Chemistry's personal grow.

Good morning all you tokers and growers, are you all geared up for the weekend. πŸ™‚ All is going well here, plants are looking green and mean, we're just starting week five of flower when the lights came on this morning, so this week will see peak flower muff. 😁 I was looking at the flower heads and noticed the Chocolate Skunk is a more pointy headed flower than the other two plants, can't remember if it was last time I ran it, might flick back through my grow diary pics to have a look later, if I get a minute. πŸ™‚ Been hot here this week, so the plants have been drinking a lot more, as an indoor grower I'm not the biggest fan of changeable weather, as you just get your plants drinking and feeding just perfect, then along comes a heat wave and your plants start to drink more, eat more, and this can some times lead you to think some thing is wrong with your plants due to the due to the upsurge feeding, when in actual fact, its just that they are gulping down the feed, when they only want extra water to perspire. Raining here now, all change. 😁 So the outdoor weather situation is my only danger area at the minute, could do with this weather front moving into another county for three weeks. πŸ™‚ Anyway, orange pics anyone? πŸ™‚

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk F4a

Chocolate Skunk F4b

Chocolate Skunk F4c

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon F4a

Amnesia Lemon F4b

Amnesia Lemon F4c

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese F4a

Francos Lemon Cheese F4b

Francos Lemon Cheese F4c

Group Shot.
Group Shot F4 1

Group Shot F4 3

Humidity is fine. πŸ‘
DSC01164 2

All in, we're in a good place at the moment, and it would be nice to remain there, but as we all know, swings are roundabouts abound. So if you would like to find out what week five holds for the muffters club, pop back for next Saturday's update and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, its Saturday, its sunny for a change, and its update time. πŸ™‚ Nothing bad to report, yellow shaded bottom leaves have all fallen off, the remainder of the leaves are green and grabbing the light. πŸ‘ No feeding or water problems, or bugs, although I did brush off a cobweb from the top of the Chocolate Skunk, only the one, hopefully a feeding spider, although I normally get Spider Mites around week five of flower if they turn up at all, rare I see them in veg, think the veg is to damp for them, but the dry Summer of HPS is heaven to them, hawkeye time. πŸ˜‰ Plants have just finished week 5 of flower, and started six when the lights came on this morning, two more weeks and we should know roughly what we will produce. The scrog filled in well to say one of the four seedlings failed, this is the good thing about scrogging, you have time to fill in the vacant space. I used to grow five seedlings at a time just in case one failed, but when all five pop and go for it, I then have five plants, when I only built my grow space to fit three full sized plants, and how many times do you throw away the spares? If your like me, then the answer is none. 😁 Cram them in as best you can, and then struggle with an over grown space, making more work for your self, who needs the extra grief, so I grow four at a time and just let the plants fill in the space, and if one dies its fine. I think if only one popped I could still fill the space with a scrog. I once grew one plant, a big Sativa, it filled the scrog in a a six by six tent, took an eternity to veg and flower, sixteen weeks to flower out, good smoke, nice if you have the space to grow one plant that took five months to grow from seed, a very worth while project if you want to learn about plants and extreme scrogging, you just have to make sure your stash can cover the grow time if you grow for your own consumption. I'll have a look for pics of the Sativa scrog and post them next week if I can find them. Right, orange pic time.

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk F5a

Chocolate Skunk F5b

Chocolate Skunk F5c

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon F5a

Amnesia Lemon F5b

Amnesia Lemon F5c

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese F5a

Francos Lemon Cheese F5b

Francos Lemon Cheese F5c

Group Shot.
Group Shot F5b

Group Shot F5c

And here we are at the bottom of the page, another update updated, time for the muff to start to die off and fatten up those buds, bring on those cinnamon fronds that we all love. 😎 Want to know what happens in week six, drop in next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning all you tokers and growers, how are you all this fine Saturday morning. πŸ™‚ All fine here, just finished week six this morning and starting week seven, this is the time I start to look out for mites, mildews and rots, as this is the time I seem to get caught. Its sunny outdoors with a high humidity at the moment, and we all know what that means. So its eagle eye time so we don't end up with a problem of some sort due to over watering or over feeding, by the end of week seven we'll see if anything is present or not, fingers crossed we're in the clear. But, with the weather the way it is at the moment around here, I feel some thing might be on the cards, always the same when the weather is high in humidity and your trying to finish flowering, so we'll see by the end of next week. πŸ™‚
Should see some Autumn colours forming soon as the plants start to fade over the next couple of weeks, hoping to be done in the next three weeks, dollar says its five weeks by the time they're chopped and hung. 😁 Got some new seed stock to try out, will be putting them under the 400w duel spec bulb for flowering next run, this run is a standard HPS 600w, I'm moving back to 400's due to the price of electric, this will cut my power consumption by a third, not a lot, but its a saving all the same, as I think the power companies will hike up the price of electric again, just before Winter, we know how they operate, despite what they're nice customer services say, they're not on our side, so savings have to be made, I won't be giving up being a grower or a toker, so I'll just have to trick up my grow space to make it perform better, or I'll have to become and outdoor grower instead. 😁 Anyway, fancy some orange pics.πŸ‘

