Elusives perpetual grow

Been a few days, so hereā€™s an update!

2x4 tent (Gary Peyton x wedding cake):

Just put the trellis in tonight as they were leaning bad. Thereā€™s a lot more buds than I thought were going to be on these 2, so thatā€™s a nice thing to see.

4x4 tent:


Mandarin cookies x lilac diesel:

The potted ladies are doing well. Iā€™m going to trim and train them tomorrow, water them Wednesday, then flip to flower Friday or Saturday and give me a late September / early October harvest.

The clones are doing meh. Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™ve been neglecting these plants pretty bad, so Iā€™m surprised theyā€™re still alive šŸ˜…


This weekend my buddy and I tiled the floor so no more bare wood.

The end plants are the silver alerts, the middle is sour apple x mint jelly.

The plant that was outside has so much bud rot, Iā€™m going to see if I can keep her alive til she spits out seeds.

Hereā€™s the greenhouse and how itā€™s setup now:
To the left is some tools, pool supplies, and misc things. Thereā€™s a few plants on some of the shelves. The back is the weed plants, and behind the right shelf is a portable ac unit and a small storage spot (just some soil for now).

To the right on the pallet is some more non-cannabis plants, and a plant on the top of the shelf on the right.
Been a few days, so hereā€™s an update!

2x4 tent (Gary Peyton x wedding cake):
View attachment 14912

Just put the trellis in tonight as they were leaning bad. Thereā€™s a lot more buds than I thought were going to be on these 2, so thatā€™s a nice thing to see.

4x4 tent:

View attachment 14914

Mandarin cookies x lilac diesel:

The potted ladies are doing well. Iā€™m going to trim and train them tomorrow, water them Wednesday, then flip to flower Friday or Saturday and give me a late September / early October harvest.

The clones are doing meh. Iā€™ll be honest, Iā€™ve been neglecting these plants pretty bad, so Iā€™m surprised theyā€™re still alive šŸ˜…

View attachment 14913

This weekend my buddy and I tiled the floor so no more bare wood.

The end plants are the silver alerts, the middle is sour apple x mint jelly.

The plant that was outside has so much bud rot, Iā€™m going to see if I can keep her alive til she spits out seeds.

Hereā€™s the greenhouse and how itā€™s setup now:
View attachment 14916
To the left is some tools, pool supplies, and misc things. Thereā€™s a few plants on some of the shelves. The back is the weed plants, and behind the right shelf is a portable ac unit and a small storage spot (just some soil for now).

To the right on the pallet is some more non-cannabis plants, and a plant on the top of the shelf on the right.
nice tiling job...way better and easier....mold resistant...good on 'ya
Update night!

2x4 tent (Gary Peyton x wedding cake):

These 2 are doing good. Probably still have another 3-4 weeks left. Nothing major to report on.

4x4 tent (mandarin cookies x lilac diesel):

I did some training the left plants on Friday night, and the right plants tonight. I did the ā€œKushmanā€ method of anything below 3 nodes gets chopped (I think itā€™s also called lollipopping?). I went a little light in some spots, but generally kept to that.

Iā€™m going to adjust the timer tonight to flip them into flower, as I believe itā€™s about time. Theyā€™ve been vegging for 8+ weeks at this point.

Iā€™ll probably double net these, with the first one going on tomorrow so I can level the canopy out and hopefully contain their vertical growth.

The clones are still alive, but Iā€™m probably going to toss them as they havenā€™t really grown, but thatā€™s likely due to my lack of attention to them. Plus, theyā€™re below the canopies of the other 4 plants, so they arenā€™t getting much light.


Middle: sour apple x mint jelly auto
Left/right: silver alert hermie seeds

The left plant seems to be stunted while the right seems to be doing pretty good. This week weā€™re hitting the high 50ā€™s at night, so they may not enjoy nighttime temps, especially getting low 80ā€™s during the day.

The auto is flowering nicely. I think this and the Gary Peytonā€™s should be done around the same time.

Thatā€™s all for tonight!
Just a word of caution. Connecting power strip extensions to each other is not a very good idea. Fire hazard.

Youā€™re not wrong. The only thing thatā€™s plugged into the 2nd one is a lamp in the shed. I should just remove the 2nd one entirely.
Nightly update!

4x4 tent (mandarin cookies x lilac diesel):

Got the nets up as best as I could (I have a power strip zip tied to the tent pole and that gets in the way, and Iā€™m too lazy to reconfigure everything right now šŸ˜…)

Both of my tent fans died, so I took the ones out of my drying tent for now since itā€™s not being used.

I tossed the 2nd net in there so when the rest of the branches breach the first net, Iā€™m ready with the next one.

