pick up a set of power scissors?
No not yet.
You all would cry if you saw how little I had to trim off that plant earlier.😁

I enjoy my time alone driving, almost as much as people who know me~!
no wonder you fuckin hate people! hahaha i would too!!!!!!!
You know how many assbags I have to drive near?!
I almost got hit 4 times in Latham today, and I didn't have the stop signs or red lights...
Fucken idiots 😑
@CannaGranny Is the Bubba fett your first Seed Fair?
I'll be trimming some SF trop cherry tomorrow probably.
Yes, the first I have ever bought from there. Then they absolutely spammed my email acct. Drove me nuts! Sadly it’s the only place I can get the B Fett.
No not yet.
You all would cry if you saw how little I had to trim off that plant earlier.😁

we would if you showed us a pic!! :D


ou know how many assbags I have to drive near?!
I almost got hit 4 times in Latham today, and I didn't have the stop signs or red lights...
Fucken idiots 😑

i'm sorry. i won't even say just how little of that i had today... went to the grocery store and stopped at the chiropractor one red light(it was green didn't have to stop) and one stop sign that i cruzed through... i'm blessed and spoiled!
Last one I bought was in 2015. The Nissan. She has 140k on her. Never a minutes prob..well except the time the packrat ate the wiring. I bought the Toyota new in 2000. She has around 70k on her.
Wife has 206k on her 2015 Pathfinder. We bought it new. I replaced one of the catalytic converters earlier this year. It was a b_tch to swap out. Had to buy a new impact wrench, but got 'er done. Now she's throwing a code for another catalytic converter, but this is the easier one to replace. It's been a great vehicle. She's due for a new ride next year. 10 years is a pretty good run.
Wife has 206k on her 2015 Pathfinder. We bought it new. I replaced one of the catalytic converters earlier this year. It was a b_tch to swap out. Had to buy a new impact wrench, but got 'er done. Now she's throwing a code for another catalytic converter, but this is the easier one to replace. It's been a great vehicle. She's due for a new ride next year. 10 years is a pretty good run.

i had a 92 pathfinder back in the day!! loved that thing!!!!


man for those O2 sensors, it's way easier to put in those air vent extensions on the sensor. it fakes it out to thinking the air is cleaner than what it is.. way easier and cheaper than changing a cat!!!
i've had a couple international Scouts.... you can watch those things rust!!!! real time!!
Yeah, but when you find a nice one, they are badass. One of the guys I was in the military with had a beautiful Scout with a 440 in it. It was really nice. We drank a little too much one night and decided to go mudding on the perimeter. This ride was way too nice to be taking out like that. He really babied it. More like a show vehicle.

We were in the middle of a drought and they had just tilled under all grass to prevent fires. Then we had a big rain that turned all of that into a big muddy bog. We had a blast until we got stuck. This was pre-cell phones. So, we were looking at a long hike back to the barracks. Unless... we tried to sneak across the flight line and cut our trek in half.

We get halfway across a runway and here come two trucks full of MPs with lights flashing and spotlights trained on us. We turned and made a run back for the perimeter, but they jumped out of the trucks before we could make it into the brush, tackled us, zip tied our ankles and our hands behind our backs. They were pretty rough about dragging us back to the trucks and throwing us in the bed of one of them. They took us back to the station and hosed the mud off of us with a water hose. I had lost it and was talking stupid. Made a bunch of promises about what was going to happen when the zip ties came off. So, they left them on and threw us in separate cells. I was still running my fool mouth when the First Sergeant showed up and told me to shut the f_ck up. Somehow he talked them into releasing us into his custody. They charged us with drunk on station and destruction of gov't property, but our First Sergeant really took care of us. All we had to do was rebuild a Red Cross trailer that had fire damage. I knew at the time that I was being an asshole. Still not sure why I snapped like that. Probably wasn't a good idea for someone who has a problem with authority figures to join the military.

Damn.. I didn't intend to type all that. Just meant to say how much I like a Scout that someone has saved from rusting back into the earth.
I have said a few things that have got me trouble before.
With age comes wisdom they say.
I am just tired of banging heads.
I fight the fights I know I will win and plan for the others some day.
i couldn't even begin to count the number of times my mouth has gotten me in trouble... i also can't begin to count the number of times i've gotten out of trouble either!! :D
I just looked at trimmers.
I like the battery ones but bet they don't last.
They also were not adjustable speeds like the plug in for less than half price.
I just looked at trimmers.
I like the battery ones but bet they don't last.
They also were not adjustable speeds like the plug in for less than half price.

i think the electric provide torque that battery can't maybe. i don't think i would like them as much if it were not for the adjustable speed.
Just ordered them.
Arriving Sunday.
I got more then a few easy to trim plants I'll do tomorrow.
This last grow was all over the place.
Some plants stayed green with plenty of leaves while others shed most.
i had a 92 pathfinder back in the day!! loved that thing!!!!


man for those O2 sensors, it's way easier to put in those air vent extensions on the sensor. it fakes it out to thinking the air is cleaner than what it is.. way easier and cheaper than changing a cat!!!
Put in sims and remove the cats. Did that on my Viper. Fucker would shoot flames.
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