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon F6a

Amnesia Lemon F6b

Amnesia Lemon F6c

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk F6a

Chocolate Skunk F6b

Chocolate Skunk F6c

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese F6a

Francos Lemon Cheese F6b

Francos Lemon Cheese F6c

Group Shot.
Group Shot F6 3

Group Shot F6 1

And there we are, all updated, lets see what the next couple of weeks bring us, hopefully no problems, just bigger buds. 😁 So if your bored, got five minutes to spare, or just one of those people who have no friends, then pop in next week for more orange pics, or just to see if things go wrong. 😁 Until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Yo to all you tokers and growers out there, hope your all fine. This week see's us finishing week seven of flower, and guess what, a problem, bud rot of all things, but then it was forecast, as the conditions are right for it to flourish, high humidity outdoors due to heavy rain. I won't lose every thing, but a few big buds will be trashed beyond the hash bucket. 😑 But this is the nature of the game with indoor growing, some you win, some you lose, but the trick is to wind up with a haul at the end and not wind up slaughtered with nothing to show for your efforts. I'm not sure if it's better to chop of the effected flower heads off or not? I've tried both routes and found no difference with the end result, as the plant has the mould in its system, so chopping off the buds has made no difference to my small grow, plus my water is fed to my plants individually, so they're not linked by water or feed. So the few times I've had bud rot I've just left it until the end, I also have a feeling that if you start to mess with it, it spreads faster as you touch other plants and leaves, so I just leave it these days. On wild or outdoor garden plants it only seems to effect some of the plant. I don't think its in the moulds best interest to kill every plant it infects, or there would not be a green leaf left in the world. My plan now is to cut my feed and watering a little and cruise to week eight. We have colour fading on the fan leaves, the trykes are milky with a few ambers, so we're getting near to harvest anyway, so I don't think I'll have to go with out a smoke until my next harvest. 😁 Had my seed stash out last night, so my thoughts are already on my next run and what to pop. πŸ™‚ Other than the bit of bud rot we're doing well, so I'm not worried, yet. 😁 Orange pics anyone.

Chocolate Skunk. Starting to suck in all those leaves as the plant heads for a the finish line. πŸ™‚
Choclolate Skunk F7a

Choclolate Skunk F7b

Choclolate Skunk F7c

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon F7a

Amnesia Lemon F7b

Amnesia Lemon F7c

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese F7a

Francos Lemon Cheese F7b

Francos Lemon Cheese F7c

Group Shot.
Group Shot F7 2

If you look at the bottom middle edge of the pic, you can see a brownish bud, just a little bit different from the others, that is the bud with the rot.
Group Shot F7 3

There you are, another Saturday morning, another update, updated. So will the rot wipe me out, on the edge of your seat, want to find out how it all ends, then pop back next week and see what happens. 😁 Until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, its saturday, and I've got the weekend off. As of this morning we've just finished week eight of flower, so when I get a minute this run will be put into flush for a week until the the Chlorophyll has been depleted by the plant, all those big juicy fan leaves will be sucked back into the plant, all the taste as aroma of the plants will be transformed into tasty buds, this may be natures best magic trick, along with toad licking and mushrooms. 😁 So this morning will see me start flushing the plants, so a very light feed, equal to a single slice of dry toast and a mouth full of coffee for breakfast. The light feed insures the plants keep ticking over, or they don't seem to use up the Chlorophyll as well, or as fast. I've dropped plants after three days of flush, but to much green makes me cough, so lemon coloured leaves are my goal. Next Saturday should see us pulling these babies down, unless they turn lemon before, as they do some times, in which case they'll be down in a shorter period, no point in leaving the plants in water after they're done, or you'll over flush them, sounds a bit mad, but I believe you can flush the flavour out of your buds. I once put some plants into flush and went on holiday for a week, all automated, two flushes a day with plain water, came home, thought the job went well, dried, cured, jarred, but that run didn't have the same taste or smell as the previous run or the one after, so was the long flush responsible? I've not done that since, and all my grows since then have not suffered the same fate, so you tell me, was it the long flush, and the fact I grow a few different stains at a time says that not all three of the strains would have lost their taste, and I hate grassy weed. πŸ‘Ž Orange pic time. πŸ™‚

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon F8a

Amnesia Lemon F8b

Amnesia Lemon F8c

Chocolate Skunk.
Choclate Skunk F8a

Chocolate Skunk F8b

Chocolate Skunk F8c

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese F8a

Francos Lemon Cheese F8b

Francos Lemon Cheese F8c

Group Shots.
Group Shot F8 1

Group Shot F8 4

That's it for this week, plants will look very different by next Saturday, hoping to have this grow wrapped up in the next two weeks, then I plan to add more ventilation to my grow space, the mould has peaved me off a little this run, so added ventilation seems the way to go. Anyway, that's two weeks away, so if you want to see these plants in bright yellow attire, then join us next week, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good afternoon tokers and growers, its Saturday, and I'm miles behind due to being away with the family for a few days, enjoyed every minute of it, but now got to catch up. lol I put the plants on auto flush for the three days we were away, you don't need to be there to flush, so dropped lucky for a change. πŸ€ Got back to yellow'ish fan leaves and well flushed plants. πŸ‘ So the some times unpopular job of trimming was upon us, like decorating, it looks good when its done though. πŸ™‚ Been doing a couple of hours after work, done yesterday evening, all hung and trimmed. The Bud Rot wasn't as bad as it seemed, you here of folk spraying all sorts of shit on their buds to rid them selves of it, you then have to smoke the said chemicals, over the years I've had Bud Rot a few times, first time I chopped off all of the dead and dying tops, but all I did was spread it to the other tops, so suffered a half a grow loss, to say I was pissed off was, then the next run I got it again and lost interest in the grow thinking I was going to lose another half a grow, so I did nothing, and surprise surprise I lost about a tenth, so now I leave it alone and not spread the spores by opening up the buds to the air, and especially my fan, and I SEEM to do ok, not saying this will work for every one, just don't panic. 😁 I've enjoyed this grow, been no problem at all, apart from losing the Critical Kush at the seedling stage but then, all the seeds in that pack were under par, not the usual high standard of Barney's. Right, lets do some pics.

