Good morning tokers and growers, how are you all, hope your all well on this sunny but frosty Saturday morning.

Been a while since I posted, so I thought I'd better put some thing up before I forget how to do it.

This is not a grow post, although I have one in the pipeline.

Been to the quacks with an ongoing cough, says I may have COPD, not clever if your an ardant toker, or even a weekender for that matter. Well, as you know, there is more than one way to skin a cat as they say, so if I can't toke, then I'll have to go the edible route, as a life with out cannabis is no life to me, or I would have packed it in years ago, and what will I do with all the spare time that I used to devote to getting stoned, and growing the odd plant or two? So while doing a bit of bubble bagging on some nice trim to cheer my self up, I noticed the mesh that you get with some bubble bags, used to strain the trykes from the the water, seems to gets a bit clogged. The thing is, this mesh has about a teenth stuck to it, and this got me thinking, what if I could wash it off so I could ingest it some how. So out came the loose tea infuser that I was given for Christmas one year, that I never had a use for, until now.

So the kettle was boiled, and half a pint of boiling water was added to infuse, and given a quick but firm stir for good measure, just to get the infusion started.

I have to say that I thought more of the cannabis would have fallen off the mesh, but as we all know, cannabis is fuckin sticky stuff when its heated, more so it seems if you pour boiling water on it, so only around half of it fell off into the infuser.

But I wasn't expecting the DAZ wash powder whiteness of a white tea shirt blowing in the wind on a washing line, like they do on the adverts. So I accepted the half, and moved on. Now what to do with it? Do I treat it like a tea, or try some thing else, I decided to try some thing else. So I let it cool, then added some fruity concentrate and made a squash from half the liquid.

Sorry, no pics of the fruityness, as I forgot to take pics.

I have to say, the taste wasn't as bad as I expected, it was quite pleasant to drink, this surprised me, as I expected to gag on it.

But anyway, down it went, and the wait started. half a hour past, and nothing, so I did what any cannabis inspired person would do, and drank the other half.

About half a hour later I got a hit, the thing that puzzled me was, why did the other half of the fruity liquid get me off in half a hour, when the first half didn't, half a hour later I found the answer, the first half was just creeping up on me, and you've guessed it, a half a hour later the second glass of lovely fruity liquid hit me too.

I have to say, it's a long time since I've been that battered, stuck to the chair with super glue, very enjoyable, but quite intense in equal amounts.

So if you try this, give it time for the first glass to take effect, or if your like me, just do the lot and save your self the stress of impatience.

All in all a good experience, but it left me with three more questions, how much trim do I have left, how long will it take the mesh to reach the same clogged state it was in, and should I try a different flavour next time.

Only time will tell. Also, while messing about with the bubble bags, I managed to get a bit of hash, this will be used in some sort of edible when I get a minute.

That's it for now. Until next time, just keep tokin folks.