Going to attempt a DWC, have some questions


Dank Daredevil
Jun 13, 2023
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While perusing Amazon last night, I snagged this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JRRJVSJ

(the 4 bucket kit, after coupon + other promotions, it was like $75)

So anyway, the questions I have are (and some of these will be absolutely stupid and/or google-able, but I'm asking anyway :p)

1. The air stones - do they "go bad" and need replacing after time? Is there a certain brand/type I should go after, or are they all more or less the same?
2. I'm assuming you use rock wool for the seeds? Is there any other substrate that works better or is better suited for this type of grow?
3. What is the best kind of nutrients to use? I have Fox Farm Trio and Humboldt's Secret currently, but am willing to use something else.
3a. I'm assuming the water needs to be ph balanced, unlike when using soil? Is the range still low to mid 6's, or is there a more preferred range?
4. If the buckets get low on water, and the roots no longer reach the water - is this a big concern, or will a few hours be okay? Should I always top off each day?
5. What would a comparable pot size be if you were using soil? I'm trying to get an idea of how large they'll grow. (i.e., will a single bucket produce the equivalent of a 5 gallon pot, for example)

The kit seems to come with everything except the rock wool. Is there anything else that I should also pick up that's a necessity?

I'll likely be trying this toward the end of summer since I already have 2 tents going right now (plus a few outdoors).

While perusing Amazon last night, I snagged this: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B09JRRJVSJ

(the 4 bucket kit, after coupon + other promotions, it was like $75)

So anyway, the questions I have are (and some of these will be absolutely stupid and/or google-able, but I'm asking anyway :p)

1. The air stones - do they "go bad" and need replacing after time? Is there a certain brand/type I should go after, or are they all more or less the same?
2. I'm assuming you use rock wool for the seeds? Is there any other substrate that works better or is better suited for this type of grow?
3. What is the best kind of nutrients to use? I have Fox Farm Trio and Humboldt's Secret currently, but am willing to use something else.
3a. I'm assuming the water needs to be ph balanced, unlike when using soil? Is the range still low to mid 6's, or is there a more preferred range?
4. If the buckets get low on water, and the roots no longer reach the water - is this a big concern, or will a few hours be okay? Should I always top off each day?
5. What would a comparable pot size be if you were using soil? I'm trying to get an idea of how large they'll grow. (i.e., will a single bucket produce the equivalent of a 5 gallon pot, for example)

The kit seems to come with everything except the rock wool. Is there anything else that I should also pick up that's a necessity?

I'll likely be trying this toward the end of summer since I already have 2 tents going right now (plus a few outdoors).


Hey Elusive!

Heck yea bro, taking the hydro plunge! There's a steep learning curve but you're in the right place. I'm still learning myself but hope to help along the way where I can.

As far as air stones, I think they can get old but I have not seen that yet. I don't have any particular brand but I do know you need to pair the stones with whatever pump you are using. Since you are using a kit, it's probably all been done for you, not sure how accurate that is though.

I do not use rock wool. For clones, I stick them right in the hydroton roots and all. For seeds, I like to use rapid rooters. Once you have a seedling, you can just stick that with the rapid rooter down in the hydroton too.

I use GH trio for nutes. I also have Humboldts Secret but have never used it for hydro because the company doesn't give any help with how to use it in hydro. GH is an easy formula but don't try to use it at their recommended doses, it's too high.

As far as water, if you can use RO water, that is your best bet. You want your starting ppm to be as low as possible. Yes, you do need to adjust ph, very important. PH range for hydro is 5.5 - 6.1.

You want to keep your water level about 1" below the bottom of your net pots, check and top off daily, add nutrients at proper ratios to maintain your target ppm is the short version of this.
Hey Elusive!

Heck yea bro, taking the hydro plunge! There's a steep learning curve but you're in the right place. I'm still learning myself but hope to help along the way where I can.

As far as air stones, I think they can get old but I have not seen that yet. I don't have any particular brand but I do know you need to pair the stones with whatever pump you are using. Since you are using a kit, it's probably all been done for you, not sure how accurate that is though.

I do not use rock wool. For clones, I stick them right in the hydroton roots and all. For seeds, I like to use rapid rooters. Once you have a seedling, you can just stick that with the rapid rooter down in the hydroton too.

I use GH trio for nutes. I also have Humboldts Secret but have never used it for hydro because the company doesn't give any help with how to use it in hydro. GH is an easy formula but don't try to use it at their recommended doses, it's too high.

As far as water, if you can use RO water, that is your best bet. You want your starting ppm to be as low as possible. Yes, you do need to adjust ph, very important. PH range for hydro is 5.5 - 6.1.

You want to keep your water level about 1" below the bottom of your net pots, check and top off daily, add nutrients at proper ratios to maintain your target ppm is the short version of this.

So if you’re topping off each night, are you mixing a new batch of nutrients + water each time, or making more than enough and using that over the course of a few days?

Hydroton = the basket with the clay pebbles?

Do you just stick the seedling in the pebbles with no substrate?
That set up is typically called Krafty Buckets. It works but is much less effective than a true RDWC. I myself have never ran DWC or RDWC. Deep Water Culture is DWC and RDWC is recirculating deep water culture. I started to put a system together and ended up going in a different direction. If you want an honest opinion I would return that set up and we can tag in say @Aqua Man. He can help you set up a system it is going to be a little more expensive but you will be happy in the end. I am very familiar with hydro and the challenge with those buckets is there is not enough water in the system to allow the plant to fully benefit from Hydro. To be honest if I was going to do Krafty buckets I would be checking the PH of the water everyday and it is just not fun in the end. Let Aqua Man help you out and spend a few hours building your own system and you will be twice as happy.
So if you’re topping off each night, are you mixing a new batch of nutrients + water each time, or making more than enough and using that over the course of a few days?

