What is going on with this girl?

Time will show you the way grasshopper, I start my coco grows trying for 11 plants, got 7 this run. Relax, 3 part GH, easy does it. Moe & the crew will help ya. I use Canna coco nutes, but over time I have learned to" soup it up"! going slowly wins the race to "Harvest" our goal. Cheers an Wake an Bake
Absolutely. Cheers buddy
This revelation I feel like helped me a ton...I use distilled water and it had nothing in it...0ppm water....so on days where I don't feed but just water I started adding calmag and it helped a lot...don't get the mag deficiency nearly as bad (I'm in soil)

Tell ya what tho, our hydro growers here are some true bad asses so just be willing to ask questions, take the critique, and soak up the knowledge. Ask it 5 different ways if it isn't making sense and eventually you will be sailing the same waters.
Absolutely. You guys all seem like badasses, it’s refreshing to join a community where everyone wants to help you succeed. I’ve also got a couple autoflowers in soil, so excited to apply this info there as well. They’re only on day 8 but so far so good!
Yes sir! Exactly right. I’ll be growing everything from seed because I don’t think I want to keep a mother plant around. But yeah man I have no idea why the roots on this one never took off. The one I kept was younger and the roots are very robust and healthy!

Just a hypothesis, but I think I could have burned this one early on with too many nutes, and it stunted growth and she just never recovered.

I know now that slow and steady wins the race :)

Thanks for the feedback and teachings. Might have to start calling you Mr. Miagi for dwc
For sure treating them right from day one is the goal.

I like my roots to start branching right away. Seeds produce a tap root clones do not. But the clone style root system is best for hydro.

One of the things about tap roots is they head straight down until they meet resistance. Once you hit the water there is none until the bottom of the barrel. So if you do not start branching in the netpot you get exactly what you did here.

Early branching is about resistance. You can use hormones too but not needed. I like to start my seeds in 1 inch rock will cubes. Put them in a 10x20 tray with a dome. Let the tap root come all the way out and find the tray and leave it for a couple more days. The result will be several root starts coming out of the cube.

Second I am no longer a fan of hydroton. The gaps are too big and the roots easily work around the smooth surface. Coco and perlite in the net pot works better for me.
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