Nice man , I like the top off res, the more movement the better, do you mix in that res and steer your system or is it just fresh water
I'm a little flexible depending on my work schedule, but I'll usually do a full res change every 2-4 weeks. If/when I keep up on it, I'll mix the nutes with 50 gallons in the top-off res. Then I'll dump 36.5 into the lower resevoirs. After that, I'll add enough back to the top-off to bring it up to 35-40 gallons, leaving me a very diluted nute mix as top-feed.

I worked crazy hours with the Dip-N-Stix so I only did 2 full res changes during the whole grow. With her, I just made the nute mix as usual but I let it top-feed itself. I tried to keep her ppm as stable as possible so I was always top-feeding full nutes only doing res changes when I saw a significant rise in ppm.
Well my recirculating pump bit the bullet last night. I'm not sure why exactly. I want to assume it's because I just had it sort of sitting in there all caddy-wompus. Maybe burnt it up running at a funny angle? Who knows..

I have a spare Danner pump that I'll get rigged up today but I ordered another Orlushy brand. I went twice as big this time.
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I have a spare Danner pump that I'll get rigged up today but I ordered another Orlushy brand. I went twice as big this time.
Spare pump is running and the system is circulating again. It's a temp fix until the new pump shows up. This spare is a little underpowered for the waterfalls but it's doing fine for now.

I think I clearly have an easy choice for the six that will move to netpots. I might do that today. Better to do it now instead of waiting. More roots in the plug just means more chances of damaging them.

The one with 4 cotes
Got everybody in their new home for now. I'll let them grow like this until I start seeing a lot of roots. They all had a nice taproot started, though.

80 degress
70% humidity
2:3:5 rwb ratios.
Both. Here's the link to the original...
I'll put money your power switcher/ transformer went bad not the pump, but you are the electrician.
When new pump arrives try using the power switcher on old pump.
If it fires we can find cheap replacement switchers. Did this with DC lights and my Jeboa DC pumps.
I'll put money your power switcher/ transformer went bad not the pump, but you are the electrician.
When new pump arrives try using the power switcher on old pump.
If it fires we can find cheap replacement switchers. Did this with DC lights and my Jeboa DC pumps.
I'll keep you in the loop. I also wondered if it had something to do with the caulk that got in the system. I caulked the little hatch on my lids because I didn't want the light penetration. Last night I found cloudy water and it took me a minute to realize what had happened.

I took the pump apart. It tries to spin but it just kinda wiggles instead. The controller cycles on and off thinking the pump is locked up.
So I really like the T7 humidifier but the ThermoForge heater is a little underpowered compared to the Vornado I was using before. Half the wattage. I had to shut down the AC in the lung room today because it couldn't keep up.

I still really like the heater and it's functionality and compatibility with the controller, but for now it doesn't cut it. I'm sure it won't be an issue when we're deep into veg and flower with the light being at a higher intensity, though, so it'll stay in the lineup.
Question for my ol' senseis.. @Aqua Man

When choosing the best 4 from these, would I look more towards the roots? They're all basically identically aside from one that is 2 inches shorter.
View attachment 66703
These are clones so the most vigorous ones.

If they were seeds you can’t really tell until they are finished.
Yeah it’s very hard from seed .even after vegging 5 just don’t know hows it’s going to come out.I’ve had a tall lanky one turn out with the biggest buds,a beautiful open structure,the cleanest as is more calyx to leaf ratio and was finished 2-3 weeks earlier than the rest.i usually start off with 13-14 and keep 7 and still not nailing it.the best plant that went into flower this grow turned out with stunted buds with no smell.go figure..

I just go by the ones showing the most vigor..that’s all you can do..
Thanks @Aqua Man and @Max.

These were started from seed so, with 5/6 being basically identical, I'll judge them by the amount of visible roots. That's gotta point to vigor, eh?

The chosen 4 will be going into the system with 160ppm. 20 of that is Agsil and the rest is Lotus Grow nutes. I'll throw in splash of Fulvic and some Orca as well. Then, in a week or so, I'll give 'em a res change and bump that up around 250.
Thanks @Aqua Man and @Max.

These were started from seed so, with 5/6 being basically identical, I'll judge them by the amount of visible roots. That's gotta point to vigor, eh?