Before chop. Week nine of flower, and last standing group shot.
Group Shot F 3

After chop. This is the ballast just warming up an MH bulb, nice looking green. πŸ™‚
Group Shot Harvest  1

Hangers in better light.
Group Shot Harvest  4

Some nice looking donkeys, like this Chocolate Skunk, quite pleased with this one. πŸ‘Œ
Chocolate Skunk Harvest C

Amnesia Lemon. Bit blurred, it was late in the evening. 😁
Amnesia Lemon Harvest A

Franco's Lemon Cheese, with the rot.
Francos Lemon Cheese Harvest with rot

Franco's Lemon Cheese with rot removed.
Francos Lemon Cheese Harvest with out rot

Some good larf and side buds for the hash bucket, drying in the mesh bowl. πŸ‘
Trim Harvest A

Here we are at the start of the drying stage, buds should be ready to jar by next week, then while it spends some time curing, I'll be upgrading my air intakes to larger specimens, so a bit to do later on, but first we have to wait for this lot to dry. So join us again next week to see what we yield in the white buckets, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning you tokers and growers, how are you all this sunny Saturday morning, hope you're all well. πŸ‘ Got the harvest into three two and a half gallon buckets to cure, so I'll give it a month to cure and settle down, then it will be transferred to glass jars to store the cured buds. Didn't do bad in the end, even with the mould, which took out two tops on each plant, only downside is its the main or biggest cola's it takes. 🀬 I have around one and a half gallons from each plant, so four and a half gallons in all, don't know what it all weighs as I gave up on going by weight years ago, and now only gauge my success in gallons in photo form, this stops me weight chasing, and the disappointment of not making a certain weight, peeves me when I lose some bud to mould, never mind a human mistake. 😁 I've had a quick toke on all three strains, all do the job, but the Chocolate Skunk has it in the bag in this line up, and takes top spot in the toking stakes, deep and earthy, with sweety sort of taste, and flower bed smell, don't get me wrong the others do the job, but the Chocolate Skunk just has that extra some thing the other two have not, maybe a personal thing, and I just like this strain more, but its in front, and will most likely be smoked first. The Amnesia Lemon is nice toke, very lemony compared to last time, but I put this down to me growing a better specimen than last time. Very lemony taste if anyone is looking for a good lemon, to either smoke or a cross for some one looking for a strong lemon influence. The Franco's is as good a toke as the other two, but lacks taste and smell, not a strain you could walk into a smokey room and pick out like the other two, but it does produce some weight, good strong stems, would do well outdoors as it likes some space to grow in, last time I grew it, it grew into my shade, 600watt bulb, an inch away, did no damage to the plant, so a tough specimen, I would have loved to plant one outdoors and let it go, but my new next doors are a little anti weed, hence no outdoor Auto this year, ah well. ☹️ Got the ventilation sorted, or at least ready for this run. I've extended the intake vent slots from a third of the length of my grow space, to full length, so if I made it last run with a third ventilation, this time I should breeze it. lol We'll see how it works, think I've enough air this time. Pic time, and no orange ones. πŸ‘

Amnesia Lemon.
Amnesia Lemon pre cure 2

Amnesia Lemon pre cure 1

Franco's Lemon Cheese.
Francos Lemon Cheese pre cure 2

Francos Lemon Cheese pre cure 1

Chocolate Skunk.
Chocolate Skunk pre cure 2

Chocolate Skunk pre cure 1

Adjustments to the ventilation. If you look at the intake on the left, this was only a third of the way across the wall, now it is the full length. On the right hand side you can see the black mesh, this is where the air enters my grow space, the fresh intake air is then blown over and through my plants. I have three white plastic vents which each have a paper filter covering them, got the idea from her indoors kitchen extractor over the hob, you can buy the filters at your local hardware store, or on line. In the pic, just finished first coat of paint, waiting for it to dry for the second coat. πŸ™‚

And that's where we are at the moment, hoping to get up and running this week some time, then next week get some seeds chosen and planted. Think that's this grow finished and signed off. Have to say, this grow has been and easy one, could have done with out the mould, still ended up with four and a half gallons, and some hash trim, so not worried at all. πŸ™‚ So if you've followed my last grow and still crave more, then join us next week and see if I've managed to pick out some seeds to grow, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers at the Farm, how are you all this morning, hope your all fine and well. πŸ‘ Had a couple of hours yesterday evening, so grabbed a beer and a bud and whipped out the seed box, bought in some new strains, new to me anyway. πŸ™‚ Due to the 19 it was a little harder to find some thing that I wanted to grow, every time I hit the move to basket button it came up out of stock, so we now know what the good folk were doing during the lockdowns. 😁 But, in the end I got what I was looking for, in the shape of Barney's Biscotti Mintz (, probably a rubbish strain, but I liked the pics I'd seen on the net, they looked uniform in structure, even on the other lesser grow sites, which I'm not a member of, as I only inhabit the Farm, and is there a better site? Anyway, on a number of sites the plant looked the same, and as I quite like Barney's stuff I pushed on with my quest, and eventually found a pack of three fems, quest part one completed, quest part two, can I grow a nice plant from the seeds, only one way to find out, first seed picked. Next up is Delinquent OG ( Named after world famous rap band Delinquent Habits, not that I'm into Rap as I'm an out and out rocker, nothing against rap or rappers, just not my scene. This was my third choice, got the point of brain fog looking at pics and reading about strains and crosses, and just fancied these seeds due to the amount of hype around the rappers, I like things with a story behind them. 😁 So my second choice was another dark leafed strain called Dark Pheonix (, got a thing about dark strains this run. πŸ™‚ So there's my line up for this run, if they all pop this should be a good grow. πŸ‘ Anyone for MH pics. πŸ™‚