2x4 tent (Gary Peyton x wedding cake):

Theyā€™re getting fatter now and theyā€™re starting to smell very nice. Still quite a bit of white hairs, but theyā€™re turning. No signs of amber trichomes yet, not that I was expecting any.


Sour apple x mint jelly:
Sheā€™s not going to produce much, but damn if she donā€™t smell wicked good.


Silver alerts (seeds from a hermie):


She seems to be doing okay. The chilly nights probably arenā€™t helping her any (she is right by the heater though).

This one, on the other hand, is struggling. Sheā€™s been struggling since day 1 and was definitely stunted early on. I probably wonā€™t waste much effort on her.

And thatā€™s all for tonight!
Weekend update!

2x4ā€™ tent (Gary Peyton x wedding cake):


The plant on the right is leaning (has been since early on), but other than that, theyā€™re doing well. The buds are fattening up nicely, though still quite a bit of white pistils. Trichomes are still clear. Maybe 2 more weeks. Could be a little longer as I believe these are 50% sativa.

4x4ā€™ tent (mandarin cookies x lilac diesel):


Week 2 of flower begins tomorrow/today. Almost all of the tops have popped through the bottom net, while some have grown a few inches higher already.

I flipped the lights to the A setting. Itā€™s been on the B setting so far, so I figured it was time to change it. The difference between the 2 settings is the amount of lights on. On B, only 3 lights were on, while 5 were off. Now 5 are on and 3 are off. I can flip both on, but I donā€™t think thatā€™s necessary.

Canā€™t take greenhouse pics tonight. The overhead lighting is plugged into my outdoor outlet, and I need that for pool deconstruction for the next week or 3.

Thatā€™s all for tonight!


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End of week update:

2x4 tent: Gary Peyton x wedding cake


I think theyā€™re close to be ready to chop. Trichomes are starting to cloud up, some amber ones here and there. I need to scroll back and see when I noticed them starting to flower and get an estimated time.

4x4: mandarin cookies x lilac diesel:

Some tops have breached the 2nd net, all of the lower ones have made it to the first net. I ended up tucking some of the lower ones since they grew under the net and outward.


The sour apple x mint jelly is starting to smell real nice.

I didnā€™t get a pic of the others but theyā€™re doing good too.

Thatā€™s all for tonight!
End of week update:

2x4 tent: Gary Peyton x wedding cake

View attachment 17166

I think theyā€™re close to be ready to chop. Trichomes are starting to cloud up, some amber ones here and there. I need to scroll back and see when I noticed them starting to flower and get an estimated time.

4x4: mandarin cookies x lilac diesel:
View attachment 17168

Some tops have breached the 2nd net, all of the lower ones have made it to the first net. I ended up tucking some of the lower ones since they grew under the net and outward.

View attachment 17167

The sour apple x mint jelly is starting to smell real nice.

I didnā€™t get a pic of the others but theyā€™re doing good too.

Thatā€™s all for tonight!
They look really hungary.
I've only been feeding them water lately. Since last week, I was bed ridden with a leg infection and wasn't able to hobble around long enough to water anything until Monday. I'm just now able to get out of bed without any massive pain, though it's still there (and my leg is still 1.5 times the size it should be, but the meds are starting to finally work).

I'll hopefully be chopping the peytons this week, and begin feeding them nutrients again soon. The reason why I haven't been adding nutrients is that I can't stand in 1 spot for longer than a few seconds before a burning, shooting pain shoots through my leg, so adding and mixing the food would just be too painful or time consuming (I don't have a place where I can fill the water and mix, so I do it standing at my sink), and then the actual watering part I've been rushing through since bending also sends those pains through my leg.

They're looking pretty good still, but these definitely aren't my best sets of plants.
I've only been feeding them water lately. Since last week, I was bed ridden with a leg infection and wasn't able to hobble around long enough to water anything until Monday. I'm just now able to get out of bed without any massive pain, though it's still there (and my leg is still 1.5 times the size it should be, but the meds are starting to finally work).

I'll hopefully be chopping the peytons this week, and begin feeding them nutrients again soon. The reason why I haven't been adding nutrients is that I can't stand in 1 spot for longer than a few seconds before a burning, shooting pain shoots through my leg, so adding and mixing the food would just be too painful or time consuming (I don't have a place where I can fill the water and mix, so I do it standing at my sink), and then the actual watering part I've been rushing through since bending also sends those pains through my leg.

They're looking pretty good still, but these definitely aren't my best sets of plants.
Sorry to hear about your pain. I'm guessing antibiotics for the infection?
Sorry to hear about your pain. I'm guessing antibiotics for the infection?

Yep! Took me down for about 2 weeks. Still got some infection left in me, but itā€™s going away and seemingly faster now.

