Chemistry's personal grow.

Morning tokers and growers, get your Saturday duds on, time to chill out. πŸ™‚ That's week 6 of flower gone, and apart from a few branches taking a tumble and needing a bit of support then all is fine. The Chocolate Skunk is the biggest tumbler, not complaining as its the big buds that are to heavy for the stalk, a nice problem to have, if you have to have a problem at all. πŸ™‚ Thought I saw some bug bites on one of the leaves, looked like mite bites, I've removed the leaf in question, but found nothing living, so it's been binned, and no more munching since. 🀞 But as we all know, that doesn't mean there's nothing going on some were, out of sight. 😑 Apart from those two things there's nothing to report, and to be honest, going into week 7, even if it is mites, then they should have arrived to late to do much damage. The thing that bothers me is how did they get in, they have to have been walked in by me. Thing that makes me think this is that the bites started at the top of the plant, not the bottom like they normally do, so I'm thinking they some how came off me as I was leaning over the plants doing an inspection, think I'll have to try harder next time. πŸ˜• And now moving along to the plants. All the white hairs are starting to turn into cinnamon fronds, so flowering is nearing its end. Cant really fault any of the plants, all are doing the business, all have some good tops on them, I'm not expecting a record harvest, but I'll be interested to see the end weight, staring at me through gallon glass jars. 😁 Orange pic time, I no you cant wait. lol

Sticky Fingers, to say it was flowered early with only 3 weeks veg, 9 days behind the others, it has pushed out some nice tops, and if they're dense that's a good result, as I lost a bit of interest in it when the other seeds went tits up.
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Franco's Lemon Cheese. A short stocky plant with good buds, this one looks like it will be last to finish, as it's way behind the other plants frond wise, not a problem though, as this means the buds are still fattening up. 😁
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Chocolate Skunk. Nice looking plant, good sized buds, but a bit of a toppler when the buds fatten up, rather that than skinny upright stalks with tiny buds, out with the garden canes, again. lol
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Zkittles. After the problems I had with the first two being males (from fem seeds) it's nice to have a result with this one, even though I claimed the pollen and made some seeds from the males, the third of four seeds I purchased has produced the goods, boom. ✊ If you look down in the bottom left corner you can see the bites on the fan leaf, sneaky little bastards. 🀬
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And that's about it for this week, starting to look ahead towards my next run, need to sit down and look through the seed catalogues and see what I fancy a go at, I've been taken by all the nice looking purple strains that have appeared on Farmers lately, so may go bit purple next time. lol So until next week, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, got that Saturday feeling again, got folks coming round for lunch, so it's been a busy morning, already. That's week 7 out of the way, and week 8 started today. 😎 All but the Franco's Lemon Cheese have half faded, hoping it follows suit and does the same with the others at the same time, but it looks like it will finish up a week later than the other 3. The other 3 are well faded, cinnamon fronds all over the buds, unlike the Franco's which still has a fairly white muff still. I've ordered some seeds, but they look like they'll arrive later than planned, so my have to see what's left of my seed stash, or what my buddies have hidden away some were, not knocking the seed suppliers as its a strange period for all businesses where deliveries have to be made, most of my local head shops have sold out of anything good, and don't know when new stock will arrive, it's not that I'll run out, but I like to grow different strains with different tastes and highs, but it's looking like my next run will be more repeats at the minute, but it's amazing how things change in a short period of time. Right, orange picture time. πŸ™‚

Sticky Fingers is starting a nice pale lemon fan leaf fade. The thing I'm liking is the fact that it's 9 days behind the others in veg, but it done really well with only 3 weeks veg? And there's no compromise on bud size compared to the 4 week veggers, and it grew better with out the extended veg, so next time?
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Franco's Lemon Cheese. You can see the fan leaves being sucked dry and fading to yellow, all the more reason to leave them on until the end. It's around a week behind in the cinnamon frond stakes, but I think I can wait an extra week. ☺
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Chocolate Skunk. Nice plant to grow, seems to just get on with it, just a heavy budder on thin stems, timber.
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Zkittles. Would have liked to grow one of these outdoors and let it go it's own way, as trying to stop it growing into my lights was a challenge, 7 inches off being a fire starter. lol
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And last up is a group shot, carnage in the lower canopy, it's one of those winning situations that look like your losing the battle. lol 😁

Don't know what happened to the last pic, point and shoot digital camera, I remember those odd pics you got when you developed a roll of 35mm film back in the day, and the odd psychedelic pic you took by accident, seems with the power of stonedness you can go the same way with a digital camera if your stoned enough. A photo of the month maybe. lol

And that's all I have for you folks, week 8 started at lights on this morning, so we'll see what I end up with at the end of next week, can't wait. 🀩 So until then folks, have a nice weekend, and above all, just keep tokin. πŸ‘

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Afternoon folks, anyone have Greenhouse Seeds login/membership? Got a seed pack here with a scratch card, don't know if it's a winner or not as I've not checked. So here it is folks, anyone with an account go ahead and check, if it's a winner, claim it for your self, there's some good prizes, just let me know if you win, and what you won, good luck. πŸ€

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The address is under the scratch number. πŸ‘


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Morning tokers and growers, it's that time again. Saturday is here, update time. πŸ™‚ That's week 8 of flower gone, and it's time to flush. Still got a few white hairs, but the cinnamon fronds are taking over, and by the time I'm flushed they should be about the right balance, looking for some thing middle of the road hit wise, so going for a half and half with the amber trykes. Anyway, barring a flood I should be tree chopping by next Saturday, timber. 😁 Still not seen the Spider Mites that landed two weeks ago, so they must be hiding at the back some were (horrible little bastards) 🀬 On with the pics.