The chosen 4 will be going into the system with 160ppm. 20 of that is Agsil and the rest is Lotus Grow nutes. I'll throw in splash of Fulvic and some Orca as well. Then, in a week or so, I'll give 'em a res change and bump that up around 250.
Well i just look at the tops when that small. Typically a bigger plant will have more roots yeah but you can’t really see them all at that size.
Hello fellow BudBuilders. This journal will catalog my run towards a third harvest. This grow, I've added a ton of upgrades so I hope it goes as smoothly as my last couple. Nearly every aspect and piece of equipment is new and improved aside from the tent and the AC/Dehuey in the lung room.

For this round, I'll be running Dalato, a cross between Dante's Inferno and Gelato #33. I've always loved the terps on some Gelato so I'm hoping the Dante's adds a unique twist.
View attachment 66014

Let's get down to it

SpiderFarmer 5x5 tent
UnderCurrent 8 gallon 4-site system
CLW SolarSystem 1100 grow light
ACI Controller 69 pro
ACI 6" exhaust fan with refillable carbon filter
ACI inline fan for intake from lung room
ACI ThermoForge heater
ACI CloudForge T7 humidifier
2x ACI CloudRay oscillating fans
2x BlueLab ph/ppm monitors
AquaticLife 4 stage RO/DI system
Active Aqua 1/10hp chiller
Alita 15 lpm air pump

Lotus dry nutrients 3 part blend with Cal/mag
General Hydroponics RapidRooter
Plant Success Orca Liquid Mycorrhizae
Mr. Fulvic organic Fulvic Acid
0ppm RO/DI water


I dropped some beans into some gro-plugs on Saturday and 3 days later, like clockwork, they've started to make an appearance. They're in an AC Infinity dome/light kit. Once they're healthy and established, I'll move the six best to netpots with hydroton. They'll grow there, in the same dome, until I've chosen 4 winners. After that, into the system they go.

First out of the gate...
View attachment 66015
2 more were visible this morning so I expect to see a few more sprouts when I get home from work.

I'll be doing my best to build these 4 plants into 8 cola mainlines following a technique on here by @Jonnyboi84. I love what I've seen from his manifolds and expect to have similar results. I decided against the SCROG for this round because of the added plant sites. I have a root rot paranoia and I'd like to be able to remove plants individually if necessary. That's not doable with all the plants in a single SCROG screen. I haven't done this before, so I'll be sticking with my usual mentality of "Wingin' It".

Thanks for popping in. Feel free to ask some questions and/or dish out some advice. I'm pretty receptive and open to criticism. Wish me luck, folks.

✌️ & 💚
Following, good luck with it mine are coming down in 2 weeks and you should see the size of the colas now, they're huge I'm gonna try get some decent photos and get them up, biggest colas I've seen no exaggerating I'm buzzing with them
Following, good luck with it mine are coming down in 2 weeks and you should see the size of the colas now, they're huge I'm gonna try get some decent photos and get them up, biggest colas I've seen no exaggerating I'm buzzing with them
Hell yeah brother. Can't wait to see it and I can't wait to try the technique.

This little seedling stage is arguably my least favorite. It's slow and the anticipation is killing me. Daily progress though and their roots are tickling the water's surface, taking in a light Grow mix. Shit's about to POP
I can't get enough of the data from these controllers. I love it!
Screenshot_20240724_200832_AC Infinity.jpg
That bump up in VPD was me changing the leaf offset temperature. Might be a little high for 1 week old plants but they're gonna put in work whether they like it or not.
No idea if this is true but I heard a breeder talking about selecting a male and saying cotyledons actually have trichs on them if you magnify them (never tried) and that he looks at those and marks all plants with trichs on the cotys then hopes one is a male when sexing plants.

So maybe you could use that as an indicator? Something to look at at least at this stage when not much else going on 🤷🏻‍♂️
No idea if this is true but I heard a breeder talking about selecting a male and saying cotyledons actually have trichs on them if you magnify them (never tried) and that he looks at those and marks all plants with trichs on the cotys then hopes one is a male when sexing plants.

So maybe you could use that as an indicator? Something to look at at least at this stage when not much else going on 🤷🏻‍♂️
That's freaking cool. I'll have to look at them through my loupe and check it out.
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