Ethelyne Gas seed exposure

I've placed 6 seeds into a "pill container" with some fruit peels.
I sent Observer a message as he and Moe are the designated Mad Scientists of the forum but, while I don't have any seed pops in my near future I can try it with clones once I flower out the tester tent but that won't be for another couple months at least. I'd do a side by side with two clones from the same mother to compare the vigor.

I'm also curious what would happen if you took a fully vegged plant and exposed it to the gas and then flipped it! Will it flower faster? Will the flowers develop faster, bigger, more potent?

Maybe @SweetLeafGrow would want to get involved as he lab tests his stuff and he can test the side by side scientifically rather than getting anecdotal feedback.
These are the kinds of experiments worthy of a press release to drive more people to the site if we can show this works. Everyone wants more fems from regs; everyone wins.
I try to investigate but am in the "If it ain't broke" camp. Hopefully one day we may all enjoy a "Standard" S.O.P. but for now we all all Cowboy's rounding up the Herd. I must improve my germination if I want to enjoy the $ I spend on seeds. Carry on.
These are the kinds of experiments worthy of a press release to drive more people to the site if we can show this works. Everyone wants more fems from regs; everyone wins.
What ever happened with your banana germinator? I saw you try it with seeds stuck in banana pieces. I had big hopes it was the next new way to pop beans, and now with this ethylene gas being used as booster juice you wus ahead of the curve on that one.
What ever happened with your banana germinator? I saw you try it with seeds stuck in banana pieces. I had big hopes it was the next new way to pop beans, and now with this ethylene gas being used as booster juice you wus ahead of the curve on that one.
I'm not just a pretty face ya'know
The bannana produced 5 plants that were in 1 solo cup. 2 showed male parts and another hermied after transplanting. 2 plants did fine sharing one pot and they are going into week 7.20240427_211714.jpgÄş
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