Franco's Lemon Cheese, week 8 and starting flush today.
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Zkittles, nice fat main cola.
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Sticky fingers, not the most stems in the bunch, but it's done well to say it only had 3 weeks of veg.
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Chocolate Skunk. Nearly there, not may white hairs left, by next week they'll be gone. 😎

And the last group shot of this round. πŸ™‚

Got a bit to look forward to after a dry and cure, all new strains to me, some new tastes, and if this chocolate skunk tastes of chocolate I'll be elated. lol My new seed order is still not here, cant moan, testing times for all sellers at the minute. So I'll have to re-run some of these seeds unless I have some thing that's fallen down the back of the sofa, I'll have a look later. I'm trying to stay with the fems, but I want to grow one of my own seeds this time round, but they're not fems, no bad thing though if the one I grow turns out to be male, I'll just dust another strong branch of what ever I grow next. So that's where I am, so until next week, enjoy your weekend, and just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all fine. Well we've reached the end of this grow at week 9, had a lucky touch Sunday, was going to chop this Friday, but the plants were finished last week, the pale yellow leaves were just dropping from the plants, so they were chopped early last Sunday morning, had help from a buddy who was stopping over for the night, so he pitched in and a bit of scissor mayhem took place, so all down, all chopped and trimmed. From all 4 plants I harvested around 4 gallons of smoking bud, and about a gallon of trim for hash, lovely, will post the hash making when the trim is cured. πŸ™‚ Had one bud on the Chocolate Skunk with some mould, this is a bud that fell down the back of my grow and out of sight, it spent its life growing upside down, so I assume it had no air or light and no way to perspire. Other than that I'm happy with the results. 😎 So on with the pics.

I've put this one up because you can see the bud structure better than in the flash pix. πŸ™‚

First two hangers are Zkittles. 2nd two are Chocolate Skunk. 3rd two hangers of Franco's Lemon Cheese. And last is the Sticky Fingers with one hanger.

Sticky Fingers. Nice sized buds for a three week veg, stunk of tangerines, so if your a fan of little oranges. πŸ™‚
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Zkittle's. This was the biggest bud producer out of the 4 strains grown, bit of a lemony apple smell when trimmed, nice, gave me the munchies. πŸ™‚
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2 gallon jar, with storage for more on top. 😎
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Franco's Lemon Cheese. Nice plant, but its a bit of a tumbler, thin stems and big buds. If I grow this strain again I'll have it grown in a scrog to keep it up right, or grow it with less side branches. But in a bigger grow room it should do ok
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Chocolate Skunk. Not the biggest of buds, but most are of an acceptable uniform size.
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So not a bad run, not my biggest, but not my smallest. Moving on to my next run, got a couple of new strains (seeds) and a couple of old favourites, new seed order won't make it in time to be in the next run, so my box of seeds will be getting a good rifling through, and my hands going down the back of the sofa. lol Think that's about it for now, paint brushes will be out later, hardware will be stripped, cleaned and checked, and then the new grow will draw breath as soon as I can get it turned round, so until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Yo tokers and growers, howz it going, Saturday is apon us, and I've no plants to show you ☹, but we have seeds πŸ™‚. Got some seeds packets with odd ones and two's in them, so going to use up a couple of them. Ordered seeds from Amazon, Girl Scout Cookies and two other packs, shipment say's they will be here Monday, hope to have them to show you next week, check out your local Amazon, the listings seem to differ is some areas, this could be the final straw for illegal weed for ever if Amazon floods the world with seeds. lol Anyway, enough day dreaming. So I've got together 4 different seeds for this run, 3 fems and an unknown? Onto the pics.

Critical Kush, grown this before, nice toke with plenty of cola's.
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Aurora Indica, an old timer on the weed growing scene, it has genetics in a lot of modern strains, a good sit you down type of smoke if you need to chill.
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Herbie's Bulk Gorilla Glue. Got this from a friend from Spain, came in a birthday card, there was two in the pack. πŸ™‚
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Sofa Surprise. Found this seed down the back of the sofa in the wreck room. πŸ˜‰ So it could be male of female, its a wait and see job. πŸ‘
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On with the planting. Out with the heat mat to get the seeds going. I like to heat the mat to get it flat before I put the tray and cloche on to it. πŸ‘

Then I add the tray and cloche after I've given it a good soak to build up the moisture level. πŸ™‚
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I like to close all the vents too. πŸ‘

The idea is to create a moist environment for your seeds to pop, in this next pic it's bang on. πŸ‘

Time to choose the seed media. I've started seeds in all mediums over the years, soil, peat, wood shavings ect ect. Rockwool I liked in DWC for its ability to hold water, but two years down the line and the rockwool is still three in the outdoor compost heap, so in these modern times its just not fitting in. So I strarted with these Root Riot cubes after grower from The Dank Den put me onto them, and I have to say I've not looked back, you can grow cuttings, seeds, spores, the lot with these cubes, there are other brands, this is just what was in circulation in my area when I bought mine.
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Only problem I have with the cubes is they dry out, I don't have the capacity to grow 24 plants at a time, so a high tech method was developed over a long period to solve this. 😁 Tepid water at a PH of 6.0.
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The other thing I like about the root riots is they come on a tray, which comes in very handy. πŸ˜‰

Next up I push the seeds into the blocks, I find this stops the seed husk sticking to the seedling, and label the cubes.
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Put the cube seed tray onto the heated tray and put on the the cloche. I like the cubes central. πŸ‘
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After a while the moisture will build up, resist the urge to keep opening the lid and letting out the moisture. πŸ‘
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And that's it for this week, some time in the next 7 days the seeds will pop, so hope to have seedlings to show you next week, 4 of would be a result. 😁
So until then, keep tokin folks, and have a nice weekend. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope everyone's geared up for the weekend. πŸ™‚ Nothing to report, as the seeds are still popping, ☹ so we'll have to wait and see what happens, some seeds are just late poppers. 🀞 But, on the up side I had a delivery from Amazon, my seeds have arrived this morning, thought I'd seen the last of my money. lol I've not opened them, but they seem well packaged, so next run will see some of these planted, I don't know the seller or have any feedback related to them, but when you see seeds on Amazon for the first time, then you have to chance your arm, even if it's just to say you bought them from the mighty Amazon, if your reading this Amazon, we could do with a few more strains to go at, not asking much, 50 strains changed every month will do. 😁