I did neglect the plants a bit since I couldnā€™t stand in one spot for longer than a minute or so (walking was fine, sitting was fine, but standing just sent pain down my lower leg). I did still water them, just without nutrients, and probably a day or 2 longer than I shouldā€™ve waited between watering, but I had to make due with the current situation.

So, for an actual update:

Gary Peyton x wedding cake has been cut and harvested. I trimmed the first plant on Saturday and the other tonight for a total of 2.5 ounces off of the 2 plants. Not too shabby considering I only had the light on 12/12 the entire time. Smoke test was a delight, and my buddies on Saturday really enjoyed it as well.

The 4x4: mandarin cookies x lilac diesel:

I fed them a full dose of nutrients last night, and theyā€™re doing well. Still have another 4-5 weeks. Iā€™m hoping for 5 ounces or better this time around.

The greenhouse:

The auto flower was chopped last night. Iā€™ll be lucky to get a 1/2 ounce off it. The other plants basically died from a lack of water for a week and a half, and also a week and a half of 110F inside the greenhouse (couldnā€™t get out of bed to open the door). Such is life though. Iā€™ll probably start the next round in about 2 weeks. Might snag some autos for the 2x4 tent since everything goes hermie in there. Weā€™ll see though.
Just a suggestion but you may want to think about adding some poles to the edges of your nets so that they stretch across the entire tent space. It'll allow you to support your branching wall to wall. I use bamboo stakes but I may get off my lazy ass and make more tent poles to support the second net as the first is on a set of horizontal bars I made to support the first net and give more rigidity to the tent.
If neglecting my plants results in the pics you posted I'll be leaving for a few days for the plants to fend for themselves! šŸ˜‹

Outstanding! Beautiful Girls!

I either have the greenest thumb or I just get lucky as hell lol the amount of times they were droopy and they still bounce back always surprises me lol

Just a suggestion but you may want to think about adding some poles to the edges of your nets so that they stretch across the entire tent space. It'll allow you to support your branching wall to wall. I use bamboo stakes but I may get off my lazy ass and make more tent poles to support the second net as the first is on a set of horizontal bars I made to support the first net and give more rigidity to the tent.

Yeah, I want to get some poles to run along the sides horizontally to support them better along the edges and not have the tent get sucked into them. I have another 2x4 that has a pole that would work well, but itā€™s only 1. I need to find more like that for sure.

Oh, and hereā€™s the Gary Peyton x wedding cake all chopped and trimmed:

Gave the small jar to my neighbor to sample and enjoy earlier this afternoon. With the amount Iā€™ve cut back to (inadvertently went from an ounce a week to about an ounce every week and 5 days), these 2 jars + the remaining of my last ounce should last me until the next round is ready. Plus the auto thatā€™s drying now.

Glad I found this place (and by extension, the other place that led us all here). Yaā€™ll keep me motivated to keep growing my own stuff šŸ’•
Also, Iā€™ve been running Humboldtā€™s secret nutrients (base A and B, golden tree (or leaf, whatever it is smells like straight up poo), flower stacker, and plant enzymes for the 4x4 (mandarin cookies x lilac diesel). The Gary Peytonā€™s had like 2 or 3 doses of the Humboldtā€™s and then nothing but straight water.

I ordered some LSD-25 autos last night, and a few other cheapies off of NASC (I forget what I snagged), so Iā€™ll be doing probably 3 or 4 of the lsdā€™s in the 2x4 once the current auto in there is done drying.

When the mandarins are done, Iā€™ll dry them in the 4x4 and start the next round of photos in the auto tent. Not sure what Iā€™m going to do just yet for them. Maybe Iā€™ll take a poll šŸ˜›
I ordered some LSD-25 autos last night, and a few other cheapies off of NASC (I forget what I snagged), so Iā€™ll be doing probably 3 or 4 of the lsdā€™s in the 2x4 once the current auto in there is done drying.
I'm glad to see others buying cheap seeds from NASC. I had to quit looking at that menu when my seed count got over 60 šŸ¤£

My Jungle Cake x Wedding Tree from them is coming along nicely. She hermied but that might've been a light leak. Otherwise it's growing like a champ. Almost halfway through flower, I assume.

Hope you're healing up alright. My buddy is headed to a different hospital for an infected bed sore. Infections are scary business man.
I'm glad to see others buying cheap seeds from NASC. I had to quit looking at that menu when my seed count got over 60 šŸ¤£

My Jungle Cake x Wedding Tree from them is coming along nicely. She hermied but that might've been a light leak. Otherwise it's growing like a champ. Almost halfway through flower, I assume.