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mintz Seed Packet S1a

Biscotti Mintz Seed Packet S1b

Biscotti Mintz Seed Packet S1c

Biscotti Mintz Planted S1d

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG Seed Packet S1a

Delinquent OG Seed Packet S1b

Delinquent OG Planted S1c

Dark Pheonix.
Dark Pheonix Seed Packet S1a

Dark Pheonix Seed Packet S1b

Dark Pheonix Planted S1c

Don't know about you folks, but I like the packaging on some seeds, some seed vendors go out of their way to create mini artworks, future historic seed packs fetching thousands on Ebay, or anonymous future super rich buying from rich auction houses, you never know, a bit like iconic vinyl album covers have become wall hangings. 🀣 You just never know. πŸ™‚ So that's me on my way, give it a week and we'll see what pops, and what bombs out, fingers crossed for a three out of three, fresh stock, should happen. πŸ˜‰ Got sorted faster than I thought I would (under pressure from other seed poppers 😁) didn't think I'd get planted up before Monday evening, so in front for a change. 🏁 So hopefully by next week we'll have some lanky seedlings to post, with or without crutches, three would be nice. And that is where we're at, the fuse is fizzing, if you want to know how big the bang was, then pop back next week and see after the dust settles, until then, you know the score, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, hope your all well and your trees are tall and green. πŸ™‚ Had a rarity, three out of three poppers, yeee haaa. All three seeds popped mid week, two were fine, one was a bit squirrely on take off, and that was the Dark Pheonix, dark by name, dark by nature. πŸ™‚ The other two, the Mintz and Delinquent are fine, and I have to say, the cheapest seeds were the delinquent's, and it popped the best, even flung the husk off, the other two left the husk in the cubes, so three out of three poppers from three different strains, is this an omen. 😁 Due to planting three seeds this time, I've gone for a triangle planting arrangement to give the plants maximum space to spread, or all the space I have. 😁 I put the Dark Pheonix at the back, as it claims to be the tallest of the bunch, followed by the Biscotti Mintz, and the Delinquent which is the smallest, this is going by the breeders description on the sites I bought the seeds from, but as growers, we take this with a pinch of salt, we'll see. πŸ‘ Let look at the poppers. πŸ™‚

Dark Phoenix. Took pics of this weird seed growth over the last week, last pic was this morning, have to say the last pic looks like phoenix with its wings out, rise of the phoenix. 😁
Dark Pheonix V1b

Dark Pheonix V1d

Dark Pheonix V1c

Dark Pheonix V1e

Dark Pheonix V1f

Biscotti Mintz. Don't know if I've said, but been after growing one of these for ages. πŸ‘
Biscotti Mintz V1b

Biscotti Mintz V1c

Biscotti Mintz V1f

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG V1a

Delinquent OG V1b

Delinquent OG V1c

Delinquent OG V1d

Group Shot.
Group Shot V1 4

Here we go again, the marathon starts. πŸ™‚ Looking at the group shot, I can see that the Dark Phoenix will need a crutch by next week due to its strange growing features, unless it grows more roots to allow for the strange way it emerged. 😁 So there you are folks, new run is off the ground, will the Phoenix need a crutch, or will they all need one (again)? Pop back next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all this fine morning, BBQ weather here today, been hot as hell lately here, had a couple of houses burn down in the next village along with grass fires due to the heat, 110f (43.3) in the shade, tarmac roads were melting. 😎 Its been said that the house fires were started in lofts, I think we can guess why, was contemplating whether to turn my grow off or not until the heat wave passed, good job I put in the uprated ventilation, think I dropped very lucky with my timing. πŸ€ The seedlings did ok in the heat, I was expecting them to flop in the heat, but like my tomato's they just ate it up, so week two of veg behind us, we're now purring along at a steady 26c. πŸ™‚ Apart from the heat there's no problems to report, yet. 😁 Right, onto pics then.

Dark Phoenix.
Dark Phoenix V2 2

Dark Phoenix V2 2

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mintz V2 2

Biscotti Mintz V2 1

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG V2 1

Delinquent OG V2 2

Group Shot. If you look at the seedlings in the group shot, you can see all three seedlings are slightly different in leaf shape, the Dark Phoenix has pointy leaves, while the Biscotti Mintz has roundish leaves with more of an indica look, and the Delinquent OG has both traits, we'll see if they carry these individual traits as the grow on, would be nice. πŸ™‚
Group Shot V2 3

A bit hot.
DSC01348 2

And that's where we are at the minute, shame about the ugly growth of the Dark Phoenix, hoping its just an early growth thing and it will grow out later, a wait and see job. Anyway, that's all there is to report, shame about my outdoor auto this year, would have done really well in this heat wave, plenty of sun and good evening temps, but in a country where growing is frowned upon, you have to play ball, or we all know what happens. So, will the Dark Phoenix become any weirder, want to find out, then pop back next week and find out, until next week, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘

PS. Dont know what happend to my post, it loaded before I'd finished writing it. lol 😁

Dark Phoenix V2 1

Last edited: Jul 23, 2022


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Good morning all you tokers and growers, hope your all well and ready for the weekend. πŸ™‚ Seedlings are doing fine, but the Dark Phoenix is still growing a little weird, strange thing is, I don't think it will grow out of it, when it popped it was weird, it may grow out of it, but past experience has shown that this early on, the seedling normally falls behind the others and gets smothered, we'll see. But with the temps we've had lately, I'm not surprised the seedlings are struggling, and as I said last week, I nearly switched my grow off until Autumn due to the extreme heat. Maybe its a case that the Dark Phoenix doesn't like a lot of heat, and might need to be be grown with similar types or strains as its self, see what it looks like next week. πŸ˜‰ The other two are fine, the Biscoti Mintz is the biggest of the three, the Delinquent OG being the smallest. Right pic time. πŸ‘

