Apple Gelato on right, Green Crack on left.
AG is bigger, has mostly five finger leaves with much longer center leaflets.
GC has many 7 finger leaves, some 9s were striped of a couple days ago. The leaves are also more symmetrical in shape.
I’d read a couple years ago, high CBD is associated with long center leaflets on fives. I don’t know if that’s true, but a high thc plant with a high cbd content would be awesome for me!
Both plants are growing rapidly and look very healthy. AG is probably twice as big as GC, and about a week ahead, based upon first stigma appearance.
Apple Gelato would be in mid week 3, Green Crack is mid week 2.
Aiming for a mid to late April harvest.
Neither plant shows trichomes yet but AG has a sheen to it making me think it’s about to explode with sugar.
I lightly defoliated both undersides a couple days ago. Both plants have a good and noticeable aroma even without trichomes.