Hope you're healing up alright. My buddy is headed to a different hospital for an infected bed sore. Infections are scary business man.
The swelling has mostly gone away and next to no pain now. Still a bit red on the lower leg, but the skin is starting to peel off and normal skin color is returning. Iā€™m able to stand at my workbench and resume assembling and soldering electronics, so itā€™s a nice feeling of getting back in action.

NASC is awesome. I was really surprised at the $2 autos I got last time, and theyā€™re totally worth it IMO. Plus they arrive within 2 days of ordering.
Got my NASC seeds in today, so hereā€™s my inventory currently:

LSD-25 autos (will be growing 3 or 4 of these in my 2x4 tent) starting next week.

1 x white widow
4 x ice cream cake x pistachio
2 x blue cheese
2 x Gary Peyton x wedding cake (plus a ton of hermie seeds)
1 x gorilla glue x Cinderella man (plus a ton of hermie seeds)
5 x purple kush x punch cake
3 x pine skunk x apple kush
1 x silver alert
2 x lucid dreams x Hellā€™s Kitchen

Some of these I might have more of, but I know I have at least these qtyā€™s.

I can only fit 4 plants in the 4x4 in 5 gallon grow bags comfortably (I suppose I could do 5, but I feel like thatā€™s really crowding it).

Any suggestions on what to grow next? Iā€™ve already grown white widows, Gary Peytonā€™s (smoking as I type this all out), lucid dreams, silver alert, and gorilla glue. Iā€™ve enjoyed them all, so I donā€™t mind growing some of them again.

Iā€™m thinking blue cheese (at least one, then maybe grow the other in the 2x4 so it hermies and I get more seeds lol), maybe an ice cream cake, and maybe a pair of purple Kush.

Idk, lmk what yaā€™ll think.
Got my NASC seeds in today, so hereā€™s my inventory currently:

LSD-25 autos (will be growing 3 or 4 of these in my 2x4 tent) starting next week.

1 x white widow
4 x ice cream cake x pistachio
2 x blue cheese
2 x Gary Peyton x wedding cake (plus a ton of hermie seeds)
1 x gorilla glue x Cinderella man (plus a ton of hermie seeds)
5 x purple kush x punch cake
3 x pine skunk x apple kush
1 x silver alert
2 x lucid dreams x Hellā€™s Kitchen

Some of these I might have more of, but I know I have at least these qtyā€™s.

I can only fit 4 plants in the 4x4 in 5 gallon grow bags comfortably (I suppose I could do 5, but I feel like thatā€™s really crowding it).

Any suggestions on what to grow next? Iā€™ve already grown white widows, Gary Peytonā€™s (smoking as I type this all out), lucid dreams, silver alert, and gorilla glue. Iā€™ve enjoyed them all, so I donā€™t mind growing some of them again.

Iā€™m thinking blue cheese (at least one, then maybe grow the other in the 2x4 so it hermies and I get more seeds lol), maybe an ice cream cake, and maybe a pair of purple Kush.

Idk, lmk what yaā€™ll think.
Blue cheese sounds funky and delicious.
I love that $2 dollar menu. I have about 60 or more seeds. 10 of each strain I couldn't resist. I plan on burning through them while I try to fine tune my style and system.
Grump, heres a site ive used 15 feminized beans @$45.00.

Grown out the Tangerine tonic and the heart attack, would recommend both.
One pheno from the Tangerine tonic the streach was unreal.

Grump, heres a site ive used 15 feminized beans @$45.00.

Grown out the Tangerine tonic and the heart attack, would recommend both.
One pheno from the Tangerine tonic the streach was unreal.

Man.. so many options out there. It's nice having some that come recommended from fellow builders, though. Helps weed out the sites with bunk genetics. Realistically, I'll probably make my next purchase from one (or several šŸ¤£) of our local dealers.
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Blue cheese sounds funky and delicious.

Agreed. They were the freebies too!

I love that $2 dollar menu. I have about 60 or more seeds. 10 of each strain I couldn't resist. I plan on burning through them while I try to fine tune my style and system.

I got the sour apple x mint jelly autos from their $2 menu and holy smokes it was great. The mandarin cookies x lilac diesel I have growing now came from their $5 menu. They may have silly names, but itā€™s still quality weed imo. I love NASC.

Grump, heres a site ive used 15 feminized beans @$45.00.

Grown out the Tangerine tonic and the heart attack, would recommend both.
One pheno from the Tangerine tonic the streach was unreal.

That tangerine tonic sounds amazing šŸ¤¤
Saturday afternoon update:
The mandarin cookies x lilac diesel are doing pretty darn good. Theyā€™re really starting to smell and hoo boy does it smell good.

Watered them last night, will probably water them mid day on Monday with another full dose of Humboldtā€™s. Might do some trimming to open up some of them mid-way buds.
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