Dark Phoenix. Look at the tips and graining on the leaves.
Dark Phoenix V3a

In this pic, if you look at the base of the trunk, it looks snapped or crushed, this wont help this seedlings cause. πŸ˜”
Dark Phoenix V3b

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mintz V3a

Biscotti Mintz V3b

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG V3a

Delinquent OG V3b

Group Shot.
Group Shot V3 2

Here we are at the end of another update, will the Dark Phoenix pull through, or will it become Ezmerelda's new boyfriend, get your self back here next week and find out, unless you have some thing better to do, 😁 until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all. All is not well with the three seedlings, the Delinquent OG and the Biscotti Mintz are fine, but the Phoenix has taken a turn for the worst, it popped backwards, pushed out a strange root that didn't want to grow down, now its gone a little frizzy leafed, a bad seed maybe, not had one like this before, shows all the signs of over water, over fed, heat stroke, I don't know. 🀣 The other two are romping along, in the same environment, so I intend to keep the Phoenix going as long as I can, just to see if I can learn from it. πŸ‘ Going to scrog the other two and let the Phoenix run with them, if the Phoenix can't catch up it will be pulled, as I don't need a hermie in the camp. 😁 I'm going to take off all the strange leaves from the Phoenix as it has better, newer leaves pushing through from beneath, so perhaps it has the capacity to catch up, you never know, so plan B for the Pheonix. πŸ˜‰ Pic time. πŸ‘

Dark Phoenix. Growing a little weird. Lower stem has healed up a little.
Dark Phoenix V4a

Dark Phoenix V4b

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mintz V4a

Biscotti Mintz V4b

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG V4a

Delinquent OG V4b

Group Shot.
Group Shot V4 4

Later this morning I'll top both the Biscotti and the Delinquent to prime them for scrogging. I'll also strip of all the dud leaves on the Phoenix, even if the plant picks up, it wont heal those damaged leaves, so no point in leaving them on, it may also inspire the Phoenix to grow better leaves and branches, it has some nice new shoots on it that look normal, so its a wait and see how it does in the next week. And that's it for this update. Want to see what happens with the Phoenix after its stripped, will it die, will it pull through, will it join the scrog party, only one way to find out. Until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning growers and tokers, time for another update. πŸ™‚ We are now in week five of veg, plants have struggled a little with the heat, but we had a cooler period last week so the plants have put on a bit of a growth spurt, which is no bad thing, as I was beginning to think they would struggle all through veg and end up rough looking when they went into flower. Even the Dark Phoenix looks like its turned a corner, its starting to put out a little healthy foliage, it might just make it. 🀞 The Biscotti Mintz is romping along, biggest of the three by a country mile. The Delinquent OG is still the smallest of the bunch, looks more indica than the others. When I chose where to place the plants, the Dark Phoenix came out top in the height stakes, so it was planted at the back, followed by the Biscotti Mintz, which in the write up said it was a medium sized plant, so it went in on the left, then the smallest which is the Delinquent OG. Reason I do this is because my hardware is on the right hand side of my space, more so my ozzi fan. I like the hillside woodland theme, so tallest at the back, smallest at the front, that way nothing gets crowded out or burried (most of the time). It would be nice to have this run down by October if possible, due to having a family event that will last 8/10 days, so I might have to shorten the veg time on the scrog, or dump the scrog alltogether, time wait for no man. Right, pics then. πŸ™‚

Dark Phoenix. Some nice new growth pushing though. πŸ‘
Dark Phoenix V5a

Dark Phoenix V5b

Biscotti Mintz. Now topped ready to scrog.
Biscotti Mintz V5a

Biscotti Mintz V5b

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG V5a

Delinquent OG V5b

Group Shot. Massive difference in size.
Group Shot V5 2

There you go, that's where we are at the moment, to scrog or not to scrog, this is the question? I've re-netted the scrog frame, so its ready for deployment if or when its needed. It would probably be wise to put them into flower now, decisions decisions. So, if your intrigued to find out which direction I've taken, then you need to pop back next week and see what happens, all you need to do until then is, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning tokers and growers, hope your all fit and healthy. πŸ‘ We still have all three plants, the Dark Phoenix is doing its best to sort its self out out and grow properly, so its had a stay of execution for now, as three plants are better than two. πŸ™‚ The Biscotti Mintz is growing like bamboo, no holding it back. The Delinquent OG is bringing up the rear, its a small plant by the other two's standards, think this one is going to be a couch locker, as it seems to have a fair amount of indica in its make up. 😁 All three plants were started in flower when the lights came on this morning, so we will be welcoming back the orange pics for the next eight weeks. 🀣 Don't know what the score is with the Dark Phoenix, its the biggest plant of the three, so it should eat the others under the table, so it cant be a feed problem, the light is raised, so its not a light thing, and its fed just like the others, and they're doing well, so I'm putting it down to a badly formed seed, more so as it fell out of the husk backwards, or that's what it looked like. 🀣 If I get anything from it, it will be a bonus, or it will end up in the hash bucket, or compost. 😁 Orange pics anyone. πŸ™‚

Dark Phoenix. Its picked up this week, still has the patchy leaves that look like a Thrip attack.
Dark Phoenix F1a