My other seeds are still out there in postage land, some were. πŸ™‚ So nothing to see here this week, been a long week work wise, every one wants things done before Winter sets in, and paper work, aint it always the same. lol So all I can say is see you next week, and keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all fine and well. Just got re-connected to the net, modem went down, so took me a while to get sorted. 🀬 Moving along to seeds and seedlings, 3 out of 4 popped, one passed away, but it did look runnted when it popped. So this time its a two plant run, with only the Aurora Indica and the Sofa Surprise putting up a shoot, I'm not to bothered as I was going to give it a rest, but you know what its like, cant live with out a sunshine cupboard. lol My first plan was to veg up the Aurora and take a few cuttings, then scrog them out, but then the plan changed when the Sofa popped a week later, now I'm intrigued as to how it will turn out, it's not fem so it could be a male, and I'll wind up with a one plant grow. If its a male I'll just harvest some pollen to use later, or dab a branch of the Aurora. Seeds I ordered have still not put in an appearance, sigh. Anyway, got some pics for you, gave the bubble bags a shake yesterday to get some trim processed, you know what its like, if you don't keep on top of it, you start to walk round the pile of buckets. πŸ™‚

First up is the Aurora Indica, it started week three of veg on Saturday. Looks like its going to be bushy.
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Sofa Surprise is 10 days roughly behind the Aurora. Looks a strong seedling. πŸ™‚
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When I finish a run I like to process my trim into hash, as my first love is hash over grass. I've been using the gallon bags for the last 18 months or so, as I only grow small these days, but found it took a while for the mix to filter though, so this time I've upgraded to 5 gallon bags, and what a difference, got it down to a couple of hours instead of waiting 6 for the water to filter out, should have upgraded sooner. πŸ˜‰

First up I find the biggest grinder I own and grind up the cabbage, like to have a good bong before I start, as this can take a while. πŸ™‚

Bag the ground trim up and stick it next to your icecream for a day or two.
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Back in the process plant (spare bathroom) These are the new bags I purchased from Amazon, each is a five gallon bag.
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Add some trim. 😎
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Add some ice and water to the trim and give it a good stir.
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Set out your bags.
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Don't go mad with the shaking, take a bit of time, and this is what you should be looking at in the bottom of your first bag, not top notch, but it will still get you off. Carry on with the other bags until your done. πŸ™‚
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This is what you should end up with after a bit of bag shaking. 😎
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Five minutes of neading and your there, nice chunk of hash ready to go, lovely. ☺
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In the end I finished with 1oz of hash like the picture above, cant knock it. And that's all I have for you, all is updated, just got to catch up with every one else's grows, so keep tokin folks, see you at the weekend. πŸ‘
I thought you'd gone walkabouts lol.good to see you back..thanks for the demo and on size bags..i got some old weed id like to clean up i have laying about through the bubble bags.
You got an nice amount there Chem.

Oh and finally see the sofa seed up and growing well πŸ‘
Thanks Max, the Sofa Surprise took 10 days to pop, thought I was heading for a 1 for 4 out come. lol Do the bubble bags, it's not as good a taste as sift, but takes less time, just make sure you grind the buds well and you cant fail. While I was bubble bagging I noticed the water going browner than normal, thought maybe it was the different type of bags, so saved the water for a second look. This is what the water looked like, seems to have a lot of trykes swimming around, and as they've passed through the finest sieve, then it had to be really fine trykes?

This is what I'm looking at, the trykes settling, you can see the darker line under the water.
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This got me thinking, what would happen if I left it over night to settle and poured off the water, what would I end up with? This is a two pint jug, and all that's brown has ended up here in the corner of the jug. Was it a worth while exercise, no, not worth the effort, not that it took much effort. πŸ™‚ But if it blows my socks off as it passes through my bong, then I might just try it again. lol
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Keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope you have sun, we have cold rain at the minute, was hoping for sun as I have a bit to do outdoors, but its looking like its shelved. πŸ™ On to my plants, two of this round, and some salad maybe. The Aurora Indica is well on its way, green as you like and pushing out branches all over the place, this I like. πŸ™‚ Think the Aurora is getting topped to keep it down a little while the Sofa Surprise catches up, and as soon as it does it's getting flipped. I found a stash of rockwool in the shed, I'm not a fan of it any more, as it takes two years to break down in the compost heaps, not good. So what I'm thinking is to try to organic it a little by growing a few small plants in them as apposed to one, and then compost them, hence the salad crop. My youngest grand kids are coming round for dinner later today, and they love growing things, Winter is nearly upon us, so indoor growing is the only way at the minute for all my plants. I'll post the pics when the seeds are sown, then see what happens. 😁 Right, onto the pics.

Aurora Indica, in veg, three weeks I think, as I don't really track my plants in veg.
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Sofa Surprise. Starting to take off, got buddies reckon its a male? I've touched wood, so its a babe. lol
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And that's the plants done. lol Moving on to other things, anyone like a beer and a bud? During Lockdown I bought a couple of those 40 pint beer kits you get in a box, years ago they were rubbish and so was the beer, but things have changed, the kits are now idiot proof, you can still achieve a good beer even if your quite stoned, as I've proved over the Lockdown. lol I've mainly stuck to IPA's and Ruby beers, as these seem to compliment the taste of cannabis, and don't leave you with a residue on your pallet, and this I like a lot. So I thought I'd try and steer some of you towards making a few gallons of beer, and it tastes as good as it does in bars, and if you manage to leave it three weeks it is top notch, if.

