Elusives perpetual grow

My 3x3 had 4 plants each holding the tent wall out and the plant upright, I agree. SSgrower
I'm glad to see others buying cheap seeds from NASC. I had to quit looking at that menu when my seed count got over 60 🤣

My Jungle Cake x Wedding Tree from them is coming along nicely. She hermied but that might've been a light leak. Otherwise it's growing like a champ. Almost halfway through flower, I assume.

Hope you're healing up alright. My buddy is headed to a different hospital for an infected bed sore. Infections are scary business man.
I am cat sitting for a neighbors wife who "scrached " her own leg, which got infected. She's in Hospital, major surgery to fix veins in both legs, Rough for sure, it's Hell getting old. SSgrower
Been a few days since I’ve done an update, so here we go.

Auto tent:
That one plant still looks like she’s shriveling up, but she’s growing some good buds.


The top left is doing great overall.


These are doing pretty well, too.

The little solo cup photo is starting to grow, too.

Photo tent:
Blue cheese


Ice cream cake x pistachio

The pot on the left has a seed that’s started its taproot. The seed got shifted further down during watering, so it’s a little behind. I scooped away the top soil until I found her.

Solo cup has a green stem, but hasn’t stood up yet.

The half gallon mason jar has an auto flower in it, and the taproot has popped out.

I was going to take out the 4x4 tent this weekend but I didn’t have any hooks. Last night I checked above the tent and saw that I had already put hooks in, so this may be a project this evening.

Once I take the tent out, I’m going to see how much space I have in there and toss some more plants in there (either weed or veggies, haven’t decided)
Okay, decided to gut the room the 4x4 tent was in and set everything back up:

I ended up mounting some of the poles on each wall thinking my replacement 6” fans would clip on, and nope. They’re for vertical posts only.

Here’s a before pic:

(This is a few weeks ago, but you can see how much extra space I have now)

I just need to put the humidifier back in, then seal up light leaks around the door frame. I might just drape a long curtain over it at this point, but I have a few weeks before I really need to worry about it.


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Okay, decided to gut the room the 4x4 tent was in and set everything back up:
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I ended up mounting some of the poles on each wall thinking my replacement 6” fans would clip on, and nope. They’re for vertical posts only.

Here’s a before pic:
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(This is a few weeks ago, but you can see how much extra space I have now)

I just need to put the humidifier back in, then seal up light leaks around the door frame. I might just drape a long curtain over it at this point, but I have a few weeks before I really need to worry about it.
And i was just gonna say looks like its tent cleaning time.
Looks good man.
I wish i had an actual room for my stuff. My bedroom is so crowded and noisy.
I remember all the shit you got at the farm when you built that room, and look, its still going strong lol.
And i was just gonna say looks like its tent cleaning time.
Looks good man.
I wish i had an actual room for my stuff. My bedroom is so crowded and noisy.
I remember all the shit you got at the farm when you built that room, and look, its still going strong lol.

Yeah, it was definitely time to clean the tent, which is why I decided to just take the tent down and use the room as it was.

And yep lol I built this room earlier this year / end of last year.
And i was just gonna say looks like its tent cleaning time.
Looks good man.
I wish i had an actual room for my stuff. My bedroom is so crowded and noisy.
I remember all the shit you got at the farm when you built that room, and look, its still going strong lol.
you and me both lol

was doing all of this shit in a 700 sqft apartment, had 270~ plants at once at some point there lmao.

now a 2 BR 1000SqFt

i could put atleast 2000 18OZ solos in the living room, though.

i dont know how the fuck id water all of them inside lmao

thats some shit id fuck around and find out with
you and me both lol

was doing all of this shit in a 700 sqft apartment, had 270~ plants at once at some point there lmao.

now a 2 BR 1000SqFt

i could put atleast 2000 18OZ solos in the living room, though.

i dont know how the fuck id water all of them inside lmao

thats some shit id fuck around and find out with

bottom feed those 2000 18 oz solo cups.

When are you starting this? 🤣
bottom feed those 2000 18 oz solo cups.