Hydroton = the basket with the clay pebbles?

Do you just stick the seedling in the pebbles with no substrate?
The redish stuff in the Basket (net pot) is the hydroton. It is just clay balls that have been heated up to expand like popcorn. The idea behind them is they hold water the plant can get to if needed. In that system it is just a way for the plant to get ahold of the net pot and sort of hold it from falling over.
That set up is typically called Krafty Buckets. It works but is much less effective than a true RDWC. I myself have never ran DWC or RDWC. Deep Water Culture is DWC and RDWC is recirculating deep water culture. I started to put a system together and ended up going in a different direction. If you want an honest opinion I would return that set up and we can tag in say @Aqua Man. He can help you set up a system it is going to be a little more expensive but you will be happy in the end. I am very familiar with hydro and the challenge with those buckets is there is not enough water in the system to allow the plant to fully benefit from Hydro. To be honest if I was going to do Krafty buckets I would be checking the PH of the water everyday and it is just not fun in the end. Let Aqua Man help you out and spend a few hours building your own system and you will be twice as happy.

I get what you're saying, but the only reason why I'm even doing this is because it was cheap enough to justify and dip my toes in. If I enjoy the method, I'll definitely invest more later on. Plus, I kind of enjoy going from a kit, learning more about it, then building upon the kit or building my own variation. Going with a more advanced setup is overwhelming to me, so starting off fairly simple, even if I shouldn't expect a huge harvest, just feels more appropriate for me.

The redish stuff in the Basket (net pot) is the hydroton. It is just clay balls that have been heated up to expand like popcorn. The idea behind them is they hold water the plant can get to if needed. In that system it is just a way for the plant to get ahold of the net pot and sort of hold it from falling over.

Ah okay!
I get what you're saying, but the only reason why I'm even doing this is because it was cheap enough to justify and dip my toes in. If I enjoy the method, I'll definitely invest more later on. Plus, I kind of enjoy going from a kit, learning more about it, then building upon the kit or building my own variation. Going with a more advanced setup is overwhelming to me, so starting off fairly simple, even if I shouldn't expect a huge harvest, just feels more appropriate for me.

Ah okay!
You will learn and it will help you understand hydro. From what I know the yield will be the same as say soil.
If i was to do it again and i had the funds i would probably drop 2000$, and buy a factory current culture set up. Heres mine when I was setting it up with 60 " centers. 20200411_121037.jpg

You can buy individual totes and parts from current culture for say a 2 site system with epicenter pumps and airstones.... 700$ a guess.

Option 2. Buy the 3" bulkheads and totes from lowes.
Ive boiled cylindrical airstones to sterilize and clean but at 3$ each just change them out every 4 grows.
Eventually you'll realize you need a chiller $200, maybe next year because your tired of freezing water bottles this year.

I use rockwool, ph 5.5 to 6.2, a good beginner nutes is GH 3 part I've bean using it for 10 years lol, ph pen, 13 gal totes will grow trees, if your in a tent 8 gal maybe.
That set up is typically called Krafty Buckets. It works but is much less effective than a true RDWC.
What Anthem said here is spot on. But you can grow nice plants in these systems, I have a friend who uses these and does great but his yields are probably less than if he were in RDWC.
Not why I'm seeing this now, but where did you end up elusive?

I concur, if you are going to invest, invest in RWDC from the god damn git'

I started with one of these bucket systems... I regretfully realized the benefits of RWDC after the fact

Having a RWDC vs DWC is like night and day. I can leave for 2 weeks at a time and feel confident in the system to maintain itself. Whereas a single sitE DWC needs attention every goddamn day
Plus, I kind of enjoy going from a kit, learning more about it, then building upon the kit or building my own variation. Going with a more advanced setup is overwhelming to me, so starting off fairly simple, even if I shouldn't expect a huge harvest, just feels more appropriate for me
The first addition I would suggest would be some sort of top-off resevoir. A simple tote will work. Feed each bucket with it's own float valve.

I went RDWC with a custom build so I can't say for sure, but I'd imagine watering them every day would get old. Just go with soil at that point.
If i was to do it again and i had the funds i would probably drop 2000$, and buy a factory current culture set up. Heres mine when I was setting it up with 60 " centers. View attachment 8079

You can buy individual totes and parts from current culture for say a 2 site system with epicenter pumps and airstones.... 700$ a guess.

Option 2. Buy the 3" bulkheads and totes from lowes.
Ive boiled cylindrical airstones to sterilize and clean but at 3$ each just change them out every 4 grows.
Eventually you'll realize you need a chiller $200, maybe next year because your tired of freezing water bottles this year.

I use rockwool, ph 5.5 to 6.2, a good beginner nutes is GH 3 part I've bean using it for 10 years lol, ph pen, 13 gal totes will grow trees, if your in a tent 8 gal maybe.
Everything metioned here is spot on and stuff i wish i knew from the git'.

the eventually you will need a chiller is something you will realize very soon... especially the bigger the total water volume is. It's not hard to imagine the larger volume of water under a direct heat source (grow lights) will eventually create undesirable conditions.... the ellipses here cannot be further emphasized...

@smoke this system is straight text book perfect on how to model a system. For some reason i went with the 13gal totes/per site and you're right, i am going to grow until trees next time. fuck it to hell if it's only a 4x4!! let's blow that shit up like i'm Goku
I haven’t started using the kit yet. I gotta wait until the 4x4 tent is finished first :)

I’ve been itching to use it, though. Almost planted some peppers in them, but I’ll want them for weed by the time the peppers are done 😅

I did snag one of those shelf sized herb “dwc” units to grow herbs in, so I think that’s curbing my eagerness a bit haha.
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