This is the beer I chose this time round.

This is all you get in the box, just mix as suggested on the back of the box, and month later, 40pts.

Took this vid this morning, started it yesterday dinner time. It might have started to ferment.

These are the rockwool cubes I found, just dropped them in PH 7.0 tap water over night, will be chucking some seed on them later.
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Bought these seeds in the Spring, but just didn't have the time to sow them, bought them from the internet, Ebay I think?
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I was looking at pack of these to grow outdoors this Summer. Some one some were needs to buy me these for Christmas as a stocking filler. 😁
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@newh, think I'm going to have to put another shelf in dude. 😊

And that is that, all caught up, all updated, time now to kick back with my family, see you next week, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all fine this Autumn November morning. πŸ™‚ My two plants and my new salad blocks are all going for it, don't know if the salad will be able to live with the higher PPM's later in flower, but there's only one way to find out. The Aurora Indica has a really nice branching structure, you can see why it's an all time favourite with indoor growers, a medium height bushy bud producer, what more do you want, wouldn't be the first time I've regained consciousness hugging my bong after chugging an Aurora bud. 😁 Right, better put up the pics and get this Saturday rocking.

Aurora Indica in veg, but needs flipping, just waiting for the sofa to put out a couple of branches and it's flippin time.
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Sofa Surprise, doing well, just needs a few branches and it's off, but is it male or female. πŸ™‚
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Salad Farm day 1.
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Day 2.
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Day 3.
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Day 7. All good on the Farm. πŸ™‚

On the beer and a bud front, the beer is out of the fermentation bucket and 40 pints of St Peters ruby beer are bottled, just have to wait 3 weeks for it to mature. 😎 Have to say the beer got a bit frisky and blew the air lock off twice. 😁
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And I lost the red cap, blew off some were, no doubt it will turn up in the hoover. lol
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Two crates of 20, 40pts in total, will be ordering an IPA kit next, as I rate a pale ale with good food. So that's the munchies taken care of. 😁

And that's me away, all updated, hope to flip this week or the end of next, so until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘



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Morning tokers and growers, hope your all fine on this drizzly November morning. πŸ™‚ Both the Aurora Indica and the Sofa Surprise are cruising, planning on flipping them today as the Aurora is a good few miles ahead of the Sofa, so flipping is the only way, plus I don't know if the Sofa is a babe or a dude, so looking out for the Aurora first. πŸ‘ The salad farm is gathering pace, you can make out the different types of lettuce and rocket as they seem to have their own colours, some thing to stuff on a sandwich later with a bit of cheese, yum yum. 😁 Ordered another beer kit, came yesterday, this one is an IPA, its a lot lighter than the ruby beer I brewed last week, so for the days when you fancy a light beer, this is the one I like, there are others like it, but this is the one I prefer, made by the same people, St Peters again, love a beer and a bud. 😎 On to the pics.

The Aurora Indica, in veg, think this is a two gallon plant, maybe. πŸ™‚
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The Sofa Surprise, this is as big as the Sticky Fingers I grew last this last run, so will it make the big buds the fingers did or not? Only one way to find out. 😎
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The Salad Farm. Any one fancy crossing an Auto with a lettuce, would make it easier to get rid of your trim, we could just eat it. 😁 Not sure how the salad will behave on 12/12, we'll see what happens. πŸ˜‰
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And now for the beer section. 🍺 Amazing Amazon do beer bundles with mixed beers from all over the world, I bought a dozen mixed, enjoyed this one. lol

This is the IPA kit I ordered from Amazon, enjoyed this beer kit last time round, so I obtained another one, going to try some thing different next time, will let you know what it is when it gets here. 😎
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And that's all I have for you this week, so get out there and get beer and budding, see you next week, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all toked and ready to start the day. πŸ™‚ A day late this week, been busy, what plonker invented Christmas. lol Anyway, both plants are ploughing on, the Aurora is nice branchy plant, and now has white hairs, that's week one of flower gone. 😎 The Sofa Surprise has none, but I expect them next week if its not a dude, so see what happens this week. Had a quick pint of the ruby ale, needs another week to mellow, its a bit fizzy, so it needs to be left until next week, and then I'll have another pint and test that. 😁 The IPA is in the fermenter and will be ready for Christmas. Will have a look for another kit this week and get it ordered, looking for a Bitter this time maybe. πŸ™‚ Right, pics.

First up is the Aurora Indica, its weeping a bit if you look, been cold here so I bumped up the heat and it gave me the bird. lol So it's been turned down again, women. lol So I expect it to be back to normal next week after our bust up. 😁
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Sofa Surprise, week one of flower gone, no white hairs to be seen at the minute, should be some by next week, is it a babe, is it a dude. lol 🀞
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Salad Farm is starting to take off, maybe enough for a sandwich if I scrape it all up. lol
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The IPA 32 pint is in the fermenter, and I'm glad to say it's not the Vesuvius the ruby beer was, no ceilings to clean or red tops to find, yet. 😁
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And that's where I am at the minute, updated, and now looking forward to Sunday lunch, so keep tokin folks, see you next week. πŸ‘
Yo T n G's, good morning, it's Saturday and time for an update. Well this week sees the return of those wreckers of many grows, the Spider Mite. (I abhhore these little bastards) How do they know your in flower. 🀬 They're not doing much damage at the minute, so its a pick the worst leaves off and burn them to keep them in check, 6 weeks of flower left, we'll see how it pans out, they have time to floor my grow. Moving along, the Aurora Indica is in week two of flower and is starting to produce some muff, only a few hairs at the minute, but they will soon muff up. 😎 The Sofa Surprise is catching up, it's now only a third smaller than the Aurora, and still not showing it's sex, but it's looking more babe than dude. πŸ™‚ The salad farm is picking up speed, soon be enough to pick a bit by mid week, seems fine on 12/12.πŸ‘ Pictures paint a thousand words, so lets have some. lol

Aurora Indica, week two in flower.
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The Sofa Surprise, also in week two of flower.
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Salad Farm.