When are you starting this? 🤣
one big ass tarp.

would be a lot easier if could make/build a Flood and drain room for em.

i am planning a 420 solo run but not anytime too soon.

trying to automate as much as possible soon and focus on other stuff, for meow.

and just run half gallons, or rw for the next few runs
one big ass tarp.

would be a lot easier if could make/build a Flood and drain room for em.

i am planning a 420 solo run but not anytime too soon.

trying to automate as much as possible soon and focus on other stuff, for meow.

Just use your bathtub for a drain. We're stoners, who needs to bathe, amirite?
I had hell finding 15" containers to catch the run thru when I water my 3 & 5 gal material bags, need 4 more now, Cheers SSgrower following
Tonight’s update:

Auto tent:

Just a overall shot tonight. Not much has changed in the last day or 3. Still flowering. I can’t wait to see these purple beasts.

The photo tent:

I’m going to need to give her a haircut tonight or tomorrow.

Same with her. Also, my fat boy couldn’t resist coming in here lol

The solo cup seedling died, unsure if the other is going to make it. Both were purple Kush x punch cake. Could be crap genetics, old seeds, or just me messing up.

I sowed the last 6 purple Kush x punch cakes into rock wool cubes tonight (not shown in these pics, those are lettuces in the little tray). My plan is to put 2 into 5 gallon fabric pots and 4 into half gallon mason jars. This will give me a comparison between the hydro jars vs soil with the same strain.

Here’s the auto in the half gallon so far:


I’m thinking she might break free of her shell tomorrow.

That’s all for meow
Just got done watering and trimming the plants.

First, the auto tent:
Overall, they’re looking pretty good. Gave them a feeding tonight and that’s pretty much it. They’re autos - not much else can be done to them lol

Photo tent:
Before the haircut

After the haircut.

I forgot to take pics of the blue cheese before I trimmed, so here’s the after:
I took off the very bottom nodes as they weren’t getting a lot of light, and were falling well below the canopy. Out of the 4 lower nodes, 2 were fairly decent, so I decided to try and clone them:


We’ll see how they look over the next week or so, and I’ll be able to easily tell if the roots are growing since I can pull the cups out.

And the auto in the mason jar:
She lost her helmet today.

So far everything is looking good I think.


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Auto tent:

They’re doing pretty good still. Here’s some bud shots:

Back left:
It’s…something 😅

Back right:
This coloring is just so wild to me.

I didn’t get one of the front plant since she’s still young and not much to show for a bud yet.


Back plant:
Middle plant:
Front plant:

They’re all still putting on some mass.

Probably another 5 weeks before the first plants can get chopped.

Photo tent:
Blue cheese: likely going to top her tomorrow and probably getting rid of that lower branch on the left.

Ice cream cake x pistachio: she’s doing good. Prob going to top her and maybe remove a lower branch or 2.

These 2 have been in veg for about 4-5 weeks now (sowed on October 1st), so they can get flipped really anytime after next week.

I want to try and let some of the others catch up so I have between 4-5 plants in here, but that might be a challenge. I’m going to try and train these 2 to be as low as possible in the meantime. At worst, I set up my spare tent to keep them vegging while these flower.

CKY: she’s getting there. Prob repot her in a week or so.


Clones: they’re doing well and have begun growing roots. When the roots get a little longer I’ll fill the jars up with nutrients and ph balance it to the low 6’s.

Purple Kush x punch cake: 4 have sprouted, one is almost out, and the other seems to be trying to make its way up.

2 of these will be going into soil (probably tomorrow) and 2 will be going into mason jars on Wednesday.

The auto I had in the mason jar died from dehydration. Whoops. Now I check multiple times a day for all water based containers.


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I'm really surprised your seedlings are not drowning in the rw sitting in the water like that. My seedlings just die when they get to wet.

I think it’s because it evaporates / the rockwool has a hard time keeping moist in the grow room. I’m filling it 2-3 times a day. I’m using a Chinese food container bottom, filling it halfway up the rockwool. After about 6-8 hours, the container is mostly dry and some dry spots appearing on the wool.
Tonight’s update:

Auto tent:

The autos are doing pretty good. Some plants better than others. I’ll be surprised if I hit 2 ounces off this grow.

