Doggone, it’s been 3 weeks since I have updated this winter grow, fortunately, these are such resilient plants that they have grown pretty well, almost on their own.
So, I have green crack on the left and apple gelato on the right.
Both are badly in need of a defoliation event which is still 7 days away.
Next Saturday, presuming I survive this plague (I think I have already died twice from it), I’ll be heading east to the foothills, schwazze these two beauties and flip them into flower mode.
When I started feeling poorly, I worried that they might not survive if I was sick for more than a couple days, I dropped the lung room temperature into the lower sixties to slow down all function because at the rate they were growing, they would outgrow their environment and probably dry out too badly.
I think the plan worked well, I hope they exit the suspended animation as well as they survive it.