Had another Ruby Beer last night, just to test it again. πŸ˜‰ And its fine to drink now its had that extra week. Just bottled the IPA, I'll be ordering another beer kit today when I get a minute, surprised at how many different beers there are to go at these days. πŸ™‚

Beer and a bud. 😎

Quite clear to say that no filtering took place. πŸ‘

All this testing made me hungry, so had to eat a Vanilla Slice. 😁

And that a wrap people of the herb, more enthralling updates next week, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘

P.S Looking at the pics, I think I can see a white hair poking out the right hand side of the Sofa Surprise, about three inches down?
Sofa Surprise is a babe. ☺
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Morning tokers and growers, hope you all have that Saturday feeling. πŸ™‚ Both plants are doing well, spider mites are staying at the bottom of the plant, and with week 3 of flower out of the way they only have another 5 weeks to do their worst, they seem content to stay on the bottom branches, and I'm also content they want to stay there. πŸ™‚ The Aurora Indica is bushy lady, and in the absence of two other plants she's spreading out, I would say she has a third of my grow space, and looks like she's going to demand more, no complaints from me though, she can have it all. 😁 The Sofa Surprise is getting a little bit swamped due to the Aurora kidnapping her light, but as the Aurora levels out, the Sofa should push its way up and out. πŸ™‚ Had some of the salad on a sandwich last night, lovely and crisp lettuce and rocket, can't beat it. πŸ‘ Any way, lets have some pics.

The Aurora Indica, week 3 of flower gone. Has some nice branching on it.

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The Sofa Surprise, week 3 in flower.
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Salad Farm, now a producer of edible greenery. 😎
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And that's all I have for you this week, not a lot see in this run, but the next should be better, got some new seeds coming, had an email to say they're on their way, a couple of months late, but better late than never. I still have the Amazon seeds, but due to not knowing any thing about the supplier, I'm not keen on placing all my eggs in one basket, so when the other seeds get here, I'll plant a couple of each and see how they go. Not knocking the unknown seller, as I know nothing about them and are probably a cosha seedbank, I'll let you know. Anyway, enough rambble, see you next week, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘


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Morning tokers and growers, hope your all getting it on this Christmas morning. πŸŽ„ Plants are fine, no defs, and the mites are staying putt on the lower leaves, all I've done is take the leaves off that are badly colonized and burn the little. 🀬 As I've said, they're not doing any damage at the minute, so I'm chilled with the situation for the time being. πŸ™‚ Four weeks left of flower, and it looks like both plants will finish together. 😎 New seed order came a couple of days ago, so plenty to go at for the new year. Bought some new strains I've not grown before, a few favourites and couple of strains I'd like another run at to see if I can get the better of the strain. Its a strange thing this small growing for personal, getting strains that like to share a bed can be a nightmare and mostly boils down to trial and error, so my plan is to grow some of the errors together from this last year and see if they will share some love with each other. πŸ‘©β€β€οΈβ€πŸ‘© I was given couple of pure Sativa seeds, plan was to grow them outside, as these are seven footers by the time they flower, so not ideal for indoors, although I am considering a one plant Sativa scrog, only downside is it's boring to watch and grow unless you have a couple of plants, and the Sativa could be four month indoor run, so it has remained a thought. πŸ™‚ Anyway, onto the pics.

The Aurora Indics, week 4 of flower.



The Sofa Surprise, also just finished week 4 of flower.


The Salad Farm, living in harmony with the Aurora. πŸ™‚
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And that's it for this weeks update, I'll get pics of the seeds I bought posted next week. πŸ‘

So all that's left to do is wish all my buddies, friends, tokers and growers, a very merry xmas, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope you had a stunning xmas, time to get back to normal, xmas is out the way, the new year has started, time to plan ahead for your outdoor pots and planters, get them sorted for Spring in two months time. πŸ˜‰ All is well here at team Chemistry plant wise, I'm at the minute planning my next round. 😎 Plant wise, the Aurora is steaming on unfazed by the marching army of spider mites tickling its ankles, the mites have stayed in the bottom layer of leaves, this is good. πŸ™‚ The Sofa Surprise is starting to build some nice buds on it, bit slower than the Aurora as its been shaded most of its life, this is the downside to growing plants in a confined space, some you win, some you lose, it will still turn out ok. πŸ™‚ I'm thinking about changing the colour of the walls in my grow space? I fancy taupe again GT if your out there 😁 It's a strange thing, we're taught to believe that more light is right, but in my last two grows, the buds just out of the light did the best, while the buds under the light didn't do as well? And again I'm seeing the same thing with my present grow, the buds on the Aurora that are in the best light, are smaller than the ones just out of it, why? Too much light maybe? Well, I'll find out in three weeks when my present run finishes, and the colour gets changed for the next run. Right, pics. πŸ™‚

The Aurora Indica, just finished week 5 of flower, 3 more weeks to go. 😎

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Sofa Surprise, just finished week 5 of flower. A bit crushed in the corner.