I have one more batch of auto seeds then I think I may just be done with them. I think I’d be better off with a veg tent and a flower tent and get faster rotations.

Photo tent:
Filling up in here!
Blue cheese: Trimmed and trained. Topped one branch.

Ice cream cake x pistachio: trimmed and trained. No topping.

Both of these plants seem healthy and happy.

Clones are doing their thing.

And 3 seedlings remaining. One was super leggy so I repotted that very deeply in a half gallon pot, and another was getting to that point, but not as bad so I put her in a solo cup.


There’s the 2 repotted wool seedlings and the CKY.

One of the other seedlings looked strong enough for a hydro experiment:

She is a little leggy, and if she gets worse I’ll put her in soil.

Also, I got some larger pot saucers to fit the 7 gal fabric pots with plenty of room for leakage.
These are the ones I got: https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B0CH6BP6VX
Not much of an update tonight, just on the seedlings.

She was super leggy and was basically horizontal before I repotted her. She seems to be taking to her new home nicely.


Another one that was leggy, but not as bad as the other.


I may need to put the rockwool on the bottom of the cup to support the stem if she keeps stretching like that.


I’ll be placing the tall one in a mason jar setup tomorrow and the other will go into some soil. The one that has nothing popping out did germinate, but it seems to have gotten confused on which way the light is coming from. I’ll give it another day or 2 before I call it quits on her.
Tonight’s update:

Auto tent:

Back left plant:

This is some mutant plant lol the buds look kind of questionable, but I bet she’ll smoke great. Either that or it’ll taste like shit 🤷‍♂️😅

Back right plant:
These buds look delicious. She’s doing the best out of the LSD’s, and I think she’s going to be the biggest contributor to this auto grow.

Front plant:
She’s doing pretty good, but she’s a lollipop. She’s basically just a kola and like 2 other bud spots below (which will likely be larf).

Back plant:
She’s got an okay size to her, but her main bud is looking pretty good.

Front left:

She’s doing good. Smells really good. Hopefully she starts plumping up soon.

Front right:

Same “strain” as the above plant, but looks and smells completely different. Not disappointed though!

Photo tent:
Blue cheese is doing well. I’ll be trimming her up this weekend.

Ice cream cake is also doing well. Will also trim her up this weekend.

Clones are doing okay. I’ll be starting to feed them fox farm nutrients this weekend since roots have started coming out of both.


One plant remains in the tray. I moved the other one to a soil pot as she got a bit stretchy.

Hydro jar:
I readjusted the rock wool and put her all the way to the bottom of the cup as she’s was stretching pretty badly. I’ll be putting her in the auto tent tomorrow since the light is much closer to the canopy.

Probably going to skip the middle pot and toss her into a 5 gal fabric pot this weekend.

Rockwool seedling 1:
She’s doing good so far.

Rockwool seedling #2 (the super leggy one):
She’s taking to her new home nicely.

Rockwool seedling #3:
She was stretching pretty good so into soil she went.

Tomorrow I’ll be adding hooks into the room for scrog nets.
Post thanksgiving auto tent update:

Back plant might look all silly and hating life, but she smells great. Front plant is just a little lollipop lol

These 3 also pretty much just grew a main kola. They’re an okay size, but there’s not a lot there.

This one, on the other hand, has a few fat buds, and smells great.

Here’s some closeups:


Some plants look like they will be ready in a week or 3.

Photo tent update will be shortly.
Photo tent:
Trimmed and did some training on her (blue cheese)

Purple Kush x punch cake - doing pretty good so far.

Also purple Kush x punch cake - doing good.

Ice cream cake x pistachio - doing really good as well.

CKY: just put her in a 5 gal pot tonight. She looks like that because she’s kind of in the direct way of the fan. I moved her a little more out of the way.