Dark Phoenix F1b

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mintz F1a

Biscotti Mintz F1b

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG F1a

Delinquent OG F1b

Group shot.
Group Shot F1 3

I put the scrog on this morning, and then took it off. I've ran out of time, as I have family commitments around the middle of October, so I have to have this hung to dry before then. Would have a homie look after them while I'm away, but their all going to, been planned for two years, as it we were held up by the flu, so we've all pulled the pin and we're all going together, I can't wait. 😁
So there you are, a time limit on my grow, starting week one of flower, don't know if it will be down on time, or if I'm wasting my time on this one. The new ventilation held me up for a week, trying to balance work with family life and growing, generally the family win, and that's the way it should be. So will the Dark Phoenix make it through its first week of flower, as its struggled all through veg, will the others take over and swamp it? Only one way to find out, check in next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, hope your all fine. πŸ™‚ We are now starting week two of flower as the lights came on this morning, all the plants look like their going for it, even the Dark Phoenix looks like its picking up a bit more. The Biscotti Mintz looks like is going to be a tall specimen if it carries on like this, thin and wiley just like the Franco's that grew into the light, maybe top it twice next run, but until her indoors informed me we were going away for ten days, I was set out for scrogging three plants, thank you darling. 😘 It will be very close to harvest, or not, but what can you do, a long awaited holiday with family and friends, or dump the grow? I'm not about to be assaulted with a rolling pin. 🀣 And like my good lady said, you have more seeds, and its not like your never going to grow again is it. 🀣 Wish I could take the plants with me, but your only allowed 25kg luggage. 🀣 Either way, it will be tight. πŸ™‚ The best behaved plant has to be the Delinquent OG, not had any problems with it, it just does its thing, don't know if all the seeds from the pack will produce smallish plants, but if or when I grow it again, I think I'd match it up with some room mates of a similar size finished plants, and grow the rampant strains together, save the smaller strains becoming swamped by the larger, in a scrog this won't matter as the collection would be flat. The good thing is the experience you gain each time you grow a new strain, once you know how it grows you can compensate for its height or bushyness next time. Enough ramble, lets look at some orange flash pics. πŸ™‚

Dark Phoenix. Looking the best its been.
Dark Phoenix F2a

Dark Phoenix F2b

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mintz F2a

Biscotti Mintz F2b

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG F2a

Delinquent OG F2b

Group shot. You can see the Biscotti Mintz is towering over the other two plants, gonna be a sky scraper. πŸ‘
Group Shot V2 5

And that concludes this weeks update. So will the Biscotti Mintz reach the light over the coming week, will the Dark Phoenix continue its valiant come back, only one way to find out, and that's pop back next week and find out, until then, happy growing, and just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning T n G's, how are you all. Here we are arriving at week three, have to say things just keep getting better, thought I would lose the Dark Phoenix, but its still alive and kicking, and stretching like a traitor on a torture rack. 😁 The other two are doing well also, the Delinquent OG is still the smallest plant as the Dark Phoenix has took over second spot, but they're both top trumped by the Biscotti Mintz which is a very tall tree, bare in mind its been topped hard at the start when I took the centre out, but it remains unfazed by the experience. 😁 I'm glad the heat wave has passed as this has caused a few problems, and if we have the same thing next year, then I'm shutting down until the Autumn, my biggest fear being a fire started by over heating hardware, I've seen quite a few houses with the roofs burnt off, think we know what happened there, and I don't want to join their club if I can help it. 😁 Plus it did the plants no favours either, so a shut down is planned if the same happens again. πŸ‘ I have to say, I'm not impressed with this run so far, the plants look rough for the amount of effort I've put into nursing them through the heat, but there are some things you just have no control over. Right, pics then, don't know if I'm getting better with this camera or not. πŸ™‚

Dark Phoenix.
Dark Phoenix F3a

Dark Phoenix F3b

Dark Phoenix F3c

Biscotti Mintz. An inch into the hood already, think this will be a tall plant when its finished stretching.
Biscotti Mintz F3a

Biscotti Mintz F3b

Delinquent OG. Seems to be turning its self round. πŸ™‚
Delinquent OG F3a

Delinquent OG F3b

Group Shot.
Group Shot F3

Despite the bad start we are now trundling along quite well, start of week three in flower, so the stretch should slow down and the fattening should start, I'm keen to see how well the upstart at the back does now the weird growth has passed, hopefully it will continue to grow well, we'll see. That's it until next week, want to know what happens this coming week, so do I, then drop in next week and find out, so until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning T n G's, its Saturday, and its update time. πŸ™‚ Today sees us start week four of flower, all is good, apart from a few Thrips, not had them for ages, makes a change from Mites though.πŸ™‚
Up until this week, the tallest plant I've grown in my present space was the Franco's, which grew into the hood of my light, and spent three weeks flowering two inches from my HPS bulb, which had no real effect on it, but now its been superseded by the Biscotti Mintz, which has grow past the hood, and now becomes the new record holder. 😁 I don't think it will bud as tight as the Franco's, but it still has four weeks to go, so it may fill out by then, another wait and see job, would be nice if it filled a bucket on its own like the Franco's did. πŸ™‚ The Dark Phoenix is 70% there, don't know what's holding it back, runt seed maybe, or needs growing on its own with a type of feeding that suits it better, this may be a problem for it as I like to grow a few different strains at once, or maybe the next seed will pop properly, another wait and see next run. 😁 Nothing bad to report about the Delinquent OG, the light is a bit high for it, as the skyscraper Biscotti Mintz has it pinned to the ceiling. 🀣 Other than Thrips the grow is picking up speed and heading the right way. πŸ‘ Right, orange pics with a hint of camera flash. πŸ™‚