Got this little kit sent to me by a buddy, not seen these before, goes with out saying that it's in the fermenter, just got to add the flavourings at day 4. 😎

And there ends another update, week five gone, so we should see some cinnamon fronds appear this week, and we all love cinnamon fronds don't we. πŸ˜‹
I'm off, before another paragraph appears, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Yo tokers and growers, howz it hanging on this frosty morning, cold here today, white over, snow forecast. πŸ₯Ά On a sunny'er note, the plants are going for it, the Aurora Indica is fattening up really well, I've grown strains of this that were gappy nug wise on the stalk, this one from Nirvana seems to be tighter on the stalk, so it has the base ball bat appearance of tight nugged long cola's, not complaining either way as its turned out to be a good cultivar of this strain. The Sofa Surprise is showing well, seems to be at the same stage as the Aurora muff wise, so should finish at the same time, hopefully. πŸ™‚ Got the Christmas beer all bottled up, give it three weeks and it will be drank with a nice bong, living the life or what. 😁 Right, pics.

Aurora Indica, just finished week 6 yesterday, start of week 7 of flower today. Another 2 weeks and we'll see what we have. 😎

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If you look at the back, the plant in the middle up the wall is the Sofa Surprise, not done bad to say it was swamped by the Aurora.
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Sofa Surprise, just finished week 6 of flower, looking forward to having a toke of this, not knowing what it is has me intrigued. 😁

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Looking over the top of the Aurora, down onto the Sofa, bit cramped. 😁

And that is it, another quality update posted. 😁 We should start to see cinnamon fronds appear this week on mass, another week and a half and we should be near flushing, can't wait. 😎 So you know what you have to do until then, just keep tokin. πŸ‘



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Good morning tokers and growers, hope your all sat in the warm, snowing here, don't know how long it will lay, March is looking very distant at the minute. But in the flower space it's always Summer. Nothing bad to report, mites have stayed out the way at the bottom of the plant, and I can't say I'm unhappy about that. πŸ™‚ No defs to speak of, only the ones that are normally associated with finishing flower, as we have just finished week 7, this can be expected.
Both the Aurora Indica and the Sofa Surprise are showing the same signs, losing colour, brown edges to the leaf serrations, all slight signs that the plant has finished banqueting, and is starting to shut down. 😎 By the end of next week we should be ready for a flush on the Aurora, the Sofa may be a week behind, we'll see. Other than that, pic time.

Aurora Indica, start of week 8 today, if it gets its act together I can start my new grow in February. πŸ™‚
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Some nice cola's.
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The Sofa Surprise, just started week 8 at lights on this morning, the big cola at the back is Aurora Indica. 😎
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And that's week seven gone, one more week and the Aurora should be nearly ready, the Sofa still looks like it has two weeks left in it going by the muff, so two more weeks and we should be ready for a turn around for the next run. this is plan A, but plan B will be implemented if need be. 😁 Right, that's it, all updated for this week, see what we have next week, see you then. Keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, frosty here again, had a bit of snow, so not a lot to do outdoors. πŸ₯Ά But it's all sunny and warm in the grow space. 😎 Well here we are at week 8 of flower, started my flush this morning, time to flush the green out, and the nuits. This normally takes me around 3 days, no PH, as the plants wont be feeding, so 7 from the tap is what there getting. Got the new paint for my grow space, Chiapas, its like a darker magnolia. Reason for the darker shade, is because I think my grow space is to bright, got extra muff on the tips of my cola's nearest the light, so its getting darkened a little, hoping this will aid photo taking, and get rid of that horrible yellow halo all my pics seem to have, so we'll see what happens on this score on the next run. πŸ™‚
If all goes to plan, the Aurora will be flushed by Monday, the Sofa will more than likely need a few more days, or even a week, as its behind the Aurora by a week. Then we're on a strip down, clean, paint, and update any hardware, and any custom built parts or modifications. Its strange, at the end of every grow I take stock of what went right, and what went wrong. Only thing that bothers me this time round is the mites, how do they get in? I run a closed space, only open to work on my plants, but come flower time, the bastards are back. 😑 Anyway, time for orange and yellow pics. πŸ™‚

The Aurora Indica, now in flush, as of this morning.


Had this problem since the first week of stretch, keeps growing out the door, so when it's shut. lol
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Some good fade on the fan leaves, goes from green down to yellow green on to a nice light lemon.


The Sofa Surprise, in flush, week 8 gone, start of week 9, still a lot of muff on this plant, it may need another week.

New Paint colour, Chiapas, nice. 😁 It's a bit darker in reality, you can see the difference if you look at the white tin it's in.
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And there we go, late Autumn in the indoor forest. And that rounds off this update, next week should see us down and hung with a bit of luck, ready for the next run. Until then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, how you all doing on this some what rainy morning. 🌧 Both plants are down, trimmed and hung, think I'll hit the 2 gallon target for this round, which is not bad for two medium sized plants, but the final jar up will be next week when it's sufficiently dry to jar. 😎 The Aurora produced the most hangers, with the Sofa producing just the one. I've had a sneaky bud off each, purely for scientific purposes 😏, and both did the job, so with a cure and final dry, it should keep me rockin and a rollin. πŸ™‚ Anyway, lets have some pics, normal coloured this week, and that makes a change. 😁 I'm hoping to sort the orange photo thing out this next run. I have it on good authority that digital cameras and HPS are not compatible, they set the camera's as standard at the factory, so we only have certain changes we can make, and since HPS is a dinosaur in light tech, they no longer allow for it, is it just me, or would you expect a modern camera to perform in all situations, especially one costing 700 euros. So I'm looking for another old school camera to take better pic in flower, we'll see. Pics.

The Aurora Indica. Some nice cola's on it. πŸ™‚


Good structure on the Aurora Indica, nice branching. By Nirvana.