Clones are doing okay - forgot to snap a pic. The last punch cake is upstairs on my table under a crappy light. I moved it there so I can keep an eye on it this week since I knew I’d be out of the house / not going downstairs as often, and I didn’t want her to dry out. She’s looking a little rough, so I’ll be either tossing her in a jug or soil tomorrow.
Update time!

Photo tent:
Top: blue cheese

Middle row: failed lettuce experiment #1, purple Kush x punch cake, lettuce experiment #2, aloe plant

Bottom row: blue cheese clone 1 & 2, purple kush x punch cake, lettuce experiment #3

The big plant is doing well. I need to trim her up a little bit, maybe top, maybe not.

The clones are doing good. The roots are really starting to come in, and it’s much more weird than non-clone roots grow.

Purple kush’s are doing good.

I’ll be doing a feeding tomorrow and prob do a water/nutrient refresh on the jars.


Soil purple kush’s. They be growing.

Top: ice cream cake x pistachio

I need to do some trimming and maybe topping tomorrow.

Bottom: CKY
She’s growing, but she’s growing almost like an auto it seems.

That’s all for now!

Edit: forgot about the autos 😅
Back plant is nearly ready to chop:

The best plant in the tent imo. Also nearly ready to chop:

They still have some white hairs, but amber trichomes are starting to appear, so I don’t want to let it go too much longer.


The 2 front plants are nearly ready to chop as well. Here’s a closeup of the right plant:


The other 2 still have 2-3 weeks.

The non-LSD’s prob another week.

The near ready LSD’s will prob be chopped early next week. Maybe Monday or Tuesday.

And now the update is done for real 😅
Hey everyone! It’s been a few weeks / months. Life got busy, but I haven't forgotten ya’ll.

The autos have all since been harvested and smoked. Out of the 6 plants, I had about 4.5 ounces.

The clones and hydro experiments went well, but they take way more effort and attention that I’m able to give, so I transplanted one of the purple punches into soil, and let the clones go away.

The blue cheese, ice cream cake x pistachio, and CKY are still alive and kicking.


I just flipped them the other day (this was taken on Monday or Tuesday, which I thought I had the lights set - which I did, except I accidentally put the lights into “on” mode instead of auto, so they spent a day or 2 with full light the entire time.

They stood at 40” tall from the floor. I put up 2 nets, so hoping I won’t need to adjust the 2nd one.

The 2x4 tent is now the veg / auto tent. I’ll snap some more current pics today or tomorrow.
Just got done watering both grows and doing some light trimming on the flowering room.

The veg tent:
The short plant is the hydro plant that was transplanted.


All 3 are purple punch cake or something like that.

The 2 taller plants were the plants in the solo cup and the 1 gallon pot before being transplanted.

The flower room:
Blue cheese. She almost looks like 2 plants. I tucked and spread out the branches where possible.


Back plant: ice cream cake x pistachio, front plant is my strain CKY.

It’s a little tough keeping up with the humidity levels in there right now with the pellet stove roaring.

Aside from that, I popped 3 more seeds into some rock wool (silver alert) that I’ll be tossing into the veg tent once they sprout.

My plan is to rotate some plants in every few weeks, but that might be a challenge with how big these girls are in the flower room (right now the tallest is nearly chest high and I’m only a few days into flower). I might try to sneak the 2 tall plants in the veg tent into there this week while I can still somewhat reach the back. We’ll see though.

That’s all for now :)
Tonight’s update:

Veg tent:

They’re growing pretty good. I’ve been debating on just flipping them to flower in this tent, but not 100% sure on if I want to flower in this tent or not.

Flower tent:
Definitely the biggest plants I’ve grow so far. They’re standing between 45 and 54” tall now. Pistils are growing good as I move into week 3 of flower.
Tonight’s update:

Veg tent:
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They’re growing pretty good. I’ve been debating on just flipping them to flower in this tent, but not 100% sure on if I want to flower in this tent or not.

Flower tent:
View attachment 42481
Definitely the biggest plants I’ve grow so far. They’re standing between 45 and 54” tall now. Pistils are growing good as I move into week 3 of flower.
Looking awesome man, nice and healthy!
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