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mntz F4c

Biscotti Mintz F4b

Biscotti Mintz F4a

Dark Phoenix. Still has dodgy leaves.
Dark Phoenix F4b

Dark Phoenix F4a

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG F4d

Delinquent OG F4c

Group Shot.
Group Shot F4a

And there you have it, the mild chaos that is my current grow. 😁 Lets see what unfolds this week, should see fatter buds, more muff, less stretch. lol So if you want to see more muff, and fatter buds, or even if you want to know how much a Thrip can eat, then join us next week for more grow room jibber jabber, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘


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Good morning tokers and growers, its bright and sunny, so I'm in the yard today, time to tidy up the bushes and trees before Winter. All the plants are doing well, the Thrips are also doing well, but they're not causing many problems, just the slightly gnawed leaves, which we don't smoke anyway . 😁 The Biscotti Mintz has finally stopped growing at six and three quarter feet, three inches from the ceiling, and I was worried about the Dark Phoenix hitting the ceiling, both will be topped a couple of times next run. πŸ˜‰ The Dark Phoenix is budding up well, so the seeds do have potential to produce good plants, just got to make sure the seedlings don't hatch out backwards like this plant did. The Delinquent OG is just getting on with it, a really trouble free strain by the looks of it, good finished flowering height for indoor growers, so it gets a thumbs up. πŸ‘ So other than the height and Thrip attack we're good. Time for some slightly orange pics with a hint of flash. πŸ‘

Biscotti Mintz. Such a tall plant, would do well outdoors if left to get on with it. πŸ‘
Biscotti Mintz F5a

Three inches from the ceiling. πŸ™‚
Biscotti Mintz F5b

Biscotti Mintz F5d

Dark Phoenix.
Dark Phoenix F5c

Dark Phoenix F5b

Dark Phoenix F5a

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG F5a

Delinquent OG F5c

Delinquent OG F5b

Group Shot.
Group Shot F5 3

There you are, another quality update, lets see what happens this week. Will the Biscotti hit the roof, will the Dark Phoenix start to turn black, only one way to find out, and that is to pop back next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning all you tokers and growers, hope you've all had a good week. All three plants are doing well, buds are fattening up well, had to stake the branches of the Biscotti Mintz, as every time I opened the door the tree that it has become, falls on me, sticky thing it is, I now know what its like to be a fly caught in a spiders web. 😁 The Dark Phoenix is the worst looking, I still feel this is down to the bad start it had, the extreme heat when it popped definitely had a detrimental effect on it, and this has carried on though its whole growth, so much so that next Summer if its that hot, I'm going to shut down until the Autumn and skip the Summer grow. The Delinquent OG is fine, leaves are a bit rough looking, but this is down to me losing interest in this run, due to the way its panned out. Strange thing is that the best looking plant is the Biscotti Mintz, this is the only plant the thrips have hammered, didn't know thrips had any class. 😁 They know good nosh when they come across it. πŸ™‚ Pic time.

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mintz F6a

Biscotti Mintz F6b

Biscotti Mintz F6d

Dark Phoenix.
Dark Phoenix F6a

Dark Phoenix F6b

Dark Phoenix F6c

Delinquent OG.

Delinquent OG F6a

Delinquent OG F6b

Group Shot.
Group Shot F6 2

And that sums up this weeks growing tribulations, if you want to see how much fatter my babes become, or even if your just bored, or just to stoned to move, then pop back next week and find out. 😁 Until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning to all you T n G's on this bright sunny day in the Autumn. 😎 All is well as we head into week 7 of flower, plants are as cruising along, the Dark Phoenix is still pushing out flowers, in a star like formation, stands out more than the others, nice trait. It looks like there is a lot of Sativa in this strain, and will probably be one of those strains that take a week or two more than an Indica dominant strain, this wouldn't matter normally, but on this run I think its going to wind up compost as its way behind the other two plants, ah well. πŸ™‚ The Biscotti Mintz on the other hand has no growth problems, think Barney crossed this strain with a giant redwood, a real roof tile lifter, and I topped it hard as it was going to be scrogged, wonder how big it would have been un-topped. Have to say I'm pleased with the way its growing, and may be the only plant that gets close to finishing before we depart on our big family adventure, we'll see. 😁 The Delinquent OG is a really nice compact plant, I'm liking the dark purpleness of the buds, don't know if it will continue through the leaves as it fades, would be nice, other plants I've looked at of this strain don't, so maybe it not a thing with them, another wait and see job. 😁 In a nut shell, I think now the heatwave has passed and the temps have dropped back to normal, the strains/seeds I've bought would do well if I run the same three again together, with out the extreme heat, which is what I believe had a strange effect on the Dark Phoenix, don't know why it didn't effect the Biscotti Mintz, tough strain. πŸ‘ Pic time. πŸ™‚

Dark Phoenix.
Dark Phoenix F7a

Dark Phoenix F7b

Dark Phoenix F7c

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mintz F7c

Biscotti Mintz F7b

Biscotti Mintz F7a

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG F7a

Delinquent OG F7c

Group Shot.
Group Shot F7 2

So now you know where we are at this moment in time, plants are fairly happy, so I'm fairly happy too. πŸ™‚