Some fat cola's. 😎
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Ended the trimming session on the Aurora with three hangers and a gallon of trim.
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Decent trunk.
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The Sofa Surprise. πŸ™‚ Got a bit shaded by the much bigger Aurora, so half the sun means half the bud. The severe crisping is due to the fan stalling along the back wall before it changes direction and sways to the other side, looks ugly, but seems to have little effect on the plant, so I've done nothing to correct this.

The Sofa has a nice structure to it, but different to the Aurora in that the branching is straight and not curved.
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Got some nice Autumn colours in the trim buckets, from both plants.


The 3 hanger hung branches of the Aurora. πŸ™‚
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Only one hanger for the Sofa Surprise, thinner cola's, but this was expected due to the smothering it had from the Aurora, can't predict the amount it will produce jarred, as I think it will shrink a lot during drying and curing, so it's another wait and see job.
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A quick hoover out, remove the dribble mat, and all the lower hardware.

Time to slap that new paint on, Chiapas, lovely. 😁

Job done. πŸ™‚

And that rounds up this update, got some strains for the next run, the Root Riots are soaking as we speak, so some thing to show you next week, if I get time to get them buried, hoping to get it done today, but you know what it's like, spare time, a rare commodity it seems when you already have plenty to do. lol So keep tokin folks, and I'll see you next week. πŸ‘
Afternoon tokers and growers, miles behind today, I've twice as much work as I have arms. lol Got the buds from both the Aurora and the Sofa jarred, got three quarters of a gallon from the Sofa , dry, with only a hand full of trim, the Aurora did the best with two gallons of tops, and a gallon of hash trim, both have a nice, but different taste, light grey ash across the board, so that's that run ticked off. 😎 So it's time to start another set of seeds off, love this stage, when they all pop. lol So, pics. πŸ™‚

The Sofa Surprise.

Nice sized buds on the Sofa.
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Aurora India made two gallons, nice. πŸ™‚
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The Winterised Ale is a nice pint if anyone fancies brewing one. πŸ‘
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Nice cola's on the Aurora too. πŸ™‚
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Next up are these four cultivars, you may recognise the gold foiled Tangerine Kush, these are the seeds I purchased from Amazon. πŸ‘
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I'm hoping to get the seeds popped today, spare time is at a premium at the minute. The riots are soaking in anticipation. πŸ‘Œ

And that's it for this week, hope to have plants by next week, we'll see, find out next week, till then, keep tokin. πŸ‘
Yo tokers and growers, it's Saturday morning and time for an update. Got the seeds planted, all four are growing well, only thing is, I left them to long to sprout, and by the time I'd realised it was to late, again, so leggy seedlings it is. lol Got another beer kit from Amazon, a Norfolk beer no less. πŸ˜‹ Right, pics.

These are the seeds in the heated closhe, 4 days from sprout, any one would think I was growing mustard seeds. lol

But, if you've followed one of my grows before, you'll know all my seedlings start off like this, so its no big deal, and with in 3 days they soon chirp up. πŸ™‚
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And this morning they looked quite pukka, only downside is they're a bit leggy after they bolted to the light, so we now have this situation, 3 cripples and their physiotherapist. 😁 Top left-White Widow, bottom left-Franco's Lemon Cheese, top right-Tangerine Kush, bottom left Shishkaberry, will start to feed these next week.
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White Widow.
White Widow

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese

Tangerine Kush.
Tangerine Kush


Slow period for the infant grow. So I bought one these old time beer kits, it makes a Norfolk Bitter, 40 pints, should work well with the buds I've just harvested, loving these beer kits, a good beer pays compliment to a nice smoke.
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And that's every thing updated, enjoy the weekend, see you next week. Keep tokin folks. πŸ‘



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Morning tokers and growers, howz it going. All is going well with all four plants, this week they should produce some good fan leaves, this will give them the energy collectors they need to grow into medium sized shrubs. πŸ™‚ On the downside, the Tangerine Kush looks like a male to me, but the other three look like chicks, so an upper and a downer. The Wherry Bitter I bought is ready to bottle, it will be done this morning some time, 40 pints, lovely. πŸ˜‹ Other than this, I've done nothing garden wise, apart from sort my self a bucket for my Summer Auto, got the soils mixed up ready, it's outside in the bucket weathering for Spring. On to the pics.

White Widow. Looking nice for its second week of veg. πŸ™‚
White Widow

Franco's Lemon Cheese, week 2. Caught the leaf tip on this one while I was putting on its crutch. 😁
Francos Lemon Cheese

Shishkaberry, fat fingers on it already, looks like a couch locker. 😎

Tangerine Kush. I think this one is male, I know kushs grow bolt up, but this one does not look bushy enough to be a chick? We'll see. 🀨
Tangerine Kush

Group shot. Tangerine Kush is top right.
All four together

And that's me updated, got five gallons of beer to bottle, and a myriad of other jobs to work my way through, so have a nice weekend, and keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, it's sunny, it's Saturday, and your about to loose another ten minutes of your life that your never going to see again. 😁 All four plants are fine, no def or bugs, yet. 😠 Got good growth on all but the spindly Tangerine Kush, and its been topped in a vane attempt to make it bushier, its a prime suspect. πŸ˜‰ The other three plants are growing as expected, bushy and short n stocky. I'm impressed with the Shishkaberry, it is a nice looking plant, good strong growth on it, the strongest plant of the four at the minute, looking forward to a toke on this, not had a toke of this before. πŸ™‚ Thing that surprised me is the White Widow is the smallest of the four plants, I've grown White Widow before, and it was a good three gallon harvest, so this one looks like a wait and see job. The Franco's Lemon Cheese is doing exactly what it did last time I grew it, so no problems forecast from this plant, seeds from the same outlet. If we stay on course this week, then next week they'll be flipped to 12/12, that will be at the end of week 4 of veg. πŸ™‚ So it's pic time, and not orange ones. lol