Other things.
Was looking at my back posts the other day, 2017 I joined the Farm, and I've posted every week, barring illness and the odd Saturday clash with a holiday, even Christmas day, for nearly six years, doesn't seem that long, met some sound people over the years, some are still with us, some have taken a walk through the tokers pearly gates, but when your doing some thing you love and your enjoy growing, then time fly's. πŸ™‚ Also had five years on The Dank Den before before it went down, read through some other sites posts while looking for a new home, and skipped past them, there were more scuffles than grows on most of them, so were not for me. I landed here on the Farm, just as a bomb went off, but after the dust cleared, the new Farm appeared, and I have to say, since then the Farm has been a pleasure to be a member of, a big thanks to Logic and the top team that looks after both us and the site, a tough task at times. πŸ‘ And on that note, if you want to know what happens during week seven, then join us next week and find out, until then, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning T n G's, how are you all, doesn't seem like a week since I did the last update. πŸ™‚ This is the last week before this grow ends, and this diary, as next week we finally get away, still don't know where we're going, its meant to be a surprise, I hate surprises, its the bit where you don't like the surprise that gets me, its hard to smile when your gutted, and every one else is beaming. 😁 Away is away, and its been a hard year, so I'm up for anything really. Plants, the Dark Phoenix has no chance of finishing, its still heavy with super white muff, so it may not even produce a slight buzz never mind a hit, looks good though. Shame it ran out of time, but some times you just have to let it go, still going to hang and let it dry while we're away, see if it produces a buzz when we get back. The Biscotti Mintz on the other hand seems like it might just make it, looks the part anyway, so maybe rescue some thing from it. The misses made me laugh, said she didn't know what the fuss was about, you've got buckets of the stuff in the shed, love her to bits. 😁 The Delinquent OG is near, but I don't think its near enough to make a good smoke, might be good enough for the hash bucket if it can make some ambers this week, had to stake it up as it fell over with the bud weight. I new this run was going to be tight, but this is really tight. 😁 I plan is to chop and hang the plants the day before we leave, and hang them for the duration of our trip, don't know how well this will turn out, as I normally jar my bud as soon as I think its ready to cure, this will be a problem unless I fly back to jar it, can see the look on my misses face if I did, followed by a blindingly white flash rendering unconsciousness, some thing to avoid, unless your an avid astronomer and love seeing at stars . πŸ˜‰ So that's the situation at the minute. Lets look at some pics. 😁

Dark Phoenix.
Dark Phoenix F8a

Dark Phoenix F8b

Dark Phoenix F8c

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mintz F8a

Biscotti Mintz F8b

Biscotti Mintz F8c

Biscotti Mintz F8d

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG F8a

Delinquent OG F8b

Group Shot.
Group Shot F8 1

And there you have it, I'll try to get an update in before we fly, if not, then I'll put the end results up when we get back. 😎 Anyway, stay frosty, and just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Good morning tokers and growers, hope your all fit and well. πŸ™‚ This is how the last run ended. The Dark Phoenix needed at least another three weeks to finish flower, had milky trykes, so its been dried and slung into the hash bin, should add some thing to the mix. The Biscotti Mintz managed to finish flowering, was told it was a fast finisher, had enough ambers to do the job, so one winner in this run. The Delinquent OG was borderline finishing, you can get a hit, but its not what you would expect from an Indica based strain, so needed another week really, so I'll give it another toke over the weekend, and if its not up to it, it to will be tossed into the hash bucket. πŸ™‚ I have to say I like the way the Biscotti Mintz grew, its a tall plant, even though I topped it, it still grew into the light, just how I like them, vigorous. 😁 Right, lets look at the pics. πŸ‘

Delinquent OG.
Delinquent OG F9

Biscotti Mintz.
Biscotti Mintz F9b

Biscotti Mintz F9c

Biscotti Mintz F9d

Biscotti Mintz F9e

Like the colour of the sap when I dried this bud out in the microwave. πŸ‘
Biscotti Mntz F9 2

Dark Phoenix. Needed a bit longer in flower.
Dark Phoenix F9

There you are, some you win, some you don't, I'll run these strains again at some point, as I'd like to have seen the Dark Phoenix finished, but that's for another day, so until that day, just keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
Morning T n G's, hope your all well. This week see's me stripping and cleaning the flower space ready for the next run. All the grow hardware is out and ready for a hoover out.

Next up, not my favourite job, but it' got to be done. lol Two coats of flat white.

Job done, just got wait for it to dry.

Time to fire up the heat pad and let it flatten out and warm up.

Get the seed tray and closhe up to temperature, and the humidity built up under the closhe.

Time to pick seeds. Fancied another go at the Sticky Fingers, think I can do better with it if I can get it going well, the're very slow to pop.

Franco's Lemon Cheese.


Another Zkittle fem, these seeds have been rubbish until now, last two were males but were bought as fems (get your finger out Herbies).

And a Chocolate Skunk from 00 fills the last pot.
DSC00452 2

DSC00451 2

DSC00450 2

Planted all the seeds in Root Riot cubes, I rate these cubes for seeds and cuttings, was using rockwool last year, but shove rockwool, it's an outdated medium that wont compost and I find some of my seeds get stuck in the strands an whither, so I'm no longer using it.

Then the seeds and pot are put into the seed tray, and the dome added, quick spray and that's it, just add waiting time.

And that is as far as I've got with this run at the moment, next week should see the seeds up and about, so see you then, keep tokin folks. πŸ‘
I’ve grow that chocolate skunk one of my favorite autos / breeder if autos
Who is the breeder of choco skunk? SSgrower I am familiar with only James Loud & Rick Mosca.
00 (zero zero) was the seed vendor of my seeds, and I think Mosh's seeds were the same breeder, mine was a photo and I think Mosh's was an auto. Nice plants they were to, nice toke also. (y)
00 seeds has good stuff. Ive only grown their 00skunk but it was very very good, not that eye watering pungent skunk i was hoping for, but it definitely had a sweet skunkiness to it, got me wicked stoned too.
Cheers Chemistry, nice lookin 6x6 you say? I may endeavor at some point to build out my Lung room, views as always "Big Buds"! SSgrower
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