Franco's Lemon Cheese, just finished week 3 of veg.
Francos Lemon Cheese w3

Shiskaberry, also just finished week 3 of veg.
Shishkaberry w3

White Widow, week three of veg.
White Widow w3

Tangerine Kush, got some leg on it.
Tangerine Kush w3

Surprise surprise, bought another beer kit. 🍺 Another IPA, different kit ingredients, same end result. πŸ™‚
Razorback IPA

I'm quite getting into sampling these different ales from around the world, and way back in the old days the kits were a ball ache to brew, but nowadays they're simple, one bucket and 40 bottles and your away, a month later and boom, old style beer that Homer Simpson would love to stock his fridge with. lol

Anyway, its time for me to do one, all updated, time to chill with my people, and kick back. You know the score, keep tokin folks.
Morning tokers and growers, it's Saturday again, first update of Spring 2021, and if I'm lucky, I'll slip two more runs in before the end of the year. πŸ™‚ All is going really well, still suspicious about the Tangerine Kush, still think its a rug puller. πŸ˜’ On a brighter note, the other three plants look like winners, all bush with nice strong branches, the Shishkaberry is the strongest out of the three, followed by the Franco's Lemon Cheese, last up is the White Widow. All four plants are in week four of veg, today they will all be flipped over to 12/12 when I get the HPS bulb polished up, sort the digital timer for the light. I like analogue timers for veg, easier to just push or lift a section if I think the plants need more light, some times they seem to, saves having to re-program digital, and digital for flower, they're more accurate to the minute for flower. So next week should see us finish week one of flower, and then we'll know the truth about the Tangerine Kush. πŸ˜‰ Any Bets? Pics, we have plants. 😁

Franco's Lemon Cheese, week 4 of veg.
Francos Lemon Cheese w4

Shishkaberry, week 4 of veg.
Shishkaberry w4

White Widow, week 4 of veg.
White Widow w4

Tangerine Kush, week 4 of veg, this is the only plant with tip burn, this is another reason I think this is a male, they seem to burn well before females, due probably to stature and build, females seem stockier, so take up the same amount of nuits with out any drama, now there's a thing. lol πŸ™‚
Tangerine Kush w4

Group shot.
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And that's us updated, next week we'll find out if the Tangerine Kush has anything to hide. πŸ˜‰ On another note, I had my flu jab, had the PFizer version, had it on Thursday, feel fine, just got to keep out of the way until May, this will be when I get my second jab, and should give me 80% ability to fight of the bug and kick its ass, freedom is on the horizon people, but until that day comes, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all rockin and a rollin, wind and hail here today, so a day of indoor chores is on the cards for me, like decorating, nice. πŸ™‚ But on a positive note, it never rains, frosts, or clouds over, and always sunny in the grow space. 😎 Well did the Tangerine Kush make the grade? No, it was indeed a male, so its gone to the plant equivalent of heaven, the compost heap, next time its seen it will be feeding garden plants. 😁 The other three are all females, all are just about to go for it and start week two of flower, love the fast growth stage. I made one mistake, and that was rushing to get to work on time, fuckin snooze button, so bunged in to much N, you can see the results, bit of tip burn, it's done now, and they will munch through it, eventually. πŸ˜† Apart from that, all is going to plan, and we'll see the return of the orange pics to prove it. lol So here are some orange pics. πŸ‘

Franco's Lemon Cheese, just finished week one of flower.
Francos Lemon Cheese f1 a

Shishkaberry, stiff branches on this plant compared to the others, doesn't seem as flexible under the fan as the others.
Shishkaberry f1 b

Shiskaberry f1 a

White Widow, just finished week one of flower.
White Widow f1 a

White Widow f1 b

The Tangerine Kush is not doing as well as the others, seems a little stumpy to me, with little or no bud sites, I don't think its going to make it, it is also in week 1 of flower. 😁
Tangerine Kush male gone

Tangerine Kush, before it was chopped the little rug puller. πŸ˜’
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Had a shake with the bubble buckets, think there's around half an ounce, but at the time of writing, the hash was still wet, so pics on this after a bit of a process, will have to be posted next week. πŸ‘
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Had a bottle of these old style beers, like the Bishops Finger a lot, but not knocking the Triple XB, its also a nice pint. πŸ‘

And there you go, another enthralling update ends, and as we wiz into week two of flower, its time for me to say see you next week, until then, just keep toking folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, all is well at this end, hope its the same at your end. All three plants are doing fine, the Shishkaberry is growing into the empty space, vacated by the Tangerine Kush male, would suit me if it filled the empty spot. πŸ™‚ Shishkaberry is the biggest, stoutist plant of the 3, followed by the Franco's Lemon Cheese, and the smallest is the White Widow, all have just finished week 2 of flower and starting week 3 this morning. 😎 Thought I saw a mite attack on one leaf, but not seen anything since I ripped and burned that leaf, I assume they are still there, lurking, just out of sight, which suits me fine, because it only pisses me off if I can see them. 😁 Other than that, I'm on cruise control, orange pic time, grab your shades. 😎

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese f2 a

Shishkaberry f2 c

Shishkaberry f2 a

White Widow.
White Widow f2 a

White Widow f2 b

Group shot.
Group Shot a

This is the ice hash from last week, left is the lower grade from the larger mesh bags, and the black looking lump that's had the most attention, is the finer mesh haul, I'll leave you to work out which is the better toke. lol Was just over half an ounce on the scales, was probably a lot more, but testing took place before the final weigh in. lol
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And that's where we are at the minute, got another beer kit to start when I get time today, a Porter, don't think I've had a pint of this before, a new one on me. I'll get the 5 gallons of water boiled and sterilise all the implements, ready for a brew up this afternoon. And that's me all updated, time to start the weekend, so keep tokin folks, see you next week. πŸ‘
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